View Full Version : Cleric Archetype Question

2014-03-14, 02:43 PM
Ok so browsing the Archetypes for Cleric I saw the Weapon Sworn and saw that is was kinda a bad trade losing all spell casting for the focus on a single weapon.

However, would an archetype that gave you similar bonuses but only allowed you to cast spells from your domains be good and balanced?

I was thinking of helping my friend build a Thor using a Cleric. Have this Archetype gain weapon focused abilities as a trade off for most of his spell casting. At level 1 he picks 2 domains and can only cast spells from those domains, at level 6 or 8 he gains a third domain and at level 16 he gains a final domain.

Is that too unbalanced?

2014-03-14, 03:31 PM
I think the issue is with which domains are chosen...
Some domains are clearly better than others.

Are you also limiting the amount of spells cast per day, or going with the clerics normal, with their spells limited to the domain spells?

For clerics who worship a god, they should only be able to choose domains which is included in their god's supported domains.

2014-03-14, 03:33 PM
Yes limiting it to the Gods domains or Neutral domains like Animal or something.

I was thinking of leaving the same number of spells per day meaning multiple uses of some of the clerics spells.

Again Domains would likely be things like Thor would. Strength, Weather (Storm), Chaos, Good things like this.

Any domain recommendations?

2014-03-14, 04:01 PM
Add the protection domain as well - it fits with the theme to protect those who are less fortunate / don't have enough power. It is also listed under his listing as an intermediate diety.