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2014-03-14, 02:37 PM
The last several weeks have gone by quickly as the city of Alamose has buzzed with excitement over the sudden military activity in the area. In the city the air is electric and rumors run wild.

Nearly two thousand troops have entered the area in the last week, and they have made quite a boost to the town's level of energy. And out beyond the docks nearly a dozen large warships sit at anchor, accompanied by a score of smaller vessels.

Even out at the developing mansion, Ryu, Thane, Minbeja, their cohorts and their servants can feel the effects as ship sails dot their previously empty view of the sea. They have been continuing work on their mansion, assisted by magic spells here and there, the great central mansion and the scattered individual dwellings are just about finished off.

Your morning breakfast has just been completed, and the dishes whisked away by your servants. The discussion has been about the continued work and rumors of what is happening with the war.

Just before you begin to stand from the table, the house butler appears at the door and clears his throat.

"Pardon me sirs, but there is a visitor. He is a rather," he pauses looking for the right word, "capable looking gentleman who says he knows master Ryu. Mister Roy Osborn is the name he gave me. May I show him in?"

It has been a bit of a ride out from the city of Alamose, but it has been very pleasant. The road is busy with carts almost continuously coming in a steady stream, bringing goods, food, and military supplies.

Finally, you see the smaller road that matches the directions you were given. As you follow it, you come to a mansion that is still being polished off, but is clearly the residence of some wealth.

Your old friend, Ryu, has been doing well if this is where he lives.

Servants greet you and take your horse to the stables as the butler escorts you into the library.

The butler says, "If you would wait a moment, I shall let the masters know you are here to see them." With that he steps out.

The library is obviously brand new and barely used - books lining the walls with beautiful wood bookcases and desks scattered about.

Your sharp ears just barely hear the butler speaking down the hall, "Pardon me sirs, but there is a visitor. He is a rather ... capable looking gentleman who says he knows master Ryu. Mister Roy Osborn is the name he gave me. May I show him in?"

Jarik's sleep is wakened by a loud crash a yelling outside his room. With just a second he can tell that it is mid-morning based on the sun coming in through his window.

The sounds are quickly apparent as those of a fight going on outside, but from what it sounds like, it probably isn't a fight with weapons - just fists.

None the less, it is quite the commotion going on outside his door!

Arch warrior
2014-03-14, 03:04 PM
Thane says "Very well then. I suppose the military was bound to come after us eventually. You may show him in.:roy:

O.O.C. We have a separate house right now for sleeping (or meditating in Minbeja's case) and living. We (or I, depending on the others) plane to add servant quarters and Bedrooms to the Fort, (or Manner is also appropriate) but not till we can afford it.

the asassin
2014-03-14, 07:00 PM
Ryu says 2 you guys "excuse me seems I have some fans".:smallbiggrin:Ryus walks 2 the door opens it 2 see a.(Custom Species say what happens when he opens the door):mitd:

2014-03-14, 07:53 PM
Minbeja: "Ugh! Not another Kleptomaniac, psychopathic, or otherwise undesirable fanboy of Ryu!" Minbeja sighs and walks out the side door. "If anybody needs me, I shall be in my laboratory. Harlow, you may stay and "entertain" our guest with one of your new songs.":vaarsuvius:

Harlow smiles in response, he knows very well what that means...
Get payback for all of those cruel tricks in the past!

2014-03-14, 10:17 PM
The butler looks slightly disconcerted at Minbeja's response and glances nervously over his shoulder, perhaps wondering if he would somehow find the visitor ready to stab him in the back.

But, good fellow that he was, he nodded his head, "Of course, I will bring him in at once." He returned to the library.

Roy hears the footsteps of the butler and is ready when it opens.

The butler bows, "If you would come this way, please. They are delighted to see you."

The butler leads Roy to the dining room door and opens it.

"Sirs, may I introduce Mr. Roy Orbison."

2014-03-15, 08:07 AM
(OOC: Could someone explain to me how turns work? Normally they would go clockwise around a table, but that doesn't really apply here. :smallconfused:)

2014-03-15, 09:36 AM
(OOC: Could someone explain to me how turns work? Normally they would go clockwise around a table, but that doesn't really apply here. :smallconfused:)

Unless we are in combat, we don't worry about initiative order. We just talk as we want.

2014-03-15, 10:39 AM
(OOC: OK, cool. :smallsmile:)

Jarik frantically looks around him. He takes a moment to remember that he arrived at the city late last night. He's not entirely himself; he's very tired from the journey.

His mind snaps back to the present. He darts over to his shortspear, which he had left in a corner, propped against the wall. He grabs it, then presses himself against the wall next to the door. He's too terrified to speak, but if someone comes through that door, he'll be ready.

Custom Species
2014-03-15, 10:59 AM
(O.O.C check my character sheet again)

Hello my name is Martha. she looks at the ninjaAh you must be Ryu am I correct?:miko:

the asassin
2014-03-15, 11:01 AM
Ah Martha I remember you from the dojo.You were quite skilled did you come to join our adventuring group?:mitd:

Arch warrior
2014-03-15, 11:36 AM
Hanz's respons is "Ugh! Another stupid Ninja! Forget this, I'm going to bother the Wizard.":belkar: He goes into Minbeja's Lab. He looks at a complex mathematic equation that Minbeja is working on and then says in Elvish, "Ha. You made a mistake here. The square root of pie to the hundredth thousandth digit is 1.77245 not 1.77244.":belkar:

2014-03-15, 01:59 PM
Keep conversing!

OOC: Hanz, make a DC 10 Dexterity check to avoid accidentally stepping on, bumping, or otherwise causing problems in the wizard's laboratory.

You continue hearing punches and yelling, punctuated by occasional thumps as they slam into the walls. There are at least a half dozen people out there fighting, if not more.

Suddenly something slams into your door, and the latch snaps, slamming the door open and spilling two of the fighters at your feet.

They barely notice you and continue punching, swearing, and wrestling with each other. The larger one is shirtless, wearing the army's pants style. The other person is smaller, but has a hardened leather jacket. The smaller man is swinging his fists in a blur, hitting the larger one again and again, but the larger person is tucking his head against the flurry of punches, and trying to pin the smaller man to the ground.

Arch warrior
2014-03-15, 02:19 PM
Hanz's Balance check [roll0]

Arch warrior
2014-03-15, 02:37 PM
Almost forgot, Thane looks at the stranger and Ryu and says "So you are two are old friends. That is interesting. I didn't think that Ryu could have friends. I mean, it took us this long to tolerate him. :roy:

2014-03-15, 02:48 PM
Harlow: When Ryu and Martha go to shake hands, Harlow casts stick on their hands. :redcloak:

Minbeja stands in horror and shock, not ONLY did Hanz just speak Elvish to HIM, but he just corrected him on an advanced mathematical theory... And was RIGHT!

As such, Minbeja slowly creeps over to a barrel full of leather flasks and throws a tanglefoot bag at Hanz. Attack roll [roll0]. :vaarsuvius:

2014-03-15, 03:22 PM
(OOC: Not sure if this is a good idea, but meh.)

Jarik hastily casts Blacklight, centered on the doorway. He prepares to attack if necessary.

Arch warrior
2014-03-15, 03:31 PM
Since Hanz would only be wearing his Gloves of dexterity and Bracers of Protection (for A.C.) that hit. With that Hanz shouts in Draconic (because it would sound intimidating) "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU STUPID ELF!!!!!!!!!!":belkar:

2014-03-15, 03:52 PM
Minbeja runs up to Hanz and puts a dagger to his throat. Shouting "Alright you foul doppleganger! What have you done with the REAL Hanz?":vaarsuvius:

Arch warrior
2014-03-15, 04:01 PM
Hanz shouts out I AM THE REALL HANZ YOU STUPID ELF!!!! And if you want to cheap that hand that is holding your dagger, I sagest that you let me go!:belkar:

the asassin
2014-03-16, 08:05 AM
Ryu shakes Marthas hand and gets gluedYou stupid idiotic goblin bard,that sings worse then a troll with a modifier of -100.Wait till I get my steel blade on youRyus cohort sitting in the cornerhahahaha I have never seen my master SO mad hahahaha:mitd:

Arch warrior
2014-03-16, 09:30 AM
Thane says to Ryu while giggling under his breath "Now Ryu, you know that you have insulted and stabbed Harlow plenty of times. I think that you should call this trick even and forget about it.:roy:

the asassin
2014-03-16, 11:49 AM
Call it even you kidding me.Even my cohort whom never laughed in his entire life is laughing!!!!!:mitd:I should cut Harlow in half for all his stupid pranks.stupid bards.stupid magic.Well it may be true I have never laughed in my life before but come on this is a classic.:xykon:

2014-03-16, 03:46 PM
Minbeja pauses to consider the brute's proposition. And then responds,
"Correct words, wrong language. You'll have to give me some better evidence If you wish to convince me, imposter.:vaarsuvius:

As Ryu struggles to remove to glue, Harlow starts to play a comedic anthem.

Arch warrior
2014-03-16, 03:53 PM
Hanz then says to Minbeja, "Remember the time that I ruined your spell and through you off a cliff. Twice. Almost was three times.":belkar:

Thane is laughing at Ryu and Harlow, no longer trying to keep it in and says "I don't know were my diplomacy would be needed more. In keeping Hanz and Minbeja from killing each other, or keeping you two from killing each other." Then continues to laugh.:roy:

Custom Species
2014-03-16, 07:03 PM
Matha pulls appalling 5 pounds of pressure,and breaks freeAh well that was well umm.........INTERESTING.

Ughhhh how do you ever put up with them

(O.O.C)nice idea I like the thought bubble and whispering bubble:miko:

the asassin
2014-03-17, 07:37 AM
Ryu coughsHarlow my annoying ever so ANNOYING Harlow lets .......talk outsideas Ryu opens the door for Harlow he start to pull out his evil sword in the other hand,and quickly closes the door behind him.:mitd:

Assassin steps out of the corner.ughhh do you like Harlow?if you do you better go save him:xykon:

2014-03-17, 09:47 AM
Hey everybody! Listen to what Harlow's thinking!

:smallmad:"Ryu must think Harlow Pal-of-dim... Emphasis on DIM!":redcloak:

2014-03-17, 02:55 PM
Minbeja pulls the dagger away, I suppose that is sufficient evidence." Minbeja then quickly slaps Hanz upside the head, "That was for the weeks of effort lost on that account!":vaarsuvius:

the asassin
2014-03-17, 03:12 PM
So Harlow have you ever wanted to know how it fells like to be dead?How do I do a post roll?:mitd:

Assassin saysFine I will save the stupid goblin,and goes running out the door after Ryu.:xykon:

Custom Species
2014-03-17, 03:16 PM
Martha looks worried and somewhat concerned.Is it like this every day?I know Ryu is a....bit sort on temper but this is um...... ok this is amusing.and starts giggling.:miko:

2014-03-17, 03:51 PM
"I know a good song about being dead!"

Perform Check [roll0] , this is Harlow's fascinate ability. (The check result is the DC for your Will save Ryu):smallbiggrin:

the asassin
2014-03-17, 03:58 PM
Assassin saysSTOP!!!!both of you Ryu dont try to kill the goblin jerk,and you goblin jerk don't try to hypnotize Ryu.everything settled?:xykon:

Ryu looks angry at his cohort.I am off to my dojo to meditate GOOD BYE!.:mitd:

Arch warrior
2014-03-17, 04:54 PM
Thane responds to Marthas question with, "Actually they are quite tame this morning. Usually we would have had a knife in someones back by now." He then gets up and says "Well I guess that it is time for Hanz and mine work out, and time to train todays list of followers. would you like to come. Ryu is probably already there." With that, he gets up to retrieve Hanz and to head to the training room.:roy:

O.O.C. Assassin, if by your Dojo you mean the Combat Training room that we just recently bought, we have been through this, I paid for half of it, so it is bolt of ours and filled with training tools for booth of us to use.

the asassin
2014-03-17, 06:28 PM
OOC No I ment my dojo.wwwooooaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.etcOn one leg meditating.:mitd:

soooo,looking like he just put the last events in the trash in his brain.off to the training room, race?:xykon:

Arch warrior
2014-03-17, 08:10 PM
Thane says to... Say what is your cohorts name anyway. Anyway he says "Let me get Hanz and then you are on.":roy:

O.O.C. Sorry Assassin, my mistake. In my defense, you do tend to think these things to be just yours. Just curious, how much did you dojo cost you anyway?

the asassin
2014-03-17, 08:34 PM
OOC what things to be just mine?

Ok tell me I will set a line.

2014-03-18, 02:15 PM
OOC: Guys, try to keep your OOC comments over in the OOC thread.

Jarik hastily casts Blacklight, centered on the doorway. He prepares to attack if necessary.The entire world flashes black for just a blink, and then comes back to view, but with a slight grey overlay.

Jarik can see the two men suddenly freeze for a moment, the larger one on top, then suddenly pushes off the smaller one and swings his arms around, feeling for anything.

"What the ....?" he mutters.

He suddenly swings around, his hands outstretch, perhaps expecting someone sneaking up behind him.

Instead his hand slaps into Jarik's thick beard and lips.

"Ahhhhh!" The man lunges sideways, perhaps aiming for the doorway, but instead slams headfirst into the doorway, knocking himself unconscious to the floor.

The man still on the floor stays there, arms bent cautiously in front of his body, warding against any unexpected blows in the dark.

The fight outside still rages, completely not noticing the blackness emanating from the room. Jarik can see out the door a little, and the hallway twenty feet down has a pile of men, some in naval clothes and others in army clothes, all roaring, punching, and kicking at each other.

Thane and Ryu are standing just outside the door to the dining room, when a man in deep blue clothes suddenly pops into existence in the dining room, facing the now empty table.

His mouth opens as he begins to speak, but then closes as he realizes no one is there.

"I was scrying on them, not a minute ago. Where could they have ...."

As he looks around, he doesn't see Ryu and Thane right outside the room, but he does see Martha and Harlow.

"Ah, .... Harlow, was it?" He looks curiously at Martha, clearly confused. "I am looking for Minbeja, Thane, and Ryu. I thought they were here just a few moments ago. Do you know where they are? It is quite important that I speak with them immediately."

Thane and Ryu, you both easily hear an unfamiliar voice of a man speaking in the dining room behind you.

You guys are doing your own stuff. Keep going, or whatever.

Arch warrior
2014-03-18, 03:12 PM
Thane enters the room and says in a firm and authoritative voice "I am Thane of Lockbar. One of the three masters of this place. Who are you and what is your purpose here?" He then looks at Harlow and says "You better go and inform Minbeja about this. You know how unexpected and unannounced visitors can be.":roy:

Now that Minbeja knows that it is the real Hanz, Hanz is talking very intelligently to Minbeja about mistakes in his research, and is right about most of them.:belkar:

the asassin
2014-03-18, 03:25 PM
Ok I fini.....Who are you!!!seeing thee unfamiliar man,and pulls out his twin swords.:xykon:

wwwwooooaaaammmmmmmm .still on one leg. ohhh ok well I better head back.At least my meditation striped me from my consuming annoyance,with Harlow.:mitd:

Custom Species
2014-03-18, 03:33 PM
Martha seeing some dashing man pop in,she pulls out her crossbow and points it at his head. Drop your weapons,or since your a sorcerer drop your hands,or put your hands up,or in the pockets.hm I am stumped can you guys help me.:miko:

2014-03-18, 04:52 PM
The man in the deep blue robes, looks startled, and then a growing anger suffuses his face as he stares at Martha. His face begins to turn red, and his cheeks puff in outrage ready to burst forth.

"Why, you! How dare you?!"

He begins to make a gesture with his hands.

Wizard Bargrum's Initiative: [roll0]

You don't need to fight, but we'll see who gets their actions in first.

Everyone else, you won't get here for at least four rounds even if you start running. Magic might get you here faster, but NONE OF YOU KNOW THIS IS HAPPENING. Only Harlow, Assassin, Thane, and Martha know the man is here, and Harlow is trotting off to get Minbeja and Hanz.

The Wizard, Assassin, Thane, and Martha are the only ones in the room.

2014-03-18, 05:01 PM
Harlow rushes over to Minbeja's laboratory.

Minbeja's conversation "Yes, but how would a prismatic trapezoid of that size, made of wafer thin paper no less, hold it's strength under that sort pressure in the first place?" He looks over at Harlow.:vaarsuvius:

"Funny man to see you." Is all that Harlow says.:redcloak:

Arch warrior
2014-03-18, 05:10 PM
Thane's Initiative [roll0].

