View Full Version : Help me Maximize my Dragon Mount!

2014-03-14, 01:20 AM
My Knight has made friends with a very young Prismatic Dragon and he has become my new mount. Looking to Maximize his Melee attacks and breath weapons the most.

Right now his feat selection is this.

Endurance, Steadfast determination, multi attack, power attack, Imp nat bite, Imp nat claw, wingover, Fast Healing (3), Fast Healing (6) and Arcane Strike.

Probably gonna trade out the two fast healing's for Maximize and Heighten breath. We have the ability to use Diamond Dust to buy extra feats for ourselves and anyone we travel with. Its used for all sorts of goodies that I cant list here cause I cant remember them all.

So far for equipment he also has Circlet of Charisma +6, Bracers of Dex +6, Girdle of Str +6, Ring of Natural Armor +5, Ring of Protection +2, Vestments of Resistance and Health +5/+6, and a Spellstrike Amulet of Vicious Tooth and Nail of Wounding +5 (Claw and Bite).

He also has barding that will allow him to cast Breath Weapon Alteration at will. So he isnt just stuck with a flimsy prismatic spray breathe weapon. Since I also have caster levels Im also thinking of getting a wand of Breathe Weapon Admixture. Double the damage of the breath.

Anyway any help maxing out my dragon would be welcome!

P.S. There is dragon aging magic in the game as well so it would be possible to eventually upgrade him to an great wyrm at some point which will be insanely fun *laughs maniacally!*

2014-03-14, 01:34 AM
P.S. There is dragon aging magic in the game as well so it would be possible to eventually upgrade him to an great wyrm at some point which will be insanely fun *laughs maniacally!*

1. Something to note: feats granted by dragon age categories cannot be retrained, just like PC class feature feats.

2. Unless you're in epic levels, make sure your DM checks both the CR and effective ECL of the various dragon age categories.

3. Read the draconomicon, it has an entire section on combat tactics, use those instead of direct Melee

2014-03-14, 04:21 AM
Why not? You gain feats by advancing HD. Endurance et al can be retrained. Or if not, 'purchase' (as in, do it now or I'll set the dragon on you) the services of a Psion with Psychic Reformation.

What level are you and the rest of the party? What role needs fulfilling? What does the rest of the party consist of?

2014-03-14, 05:50 AM
My Knight has made friends with a very young Prismatic Dragon and he has become my new mount. Looking to Maximize his Melee attacks and breath weapons the most.

Your Knight is the best ever at making friends. How did you pull that off? Is it an Epic game or are you just that good?

And honestly, if you can just age him up, what more do you need? Prismatic Dragons are frickin' nasty without much help at all.

2014-03-14, 07:11 AM
Why not? You gain feats by advancing HD. Endurance et al can be retrained. Or if not, 'purchase' (as in, do it now or I'll set the dragon on you) the services of a Psion with Psychic Reformation.

What level are you and the rest of the party? What role needs fulfilling? What does the rest of the party consist of?

I'm AFB, but I'm 99% sure there are rules in either the MM or Draconomicon about it. won't be able to check for a day or so though.

I looked up prismatics last night, and yeah, DM is playing with fire here. to the OP: your DM gave you nice things(tm), try not to break them more than is required.

2014-03-14, 11:45 AM
Trust me when I say the DM isnt playing with fire. Right now Im level 21 with a +12 LA race that has a ton of immunities and a using a CL 40 war lance that does base damage 6d8 +28 with insane bonuses against dragons, demons, devils, and arcane casters. We have a True Blue teddy that can spontaneously cast any arcane or divine spell he chooses. A divine caster/healer with access to quite a few arcane spells and is the right hand of Mystra. A Blade/melee/tank that can do something like 12 attacks a round. Uses tons of stances and manuvers from TOB. I also personally have 2 crystal dragon eggs that DM says I can hatch eventually.

This game is entirely so over the top high magic, its amazing, and yet the DM still makes it challenging for us. Eitherway I wanted to end up being a tank but I got shifted down pretty quick when everyones AC except mine went into the 90's. Right now im in the low 70's. So most rolls are fulfilled with me and my dragon being melee with me being a sorcerer with BAB = char lvl and caster lvl 18, with 3 levels of paladin thrown in for for the class features.

Anyway I wont have access to the draconomicon till this weekend which is why I asked here for help. If you guys are interested in the full stats of the lance or what my race gets I can post it here.