View Full Version : World Help Aubiras, land of <Insert Adjective Here>

2014-03-13, 12:19 PM
I'm starting a campaign setting, and would like opinions. It's name is Aubiras, and as I get time, I'll post more.

Humans, Vatite
Human history on Vatiam goes back approximately five thousand years, when they formed the first nation of men, Vatia. Vatia was a glorious empire, a theocratic magocracy, led by the Vatis, most powerful Cleric of each generation. The Vatite Humans were a monotheistic culture, worshipping a mighty god now known as Dirasim, Vatiamic for Liberty Betrayed. He gained this name nearly two centuries ago, when the last Vatis, a haughty, arrogant female named Taris Lightningstroke, executed the Abeil diplomat to her courts for refusing to worship Dirasim. The Abeil retaliated, and in three months, turned the most powerful empire in the world into ashes, the entire Vatite population turned into slaves for the Abeil hives. Within the past fifty years, however, with the ascension of a more liberal and kindly High Queen, they have been freed to make their own villages. However, to keep the Abeil in control and to calm the hives, they demanded that the the Vatites send tribute: Four children, no older than eight, every three years from each village. These children are turned into slaves for the Abeil, empty shells of men and women who only obey the queen of each hive and the High Queen. From their time amongst the bee-folk, they have inherited a tendency toward Chaos, enjoying their new-found freedom.

Vatite humans tend to be thick and stocky of build, but shorter, taller than Dwarves, but shorter than Aivisans, Endrians, and especially Sramites

Vatite Humans

+2 Constitution, -2 Wisdom: Nearly a century and a half of extensive slave labor and eugenic breeding by their Abeil masters has made Vatites hardy, but easily suggestible.
Loyal: Vatites do not betray their loved ones so easily. A Vatite receives a +2 bonus to all saves and skill checks made to resist torture and punishment. This replaces the bonus skill points a normal human would receive.
Painless: Vatites have been worked to the bone, working through conditions that would make other men weep with sorrow. Vatites take half damage and half of any penalty to their physical ability scores. This replaces the bonus feat a normal human would receive.
Non-magical: Vatites cannot cast Arcane or Divine magic, shape Soulmelds, or manifest Psionics, and gain a +2 to all saves made to resist spells, powers, and the effects of Soulmelds, as well as Spell-Like, Psi-Like, and Supernatural abilities.
Favored Class: Rogue. Vatite Rogues call themselves Tinkers, preferring to work with locks and traps, rather than steal others possessions, a trait from their time as slaves. Vatites tend to become Scouts or Monks if they start as Rogues, or Battle Dancers, Swordsages, and Barbarians if they start as Fighters.
Languages: Traders' Tongue, Vatiamic (Written only) Bonus Language: Aivisan, Duthalic, Endrian, Sramite, Kenfarran, Vatiamic (Spoken)

2014-03-20, 09:41 PM
That's a great start. I can wait to compare this race to whatever other races you have. I just really love how you implemented an enslaved race.

2014-03-21, 05:09 PM
Other humans only change via Favored Classes and Languages.

Here's my attempt at not-hateful, not Chaotic Good rebels struggling to throw off the shackles of their evil kin Drow.

Kenfarra, Nightborn
If the Dayborn are light of skin, bright of eyes, and harsh of discipline, the Nightborn are their opposites, dark of skin, dull of eyes, and easygoing. Nightborn are renowned amongst the world for being party animals, seeking out lovers to bed, ale to sample, food to eat, and sights to see, as well as being lucky. They are skilled with, unusually for Kenfarra, meldshaping, looking for new ways to use their talents. Nightborn Kenfarra are renowned gamblers, as well, being skilled at reading other races like books.
Nightborn Kenfarra typically have onyx-black skin, with solid white eyes, typically short haircuts, and a wide smile on their faces. Nightborn Kenfarra worship Kyrela, Fate Deceived.
Kenfarra, Nightborn

Humanoid (Elf)
+2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom: Nightborn Kenfarra are easygoing and personable, but tend to be hasty and shortsighted.
Nightborn Kenfarra use their Charisma modifier when making Profession (Gambler) checks, and gain a +2 bonus to Profession (Gambler) checks. This replaces the +2 to Will saves versus Enchantment spells and spell-like abilities. Nightborn gamblers are commonly accused of cheating at cards and dice.
+2 to any roll made to alter or replace the result of another roll. Nightborn Kenfarra are lucky beyond compare. This replaces the +2 to find secret doors and instinctive searching abilities Kenfarra usually have.
Favored Class: Incarnate. Nightborn Kenfarra love to show off their meldshaping abilities, and enjoy shaping the Lucky Dice soulmeld. Their divine casters favor the Luck domain, and they have a remarkable propensity for luck manipulation.
Languages: Kenfarran, Traders' Tongue. Bonus Language: Kisimar, Thasz, Y'kor'ne, Aivisan, Sramite, Endrian

2014-03-31, 01:18 PM
And now, for something completely un-orc-odox.