2014-03-18, 05:12 PM
OOC: Arch, you and the wizard are going at the same time, so please remove your actions. Wait until we see who is going first - asassin (for Assassin) and Custom Species (for Martha) still need to get their Initiative rolls in.

the asassin
2014-03-18, 06:54 PM
assassin [roll0]:xykon:

Custom Species
2014-03-18, 06:57 PM
[roll0] Is my crossbow cocked?:miko:

Custom Species
2014-03-18, 08:34 PM
state your name and business.Did you say scyring?:miko:

2014-03-18, 09:38 PM
Jarik is not sure what to do for a moment. He tries his best to hide his accent and says as menacingly as he can to the the still-conscious man, "Stay here and don' move if ya value your life. :durkon:"

Then he makes sure he has his Amulet, Bracers, Cloak, Boots, and Crown on securely. Not being particularly brave, he decides that leaving through the hallway is suicide. He smashes open his window, casts Levitate on himself and floats down to the street outside.

2014-03-18, 09:59 PM
state your name and business.Did you say scyring?:miko:
(Waiting for the Assassin character, then Thane, to act.)

Jarik is not sure what to do for a moment. He tries his best to hide his accent and says as menacingly as he can to the the still-conscious man, "Stay here and don' move if ya value your life. :durkon:"

Then he makes sure he has his Amulet, Bracers, Cloak, Boots, and Crown on securely. Not being particularly brave, he decides that leaving through the hallway is suicide. He smashes open his window, casts Levitate on himself and floats down to the street outside.

The man on the floor turned his head toward the sound of the voice and swallowed nervously, but didn't seem panicked. Nonetheless, he didn't move much, even as the fight spilled into the darkness, and people began to stumble past the door.

Jarik floats down safely to the floor just in time to be seen by a ... man ... across the street that must be half-troll, half-ogre, or something. At least nine feet tall, muscles the size of watermelons, and what seem to be rocks growing out of his body.

But, apparently his brains aren't only in his muscles as he is watching the Dwarf float down with a considering look on his face.

"Hail, Dwarf. I would talk with you for a moment. You have the look of an adventurer, and obviously of some magic skill. The deities have brought us together, for I am in need of someone like you."

The half-something began crossing the street toward Jarik.

2014-03-18, 10:12 PM
Jarik is unnerved by the... thing. Anything that large is frightening in itself, but combined with a functioning brain, it's downright terrifying. He turns to and smiles at the creature, while casting Detect Thoughts (enhanced with Silent Spell and Still Spell) in its direction.

the asassin
2014-03-19, 06:46 AM
Assassin puts his swords behind and in front of the wizards neck.whats scrying Martha?:xykon:

2014-03-19, 08:24 AM
Jarik is unnerved by the... thing. Anything that large is frightening in itself, but combined with a functioning brain, it's downright terrifying. He turns to and smiles at the creature, while casting Detect Thoughts (enhanced with Silent Spell and Still Spell) in its direction.

Jarik stays still, concentrating on his spell while giving no clue that he is casting anything. As the person makes it across the street, the spell finishes and Jarik can sense the being's mind as well as the presence of two minds in the building on the opposite side of the street.

At Jarik's stillness, the large person holds up his hands and stops fifteen feet away.

"Hey, no threat here. Just want to talk a bit, and you'll probably be pleased to hear what I have to talk about."

2014-03-19, 08:33 AM
Jarik says to the creature, "My apologies; back in my culture I was used ta havin' others be the ones who crossed the street to talk to me. What do you wish ta speak about? :durkon:"

(OOC: I suppose this would involve a Bluff check? How would I do that?)

2014-03-19, 09:08 AM
Jarik says to the creature, "My apologies; back in my culture I was used ta havin' others be the ones who crossed the street to talk to me. What do you wish ta speak about? :durkon:"

(OOC: I suppose this would involve a Bluff check? How would I do that?)

"Ahh," the huge person answers. "Then I should introduce myself to you, sir. My name is Seahorn Firepeak. I'm a special operations officer, and if you have a few minutes, I am always on the lookout for people with special skills."

Jarik's Detect Thoughts slowly begins to bring more detail about the mind in front of him. ".... risky but obviously arcane. noble? dwarves are direct. directness helps. Hopefully not too direct. Not good for Skuld."

Find your bluff skill, Sorcerers do have it, and roll a d20 for it.
In this case, though, you're making a tiny little bluff closer toward the little evasions common in polite speech to cover over awkwardness - that doesn't need a Bluff check.

Now, if you were to try something like "I am dwarven prince Dondar Stoneheart of Undermount and I expect people to come to me." -- now THAT would require a bluff check. :smallbiggrin:

2014-03-19, 09:17 AM
Bluff roll for previous statement: [roll0] (probably unnecessary at this point, but oh well)

Jarik's mind cools quickly. He had probably misjudged the threat of this man.

"Pleased to make yer acquaintance. I am Jarik Grathelm. But if you don't mind my asking, to which special skills are ye referring? I was under the impression that this city was ruled by mages, so my skills should be nothing out of the ordinary. :durkon:"

Arch warrior
2014-03-19, 09:38 AM
Thane shouts out "Everybody Stop!" Then says in a very firm authoritative voice Exonakrus and Martha, he is not a garnered threat. We get a Wizard teleporting here every other week. Although they usually arrive in the middle of breakfast. My good Wizarding sir. I am sorry for these two. Exonakrus is Ryu's new second, and Martha is a friend of Ryu's who is visiting. Neither of them reflect on the team. However, in the future, teleporting outside so you can nock on the door and not just show up in the middle of our house. It could cause many problems.":roy:

Here is a Diplomacy check to se if I can stop this fight. [roll0]

2014-03-19, 11:43 AM
Bluff roll for previous statement: [roll0] (probably unnecessary at this point, but oh well)

Jarik's mind cools quickly. He had probably misjudged the threat of this man.

"Pleased to make yer acquaintance. I am Jarik Grathelm. But if you don't mind my asking, to which special skills are ye referring? I was under the impression that this city was ruled by mages, so my skills should be nothing out of the ordinary. :durkon:"

"Aye, mages run the country, but you aren't one of the people who run the country, are you? Finding wizards or sorcerers of any skill who aren't already officials in our country is quite a bit more rare. And the ...."

He trails off. "How about we finish the conversation someplace other than the street? A suspicious man might wonder why you are floating down out of a window where I can hear the sounds of a lovely brawl. I'm certainly suspicious, but in this case I don't care. Let's get you out of here before we attract official attention."

The Detect Thoughts spell has mirrored this pretty closely, with occasional popups of the word 'Skuld'. 'new player', 'not associated', 'not suspected', and 'this might be the break needed' also pop up at different times.

2014-03-19, 11:50 AM
"Agreed. I have little knowledge of tha city's layout, so I will defer to yer navigational expertise. Lead the way. :durkon:"

2014-03-19, 04:27 PM
The wizard doesn't stop his spell casting, and suddenly both Martha and Exonakrus stagger, their stomachs turning inside out it seems as they both try to keep from spewing their breakfasts all over the floor.

"I go wherever I please. I am a wizard! This entire country is at my disposal, and no snot-brained mundanes are going to threaten me!"

He looks down his nose at the two people still obviously Nauseated.

He turns to Thane, "But, I am pleased to see that at least one of the members of the party to whom I am supposed to speak kept his wits about him. I am Wizard Bargrum.

"I am here to bring your entire party to a meeting of the utmost importance. This is for the country, and the war effort. Those superstitious cretins from Mulhorrand are gong to get their ears pinned back, and we need your help with this."

Everyone can start arriving after he has said this - not soon enough to have heard this.

Power Word Nauseate (http://dndtools.eu/spells/races-of-the-dragon--83/power-word-nauseate--3089/) is what just hit you. Actually it was two of them - one Quickened. It will wear off in [roll0] rounds.

He has been talking for three rounds.

Here are the rules for Nauseated (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#nauseated):
Experiencing stomach distress. Nauseated creatures are unable to attack, cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything else requiring attention. The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn.

Normally, he wouldn't react anywhere nearly so badly to your threats, but, hey I rolled a 1 for his reaction.

2014-03-19, 04:38 PM
"Agreed. I have little knowledge of tha city's layout, so I will defer to yer navigational expertise. Lead the way. :durkon:"

The large man leads you about a block down the road, and part way along, a group of guards comes running past, heading toward the inn from which Jarik just left. Their clubs were ready, and the brawl was certainly not going to last much longer.

A small, outdoors restaurant is where Seahorn leads you, taking a table and ordering a massive list of breakfast items, several of which are dwarven.

"I need some people to do some work, but they must be unassociated with our government. Virtually everyone who can cast a cantrip goes into the government here, and so I am interested in hiring you for ..." he waves a large hand in the air vaguely, "oh, ... various jobs.

"I have enough projects, that I am completely certain I can use someone with magic skills, virtually no matter what those skills may be.

"Would you tell me a bit about yourself?"

If you want to lie, you'll need to make a Willpower DC 16 check, and also run a Bluff check.

2014-03-19, 04:50 PM
(OOC: My Detect Thoughts spell is still active at this point, right?)

"How about this: you give me a brief description of what these jobs are, and why they're more important than tha obvious level of chaos that this city is currently experiencing. Then I tell ya what you want to know. :durkon:"

Arch warrior
2014-03-19, 04:53 PM
Thane's respons is "What kept you? I've been expecting someone to come and fetch us for weeks. Anyway, I will go and retrieve the others." Then whisper to myself "And inform the party Wizard that we need better Abjurations.":roy:

2014-03-19, 05:57 PM
Minbeja walks casually into the breakfast nook, takes one look at Bargrum, then looks at Exonakrus and Martha vomiting on the floor. He's well aware that the stranger must have sickened them by some means.

"I do hope you'll clean that up.":vaarsuvius:

Custom Species
2014-03-20, 06:59 AM
OOC don't I get a fort save?

I sha throws up ll get yo throws up again u:miko:

the asassin
2014-03-20, 08:32 AM
ughhhh I will be in the bathroom if you need me. and Exonakus heads to the bathroom.:xykon:

ok I am back.Hey who are you?,and Martha what happened?,Thane who is this odd sorcerer? looking very puzzled.:mitd:

2014-03-20, 09:55 AM
Seeing the rage simmer on Bargrum's face, Minbeja immediately intervenes, "I'll handle him." Minbeja slaps Ryu swiftly upside the head.

He then quickly retorts Ryu's comment "Ryu, in the interest of no one else baleful polymorphing you but me, please refrain from assuming anyone of the arcane disciplines as being 'Wizard' or 'Sorcerer'. Neither really like to be called the other. I would instead suggest you simply say 'mage', as the amount of spells directed at you will greatly decrease."

the asassin
2014-03-20, 10:24 AM
Fine,well who are you mage?:mitd:

Gu throws up ys I ne throws up again ed anot throws up again her tras throws up again h can:xykon:

2014-03-20, 04:24 PM
OOC: Power Word Nauseate (http://dndtools.eu/spells/races-of-the-dragon--83/power-word-nauseate--3089/). No save.

Bargram , gives a small smile to Minbeja. "In this case, he guessed rightly. Wizard Joshu Bargram. And you must be Wizard Minbeja. I heard that you've contributed a new spell to the University - well done. I suspect we will polish it off nicely and it will be a handy addition to our spells. I'm here to bring your party to a most important meeting."

He is more civil with Minbeja, since he's another wizard, but he still has a slightly snooty tone to his voice.

Minbeja - while you were there, you met several wizards of significance, but Bargram's name was never mentioned. On the other hand, you were meeting mostly the advanced wizards (level 15+) and perhaps he quite that high of a rank.

This fits with the fact that he is basically serving as a magical transportation service - not something a truly powerful magus would be doing. :smallamused:

Bargram gives a sniff and waggles his fingers. A minor cantrip of prestidigitation cleans up the mess nearest him.

"I will need to insist that even the woman with the crossbow and the oaf with the kukris will come. This is a sensitive meeting, and everyone who hears about it needs to be kept from talking about it, so they'll need to come with us. Under no circumstances will any of you mention this meeting to anyone."

He looks around seriously at all of them.

"This is just a meeting, but you might want to prepare for a longer stay. I would like to leave in fifteen minutes."

OOC: The nausea is wearing off by the time he finishes talking.

Seahorn's face is impassive, but his thoughts bubble up with amusement mixed with a bit of pleasure. 'Nice try but crude. Needs training.'

However, his voice is dead serious, "Like I said, I have a variety of things to accomplish, and I'm not about to start telling you all the projects I have in the hopes you fit one of them.

"I'm certainly not associated with any law officers, if that's what you're worried about. I really don't care if you've been robbing banks or ganking rubes in back alleys."

He pauses for a moment and a small, very small, smile touches one corner of his mouth. "Actually, if you've been robbing banks, I have some very good jobs for which I'd like to hire you. They'd be worth a lot of money.

"So who are you, and how much am I going to have to pay you?"

He leans back in his chair, which groans dangerously. "Impress me."

Arch warrior
2014-03-20, 05:03 PM
Hanz and Thane go up to their rooms to retrieve their armor, weapons, magic items, spare clothing and what not. They put them into some bags to cary and go down stares.

2014-03-20, 05:30 PM
On Minbeja's instructions, Harlow rushes to pack their things. He comes back with a moderately sized suitcase for Minbeja (containing some clothing and a few arcane spell components) and a humongous suitcase for himself.

Contents of his suitcase are: Various books of musical theory, equipment for taking care of his banjo, 30 identical shirts + pants (they even have the same coffee stain in the exact same shape... Harlow says it's something about goblin fashion), and his rubber ducky collection.

2014-03-21, 07:29 AM
"Alright, fair enough. I'll first have ya know that I'm completely open to ideas, but whether or not I'll actually take them is another matter. Where I come from, magic is a bit underused. I've taken it upon myself to correct that problem. I've had my share of adventures; tried to keep 'em more or less legal when I could. I'd by no means consider myself an expert in magic, but I'm pretty sure I can handle whatever you would need." He grins a bit. "Unless you need me for mind control purposes, in which case I'm afraid you're out of luck. As far as payment goes, I'm much less interested in money at the moment than I am in other things. Such as information, and contact with those in charge. :durkon:"

2014-03-21, 10:15 AM
"Alright, fair enough. I'll first have ya know that I'm completely open to ideas, but whether or not I'll actually take them is another matter. Where I come from, magic is a bit underused. I've taken it upon myself to correct that problem. I've had my share of adventures; tried to keep 'em more or less legal when I could. I'd by no means consider myself an expert in magic, but I'm pretty sure I can handle whatever you would need." He grins a bit. "Unless you need me for mind control purposes, in which case I'm afraid you're out of luck. As far as payment goes, I'm much less interested in money at the moment than I am in other things. Such as information, and contact with those in charge. :durkon:"

"Well, that's a beginning. Let's see, are you"

Seahorn's sentence is cut off as the food is delivered. He pushes a few of the dwarven plates over toward Jarik, and begins munching on bites, that on a smaller being would have left cheeks filled to overflowing, but with him seem to be neat and controlled eating.

Scattered through the meal, he asks you questons.

"Are you incapable of using mental magic, or do you just don't like it?"

"Have you ever done any proper thieving in civilized lands, or have you been mostly roaming the secret places of the world away from cities?"

"Ever traveled around Mulhorand? How do you get along with the deity-type folks?"

"How are your illusions and divinations?"

"How about combat-style magic, you know - fireballs, lightning bolts, stuff like that?"

"Have you worked with teams before on your adventures, or are you strictly a loner?"

Go ahead and reply to the questions. I'm condensing a longer conversation here.

2014-03-21, 11:39 AM
Jarik begins gratefully eating his own food at what he deems a normal rate.

"Depends on what you mean by mental magic, but for the most part, I've put more effort into learning other types of spells."

"Actually, I'd say that most of my activities have been in civilized lands. So yeah, I've experience in those types of things."

"Mulhorand? I've heard of it, but never actually been there myself. I'm a bit of an agnostic, so my relations with those sorts of people tend to be lukewarm."

"I know a few lower-level illusory and divining spells, but other than that, I've focused more on physical magic."

"No fireballs or lightning bolts specifically, but I do have quite a variety of combat spells, both offensive and defensive. I suppose you could say they're my specialty."

"Mostly alone or in fairly small teams. I don't have much experience in groups of more than four or so. :durkon:"

2014-03-31, 12:51 PM
"Hmmm," the giant man hummed and focuses on his food for a bit, eating steadily. The thoughts Jarik was able to make out where a bit fragmentary, chasing each other quickly through the man's mind.

