View Full Version : Velvet Initiation-Investigation Squad

2014-03-12, 05:42 PM
The Velvet Room, as Jessica calls it, was beyond anything you could imagine. The first thing you notice is the dim color that reminds you of the door itself, but your sight is soon suppressed by a beautiful melody, and it takes you a few moments to realize where it is coming from. It is almost unbelievable that this song is sung by one woman and played on one simple piano. Lost in the song you almost forgot you have a purpose here, and before you have a chance to ask anything a huge nose appears before you. This nose is soon followed by a bizarre and a calm voice:
"Welcome to the Velvet Room. I am Igor, a servant of Philemon, and I am here to provide assistance."

Morbis Meh
2014-03-12, 10:57 PM
Levi struts through the door sneering at the decor. When Igor greets him a smirk crosses his face "Ah so this time you welcome me do you Igor? What a nice change it has been awhile since our last visit... Oh I brought you a gift." The Russian bear fishes through one of his pockets and approaches the creepy hunchback. He holds up a bottle of eye drops and set it down on the table in front of Igor "I finally figured out why your eyes were so red, at first I thought it was cocaine but with a nose that large you would probably OD after a single hit. No I have concluded that anyone forced to listen to the same bloody song for all of eternity while looking at the same colour would slowly go mad. By way, what happened to your assistant? She was pretty cute. Maybe next time I bring you lamp so you have a change in scenery, maybe a lava lamp but then again room doesn't seem to have outlet."

2014-03-12, 11:46 PM
Dorian stood in the back, arms crossed. He hadn't all the information, but he didn't feel it was a time for asking questions.

Mono Vertigo
2014-03-13, 03:58 PM
It's like a dream. The room shouldn't look so otherworldly, by any mean, but the atmosphere changes everything.
And the song... "haunting" is the best word to describe it.
Igor almost looks out of place, a monster-like caricature among the melancholic beauty of this place, yet there is some poetry to him and his voice. A man with his appearance should invoke more disgust in Lenora, yet he doesn't, somehow.
"What kind of assistance do you provide?", she asks.

2014-03-14, 02:23 AM
Something about this place, something almost supernatural, invokes a strange, almost hypnotic effect in Davis, who seems slightly dazzled over the whole thing. His gaze slowly crawls along the velvety blue, the dim light and beautiful melody captivating his senses.

While he does perceive the large nose, and hears the words behind, it does take a brief moment for all this to get registered and processed by his brain. Snapping out of his daze, he hears the Russians clever quips, and while he does find it amusing, something gives Davis a feeling that laughing would be... Inappropriate in this situation. So instead he simply stands, silent for no.