View Full Version : Books Ice-T recorded a D&D audiobook accidentally

Manly Man
2014-03-13, 03:09 PM
The article. (http://time.com/5276/recording-a-dungeons-dragons-audiobook-was-one-of-the-hardest-things-ice-t-has-ever-done/)

It's a story that's a little over a month old, but still good, and if you ask me, worth a mention.

Personally, I haven't heard many audiobooks in my lifetime. In spite of that, I would pay good money to get my hands on it, even if it's just because of how silly the whole situation is. What are your own thoughts about it?

2014-03-13, 05:50 PM
Man, and a book about the githyanki and githzerai, no less. I play a lot of D&D, and I'd have trouble reading that s*** aloud.

To be fair though, Ice-T also had to convince Keanu Reeves to hack his own mind. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mnemonic_(film)) So, you know, I think he's lying.

2014-03-13, 07:20 PM
Update on the story. (http://www.geekosystem.com/ice-t-doesnt-hate-d-and-d/) :smallbiggrin: (Strong language in the link.)

What wouldn’t Ice-T like about a dungeon… or a ----------’ dragon? That ---- sounds dope to me.

Lost Demiurge
2014-03-14, 09:08 AM
I've got a lot of respect for Ice-T! Guy's done a solid musical career and a respectable acting career. Not A-lister there, definitely on the B-side, but he's usually an enjoyable part of the movies he's in. Hell, he was probably the best part of "Mean Guns."

EDIT: Crap, can't forget the TV work. Law and Order. Eh, I don't watch much TV, so I think I can be forgiven that oversight.

And yeah, dude's right. Especially if it's a book about the Gith. Holy HELL man, where do you put the emphasis on a word like githzerai? You just have to kind of guess and go with what sounds coolest. Which is what everyone else does.

But yeah, coming in from outside the community, I can see it'd be daunting. You haven't spent time in the niche, you don't know the community, you don't know the landmines you have to dodge in something as problematic as reading through a script without knowing how to say half the stuff. You don't want to come across as dumb or ignorant, and hopefully the studio's not gonna let that get through, but you never know.

Heh. Well, if this brings him into the community a little, I'm glad he took that bookreading job. Hell, I'd love to see him as a media guest of honor at Gencon! I've got several of his movies, could use an autograph. And the dude's got a good voice for a DM.

And I have to admit I'm a little curious about that audiobook he read on. Like to hear a sample. Might even shell out for it if it's any good. Who's the author, anyone know?

Manly Man
2014-03-15, 03:07 PM
Update on the story. (http://www.geekosystem.com/ice-t-doesnt-hate-d-and-d/) :smallbiggrin: (Strong language in the link.)

You don't even know how much I'd want him to DM a game for me.

2014-03-17, 12:10 AM
When I heard about this on cracked, I thought he was being a Dungeon Master (star imagining a rap battle between druid or laying a group smack down on evil wizard). but He's just making a voice over on a novel.