"Blaster? Extraction possibility .... Teams needing?"

"Good. ... behave in society. ... that ninja."

"Good. Mulhorand won't ...." The thoughts were briefly sidetracked here as a child went running by your table, bumping it. The thoughts were spun through a quick surprise, then a pleased feeling. "Check after this," he thinks, then you can tell his attention focus back at you.

"Definitely blaster. Go-to-hell backup plan. Could get messy, but by then, who cares."

About this point, as you are talking about your magical combat capabilities, the spell reaches the end of its duration.

"Then I've got two possibilities immediately for you. One is safer, local, and not too difficult. The pay for that one will be lower, but I'm sure more interesting possibilities will pop up soon enough. It'll definitely pay for your time - I pride myself for paying well for success, even in the little things."

He pauses a moment, his tongue picking at something in his mouth. Then he leans back, the very picture of relaxed satisfaction in a meal to anyone watching. His tone, now, is not as casual.

"There's some other stuff that will require travel, some undercover work with others, and no small bit of danger. The rewards will be commensurate, though."

2014-04-02, 12:20 PM
"Hmmm. The second one sounds quite interestin'. But I'd like to see more of the city if I can. I'll take the first job. What exactly will I be doing? :durkon:"

2014-04-02, 01:13 PM
Seahorn pulls out a small, square plate of metal and wood. He slides off the wood, and the metal is revealed to be covered with magical scrawling. He sets it down on the table, and gives it a tap with his large finger. Nothing appears to happen other than a brief sparkle of magic flashing through the lines, but when Seahorn speaks, you notice a muffled sound to his voice accompanied with an odd distortion which makes it hard to make out the words.

"Just a precaution."

He leans in, and the distortion lessens.

"There are a few groups in town that I want to cause problems for without letting them know I know about them. A lovely little bar fight is just the thing, especially when the bar fight might be finished with the place burning down. The bar is the Dogged Dog, and they have a serious smuggling ring going on in the basement. Most of the little stuff I don't worry about, but they're becoming a serious problem. I don't want to entirely shut them down for reasons of my own, but I do want the smuggling slowed down.

"So, a strange dwarf walks in, looking for a drink, and gets in a fight. They are regular occurrences there, so that should be easy enough. They break up the fights if they get too rowdy, but a fight with a sorcerer should be able to cause enough damage to tear the place down around their ears before they know what's going on."

He looks at Jarik carefully, "So what do you think? You up for it? It has to look like a random piece of bad luck for them."

2014-04-02, 03:23 PM
For Minbeja, Thane, Martha, Ryu, and cohorts:

You've gathered up odds and ends and finally gathered back at the dining room with Wizard Bargram. The servants have cleaned up in the meantime, and once again the dining room is in its typically spotless condition.

Bargram gathers you together, and gives a quizzical look at the stuffed, squeaking luggage Harlow is pulling along. He shrugs, though, reaches into a pocket to pull out an amulet. You all notice he is starting to look a little nervous, but with a complicated "word" the world seems to twist around you all for the briefest of moments before it suddenly untwists with a snap and you are in a windowless room.

The walls are a shiny metal, and before you have a chance to notice anything more, Wizard Bargram holds up a symbol. A wash of magic floods the room, fluttering clothes and sparking lightly on your own magical items.

Suddenly Harlow's baggage begins to rock and shake and a furious squeaking is heard within. A bare second later, and the bag explodes outward as piles of duckies spew across the room. The are naturally bouncy, but they are bouncing far more than normal, ricocheting off the party and the walls before they regather in the shape of a giant ducky the size of a horse.

"What did that blasted goblin put ...!"

Wizard Bargram's words are cut off as the giant ducky spews out a stream of yellow goo, covering Bargram in thick, rubbery slime.


I rolled on the mishap table for the teleport and got a 100. Sorry! Most of the time, high numbers are good, but on the teleport mishap table, high numbers are bad. That, combined with the magic they have protecting this place .... well, this is your mishap!

Ducky Initiative: [roll0]

2014-04-02, 03:36 PM
Minbeja Initiative [roll0] :vaarsuvius:

Harlow Initiative [roll1] :redcloak:

Arch warrior
2014-04-02, 03:45 PM
Thane's Initiative [roll0]:roy:

Hanz's Initiative [roll1]:belkar:

Arch warrior
2014-04-02, 03:59 PM
Thane got a naturale 20, unless someone els gets a 20 I go first so "Scorching Ray". My touch attack Rolls are [roll0] and [roll1]. Damage of [roll2] and [roll3]:roy:

O.O.C. If this killed it, which I am guessing it did, my suggestion is that it explodes and turns back into little duckies that are red hot.

2014-04-02, 04:01 PM
"Sounds easy enough. I suppose I'll have to use some sort of disguise; it would be unfortunate if one a' them decided to track me down later. I don't know the layout of the city very well, of course, so you'll have to tell me how to get to this bar. :durkon:"

2014-04-03, 11:09 AM
Seahorn smiles thinly. "Yes, a disguise might not be a bad idea. Most of the people in there are going to be roughs - grunt workers who dip into minor crime - and won't have the resources to bother you. The leaders of this smuggling ring might bother you a bit if they decided to be truly upset about this. On the other hand, if you take the place down hard enough, they just might be intimidated enough to decide to let things lie."

Seahorn shrugs his massive shoulders. "Regardless, you won't need to worry about official problems. If you do happen to get yourself in jail, I'll jiggle something to get you out, but you won't get any more jobs from me. Getting caught can be worse than failure." This is given with a warning look on Seahorn's face.

He pulls out a piece of paper and pencil, and sketches a quick map. "There you go, about a half mile further south, down near the docks. The Dogged Dog, is the place. When do you think you'll run this?"

2014-04-03, 05:31 PM
Jarik takes the map, looks it over carefully, and puts it in his pocket.

"When? As soon as I'm able. Within the next couple of days, I'm thinking. :durkon:"

Arch warrior
2014-04-04, 11:28 AM
In an instant, Hanz's armor is donned and his rapers are in his hands (Thane did "Swift Ready" the prevues day, so it is done in a flash). He then makes his four slashes. Attack rolls are 1 [roll0], 2 [roll1], 3 [roll2], 4 [roll3]. Damage is 1 [roll4] norm [roll5] fire, 2 [roll6] and [roll7] frost, 3 [roll8] and [roll9] fire, 4 [roll10] and [roll11] frost :belkar:

Arch warrior
2014-04-04, 11:39 AM
Attack number 2 was a possible with a x3 multiplier. confirming with [roll0] if 10 it is a Critical hit, if 15 it is a possible double crit :belkar:

the asassin
2014-04-04, 11:39 AM
Ryu's initiative [roll0]

Exonakus's initiative [roll1]

Arch warrior
2014-04-04, 11:43 AM
Hanz probably killed it before the rest of you got a chance.

That is a possible double crit so [roll0], that is a x9 multiplier, which should be equal to 36 points of regular damage and 3 points of frost. :belkar:

2014-04-04, 11:59 AM
Minbeja flings some magic missiles at the creature [roll0]

Harlow just sits in horror as his rubber ducky collection is being destroyed.

the asassin
2014-04-04, 01:56 PM
Exonkus says I have learned to adapt to any situation if he is still throwing up,he throws up on the mage.:xykon:

OOC:Is Exonkus still throwing up?

Ryu shoots his scorpion dart No one attacks us,and lives:mitd: [roll0] [roll1] to hit

he has to beat "14"fort save 1d4 Con

Custom Species
2014-04-04, 04:38 PM
Ummmm mage please stop.:haley: ,and walks up to the mage

2014-04-05, 10:57 PM
Thane's rays of fire reach out to spear the side of the yellow, animated mass of duckies and melts large patches in its side, even catching fire for a brief moment before going out.

[roll0] vs AC 22.
edit: Oops, I forgot to roll for damage. Just make it minimum damage. Hanz gets hit for 9 points of damage.
Its wing lashes out at Hanz as he comes in, and gives him a hard GWATHUMP alongside the head.

Ryu's attacks streak out from his hand, trailing the faint smell of a caustic poison. However, the creature is an animated object and completely ignores the poison.

Gashes opened in the thing's side spill out duckies, and somehow there are many more duckies pouring out from the thing than could have possibly fit inside Harlow's luggage.

The thing squeaks, perhaps in anger as the flames, missiles, and swords all hit it. However, it is still very active.

It spews out another stream of yellow gunk, this time aimed at Hanz and Thane.

Touch Attack on Hanz [roll1] vs touch AC 14. If it hits, Hanz gets Reflex save DC 19. [roll2]
Touch Attack on Thane [roll3] vs touch AC 14. If it hits, Thane gets Reflex save DC 19. [roll4]

If those hit and the characters fail their reflex saves, then they are entangled. They can break out (Str check DC 16) or Reflex/Escape Artist out (DC 19).

Hanz rolled a Natural 20 on his reflex save! His brilliant dodge gets him around where the ducky can't see him - the ducky is flat-footed against your next round of attacks - AC 20. Anyone else who charges in will not risk any attacks of opportunity!

The giant ducky is still 'alive' and squeaking. You all dealt 77 HP of damage to it if I added everything up properly. It still has some left. You made a very nice dent, though.

Don't forget that on a Charge, you only get 1 attack. You get +2 to hit, and -2 AC. The round after that you can use your regular full series of attacks.

It can't do attacks of opportunity this round - this would be a good round to Charge it. Just sayin'. :smallwink:

I mentioned way back when that you guys were no longer nauseated. I said the nausea only lasted for a couple rounds. (1d4+1) You guys went and packed for almost 10 minutes, remember? Nausea is long, long gone.

Martha - I don't "get" your actions. You're walking over to Wizard Bargram who got entangled? Just making sure I understood correctly.

Arch warrior
2014-04-06, 12:43 PM
Thane uses "Dimension Hop" with his Quick Cast ability to teleport behind the monster, and then cast "Shocking Grasp". Touch attack of [roll0] and dose [roll1]:roy:

Hanz makes his 4 attacks with his swords, first one is power attack 4 and the second is power attack 3. Flat-Foot attacks are 1 [roll2], 2 [roll3], 3 [roll4], 4 [roll5]. Damage is 1 [roll6] and [roll7] fire, 2 [roll8] and [roll9] frost, 3 [roll10] and [roll11] fire, 4 [roll12] and [roll13] frost:belkar:

Arch warrior
2014-04-06, 12:49 PM
Hanz attack 3 and 4 were possible crits. 3 [roll0] and 4 [roll1]. if hit then it was a x3 multiplier:belkar:

2014-04-07, 02:11 PM
Minbeja finds the rubber ducky to be a minimal threat and so uses his efforts to clean-up Wizard Bargram. :vaarsuvius:

Harlow tosses his short spear at the "ducky of death", angry at it for eating his collection. [roll0]
If it hits: [roll1] :redcloak:

Custom Species
2014-04-07, 02:16 PM
OOC Ok back

Are these ducks your doing? You have 10 seconds too tell me if they are,if you do not you are dead. As she puts her crossbow to his forehead :haley:

the asassin
2014-04-07, 02:20 PM
Martha tsk tsk tsk.Have yo learned nothing from school.You just KILL!!!:mitd:

DIE RUBBER DUCKY DIE DIE attack roll [roll0] If a hit [roll1]

the asassin
2014-04-07, 02:22 PM
[roll0] (needs to be 10 characters) bla bla bla

2014-04-07, 02:58 PM
Minbeja gives Martha an odd look and shoves the crossbow away from the wizards head.

He then points over at the rubber ducky. "The monster's over there. I'LL deal with the wizard." :vaarsuvius:

2014-04-07, 03:29 PM
Harlow can't bear to see his rubber ducky collection harmed, and his spear is weakly thrown, clunking off the tough rubber hide.

Wizard Bargram has been struggling to get out, but with no success. His face is shocked at Martha's reaction, "Wha? Bu, wh, ev, what?! How could?"

A Minbeja's interference, he looks relieved, and then, again outraged. The outraged expression seems to come naturally to him. He catches Thane's disappearance, and his face takes on a relieved expression. "I certainly need no help from you! I am a Wizard! I can get myself out of this junk!"

With that, he says the words for Dimension Door, and disappears from the floor, and reappears five feet away, now standing up but still encased in the yellow goop. He looks at himself in confusion, "But, why didn't, I mean, I thought that would, how is ..." The man has a thoroughly confused look on his face.

The ducky squawks again at the blows raining down on him. As Hanz is still behind it, Thane receives the brunt of its attention. It doesn't register to the ducky that Thane is still entangled in the goop, and it blasts him again with the yellow sticky material, but this doesn't add anything to Thane's situation.

The ducky is beginning to come apart - smaller duckies pouring from its inside from the wounds inflicted on it.

Wizard Bargram's attempt to escape the entangling goop failed - it went along with him. If he had been entangled in something larger than himself - a Web spell that was also attached to the wall/floor, then it would have worked. But his Dimension Door takes along anything he is touching that can go with him - thus he is still stuck in the goop. That was just him trying to get out and failing.

Thane is still entangled in goop so can't make full attacks and has -2 on his attacks. He just got entangled again, but they don't stack or anything.

You've done 98 points of damage to the thing so far.

Seahorn nods his head. "All right, I'll see you around. I look forward to seeing how this all turns out." He stands up and thumps his chest in the casual dwarven acknowledgement and walks away. People walking by give him a wide berth, but he doesn't seem to notice.

You do spot him pulling something out of his pocket and looking at it before he is finally lost to the people walking by.

The woman who served you comes up after he leaves. "Don't worry about the bill. He has a tab here. He's a good one."

The day is still young and the city is open to whatever you feel like doing right now.

Arch warrior
2014-04-07, 05:20 PM
Thane casts "Shocking Grasp" again. Touch attack is [roll0] and the damage is [roll1]:roy:

Hanz still is still hitting with his swords. Attacks are 1 [roll2], 2 [roll3], 3 [roll4], 4 [roll5]. The damage is 1 [roll6] and [roll7] fire, 2 [roll8] and [roll9] frost, 3 [roll10] and [roll11] fire, 4 [roll12] and [roll13] frost:belkar:

Arch warrior
2014-04-07, 05:25 PM
Attack 3 were possible crits.

Attack 3 was [roll1]:belkar:
OOC I confused attack one for a possible critical. Sorry.

2014-04-07, 07:33 PM
Jarik thanks the woman for the food. Then he walks out of the restaurant. Once he's in the street, he asks a random stranger, "Excuse me, hello. I'm not from around here. Do you know of any good clothing stores in this city? :durkon:"

Custom Species
2014-04-08, 07:24 AM
fine you get the mage [roll0] [roll1]

damage [roll2] , [roll3]

if crit [roll4] , [roll5]

the asassin
2014-04-08, 07:34 AM
Ryu shoots the MAGE with a scorpion poison I hate magic.Magic is annoying

to hit [roll0] , [roll1]

(injury) (fort 14) (1d4 Con):mitd:

Harlow were did you buy these ducks

to hit [roll2] , [roll3]

damage [roll4] , [roll5]

2014-04-08, 09:48 AM
Minbeja's face distorts in frustration at the sight of a dart being shot into the GOVERNMENT official's chest. He looks up at Ryu and yells, "The next person attempt to or actually strike this man will be arrested on the grounds of Assault & Battery!" :vaarsuvius:

Harlow: "Me no have this many duckies! Harlow then realizes that that means he now has 253+ rubber duckies and jumps into the gigantic pool in utter excitement.

2014-04-08, 10:43 AM
The woman gives you directions over to the clothing merchants' street.

This area is nicer than the typical street vendors, but still not the finer establishments which have started to pop up as the city's economic prospects improve.

OOC: If you want to just buy the clothing disguises, you can without playing through it. A dock worker-style clothing would be 2 gp, shop worker clothing from 3-4 gp, merchant clothing from 5 gp and up depending on how nice you wanted it.

Wizard Bargram yelps as the darts stick in him. "You blasted idiot! You, you..." He wiggles as if starting a spell, realizes that he is still bound, and then he calms himself. Suddenly his voice becomes rich and smooth - it is extremely convincing sounding. "Ryu, some magic has affected your mind, confusing you. You need to drive it out of your mind. For the next 15 hours, you need to pound your head against the floor, hard enough that you are almost, but not quite, knocking yourself out with each pound."

OOC: Suggestion spell at Ryu. DC 21 Will save: [roll1]

The words seem very reasonable to Ryu - magic is a nasty thing, and he needs to get it out! He drops to the ground and starts smacking his forehead against the ground as hard as he can. On the third smack, he knocks himself half-unconscious, and he mumbles "Oh, not quite so hard, I guess. Gotta knock out the magic. Burple Fumpleflies." He shakes his head and goes back to smacking his head against the floor, slightly more softly, but still with solid, hard smacks.