Kudrin were the first race to reveal psionic talent. They were first seen by an expeditionary force of Vatia, nearly a thousand years before they fell to the Abeil.. They swept across the fields of Vatiam, and annihilated villages daily, until they attacked the capital, and were quickly slaughtered by the army of Vatia. They made a peace accord with them, and withdrew and spread into the world abroad. Their minds are naturally wired for psionics, and they fight skillfully. Kudri religion is focused on Arimos, Lord of Bestial Fury
Kudrin have pale white skin and three eyes with yellow sclera, red irises, and black pupils. They are entirely hairless, and have bony plates down their spines and legs.
· Favored Class: Psion. Kudrin Psions favor Divine Mind, Ardent, and Psychic Warrior.
· Languages: Kudran. Bonus Languages: Aili, Kwya, Ulam, Traders' Tongue, Diato.

2014-04-08, 06:57 PM
I am really enjoying what you are doing with the races. Not only are you trying to fight the one race one culture stereotype, but you are also looking for unothodox cultures for the races without destroying every touchstone a player might have. Outstanding worldbuilding going on here. I don't understand why no-one else has commented.

Bounty Hunter
2014-04-08, 09:35 PM
Awesome stuff.

This type of out of the box thinking is what I'll be shooting for as I build my world. I want to jostle up the races and classes a bit but still keep it familiar.

Im intriguied to see more about how the cultures interact.

2014-04-08, 09:58 PM
I haven't commented so far because there isn't much here to comment on. I see some interesting bits of setting ,but not enough to really feel like I understand the setting well enough to comment productively.

Also, I wanted to say that, until something more permanent is put in the thread title, I'm thinking of it as "Aubiras, land of mauve." I can't really say why, it's just the first adjective that popped into my head.

2014-04-09, 10:11 AM
Now for some more humans.

Humans, Endrian
Humanity settled Endria first, merely three centuries after Vatia was formed. Endria is a land of mountains and shore lines, with a few small patches of land for typical farming. Amerindians have learned instead to turn their mountains into terraces. Endrians build their villages inside the caves that dot their mountains, and have the closest relation with the Dwarves of all the nations of men. Endrians are renowned mountaineers and sailors, with the fearsome Black Dylis said to have been born here. Endrians have a rigid caste system. Psionic talent awoke in the humans of Endria a few centuries after it was settled, and no one is certain, though speculation abounds amongst the palaces of the Cloud Caste, typically after a few rounds of imported Raxduerran ale.

Cloud Caste: The nobles and aristocracy, they tend to be divine casters, with arcane magic being seen as the province of the Rain Caste.
Rain Caste: The upper middle class, they tend toward arcane magic, favoring wizardry over sorcery. They also produce meldshapers.
Thunder Caste: Middle class. They can have any profession aside from those deemed unworthy.
Flood Caste: The lower class, they aren't allowed to practice any magic, with the guards killing Sorcerers and Mystics of this caste on sight. They favor meldshaping and psionics.
Hail Caste: The untouchables. Hail Caste are only allowed to use swords, although Hail Caste Psions are ignored, since Hail Caste has so few rights.

Endrian humans are taller than Aivisan humans, but shorter than Sramite humans. They favor Law over Chaos. Endrian religion focuses on ancestor worship, just like the Dwarves they ally with in defense of their shores.
Endrian Humans
Favored Class: Varies by Caste

Cloud: Mystic. Cloud Caste Mystics tend to become Shugenja of Air, Spirit Shamans, and Shugenja.
Rain: Wizard. Rain Caste Wizards tend to go Binder, Artificer, and Duskblade.
Thunder: Incarnate. Thunder Caste Incarnates tend to stay Incarnate, although a few become Totemists, and fewer still Soulborn.
Flood: Psion. Flood Caste Psions tend toward Ardent and Divine Mind, although the few who loathe their low position tend to be Wilders, going out in a blaze of Psionic glory.
Hail: Fighter. Hail Caste Psions are also common, favoring Psychic Warrior, and Ardent. Hail Caste Psions are also noted for demonstrating unusual powers, with the numbers of Erudites increasing.

Languages: Endrian, Traders' Tongue. Bonus Languages: Aivisan, Sramite, Skavjax, Raxduerran