View Full Version : Comics Looking for a Particular Webcomic

Primal Fury
2014-03-13, 11:13 PM
There is a specific webcomic I'm searching for, but I'm having trouble finding it because I saw it a year or two ago and didn't think much of it, but now that I'm working on something that requires a bit of inspiration, I could use it.

It was about a normal girl, as most webcomics are, that came into possession of demonic powers. She goes on a bunch of adventures and fights demons, or something, and ends up talking to a very peculiar woman. I'm not sure if it was in another dimension or a dream, or both, but the exchange she and the main character had came to me a little while ago. She went on about how she imagined herself playing many different roles and living many different lives.

Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction?

2014-03-14, 10:34 AM
Zebra Girl? http://zebragirl.net/ The main character's turned into a demon in the first chapter, goes on adventures, etc. There's an exchange like what you're describing in the middle-end of the most recent (long, slow) arc.

EDIT: Can't find the exact sequence, but it would have been somewhere around 2012.

Primal Fury
2014-03-14, 01:24 PM
I already found it Brillig, but thanks. I can't believe I actually recognized the name after not seeing it for so long.

2014-03-17, 09:49 PM
Hmm, here's one I am looking for. A girl robot 100 light years from Earth is investigating an alien planet and makes friends with the aliens along the way.
It has a cute and charming atmosphere.