The magic and slashing swords finally destroy the giant ducky as Martha and Exonakrus close in on it with their weapons flashing.

With a final, might SQUEEK! the ducky loses cohesion and spills out into a massive pile of rubber duckies. Many of them are partially melted or slashed apart, but there are still hundreds of duckies around on the floor.

the asassin
2014-04-08, 10:47 AM

OOC:Dad look at my sheet it is a dart.

2014-04-08, 10:58 AM
Look at the post. I rolled it for you so I could describe what happened. Ryu's Will save failed. Remove your post.

the asassin
2014-04-08, 11:01 AM
OOCL:It's my character you don't roll for me,that's like me rolling for a enemy attack roll.You said don't do things for others things you do things for me.

2014-04-08, 11:20 AM
Jarik buys an outfit of a dock worker for 2 gold. He folds it neatly and puts it in his backpack/satchel/whatever storage accessory he's wearing. :smalltongue:

Then he pulls Seahorn's map out of his pocket and follows it to the bar. On the way there, he formulates his plan. He'll pretend to be a former government employee, who was fired for his short temper. He'll come into the bar at night, get angry, and tear the place up. He stops across the street a couple blocks away to avoid being noticed by anyone inside, and takes note of the bar and its surroundings.

He decides to spend the rest of the day walking around the city, seeing the sights, and generally enjoying himself. He stays away from the merchant district for the most part.

2014-04-08, 12:23 PM
OOCL:It's my character you don't roll for me,that's like me rolling for a enemy attack roll.You said don't do things for others things you do things for me.

OOC: Sometimes I have to roll for you guys, otherwise I don't know how to describe what happens. If I don't know if a spell affects you, how can describe it in the post? MOST of the time I have you guys roll yourselves, but there are times that I have to do it for you to be able to keep the game going. Now, let's clear out these posts, asassin, and keep this thread IC.

2014-04-08, 12:25 PM
Oof. Well, let's see what you can do with this ...
The outfit seems pretty typical of what you see as you are walking around, and you feel confident that you'll fit in well. There are several dwarves among the workers, though mostly as overseers on construction projects.

About noon you get a bite to eat, only to find your pocket was picked at some point! At least it was only your traveling funds - 15 gp. With irritation, you dig out your larger cache of funds to pay for the meal and restock your traveling funds in your wallet.

The day goes well, and you get a good idea of the work being done in the city, especially with the growing military activity - there are piles of materials all over the place being moved from place to place, and you can tell that in all the activity it would probably be pretty easy for smugglers and thieves to make off with massive piles of goods pretty easily. You buy a very pretty dwarven rune that you recognize as coming from the dwarves of the far northwest, in the icy mountains north of Waterdeep. And your pocketbook has again been emptied of coin!! This time it was 25 gp!

Aargh! You get it anyway, especially since the rune is one of luck - maybe it will help. You refill your traveling purse, this time only with 10 gp.

Later, when it is close to supper, you go to purchase a hefty supper to help alleviate any drinking you might have to do in the Dogged Dog. You find your purse has been emptied again!
All in all you lost 50 gp and spent 5 gp on the good luck charm. So dock your gp by 55 gp. This was just to describe your bad luck thanks to the roll of a 1 for your Walk About in town. Sorry. :smallsmile:

Finally, after a solid, dwarven supper you make it to the Dogged Dog, having changed into your disguise, also adding bits of coloring and dirt to your face. You look quite the part of the tired worker. You enter the Dogged Dog, and sit down with a plop at a bench. A heavy dwarven Stout is placed in front of you. The place is loud with shouts and arguments back and forth. Numerous dark corners are filled with people whispering to each other, and knives are in plain sight on many of the patrons.

Within the first minute, there are two brief pushing matches, but both settle back down before growing worse.

There is a halfling across the bench table from you talking with a gnome: "I made a killing today! You wouldn't believe my luck! There was this rube of a dwarf wandering around town, obviously wealthy. I plucked his purse, emptied it and put it back without him ever noticing!" The gnome laughs and gives the halfling a fist bump. "Not only that, but I saw him later and decided to try again - it was restocked! So I did it again!" The gnome laughs and declares his disbelief. "No, seriously! And it gets better! I followed him for a while and saw him refill his purse, and so I picked it again! Three times I nicked this idiot's purse!" The gnome says it couldn't happen, but if it did, then the halfling is buying the drinks for the night. The halfling cheerfully agrees, and this finally convinces the gnome that the halfling is telling the truth, and they both call out three cheers for clueless rubes!

2014-04-08, 02:02 PM
Jarik seethes with rage for a moment, then calms himself. He then stands up and casts Magic Missile at the halfling. He disguises his voice to the best of his ability (I assume his Charisma and Bluff levels will help with that?). "Sounds like you got lucky today. I'll be taking that from ya, thank you very much. :durkon:" He runs over to the halfling and starts grabbing at his wallet or what-have-you.

(It says maximum five missiles, but I don't know how many my character has. I'll just roll for five anyway: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4])

2014-04-08, 03:17 PM
"Ahhh!" The halfling yells out as the magic missiles slam into him. A dagger appears in his hand, though as Jarik charges in, and the halfling grunts out, "Over my dead body!" His gnome companion, stumbles back in alarm, looks around, and then steps forward.

Gnome will start next round - was worried to see magic flying around, but since it was only Magic Missiles, he is stepping back in to help his companion.
Attacks Jarik's AC 17: [roll0]
Damage if Hit: [roll1]
The dagger misses Jarik's nose by a hair's breadth.

The other patrons at that table pull back, but in doing so a humanknocks over a dwarf's ale, and with a roar of anger that dwarf punches the unlucky human square in the delicates.

Low it dies down, high it spreads. [roll2]

2014-04-08, 03:30 PM
Jarik takes a step back. "Oh, a feisty one, are you? :durkon:" He casts Stoneskin on himself. Then he goes back to grabbing at the halfling's money.

Arch warrior
2014-04-08, 04:26 PM
Thane and Hanz see what Ryu is doing and start laughing so much that you would think that some mage cast Hideous Laughter on them. Then Hanz goes over to Bargram pats him on the back and says, while still laughing, "I didn't like you at first Wizard. But anyone who will do that to him is alright in my book. Now let me help you out of this stuff.:belkar: He is now trying to help him out.

2014-04-09, 10:51 AM
With a few moments of help, Bargram manages to extricate himself as does Thane.

About the time Bargram gets mostly free of the sticky substance (though there are still numerous patches scattered across his robes) guards in armor can be heard running down the hall toward the room.

"Is everyone all right? The defense spells went sparkly there. Is he all right?" The lead guard doing the talking points to Ryu. One of the guards tries to lift Ryu up while another guard reaches into a pocket for a wand and goes around touching each of them. There is a feeling of wholeness as some sort of healing magic flows through you.

There are four of them. The fourth guard might be a bit new because he has stopped as he entered and is just goggling in amazement at

1) the sight of a huge pile of yellow duckies
2) a fancily dressed goblin playing in the pile of duckies
3) Wizard Bargram still splattered in yellow goop
4) a ninja kneeling on the ground, smacking his head against the floor.

"I am just fine, officer, just fine!" Wizard Bargram snaps angrily. "He's fine too - I commanded him to do that."

With that statement, Ryu realizes what happened and this gives him the added Willpower to overcome the spell, and Ryu stops pounding his head on the floor.

The guard touches him with the wand, and he is healed up.

OOC: everyone is healed up and no longer under any magical compulsions.

the asassin
2014-04-09, 12:35 PM
OOC:Who is healed?

OWWWWWWW, the wizard made these constructs that attacked us, and now he is playing innocent. Sounding like a dragon hit his head with a boulder. Oh look its angels. Pointing at the guards.:mitd:

Sorry my master is a little woozy from the head banging . Let me escort him to his bedroom so he can rest . with that Exonakus carry Ryu like he has a sprang ankle,off to his bedroom.:xykon:

Look a skeleton taking me to my bedroom ooh ahh.:mitd:

2014-04-09, 01:31 PM
Minbeja: "Please ignore the commentary of our ally, he is quite frankly paranoid. He has also assaulted Wizard Bargram with a poisoned dart without provocation. I will offer my compliance as a witness if you wish to press charges against him." :vaarsuvius:

Custom Species
2014-04-09, 02:28 PM
Wait Ryu did have a reason to attack the mage.He thinks the mage made ducks that for some reason put glue on him,and we attacked the ducks.The goblin is a jerk,and Ryu thought the mage made the ducks that attacked us ALL,so he had a small reason to attack,and he is not paranoid he has a VERY ODD parent alignment issues,besides I had just as much thought the mage was attacking us.The reason he is weird talking is the mage ordered him to bang his head he is not parodied,and I suggest you do not arrest him,he will kill anything that gets in his way of killing bad things,he will also will put up a fight,do not forget he has his cohort,he is very crafty,and he is very deadly,and will persevere anything when he gets on that thing,he sees that it is done.(sort way of putting all I said trust me do not arrest him ):haley:

OOC Trying to do the LONG court scene that I just finished.

2014-04-09, 02:34 PM
OOC:Who is healed?
OWWWWWWW, the wizard made these constructs that attacked us, and now he is playing innocent. Sounding like a dragon hit his head with a boulder. Oh look its angels. Pointing at the guards.:mitd:

Sorry my master is a little woozy from the head banging . Let me escort him to his bedroom so he can rest . with that Exonakus carry Ryu like he has a sprang ankle,off to his bedroom.:xykon:

Look a skeleton taking me to my bedroom ooh ahh.:mitd:
The guards all look at Ryu and Exonakrus as if they're crazy. "Um, you do realize you aren't at your home, don't you?" The lead guard nods his head to the guard with the healing wand. "Give 'em both another touch of healing. Maybe they're still addled." The guard gives both Exon and Ryu a touch with the wand even though they are already all healed.

Minbeja: "Please ignore the commentary of our ally, he is quite frankly paranoid. He has also assaulted Wizard Bargram with a poisoned dart without provocation. I will offer my compliance as a witness if you wish to press charges against him." :vaarsuvius:
Wizard Bargram casts a quick Prestidigitation, cleaning off all the gunk that he can see on the front of his robes. The back of his robe is still heavily splattered, though he doesn't seem to notice. "As appealing as it sounds to press charges, there was enough confusion there that he could probably get off. More importantly, though, we do still have need of all of you."

OOC: 50 xp for Martha's impassioned courtroom appeal - it convinced Bargram to back down.

Arch warrior
2014-04-09, 03:01 PM
Thane looks at the guard and says, "I doubt that your magic can heal them, they are always like that. I think that our current theory is that they had a glimpse of the far realms as a boy". He then looks back at the others and says, "Yes, you are very correct we should go and discuss our business as soon as possible. And Martha, thank you for your help. You have no idea how hard it is, as the team diplomate, to keep those two out of the clink." He then quickly turns to Hanz to say, "While I am thinking about it. Try not to hurt those two today.":roy:

Hanz is now looking very disappointed. As if he was planning on it today:belkar:

the asassin
2014-04-10, 09:31 AM
Thanks Martha.

Did you have to pull up my parents planer location,and background of alignment.

I am just glad that is all done.I believe my head is feeling better.Exonakus don't bother taking me to my bedroom.I will just sit in a chair. Ryu goes to the closest chair and sits in it.:mitd:

So well what now.I am bored.Guards may I leave?:xykon:

2014-04-21, 11:57 AM
The guards still look skeptically at the ninjas, but shrug.

"Yeah, you're free to go." He turns to Wizard Bargram. "Would you like us to escort you all to the meeting room now, or would you like to clean up?"

Bargram scowls, "Oh, we'll go now. We are in a bit of a hurry and I don't want to keep the counselors waiting. But ..." he looks at his clothes in irritation. "Oh blast it all to the nine hells! Yes, we'll go now if you guys don't have anything else to do here."

He aims this last question at Martha, Ryu, Minbeja, and Thane.

The bar around them is quickly degrading into a massive brawl as the other patrons decide to use Jarik's fight as an excuse to start their own. Chairs and tables are tipped over, food and drink is strewn across the already dirty floor, and shouts of anger and pain accompany the thuds of fists.

The halfling sneers at Jarik's magic as his friend circles wide around behind Jarik, coming in behind. "Aww, did your magic missile fizzle? That's why I stick to knives! Try this one!"
Attacks AC 15 (because his friend is flanking): [roll0] -- Damage: [roll1] plus Sneak Attack [roll2]
Friend swings a club: Attacks AC 15: [roll3] -- Damage: [roll4] plus Sneak Attack [roll5]
12 damage from the dagger, but only 2 gets through thanks to Stoneskin.

Though the club barely clips Jarik's shoulder, not enough to bother him even without his Stoneskin, the dagger is plunged straight at Jarik's stomach.

It would have buried itself deeply, but the Stoneskin has toughened Jarik's skin so that only a thin gash is on Jarik's stomach - painful, but not serious at all. This does put Jarik exactly where he wants to be, in close to the little thief. His larger size helps him as he quickly grabs the halfling's purse, pulling it off the halfling.

"Hey! That's mine," the halfling yells!

2014-04-21, 05:39 PM
Jarik cringes a bit, then grins. "Ha! Thanks very much! Now we'll see who's fizzling. :durkon:" He casts Scorching Ray and quickly sweeps the beams across the walls and ceiling, making sure to catch the halfling in one of them, and as many wooden objects as possible in the other. (He's trying to start a fire. :smalltongue:)

(OOC: How much damage does he take, total? I'm slightly confused.)

the asassin
2014-04-21, 09:22 PM
Well let me check my schedule. Ekonakus!! come here please.Whats my schedule?, apart from you know what?:mitd:

Exonakus turns to Ryu As far as I am concerned we are all free, so you know what is still on?:xykon:


Good well . Exonkus yawns . Well I will be leaving now bye.:xykon:

They dont know yet do they?:mitd:

No we have the element of surprise.:xykon:

OOC Do the others get some kind of listen check?

Arch warrior
2014-04-21, 10:53 PM
Thane says that he is alright and ready to go.

Thane makes a listen check to hear Ryu whisper [roll0]:roy:

Hanz makes one to [roll1]:belkar:

Custom Species
2014-04-22, 08:04 AM
OOC: Sorry for being away, there's 5 birthday party's this month.

listen check [roll0]

I believe I am free today, apart from going to the bar at 5:00, for a bit of whine.

Martha looks at Exonakus, then Ryu . I wish I had a cohort. Martha looks at the ground a little sad . Least I can buy a cat.:haley:

2014-04-22, 08:27 AM
Minbeja narrows his eyes and grabs onto Exonakrus' cloak.
"Oh no you don't. We were ALL summoned here to speak about something important, and I'd refuse to associate with someone who's overactive ADHD resulted in the delay of said meeting. Particularly since the members of this council are surely wizards of far superior power than mine. The results could span anywhere from insult to injury.":vaarsuvius:

2014-04-22, 10:37 AM
Scorching Ray is one ray plus one more for every level past 3rd. So you get a second one at 7th level, and a third at 11th level. Max of three rays. Each ray does 4d6 fire damage. You need to roll a ranged touch attack (uses your Base Attack + Dex - it's like aiming a gun - your Dexterity is much more important than your Strength for that) which is pretty simple for you. Your attack is 5 plus 4 Dex. To touch his touch AC of 16. His touch AC is 10 + his Dex bonus since his armor bonus of +3 doesn't count - you're just "touching" him to attack, touching his armor counts too, so the armor isn't really protecting him against that sort of attack)

Since you are "sweeping" your Scorching Rays, no one thing (rogue included) will get full damage. But you'll hit a bunch of stuff.

Roll one attack against the rogue. Then roll both rays of damage separately. The thief will take only 2d6 of the first ray. The walls, tables, ceiling will take the rest of the damage.

All five of the guards hear Ryu and Exonakus whispering as does Wizard Bartram. Bartram has had some experience with the lunacy of the ninja, but the guards don't. All five of them attack Ryu and Exonakus, tackling them to the ground.

