View Full Version : Favorite style of vampires

2014-03-12, 11:37 PM
I like the twilight vampires. so much sparkling...

nah I like the legacy of kain style vampires. Kain in blood omen 1 was a beast.

BeerMug Paladin
2014-03-13, 12:20 AM
I like the Twilight vampires because they piss everyone off for some stupid reason and I'm a troll.

I don't have a preference for vampires, they can be any style. But in general I don't like it when characters (or monsters!) use their powers inconsistently. So (because they're pretty much always written badly), I prefer vampires who aren't super-fast. Certain powers are just too powerful, so often a writer will resort to making the character act stupid in order for the character to be defeated.

Having super-fast-reaction guy just stand there while a normal person attacks and kills them is stupid and usually not in a funny way. So it's probably best to avoid that power entirely. (Especially if they're going to be fought in a cutscene or something)

I've always liked the 'Lord of all Evil' thing that Dracula had in the Castlevania games. But then I'm not sure how many games have really detailed depictions of vampires.

2014-03-13, 02:46 AM
Hmm. I can't actually think of a lot of games with vampires that I particularly like. Bloodlines, maybe, but those are very vanilla.

I quite like it when people dig up some of the more exotic legends on vampires that Stoker and his colleagues didn't use. I'd like to see more invisible vampire spirits, vampires possessing household objects, vampire animals and vampire fruit. Vampires with dark, rotting skin, instead of pale, the way they are in a lot of folklore. Obsessive compulsive disorders, too.

ALso, get rid of the damn stakes, people. That's a misinterpretation. You nail a revenant to their coffin so they can't stand up. Not the same thing.

2014-03-13, 10:08 AM
I'm interested in vampires that are interesting, either as an interesting character or as an interesting obstacle. Sparkling Playboy, Shadow Superman, Dark And Brooding Yes I'm EvilTM, and the generic evil-flavor of goons aren't that interesting to me.

2014-03-13, 10:28 AM
My 2 favorite vampires are Alucard from Hellsing and Louis from Interview with a Vampire.

Alucard because it goes with the legend that the older a vampire is, the stronger he is even to the point of negating the biggest weakness a vampire has (sunlight), and c'mon, he's the epitome of bad!@#. And Seras Victoria. Definitely Seras Victoria.

Louis I like because he's come to terms with what he is, what he can do, and shows that vampires aren't all evil insane monsters.

Another show that did vampires in a way I like is Moonlight. (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0955346/) A combination of the 2 above.

2014-03-13, 10:29 AM
You know...I don't think I've played games with memorable vampires...