Guards Touch to Start Tackling Ryu: [roll0] vs AC 10
Guards Touch to Start Tackling Ryu: [roll1] vs AC 10
Guards Touch to Start Tackling Ryu: [roll2] vs AC 10
Contested Grapple Rolls for Ryu vs Guard: [roll3]
Contested Grapple Rolls for Ryu vs Guard: [roll4]
Contested Grapple Rolls for Ryu vs Guard: [roll5]
Contested Grapple Rolls for Guard vs Ryu: [roll6]
Contested Grapple Rolls for Guard vs Ryu: [roll7]
Contested Grapple Rolls for Guard vs Ryu: [roll8]

Guards Touch to Start Tackling Exonakus: [roll9] vs AC 10
Guards Touch to Start Tackling Exonakus: [roll10] vs AC 10
Contested Grapple Rolls for Exonakus vs Guard: [roll11]
Contested Grapple Rolls for Exonakus vs Guard: [roll12]
Contested Grapple Rolls for Guard vs Ryu: [roll13]
Contested Grapple Rolls for Guard vs Ryu: [roll14]

Damage Roll on Ryu: [roll15]
Damage Roll on Ryu: [roll16] Guard failed grapple
Damage Roll on Ryu: [roll17]

Damage Roll on Exonakus: [roll18]
Damage Roll on Exonakus: [roll19]

The five guards pile onto Ryu and Exonakus dragging them to the ground and start punching.

"No! Stop you idiots! All of you idiots!" Wizard Bargram screeches!

He casts a spell on the pile of brawling fighters and a mass of huge black tentacles explode outward, wrapping everyone up in its tentacles, not squeezing, but most certainly holding everyone still.

OOC: Everyone except the guards, Ryu, and Exonakus can try a Grapple check, but since the Tentacles have +23 to their roll, and I don't think any of you would have more than +12, at most, I'm just assuming you've failed the grapple check. Actually, anyone who was standing within five feet of Wizard Bargram won't be caught in the tentacles - he cast it far enough away from himself that he wasn't caught, so neither would people who are standing next to him.

the asassin
2014-04-22, 10:53 AM
Ryu and Exonakus simple twist there wrist and teleport , using there anklets of trans locations , and put there hands up and say.

If you must know guards we were whispering about going to the training room at 8:00 PM . The reason we whispers is we dont want anyone else crowding the training room , that's why we were whispering . The reason we said we have the element of surprise , we were talking about how we are ninjas/monks. :mitd:

Ryus Bluff [roll0] Exonkus [roll1]
Ryus Diplomacy[roll2] Exonkus [roll3]

Ryus right . We were going to pound the animate snot out of those training dummies at 8:00 PM . The reason I wanted to leave is this is going to be SO BORING , well after you tackled us not boring , but I am holding my inner killing spree for the training dummies.:xykon:

Custom Species
2014-04-22, 11:00 AM
[roll0] If I dont beat his bluff Martha looks MAD very mad

You tackle a innocent man because he wanted alone time to beat up training dummies . I also dont see arresting this man for attacking Bargrum , It was a misunderstanding we have never been here , I Ryu and Exonakus all thought that this was his secret layer and he took us here to be killed by his rubber ducky army!!!!!!!!!:haley:

2014-04-22, 11:02 AM
OOC: Very clever! However, your anklets only move you 10' at a time, and the tentacles reach 20'. You'll need to use both charges for the day. You get out, but you've used both charges.

"There! You see you idiots," Bargram shouts at the guards. "Those two are just idiots, just like you guards are idiots! Now can we please just GO!"

His face is beat red and by the end of his yelling he is stomping his foot and waving his hands, his hair is a mess.

Arch warrior
2014-04-22, 12:35 PM
Thane pats Bargam on the back and says "Welcome to our life":roy:

Sense Motive for Ryu's Bluff, [roll0] :roy:, and Hanz [roll1]:belkar:.

Thane and Hanz give Ryu and Exondra the "I got my eye on you" gesture. Intimidate check to see if I can scare them out of their plains. Thane's 1d20+2:roy:, and Hanz's 1d20+12:belkar:
OOC. That bluff was a little hard to believe Assassin, so we get a plus 5 to our sense motive checks.

Arch warrior
2014-04-22, 12:48 PM
Thane's [roll0]:roy: and Hanz's [roll1]:belkar:

2014-04-28, 12:03 PM
Only one intimidation attempt per target per day.

I'll move things along.

"Come on, let's get out of here before anything else happens," Bargram huffs and walks out. The rest of you follow him, avoiding the tentacles still waving. After you are all out, Bargram waves his hand in irritation and the black tentacles vanish, leaving guards sprawled among the remnants of yellow goop and the duckies which Harlow hadn't been able to squeeze into his baggage.

The hallways seem to be carved out of the ground, but are polished smooth stone. Bargram marches through the maze as fast as he can without running, and the people you see along the way stay out of his way.

Finally, you all reach a set of doors that are inlaid with silver runes and crackling with magic. Two statues stand beside the doors, and your experience having done adventuring suggests these are probably not normal statues.

Bargram turns to face you. "No magic, no tricks, no stupid stuff, nothing. This is Lord Magus Thorn, High Marshal of Magical Forces. There are automated defenses that will turn you inside out and summon everything from demons to angels if you do anything." He shakes his finger at you all. "BEST behavior. Best!"

With that, he faces the doors, displays the amulet he had used in the teleportation room and announces, "Wizard Bargram and the invitees are here to see the marshal." A second passes and the doors spark with magic and vanish.

You all step inside.

Inside is a very, very large office complete with a significant library. The High Marshal is easy to recognize with obviously magical clothes and staff.

"Welcome. You all have my apologies for the mishap in the receiving room. We've recently built that, and it looks like there are still a few gremlins to fix." He has a close-trimmed white beard, and looks to be in his sixties, though it can be hard to tell for sure with heavy magic users. His voice seems pleasant. "Thank you for your work, Bargram." Though he didn't say so, it sounds like a dismissal, and Bargram bows and exits.

"Now then, come take a seat around this table, and I'll let you know what all the secrecy and mystery is. Would any of you like a drink or food?"

Arch warrior
2014-04-28, 01:01 PM
When Bargram says best behavior, Thane and Hanz immediately look at Ryu and Exonakrus.

In response to the High Marshal's question, Thane says in his Diplomateic tone, "A drink would be most welcome. Thank you my lord." And with that he takes a seat:roy:
Hanz takes a seat. However, with one look you can tell that he is not impressed with the High Marshal:belkar:

the asassin
2014-04-29, 03:56 PM
Ryu does a 10 degree bow . I would like a slice of lemonade. Do you have any holla bread?:mitd:

Exonakus mask is facing toward the man for a bit longer then usual , then takes a seat I am fine thank you.:xykon:

Exonakus is studying the man so he can change into him at a later point if needed.

Custom Species
2014-04-29, 04:03 PM
Martha does a 25 degree bow . Well I am famished. have any Whine ? Martha looks over at Exonakus and gives the :smallconfused: look . :haley:

2014-04-29, 04:23 PM
:vaarsuvius: Minbeja gives the traditional elven salute (sticks his open hand to his nose and blows a raspberry) then sits down.
"Thank you, but I require no refreshments, as I have already finished my morning meal. By any chance, are you aware if any major errors have been found in my Veil of Mercy charm?"

:Redcloak: As soon as the door sparks, Harlow's briefcase full of duckies bursts open. He runs around frantically trying to pick up all of his bath toys. However, when he hears the offer for food, he forgets his collection entirely and runs right over to Lord Magus and starts to beg.
"PLEEEEEASSSE, please, please, please, please can I have blood pudding??? Just like mummy made; with the gutsies still in the rat blood? It's been sooo long since I've had it." Harlow then tries to imitate a human smile as best as he can (fails epically).

2014-04-29, 05:11 PM
"Of course, just a moment and refreshments shall arrive."

In a few seconds, several trays with refreshments come floating out. Each tray settles down in front of the person who requested the item, and several trays of assorted snacks and drinks settle on the table as well for general consumption.

"Please, help yourselves," Marshal Thorn says and takes an oddly curved yellow fruit and peals off the outside before taking a small bite of the white interior. The food is very good, but not quite as good as a top-notch chef could make.

"Your spell didn't have errors in it, per se, but it had some interactions when combined with other spells. Stick it on a Keen weapon and it became rather random in its effect. Elemental enchantments had some influences. It didn't work at all with Enlarged weapons. All standard sorts of things with new spells. It just takes a long time to iron out all the different things that can happen when spells start getting used in conjunction with each other."

He takes another bite of his fruit and sets the fruit down. You notice that the duckies are all floating through the air and being re-packed.

"We pulled you all in here for a rather serious job. We are about to make a push to retake our lands which the Mulhorands stole from us. This is pretty common knowledge - it's hard to keep massive troop preparations a secret, after all. However, the nature of our attack has been kept a secret. We've done a great deal of work to make sure of that, a great deal of spying and counter-spying.

"In our efforts, we've discovered a few disturbing things about what the Mulhorands are doing - some very, very dark and nasty summoning preparation. We can't spare the special forces needed to try to stop them because it is over in one of their major cities - Skuld. We can't just send an army in to stop them, and our spy forces there were recently exposed.

"We need a group, not affiliated with our government, who will be able to infiltrate Skuld and disrupt their summoning plans. We think you are perfect for the job. What do you think?"

OOC: +500 XP for everyone for general roleplaying.

Arch warrior
2014-04-29, 05:55 PM
Something clicks in Thane's brain. He immediately asks "Did your spys mention anything about Abjurations or the far realms?":roy:

2014-04-29, 06:20 PM
:redcloak: Harlow's eating his blood pudding when his ears prick up at something interesting.
"Mister Magic Man, by 'dark and nasty' do you mean 'evil dark and nasty' or 'I-don't-know-what-it-is dark and nasty'?

the asassin
2014-04-30, 11:13 AM
I would love to kill some stupid monsters that our enemy is summoning. Let there heads be on my blade.:mitd:

Sounds fun!:xykon:

Then Exonakus and Ryu high five each other and say , :mitd:Were ready.:xykon:

Custom Species
2014-04-30, 12:27 PM
Sounds dangerous, but I guess I am in.:haley:

2014-04-30, 12:44 PM
:vaarsuvius: Minbeja slams his fist on the table, his face distorted with anger.
"Such savage cretins! They don't fight for a sense of right or honor, they slaughter for the FUN OF IT!!! My patience grows thin with them..." His face loosens up, "I suppose that it's better that their blood lust is directed in a vaguely good direction..."

He looks up at Lord Magus, "Before I agree to this, I demand to know a better reason for this war than 'We're wizards and they're Clerics' or 'We want land and they have some'. That is what all I've been told about this war boils down to, and I find it petty at best."

the asassin
2014-04-30, 01:30 PM
Wait a minute hold hold. If killing bad guys inst fun for you, your doing it wrong.:mitd:

I can only agree with master Ryu. He is right.:xykon:

2014-04-30, 02:45 PM
-- To Thane and Harlow
"Well Thane, in this case, we do know that they're reaching into the infernal realms for this summoning, and that certainly requires strong Abjuration spells to be used. They plan entice a demon or devil of far greater than normal power to their aid. We fear it could be far worse than a Balor or Pit Fiend. Even a powerful Balor or Pit Fiend is something we could handle, given enough time and effort. They are going for something more, and doing something like that requires immense and careful preparation. Destroying even just the summoning circles could set them back by weeks."

-- To Ryu and Exonakus and Martha
Lord Magus Thorn looks on with bemusement at the ninjas' desire to kill things. "Your psychopathic tendencies are not your attractive aspect for this mission. We do not know exactly where in Skuld this is happening, otherwise we might risk a strike of our own. We need you to be in there personally to find out where it is happening, and shut it down. There will likely be a great deal of covert spying needed before the need for destruction comes." He nods to Martha. "When it was noted that you were coming, we did some quick research and I hope you will help these other ninjas stay on focus."

-- To Minbeja
Minbeja's outburst brings a smile to Thorn's lips. "Mulhorand and our country of Unther had been squabbling for years. I'm not so partisan as to claim we're the angels and they're the devils, but they did invade us twenty years ago, taking our capital. That is what we are trying to retake, ultimately. The tactics of war have us fighting all over, but that is our end goal - rescuing our citizens in Unthalass.

"Mulhorand has also taken a darker turn since then. Twenty years ago they wouldn't have considered such a summoning as what they're trying now, but ...." He pauses and considers his words carefully. "They still publicly follow the ostensibly better behaved deities, but their tactics have started using a lot of the nastier planar denizens."

He smiles and shakes his head, "Their methods are a problem I can't solve. Their conquest of Unthalass is something I can, and your actions in Skuld could greatly help our efforts."

Arch warrior
2014-04-30, 03:18 PM
OOC. Abjuration was a typo. I ment to say aberration, but makes little difference now.

Thane rises from his seat and says "Regardless who started this war, I care little for it, and will help only when needed. However, when a Devil threatens this world, I shall rise to the fight and make him taste my Holy blade." He then says to the others, "I do not know what you will do, but I intend to return home, get some supplies, and then stop this threat.":roy:

Hanz stands up and says "I intend to go with you brother, and slice a few heads off." With that he smiles.:belkar:

2014-04-30, 04:34 PM
:redcloak: "Oh, okay!" Harlow then continues eating his food.

:vaarsuvius: Minbeja nods at what Thane says, and then continues. "Very well, with that aside, will we be given aliases or are you confident that we will not be recognized?"

the asassin
2014-04-30, 05:39 PM
I am the best guy o do infiltration sir.In other words ,leave the largest amount of spying to me.:xykon:

Custom Species
2014-05-03, 07:36 AM
OOC:forgot my password

And why pratell would you be the best Exonakus?:haley:

2014-05-06, 04:43 PM
Thorn nods at the eagerness expressed and gives an almost regretful smile. "Thane, it does my heart good to hear that. I've been embroiled in war and politics so long I sometimes wonder if I've lost that eagerness to strike down evil just because its evil. I do wish you the best."

He shakes his head and becomes more businesslike again.

"The infiltration is indeed the trickiest part, at least for now. We won't teleport you right into the city because there are far too many things that could go wrong since our agents there have all been lost. Our plan is to teleport you to the forests northeast of Skuld. There is a standing quest with a reward in that area. Adventurers rather often are found there. After that, you'll make your way back to Skuld for your reward like the hundreds of other adventurers have over the years. Once in Skuld, well, you're going to be on your own to track down the summoning location and destroy it."

He wags a hand and a map comes floating over. The food stuffs float up and away, and the map takes its place, unrolling itself on the table. It is a map of Skuld and the surrounding area.

"Here," he gestures to a forested area thirty miles northeast of Skuld. "The forest is cursed, constantly generating demonic-tainted creatures. Skuld has a bounty on the heads of any corrupted animals brought in. It's not a huge bounty, but it's enough to draw in adventurers by the dozens. You'll kill a few demonic animals there, and walk back to Skuld like all the other adventurers. Adventurers from all over the world travel there, including from here in Unther. Most adventurers aren't interested in national politics, sort of like your reservations, Minbeja.

"Any questions?"

Arch warrior
2014-05-06, 04:59 PM
Thane says, "I have no questions exactly. However, I still think that it is a good idea for us to use different names, incase one in the bunch should recognize us."":roy:

Hanz says, "I am up for any plan that involves chopping of monster heads.":belkar:

Custom Species
2014-05-08, 09:32 AM
Yes sir I will keep these 2 bozos on focus. When do we start? May I have my wine back?:haley:

2014-05-08, 05:02 PM
Thane says, "I have no questions exactly. However, I still think that it is a good idea for us to use different names, incase one in the bunch should recognize us."":roy:

Hanz says, "I am up for any plan that involves chopping of monster heads.":belkar:

"Perhaps," Marshal Thorn ponders. "That shall be up to you. You would not be stopped just because you are from Unther, though keeping them from knowing who you are might avoid some suspicion. False names also run the risk of someone recognizing you accidentally and drawing great suspicion if you are exposed. A balance of threats, I imagine. It shall be up to you."

Yes sir I will keep these 2 bozos on focus. When do we start? May I have my wine back?:haley:

"Oh, my apologies." He looks at the goblets floating off to the side and they come floating back to you all. The trays of snacks come closer and hover around the outside of your chairs within easy reach.

"We will be providing teleportation for you to your house if there are things you need, and then we will teleport you to the forest as soon as possible. Are there any more questions?"

2014-05-11, 09:37 PM
:vaarsuvius: Minbeja looks around at the others for a moment and then responds. "It appears that no one else has any questions, however, I would like to make a particular request, if it is not too much to ask. I would like some funding for another spell. The concept is a spell that filters lunar rays, subsequently inhibiting Therianthropes (A more accurate term for "lycanthrope") from transforming under the normal circumstances."

2014-05-12, 01:10 PM
:vaarsuvius: Minbeja looks around at the others for a moment and then responds. "It appears that no one else has any questions, however, I would like to make a particular request, if it is not too much to ask. I would like some funding for another spell. The concept is a spell that filters lunar rays, subsequently inhibiting Therianthropes (A more accurate term for "lycanthrope") from transforming under the normal circumstances."

Thorn purses his lips in thought. "That's a pretty specialized sort of situation. We don't run into were-creatures particularly often. They have bonds to the more divine aspects of magic, and so we don't study with them much. Actually, I believe the various druidic traditions have some knowledge of dealing with transformations. Werewolves tend to be rather difficult to utilize in an organized fashion, so in spite of their capable combat prowess, neither we nor the Mulhorands use them much."

He shrugs, "I don't think we would be able to contribute anything to developing such a spell - it's just not something we need very much. But, I will send for some copies of whatever books we do have on the topic. When you return, I will have copies sent to you for your library."

He snaps his fingers, "Ah, that does remind me, though. As you don't have any clerics, and going for healing will be rather risky there, we do want to provide you with some magical healing. We've acquired these from Mulhoran sources - they were made there, and so won't bring any suspicion on you at all."

A moment later, a box comes floating into the room, and a stone 'wand' with a geode on the top rises from it and lands on the table.

"That will provide all the healing outside of combat that you will need. You will need to return that when done. The blasted god-slaves certainly have the better of us when it comes to healing, and our items of healing are quite limited."

Item of unlimited Lesser Vigor. It heals 1 point per round for eleven rounds. Use it as much as you like.
For those with good Knowledge (religion) you might be able to figure out it has some markings of the followers of Geb - a neutral-ish Mulhorandi deity.

Arch warrior
2014-05-12, 05:06 PM
Thane says "Thank you. This should prove most us full to use." He then turns to Harlow and says, "Harlow, you are the best healer of the bunch, you would be the best one to cary it.":roy:

Custom Species
2014-05-14, 07:55 AM
I do have to agree, killing is no game of fun. This mission should be thought as a mission to help, not a mission to kill. Martha giving Ryu and Exonakus a stern look, then giving the others a look of (finally I am not in a roof with only people that want to kill) look.:haley:

the asassin
2014-05-16, 03:11 PM
Ryu and Exonakus Look at the wand, and say in perfect sink Me likey that wand Both staring at the wand as if its a majestically angel of awsomeness

Me wnat that wand it SOOOO cool.:xykon:

Exonakus lets come up with a plan.:mitd:

Then they both start staring at the map. Ryu while looking at the map grabs his grabejuce, and bread not even paying attention to the cup,and almost knocking over the grape juice. He gets a good grip on the cup,pulls in the cup an starts eating and drinking again.

2014-05-29, 02:46 PM
"Excellent! We are ready to go, then."

Thorn holds out a hand, and a second later two scroll cases come floating over.

"The first is the Teleportation scroll, and the second is a quite accurate depiction of an area in the Shadow Cursed Wood - enough to get you to teleport there. If you wind up a few miles away by error, it won't be a problem. I wish you all the best."

He shakes each of your hands. "Remember, this could be saving your country and indeed tens of thousands of lives even in Mulhorand. Major dealings with the other realms rarely turn out well. They may think they'll be in charge of whatever they summon, but ... well, history shows it never seems to work out well for the Prime."

OOC: I'll Fast Forward past getting things at your house - we'll assume you've been sent back to your home, collected whatever you need, and then use the scroll to make it over to the Shadow Cursed Wood.

Roll for Teleport Error: [roll0]

FamiliarityOn TargetOff TargetSimilar AreaMishap

Seen Once1-7678-8889-9697-100

Minbeja, spent most of the time at their home studying the painted vellum. Most of the others ran and grabbed whatever items they thought they might be able to use. Harlow, cackling with glee, sorted through the massive pile of duckies he had been able to collect and pulled out his favorites. One of them even seemed to have a tiny bit of magical residue as it would sometimes softly squeak like someone had squeezed it.

Finally, they gathered around Minbeja as he read the scroll. The magic washed over them all, gathering the adventurers in its wild embrace, pulling them and twisting the world around them before redepositing them on the northern side of a large river with trees growing all around them. This definitely isn't the place in the picture.

A bird exploded out of a nearby bush, startled by the sudden appearance of a bunch of people.

The trees should be allowing lots of light through since the trees are thin and spindly, but somehow the place still feels like it is a bit dimmer than it should be.

You're along the Shadow River, though you don't know where exactly. The Shadow Cursed Wood follows the river most of the way from Skuld to the mountains to the east.

Arch warrior
2014-05-29, 03:02 PM
Thane looks around at the forest and says "Well, its not the town, but at lest we made it to the outlining forest. Lets begin looking for monsters. Hanz, see what you can track.

Hanz stats tracking, [roll0].

2014-05-29, 03:07 PM
:redcloak: In order to draw the attention of any fiendish creatures in the area, Harlow starts playing his banjo in the most obnoxious fashion he can think of (in other words, he starts playing pop music).

Perform check to perform badly: [roll0]

2014-06-02, 03:31 PM
Harlow plays loudly and obnoxiously.

I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter
Dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar!

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me ...

The ninjas have been wincing and throwing dirty looks at Harlow - some things shouldn't be played on a banjo, no matter what! Knives are beginning to appear in their hands, and as their arms went back to fill the singing goblin with knives, a roaring screech resounded through the forest!

Harlow's music stopped and the sound of crashing trees filled the air - something was running toward them, enraged by the sounds of pop music. The sounds are more than a few hundred feet away, far enough that you can't pick out the exact location, but it's definitely coming from the land side. The vibrations in the ground are not the steady thump-thump of two legs, it feels something far closer to a stampede's vibrations.

Arch warrior
2014-06-02, 03:50 PM
Thane shouts out "FORM A CIRCLE! WE NEED TO BE READY FROM ALL DIRECTIONS!" He then readies his bow and looks in one direction:roy:

Hanz readies his swords, and is facing the opposite direction of Thane:belkar:

the asassin
2014-06-03, 12:50 PM
See ya wouldn't want to be ya then ryu and Exonakus hide.

Exonakus says
Hope what ever it is it kills you, so when we complete the mission we also get your fortune then.:xykon:through his mask you see him wink. No Exonakus were setting a ambush dummy.:mitd:


the asassin
2014-06-03, 12:51 PM
let me fix that [roll0]

Arch warrior
2014-06-03, 02:21 PM
Hanz says "If they don't return before this is over, I'LL GUT THEM LIKE A FISH!!!!":belkar:

2014-06-03, 02:34 PM
:vaarsuvius: Minbeja observes the stampede-like vibrations coming from the ground, looks over at Thane and Hanz huddled together and says, "If your intention is to make yourselves easier targets for an oncoming stampede, fine. I, on the other hand will be staying as far away from any clearing as possible."

He then heads toward the nearest cluster of thick shrubbery and readies an action to cast Ice Storm at the oncoming hoard.

Custom Species
2014-06-04, 07:02 PM
Well if it is a stampede don't go onto trees. Then Martha Runs for the closest hole in the ground. Don't worry Ryu and Exonakus would miss a gladiator arena fight for the chance to kill things.:haley:

2014-06-09, 01:49 PM
The source of the crashing soon arrives in the form of a massive insect. Its spiked, brown shell effortlessly smashes through the brush, the bladed extrusions on its sides slicing through a six inch thick elm like a buzzsaw as it flows past the tree in an undulating flow. The flattened body stretches back into the forest for nearly sixty feet and ground tremors suddenly stop as it rears its head up, swinging its massive head back and forth, trying to spot the annoyance that had drawn it here.


There before it are two small beings - they must be the source of the horrendous sounds! It drops down and charges forward toward them, mandibles clicking.

OOC: Roll Initiative and attack - I'll sort out the actual order of attacks.
Its initiative: [roll1]

Arch warrior
2014-06-09, 02:22 PM
Thane's Initiative [roll0]. Thane puts away his bow and casts "Scorching Ray", his touch attack rolls were [roll1], [roll2], and [roll3]. Damage is [roll4], [roll5], and [roll6]:roy:

Hanz's Initiative is [roll7]. For Hanz's attack. Ready action, When the thing gets close enough for his swords he makes two slashes. His two attack rolls are 1 [roll8] and 2 [roll9]. The damage is 1 [roll10] and [roll11] fire, 2 [roll12] and [roll13] frost:belkar:

Arch warrior
2014-06-09, 02:25 PM
Hanz's attack number two was a possible Crit, [roll0], it has a times 3 multiplier:belkar:

2014-06-09, 02:38 PM
:redcloak: Initiative [roll0]
Harlow stares up at the monstrous centipede, his ear flattened against his head. He starts to run... But unfortunately for him, he instinctively plays his banjo at to the tempo of his running feet. The faster he runs, the faster he plays (Inspire Courage).

:vaarsuvius: Initiative [roll1]
Minbeja casts Ice storm as soon as the beast is within range.
Damage from Ice Storm (Cold) [roll2], (Bludgeoning) [roll3]

the asassin
2014-06-12, 12:29 PM


2014-06-12, 02:38 PM

OOC: And .... ? Attacking?

the asassin
2014-06-13, 02:39 PM
Sorry initiative,

2014-06-24, 12:44 PM
The creature has spell resistance 19, so your spells need to match or beat that to affect it. It's a caster level check. I'll make it here. I'll post the creature's stats over in the OOC thread for you guys' reference.
Thane: [roll0]
Minbeja: [roll1]

The rays of flame which shoot from Thane's sword impact the monstrous creature, but as the orange and yellow bar of fire fades, there are only relatively small spots of charred chitin as a result. It certainly annoyed the creature as it charges and its screech of outrage grates on your ears, but it pays little attention to the flames.

Hanz's swords cut more deeply as the thing charges in, the first strike setting up the second. The first sword stroke cuts off two of its front legs and makes a beautiful opening for the following strike to thrust deeply into the beast's innards - gore fluid gush out as the sword is buried to the hilt and then pulled out with a twist to cause greater damage.

The fiendish monstrous centipede writhes in pain, but the multiple tons of insect cannot stop its rush so quickly and its poison-dripping mandibles come down on Hanz, piercing through the gaps in his armor, immediately pumping poison into the wound.

Attack vs Hanz AC 21: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] plus poison [roll4] Dex damage (DC 19 to negate) plus 12 Smite Good damage.

Minbeja's ice storm hammers a huge area, but the creature's incredible length allows him to keep the spell targeted far enough away that it doesn't affect his allies. However, even as the spell pours forth a bone-chilling pounding of magical hailstones, they seem to lose their cohesion as they hit the fiendish monstrous centipede - its natural resistance to magic brushing off the spell.

2014-06-24, 01:01 PM
Round 2
Post your attacks as you will, and I will resolve them in the Initiative order:

Ryu/Exonakus/Martha just didn't act in the first round - they're "studying" the bug, I guess. :smallsmile:

Nice crit there by Hanz.

Thane's scorching rays did 7/3/7 damage after the fire resistance.
Hanz' attacks did 10/27 damage.
Minbeja's spell didn't overcome the centipede's spell resistance, so had no effect.

Total damage: 54!

For future spells, make sure to roll your caster level (11 for Thane, 9 for Minbeja) to match/beat 19. Only do this if your spell is listed as having Spell Resistance: Yes.

2014-06-24, 02:06 PM
Minbeja leaps from his hiding place and casts lightning bolt, hoping to line it up so that it travels through as much of the infernal vermin's body as possible. :vaarsuvius:

Spell Resistance: [roll0]

If it hits: [roll1]

Harlow is still running and playing pop music at maximum tempo. :redcloak:

Arch warrior
2014-06-24, 02:50 PM

Angered by the monsters attempt to poison, Hanz enters Rage and performs a power attack of 3. He makes his four attacks at; 1 [roll1], 2 [roll2], 3 [roll]1d20+9, 4 [roll3]. His damage is; 1 [roll4], 2 [roll5], 3 [roll6], 4 [roll7]:belkar:

Nervous about how little his spell did, Thane performs "Blade of Blood" and then does his Arcane Channeling with "Vampiric Touch". His attack is at [roll8] and the spell resistants is at [roll9]. His damage is [roll10] normal, [roll11] "Blade of Blood", and [roll12] "Vampiric Touch":roy:

If Hanz falled his Fortitude Check, ignore his last two attack. Because his fire and Frost damage won't do anything at all, I didn't roll it:belkar:

Thane has a special ability that makes it so he can have a +3 bonus on penetration spell resistants if he lands one melee attack in the battle:roy:

Arch warrior
2014-06-24, 02:55 PM
I messed up on Hanz's 3rd attack so I will try again [roll0]:belkar:

Arch warrior
2014-06-24, 03:01 PM
Hanz's 3rd attack was a possible crit. of x3, so [roll0]:belkar:

2014-07-07, 02:16 PM
With a bloodthirsty howl of rage, Hanz swings his sword with reckless abandon, throwing caution to the wind. The might muscles bulge as his Rage empowers him. The centipede is extremely large, and almost impossible to miss, relying on its thick, chitinous hide to protect it.

Hanz' muscles laugh at the puny protection and his blows power through the centipede's carapace, sending gouts of green innards splashing about the clearing.

Thane darts in beside Hanz, but as Hanz' third swing cuts entirely through three arms and nearly decapitates Thane, Thane is forced to duck aside and his slice merely leaves a faint scratch on the hard shell.

The beast shudders and lurches forward with its body, but it is dead even as it moves.

Minbeja's blast of Lightning courses down the length of the body, superheating internal fluids and causing the entire body to explode! Giblets fly through the air, along with hundreds of round, black, head-sized objects.

The beast is dead, but before the rain of gore has stopped, the black objects explode as well, a Small centipede-like creature bursting from each one. Hundreds of the eggs were destroyed by the lightning blast, but hundreds still survived and are bursting out, crawling toward everyone they can see.

From the bushes, you can hear Ryu, Exonakus, and Martha all screeching in high-pitched squeaks, "Ewww! Get them off! Get them off!"

You are all surrounded by these things, and their beady red eyes are latched on to you as the closest source of food.

These are each 5' long. They aren't a "swarm", but they coat the ground almost like one.

They act in the previous centipede's initiative order, so you don't need to reroll. Just post your actions.

Each C represents one of these. As I know you guys will look them up, they're "Small" Advanced Fiendish Monstrous Centipedes.

Thane and Hanz are surrounded. Minbeja and Harlow, being further away have fewer around them.

Hanz and Thane (H and T):

edit: Since Minbeja/Harlow act after the bugs, I've updated this to show their actions. Also, Harlow is a bit further away than is displayed on the map - I just didn't want to write more maps.
Minbeja and Harlow (M and h):

The others have several around them, and had a sizable "splash" of green bug guts on them.

To help you guys write the description of your attack results, each one has:
AC 16/13/14
HP 9.

Be inventive with your attack descriptions! :smallsmile:

2014-07-07, 03:01 PM
The small red eyes seem to almost glow with malevolence as their scores of legs skitter across the stones, sand, and brush of the riverside. Perhaps it is instinct or perhaps it is some sort of intelligence, but they try to surround their prey - YOU! - and overcome you with the myriads of attacks.

Hanz barely feels their bites in his Rage, and Thane's combat skills help him dodge the clacking mandibles, but Minbeja is surrounded and a half-dozen slashes are opened up on his skin - individually, they are negligible, but in masses like this they can eventually wear even powerful beings.

OOC: Your actions might affect these, but I'm rolling them up as if you guys don't manage to kill/escape any of them. As you kill/escape, the first attacks against you will be removed.
Hanz AC 19 (including -2 from Rage):

Damage for any hits (minimum 1 damage):

Poison from hits: DC 10 for [roll10] Dex damage
Thane AC 22

Damage for any hits:

Poison from hits: DC 10 for [roll20] Dex damage
Minbeja AC 19 (they did 8 damage - lots of hits, but not really all that much damage, remember a minimum of 1 damage)

Damage for any hits:

Poison from hits: DC 10 for [roll30] Dex damage
Harlow AC 20, they did 2 damage, remember a minimum of 1 damage.

Damage for any hits:

Poison from hits: DC 10 for [roll38] Dex damage

Arch warrior
2014-07-07, 03:31 PM
"Seeing that he is surrounded, Thane puts his sword away, makes some big jesters with his hands, brings a closed hand up to his mouth, opens his hand and blows out of it a swarm of scarabs. The scarabs attack the centipede, pulls out some of the magic in their spell resistance." Thane has cast "Doom Scarab" in the direction of the most monsters and lest people, the spell does [roll0] points of damage to all in a 60ft cone. Spell resistance of [roll1], if that was needed to harm them then it also gave Thane [roll2] extra hit points to all he affected:roy:

Because Hanz is still in Rage he just keeps seining his sword at the monsters. His four rolls are 1 [roll3], 2 [roll4], 3 [roll5], 4 [roll6]. With 9 HP Hanz can roll a 1 and it would be overkill, unless he could hit multiple monsters with one attack:belkar:

Arch warrior
2014-07-07, 03:37 PM
Hanz's attack number 1 was a possible crit. So because it might hurt a lot of them, and I could roll a natural 1 and get a crit. this is mostly to see if I get a double crit. [roll0] :belkar:

Arch warrior
2014-07-07, 03:42 PM
I just want to see how fare this crit. will go so i will roll 7 times. 1 is a confirm, 15 is another crit.

1 , 2[roll1], 3 [roll2], 4 [roll3], 5 [roll4], 6 [roll5], 7 [roll]roll]1d20. To save some math, those four confirm crits. are a x27:belkar:

2014-07-07, 03:44 PM
OOC: Yeah, a crit can kill two of them for Hanz since he can one-hit them. Anyone have Cleave feat they want to use?

2014-07-07, 04:42 PM
:vaarsuvius: Not willing to waste more spells on these creatures, Minbeja slowly shifts over to his hybrid form. His eye color fades into a pink and white fur begins to cover his entire body.

:redcloak: Harlow stops running around in a frenzy after realizing that he's surrounded... He stops running, but doesn't stop playing that is. He switches from playing pop music over to play "The Itsey-Bitsey Spider" and as he plays this, his body slowly turns into that of an Ettercap (he cast Alter Self). What with being so tall and everything, Harlow gives off a deep chuckle as he puts his banjo away.

2014-07-08, 01:19 PM
Be inventive with your attack descriptions! :smallsmile:

Thane and Hanz are surrounded. Minbeja and Harlow, being further away have fewer around them, but Minbeja still managed to get surrounded.

Hanz and Thane (H and T):

reminder: Harlow is a bit further away than is displayed on the map - I just didn't want to write more maps.
Minbeja and Harlow (M and h):

To help you guys write the description of your attack results, each one has:
AC 16/13/14
HP 9.
Hanz, in full berzerker mode, slashes and cuts about him, his large sword barely even slowing as it carves through the horde of bugs.

Thane, setting aside his sword for a more mass effect, tests out his scarabs spell. It goes off beautifully - exactly where he wanted it and over a half dozen bugs were shredded by the spell!

And yet, there are still more - they continue running in - far fewer in number, yet still enough to surround the warriors.

Minbeja and Harlow have taken a different tact - changing shape for combat. A slightly maniacal giggle escapes Harlow's lips as he flawlessly flows his song from vapid pop to silly nursery rhyme - increasing the intelligence of the music by several orders of magnitude.

The centipedes are somewhat taken aback by the changes in form, and yet their hunger drives them on to attack the Ettercap and Wererat.

2014-07-08, 01:31 PM
AC 19
Before, though you killed a bunch, there were enough to charge in and "fill in" the spaces. Now, the ones killed won't have as many replacements, so some of these will probably be negated after you guys kill a few.

Damage (minimum 1)

Don't forget to make your Fort saves against any hits from this round and last round!
AC 22
Before, though you killed a bunch, there were enough to charge in and "fill in" the spaces. Now, the ones killed won't have as many replacements, so some of these will probably be negated after you guys kill a few.

Damage (minimum 1)

Don't forget to make your Fort saves against any hits from this round and last round!
AC 22 (did I get that right with your transformation?) One doesn't attack because of the change.

Damage (minimum 1)

Don't forget to make your Fort saves against any hits from this round and last round!
AC 20 (+1 AC from natural armor, -1 AC from larger size) One doesn't attack because of the change.

Damage (minimum 1)

Don't forget to make your Fort saves against any hits from this round and last round!

Arch warrior
2014-07-08, 02:33 PM
Thane fells the pin prints of centipedes, but he has felt fare worse then this. Wishing to end this quickly, Thane sends his scarabs out once more. The scarabs did [roll0] points of damage in the direction with the most centipedes:roy:

Although Hanz has felt some pin pricks, he relentlessly swings his swords, centipede corpses flying everywhere from his rapid slicing. His four attacks hit with 1 [roll1], 2 [roll2], 3 [roll3], 4 [roll4]:belkar:

Arch warrior
2014-07-08, 02:36 PM
Attack 2 and 3 are possible crits. so, 2 [roll0] and 3 [roll1]:belkar:

2014-07-08, 03:16 PM
:vaarsuvius: Claw 1 [roll0] (If hit [roll1])
Claw 2 goes against the same target as Claw 1 [roll2] (If hit [roll3])
Bite goes to another centipede [roll4] (If hit [roll5])

2014-07-08, 04:28 PM
[roll0] Dexterity Damage [roll1]
[roll2] Dexterity Damage [roll3]
[roll4] Dexterity Damage [roll5]
[roll6] Dexterity Damage [roll7]
[roll8] Dexterity Damage [roll9]
[roll10] Dexterity Damage [roll11]

Claws attacking the same target
Bite [roll16][roll17]

Fortitude saves

2014-07-08, 04:40 PM
:vaarsuvius: Minbeja's muscles stiffen a little, causing him to not be able to attack much. But he is still able to catch one of the centipedes by the tail, ripping off a good section of it's back side.

:redcloak: Harlow starts to chant the Itsy-bitsy spider in a demented fashion as he gleefully attacks the centipedes. "The Itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout," he stomps down on the middle of one centipede. "Down came the rain and washed the spider out," Harlow grabs another centipede and carries it toward his mouth. Up came sun and dried up all the rain, so the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again!" He takes a large bite out of the centipede and it bites back, causing him to drop it.

2014-07-09, 09:58 AM
Berserker rages are beyond description sometimes. Hanz is both wildly swinging and brutally efficient with his sword. Somehow the Rage makes these contradictory things coexist, and it is deadly to behold. Centipede parts go flying as his sword hums through the air.

Thane is far more controlled - unleashing his magic in carefully aimed bursts to maximize the number of centipedes destroyed.

Minbeja and Harlow have taken a different tact - reveling in the fight more than the slaughter. Now a vicious-looking wererat, Minbeja has transformed into a whirling dervish of claws and teeth, more than a match for the centipede caught in his claws. Many more centipedes slash at him, but the wererat's toughened hide and magical resistance to injury laughs at their feeble attempts to harm him.

Harlow is just plain, old-fashioned disturbing - singing nursery rhymes as he crunches and munches through the buffet of centipedes around him. In his new form, and who knows, maybe even in his regular form, the centipedes have a certain piquant flavor to them.

Hanz and Thane

Minbeja and Harlow
Don't Forget to Roll Your Fortitude Saves! I realize you can probably pass them on anything but a 1, but you might roll a 1! :smallbiggrin:
edit: Looks like Hanz got hit twice for 3 and 1 damage. Need to make two more Fort saves to resist the poison. They missed Thane. Get ready to start coming out of Rage! Better be careful!

On Hanz AC 19:
Damage (minimum of 1):

On Thane AC 22:
Damage (minimum of 1):
edit: Pfft! Looks like all those centipedes were completely freaked out by having a wererat show up in their midst! Not even one managed to hit you! Actually, they can't hurt you in your wererat form - you have DR 10, and they can only do 3 damage per hit, max. Nice choice to change!

On Minbeja AC 22:
Damage (minimum of 1):

On Harlow AC 20:
Damage (minimum of 1):

OOC:Harlow, will you use your Web ability?
OOC: [roll23] Mystery roll! Ba dum badum! edit: Harlow make a Fortitude roll, DC 20. :evilgrin:

Arch warrior
2014-07-09, 10:45 AM
Knowing that Hanz can handle these ones, Thane kills one more of these things and then runs over to help Minbeja. Thane's attack hit at [roll0], damage is [roll1] normal, [roll2] "Blade of Blood" (was never used againts mother) and [roll3] Holy. Overkill much:roy:

Hanz smiles at the remaining four enemies, as he cuts them all down. His attacks are 1 [roll4], 2 [roll5], 3 [roll6], 4 [roll7]. With this, Hanz stands on the corpses and shouts "I AM AN AWSOME GOD OF WAR" (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0439.html):belkar:

OOC. For Rage, this is round 4 of 7.

Arch warrior
2014-07-09, 11:06 AM
Almost forgot my Fortitude Save. Ignore anything that is not a 1.

Hanz's Fortituds for the battle are [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4]. And Thane's [roll5].

Not that it maters, but I want to see how fare Hanz's possible crit. will go. I will roll it 7 times, 32+ continues the crit. 1 [roll6], 2 [roll7], 3 [roll8], 4 [roll9], 5 [roll10], 6 [roll11], 7 [roll12]

2014-07-09, 01:52 PM
:vaarsuvius: Claw 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Claw 2 [roll2] Damage [roll3] (Same Target)
Bite [roll4] Damage [roll5]

:redcloak: Claw 1 [roll6] Damage [roll]1d3[roll]
Claw 2 [roll7] Damage [roll8] (Same Target)
Bite [roll9] Damage [roll10]
Fortitude Save [roll11]

2014-07-09, 02:06 PM
:redcloak: Going to retry that one roll [roll0]
Harlow is having a lot of fun smashing the Centipedes... Granted he isn't doing very well, but hey, he's the party musician! Nobody expects him to be on par with the meat-walls. Suddenly, just before he goes to crush another centipede, he is hit by (Insert affect here).

:vaarsuvius: (directing my claws at the same target I hit last time) Fragments of the vile half of Minbeja's mind that was the former master of this form simmer to the surface, as Minbeja grabs two centipedes by their necks. He gives off a squeak-like laugh as he squeezes their necks, only slightly wounding one but crushing the other entirely.
Minbeja then tosses the still living one into the air, jumps up to it with the aid of a nearby tree, and bites down on it.
As he lands, the sane part of himself realizes what he's doing and spits the centipede out, scrape the little bits that remain out.

the asassin
2014-07-09, 05:21 PM
OOC:whew let me back in

Ryu chuckles You are sooo pathetic. I could take that thing in 1 round.

to hit[roll0]
to hit[roll1]
to hit[roll2]
15-20 crit
for damage[roll3]
for damage[roll4]
for damage[roll5]
sneak attack[roll6]:mitd:

Exonakus chuckles as well, but looks for more oncoming trouble.

Custom Species
2014-07-10, 05:51 AM
OOC:Why do I have to keep resubscribing?

Martha Jumps out of the bushes and sneak attacks this swarm like creature.

if it hits
sneak attack

2014-07-10, 09:12 AM
Covered in green gore, Hanz roars in triumph, his Rage filling the voice with bestial tones announcing his supremacy!

Minbeja, almost lost in a haze of combat rips, tears, claws, and bites in a flurry of fur, tail, and insect innards. Yuck! Patooie!

OOC: Minbeja needs to make a DC 20 Fort save now, too.

Between Minbeja and Thane, the insects are quickly being destroyed, and the last several begin to run off.

Harlow stomps and bites with abandon, the Ettercap's form perfectly fitting the madcap, crazy fighting. He loves the taste of these bugs! Really loves it! YUM! The bugs around him also begin scurrying off, and Harlow chases after them, trying to grab them. They are SO TASTY!

OOC: Harlow is 'addicted' to the bugs. Each hour he needs to roll a DC 15 Will save to suppress the cravings, or else suffer a -2 to all rolls. Each hour that he eats a bug, he doesn't suffer the -2. Each hour he also rolls a DC 20 Fort save to break the addiction.

Ryu, Exonakus, and Martha had prepared to jump out on the unsuspecting enemy, but had instead been splattered in exploding bug gore, and then had a dozen centipedes land on their faces.


After the panic passes, their quick blades begin slicing the creepy crawlies centipedes into tiny chunks.

They hear someone shouting from the clearing, "I am an Awesome god of WAR!!! (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0439.html)" accompanied by some rather disturbing things that sound like, "Yummy! Come back to Uncle Harlow, so Uncle Harlow can eat you!"

Arch warrior
2014-07-10, 09:59 AM
Hanz, still wanting to just kill something, charges after the retreating centipedes:belkar:

Thane keeps his wits about him. He makes three attacks at the centipedes that were surrounding Minbeja. His attack rolls are 1 [roll0], 2 [roll1], 3 [roll2]. Damage is 1 [roll3] normal and [roll4] holy, 2 [roll5] normal [roll6] holy, 3 [roll7] normal [roll8]:roy:

OOC. Hanz's Rage is in round 4 out of 7. Custom Species, maybe you just keep forgetting one detail in your password.

Arch warrior
2014-07-10, 10:03 AM
Thane's attack 2 and 3 are possible crits. so 2 [roll0] and 3 [roll1]:roy:

2014-07-10, 10:47 AM
:vaarsuvius: Fortitude Save [roll0]
Claws [roll1] Damage [roll2]
Claw 2 [roll3] Damage[roll4]
Bite [roll5] Damage [roll6]


2014-07-10, 10:59 AM
:vaarsuvius: Minbeja scrapes the bits of centipede out of his mouth, but part of mind mind says "Hey, that tastes good!... And familiar." The insect's flavor reminds Minbeja of an elven stew that he always enjoyed. His eyes glint as he looks over at the fleeing centipedes.
He jumps into the air, landing on the nearest centipede with both claws in it. He jumps from that place and lands on the next bug so that he pins its legs... and then begins to feast!

:redcloak: Harlow also jumps into the air, only he does so so that he may grab onto one of the centipedes. He gives the poor succulent morsel a bear hug and chants, "Poor little fly! WHY does it cry? It's stuck in a web, and soon will be... eaten!"

Custom Species
2014-07-11, 08:02 AM
ewwww what repulsive creatures.Who said that?:haley:

the asassin
2014-07-11, 08:09 AM
OOC: No it was me that was getting the password wrong.She wasn't getting the emails.

Ryu quickly has Exonakus help clean his face, and then turns his head toward the sound. Who is there show yourself so I can kill you.

Shouldn't we see who it is first?:xykon:

2014-07-15, 03:05 PM
The scene in the clearing has settled down - a few, very few, of the baby fiendish centipedes escaping into the brush or down some other animal's burrow.

The large centipede lies, half-exploded in the clearing, the last fifteen feet still stretching into the forest. A rather hearty, cooked-meat smell permeates the clearing which might explain why Minbeja is licking insect goop off his paws and Harlow, or at least a redcap that sounds like Harlow, is happily munching on one of the baby insects.

Hanz's rage has finally faded as he cuts the last centipede in sight into three pieces.

The three stealthy members of the party poke their heads up from the bushes, absolutely drenched from head to toe in clear-greenish slime.

2014-07-15, 03:59 PM
:vaarsuvius: Minbeja finishes licking all of the goo off of his fur and then reverts to his elven form. "Well... This is certainly more fiendish monstrosity than I came prepared to carry. I suggest we wait until I've prepared a sufficient number of floating disk and other various levitation charms to haul our trail snack bounty over to Skuld"

Just before he does this, Minbeja casts Overland Flight on himself in order to see if there are any more monsters on their way to eliminate the source of the offending music.

Arch warrior
2014-07-15, 04:11 PM
Thane looks up at Minbeja flying high above use. He then says "I agree with Minbeja, that we should wait to cary all of these corpses to town until the moro. However, seeing as how we do have some time before dark, and it would be wasteful to end this early, I suggest we put these corpses in the carts and then start to try and find a few more monsters. Oh, and Harlow, if you would be so kind as to heal us from the battle, that will be most appreciated." He says all of this with his usual eloquent tone:roy:

Hanz is going to make a survival check to predict todays weather. DC 15 (One extra day is predicted for every 5 points pass 15) [roll0]. He is also making a track check just incase. Track [roll1]:belkar:

OOC. forgot to add a +2 to track from my high search.

Custom Species
2014-07-16, 01:35 PM
Ill go scout with you. Whats your name I forget.:haley:

the asassin
2014-07-16, 01:44 PM
Well tell me when were ready to infiltrate the castle.
Then Exonakus lays down, On some grass.:xykon:

I agree with Exonakus. We both have out ways of infiltrating his is a secret mine is to knock everybody out with my blow darts, I think we can combine them.:mitd:

Then Ryu and Exonakus start chit chating about how to combine there ways of getting in the castle. so they have no trouble getting in.

2014-07-16, 02:09 PM
:vaarsuvius: Minbeja pauses in mid-air and muses at methods of infiltration, "I would tend to agree more Exonakus, whether you like it or not, unconscious guards lying everywhere does tend to draw attention to what might have CAUSED them to become unconscious. My main idea for how to infiltrate the citadel is to turn all of us into rodents so that we may travel through the sewers safely. Since nobody expects a common rat to be a spy of sorts, we can very easily slip by their defenses (I will dispel the curse when we've entered the building, of course).

However, I do not think it wise to plan too much seeing as we don't know what the basic floor plan of the castle is let alone where it IS!!!

Minbeja then flies upward more.

:redcloak: Harlow uses the wand of infinite healing to heal everybody after he finishes savoring the taste of the centipede.

2014-07-16, 04:37 PM
Thane begins the rather distasteful task of poking through the corpses and hacking off pieces as proof of slaying. It quickly becomes apparent that the digestive juices of the centipede was sufficient to destroy most mundane items.

Two half-disolved helmets, the pitted iron rim of a shield, and bunches of cobbler nails from boots are found in the body. Gold seems to hold up just fine, and a few gems are in evidence.

However, it seems that the beast has recently eaten a wizard and the magical nature of the wizard's equipment seems to have defied the digestive process of the centipede.

680 gp in gold
Gold locket with mostly dissolved paper inside. (50 gp)
840 gp in gems
Wand of Charm Animal (40 charges)
Wand of Color Spray (11 charges)
Wand of Hide From Animals (38 charges)
Wand of Daze Monster (23 charges)
Wand of Silence (9 charges)

I won't make you identify them piece by piece. Minbeja does that "off scene".

Minbeja - you don't see anything else, but the forest trees makes it difficult to see the ground. The river winds off into the distance to the east and west.

You do notice that a mile or so to the north (inland from the river) the trees are discolored in a clump. A short flight in that direction lets you see that several dozen trees seem to be covered in white-ish webbing.

The only other thing of notice is a mile or so to the west, not far off the river, one of the trees is much taller than the other trees about it - standing at least fifty feet above the others, but only moderately covered with leaves.

Martha and Hanz - you (take 10 on your Survival checks to track) can tell that this is a relatively popular place for animals to come. Most seem to be standard rabbits, deer, foxes, mice. There are obviously lots of tracks of the monstrous centipedes.

The only thing that looks odd is a very large snake track that comes up from the water at one point and drags something back to the water. You think it might have been a deer, but it is at least a day old, with other smaller tracks walking over the snake's marks.

Arch warrior
2014-07-16, 08:21 PM
Hanz stands up disappointedly and says, "Well, there isn't anything interesting with all of these tracks, except for a rather large snake on." He is overly disappointed that there aren't any fiendish tracks around:belkar:

"Aside from the reward that we will receive in town for all of these monsters, there is not much here. However, if there is a wand here that none of use want, we could always just sell it in town for some more money." Thane is not interested in any of the wands:roy:

OOC. By my calculations, we each earn 392 GP and 5 SP (unless we decide to sell a wand). Oh, and how much XP did we earn?

the asassin
2014-07-17, 07:33 AM
I guess plan #105761845 is off.Well I am still sticking to my way of infiltration witch Ryu wants to keep secret.:xykon:

I always did want to lean about rats.:mitd:

Custom Species
2014-07-17, 07:37 AM
Rats does it have to be rats? Why not birds or something?Ill do rat but do we have to?:haley:

Arch warrior
2014-07-18, 05:48 PM
If Minbeja tells us about what he saw, Thane says "Ok, so we could investigate one of those two places before heading to town in the morning. Assuming that the webs aren't in the opposite direction, I suggest going there:roy:

2014-07-22, 06:56 PM
Minbeja sends his owl familiar to investigate the tall tree and the webbed section of forest, being careful to instruct it to keep at a safe distance. When his familiar returns, Minbeja will report the findings.

Arch warrior
2014-07-22, 07:10 PM
Thane remembers that he has a familiar too and sends his hawk, Kitty, to do the same.

2014-07-24, 10:05 AM
The two birds soar through the air in large, looping circles well above the trees for several minutes before returning.

I'll just roll these.
Hawk: [roll0]
Owl: [roll1]

Both birds return to communicate with their masters that a couple dozen trees are covered in cobwebs, and there are spiders climbing among them. The hawk saw one especially large one near the center, and maybe a dozen slightly smaller ones which were still as big as bears.

Minbeja's owl mentions to him that he spotted two spiders dragging in person-sized objects wrapped entirely in cobwebs. These were hung up next to several other similar wrapped-up objects. He couldn't tell if the wrapped up things were large animals or people, or whether they were still alive or dead.

OOC: For visuals, you can use the Mirkwood spiders from the Hobbit movie.

Arch warrior
2014-07-24, 03:29 PM
"Now I really think that we should go to the spider webs. We may be able to save a few peoples lives." Thane then looks at Hanz, who is staring at him. "*Sigh*, And kill a few giant monsters.":roy:


2014-07-24, 05:21 PM
:vaarsuvius: "Under normal conditions, I would agree with you Thane. However, considering that there is a mere chance that there are sentient beings wrapped in those webs and a realistic chance that a ritual to summon an Archfiend will be completed in but a few days. It would be wiser for us to make as few delays as we can.
Tragic though the deaths of these hypothetical people may be, it would only be MORE tragic if a spawn of the Lower Planes were to wipe out one or more nations because a few people, given the task of stopping it, jeopardized the entire mission to do a random act of good will."

In reality, Minbeja doesn't want to get too far away from his 'prey'

2014-07-28, 04:55 PM
The argument goes on for a while, neither side wishing to back down.

Make your arguments back and forth for a bit, and then Thane and Minbeja roll Diplomacy to see who wins the argument. (unless they manage to convince each other)

Your character won't HAVE to go with the other side, but the rest of the party (since they aren't responding) will go with the winning side.

2014-07-28, 06:08 PM
The town is a two-day walk from where you are.

the asassin
2014-07-28, 06:12 PM
while you guys are arguing, Ryu and Exonkus sneak off toward the enemy town.Ryu looks behind to see if you notice them sneaking toward the enemy town

Ryu hide [roll0]
Ryu move silently [roll1]:mitd:

Exonakus hide [roll2]
Exonakus move silently [roll3]:xykon:

2014-07-29, 11:14 AM
OOC: I guess you guys can try a Spot check to notice Exonakus. I don't think you'll have a chance at Ryu. MAYBE you could Listen to hear Ryu. Maybe.

Arch warrior
2014-07-30, 12:45 PM
Thanes Spot and Listen for Ryu is [roll0] for spot and [roll1] Listen. And for Exonakus [roll2] Spot, and [roll3] Listen:roy:

Hanz's for Ryu is [roll4] for Spot and [roll5] for Listen. For Exonakus is [roll6] for Spot and [roll7] Listen:belkar:

Thane, "We may need to keep our eyes on the prize, but you need to remember that we need to keep up this disguise. And no one will believe that powerful people would enter a village to collect a bounty based on how many monsters they can catch, and only catch this small of a number?":roy:

At this time, Hanz sees Exonakus and shouts "HEY, WERE ARE YOU GOING IDIOT.

the asassin
2014-07-30, 03:18 PM
Cya looser were off to get money. $_$, So come along if you want.:mitd:

Money! $_$:xykon:

2014-07-30, 03:49 PM
:vaarsuvius: Minbeja fires a Shrink Item spell at Exonakrus (Will save DC 19). Whether this hits or not he doesn't care, he's merely using it as a method of stopping the two for a moment. "And how is it exactly that you intend to gain any profit? Our entire team was hired for this mission and we must assume that all of our unique abilities will be necessary for this task. Not only that but without us..." Minbeja smirks, "You will be unable to bring our bounty to Skuld. Meaning that you cannot profit from THAT and you will be without alibis. If you truly wish to make money, it would be in your best interest to help them kill those spiders."

Minbeja then turns to Thane. "Your point certainly seems valid, Thane, so I propose a compromise. It is unlikely that you will need my arcane powers to attack these arachnids. Therefore, I shall stay here to prepare some levitation charms, Harlow shall stay here to gather the centipedes in a pile, and the rest of you can go rescue some potentially endangered lives.

With this method, I shall increase our efficiency, and you can go and do your good deed for the day."

Arch warrior
2014-08-04, 01:42 PM
"*sigh* I suppose that as long as you allow us to bring Harlows bag of holding so that we can cary the dead spiders with us that will work. However, I do believe that magic will be needed to destroy these Vermin. But if you think that your magic is not powerful enough to stop them, very well, my magic will go where yours won't":roy:

Diplomacy check to see if I can egg Minbeja into coming with us. [roll0]

"Can we go kill Spiders now?":belkar:

2014-08-11, 01:28 PM

Minbeja is not amused by Thane's attempt at hurting his pride, he knows that his magical prowess isn't infinite and doesn't mind that. It does, however, pop into his head that fiendish spiders might be just as good as fiendish centipede.

"Very well, I shall go along with you. However, I do still insist on leaving Harlow here to gather the centipedes."

2014-08-11, 03:35 PM
Martha expresses concern at leaving Harlow alone, and decides to stay behind with Harlow to collect the centipede heads.

Ryu and Exonakus argue for several minutes, but their bloody-minded tendencies tips the scales in favor of following to kill more spiders.

Through the heavy forest, the walk takes nearly ten minutes to cover the distance, but finally they begin to see some traces of cobwebs.

"Shhh, you all stay here. I'll scout ahead. I'm the quietest," says Ryu. :mitd:

"No you aren't! I'm quieter! I'll show you," is Exonakus' response. :xykon:

Tongues are stuck out at each other, but the two ninjas quickly melt toward different sides of the webbing and silently work their way around the edges of the spiders main webs.
Ryu Hiding: [roll0]
Exonakus Hiding: [roll1]
Spiders Spots: [roll2]

Five minutes later, both of them reappear, seemingly from nowhere.

"I counted five large spiders, one Huge spider, and probably a dozen small ones."

"Well I counted four large ones, one Huge one, and eight small ones."

"Where did you see your Huge one?."

"Right in the middle. Where did you see yours?"

"Yup, right in the middle."

"Wow, two Huge spiders."

"Nine Large and two Huge ones, altogether!?! Whew, that's gonna be a bunch."

"And I saw one of them pounce backwards onto a rabbit that it wasn't even looking at. They must be able to see perfectly all around themselves."

Arch warrior
2014-08-11, 03:59 PM
Hanz walks forwards, starts pushing the two counts (Sesame street joke) and says, Never mind how many there are, lets go kill them.":belkar:

Thane then turns to Minbeja and says, He is so Diplomatic, isn't he.":roy:

2014-08-11, 04:03 PM
Minbeja glances at Ryu and Exonakus, wondering whether they realize that they likely saw the same one or not, shrugs, and then flies just a little bit over the tree tops.

2014-08-11, 08:32 PM
As Hanz and Thane walk forward, the webs become heavier and heavier, requiring them to dodge around massive cobwebs more and more often. A deer's bones are seen twice, and a humanoid's leg is seen discarded under some leaves.

Simplified spotting roll
DC 20 to spot Thane and Hanz before they get to the webs proper.
DC 30 to spot Ryu and Exonakus.
DC 15 to spot Minbeja flying.
Finally they reach the edges of the webs, a couple shadowy forms can be seen moving deep inside the thick webs, and a single solid 'ball' the size of a large backpack is seen just on the other side of the outer edge of the heavy webbing.

No reaction seems to be happening in the spiders, and everyone is pretty certain they haven't yet been spotted. Occasionally the webs quiver and stretch as a spider's weight is on a thread. A couple very cautious tests to already-broken pieces of webbing shows that some webs are sticky - very sticky - and some are not. Most seem to be sticky.

Minbeja soars up through the trees, and sees the gradual encroachment of the webs on the branches of trees until it is almost completely covered in the center of the webs. As he draws closer, a small spider skitters along a web strand, but it seems to be intent on something ahead.

DM: Roll Intiative Everyone! You don't need it right now, but it'll apply pretty soon, I suspect. :smallamused:

Arch warrior
2014-08-12, 10:55 AM
Thane starts to whisper, "No one uses fire, ok. One spark is likely going to kill us all. Ryu and Exonakus, try and sneak over to the other side and see what that ball is." Initiative [roll0]:roy:

Hanz readys his sword, making sure not to activate the fire. Initiative [roll1]:belkar:

2014-08-12, 11:01 AM
Carefully and slowly, Minbeja follows the spider, looking forward every now and then to make sure he doesn't fly into a trap. Minbeja also readies and action to cast magic missile at any spiders. Initiative [roll0]

2014-08-13, 11:09 AM
Minbeja sees several more of the small spiders - they seem to be more around the outskirts of the massive webbed area. He does see further down in the webs, some larger spiders, the size of horses.

Well down in the webs, completely obscured by leaves and web, a large dark blob that he first mistook as a mere shadow moves, and he realizes it is a spider that must be the size of a small cottage. As it moves, several tree branches shift and bend as the weight shifts. It can't be seen directly, just the slightly darker area.

Thane and Hanz stay still, watching as Ryu and Exonakus are almost invisible sneaking over to the wrapped-up ball. The two ninjas move very carefully, not touching any of the webs.

Exonakus very carefully cuts a few of the webs, and pauses.

DM ROLL: [roll0]

Thane and Hanz see him pause and look around, flashing some finger signs at Ryu. Ryu picks up a large rock from the ground and readies it next to the tied up sack. Exonakus keeps a hand on the ball's outside and slits the webbing, allowing the contents to fall out.

His hand carefully stills any vibrations, and Ryu inserts the rock back in and tangles the webbing back together. Exonakus slowly lifts his hand away and the web ball, now holding a rock, moves rises so slightly but not enough to disturb the network of webbing.

Ryu and Exonakus return, carefully dragging their find with them.

It is the desicated body of an elf, drained of fluids. The dagger scabbard is empty, and the robe was once magical, but was sufficiently damaged to destroy any magic or usefulness. However, the belt has three scroll cases with scrolls in them and a hidden belt pocket contains 20 platinum pieces.

DC 17 Spellcraft check to determine what they are.
Burning Hands, Obscuring Mist, Owl's Wisdom

Arch warrior
2014-08-13, 08:09 PM
Thane looks at the dead elf, offers a quick elven prayer for the departed, and whispers, "We will avenge you, young wizard." He then looks at the spiders and then says to everyone, "There are so many of them. We may be able to kill them all, but that would be risky. However, the big spider in the middle is probable the leader. If we kill him (Or her) the rest may flee. I suggest that we sneak over there and try and kill him first. What do you all say?" If we are in agreement, I will send Kitty out to tell Moonshine (Who will tell Minbeja) our plan.

the asassin
2014-08-14, 05:38 PM
OOC:On vaction.Like the arguing.;)

Well we cant both have seen the same one!
Yes we can!Plus YOU counted wrong.
No I didn't!Ryu showing signs as if a child just talked back
Yes you did count wrong cause I am ALWAYS wright
No I didn't!
Yes you did!
No I didn't!
Yes you did!
Shut up your my apprentice!
Maybe you should be my apprentice.:xykon:
ApprenticesRyu Rolls his eyes.:mitd:

Ryu and Exonakus are bickering and slapping each other so much they loose inventive. (just for fun)

2014-08-14, 06:04 PM
Minbeja flies back to the others, already in agreement on the plan as relayed to him by Moonshine. While he is just overhead of everyone, he sees Ryu and Exonakus bickering and grows a devilish smile. He uses his Hand of Mage to slam the two ninjas' heads together.

"I have spotted the largest of the arachnoids ahead. Follow me and I will lead you to them."

He then flies above the trees, allowing himself to see further ahead and keeping the others within sight. Moonshine is also sent forward to track the spiders' positions.

Arch warrior
2014-08-15, 05:11 PM
After Minbeja flies back up Thane looks back at the bickering twosome and says, "You two need to keep quiet. Now if you two have any objections with the plan, and not with each other, say it now. If you have no objections, then lets go:roy:

forgot about this. 1 spell craft is [roll0], 2 [roll]1d20+9[/roll, and 3 [roll1].

Thane's Hide is [roll2] and Move Silently [roll3]:roy:
Hanz's Hide is [roll4] and Move Silently [roll5]:belkar:

Arch warrior
2014-08-15, 05:12 PM
lets try number 2 again. [roll0]

the asassin
2014-08-17, 04:41 PM
I have a objectionRyu screams at the top of his lungs

Exonakus face palms himself

We want to go ahead with our plan you 2 stink. You guys are holding us back from GOLD!:mitd:

Let me spy, ill see what there doing. Leave me be while I....... Infiltrate:xykon: