View Full Version : (3.5) What to play?

2014-03-14, 03:03 PM
So my group is playing the WLD and is restricted to Core/SRD/Spell Comp. We just hit 8th level and my character was set up and killed be the DM last session. I was playing a N conjurer, but my soul was split in two making a LG me(that i played) and a CE me that is now one of the campaign villains. Last session I died and now have to make a new character.

Our party consists of a sword and board ftr, a spiked chain ftr, a "melee" cleric, a ftr/paladin, a rogue, and a druid that comes and goes.

other info we get an extra feat, 5 extra skill points and max HP at each level.

So I'm looking for something fun and interesting to play. Any suggestions?

2014-03-14, 03:10 PM
Honestly I don't think you have much choice but to make another wizard, that's what the party is lacking.

Make a support one, seems like you have a lot of melee guys already!

You could PRC into archmage or Red Wiz. But since it's mostly core not many choices.

Big Fau
2014-03-14, 03:10 PM
Another Cleric wouldn't hurt, what with all of that melee and party-wide buff spells.

2014-03-14, 03:11 PM
Another Cleric wouldn't hurt, what with all of that melee and party-wide buff spells.

Or go mystic theurge!

2014-03-14, 03:20 PM
BE A BARD!!!! Do it! DOITNOW!!!

A bard would be awesome for buffing that party with so much melee. Take inspirational boost from spell compendium to improve your inspire courage. Have fun with all your spells with no wizard to outshine you. Fight with bow, longsword, whip, etc.

Bards are awesome. Play one today!

2014-03-14, 03:37 PM
Bards are less awesome without splatbook support, although off the top of my head I don't know how much the spell compendium gives them but I know they'll be missing out on a lot of cool feats/PrCs in a core-ish only game.

Since you've got the SRD maybe a psionic character? Psion or Wilder might be a good fit.

2014-03-14, 03:41 PM
Does SRD include Unearthed Arcana information? If so, there are some neato ACFs and Variant Classes you could do instead to flavor and optimize your character a bit better than normal.

2014-03-14, 04:03 PM
The party lack an arcane casters. For BFC and Utilities.
A DFI Bard would be really good with all those melee characters, but you're not allowed to use the splatbooks. So a domain wizard would probably be better.

2014-03-14, 08:17 PM
Im liking the domain wizard idea. Probably going with Transmutation domain, unless someone has a better suggestion.

Thank you for all the responses.

2014-03-14, 11:29 PM
Bards are less awesome without splatbook support, although off the top of my head I don't know how much the spell compendium gives them but I know they'll be missing out on a lot of cool feats/PrCs in a core-ish only game.

I disagree. At level 8, the bard can inspire courage at +3 to attack and damage after Inspirational boost. Plus the bard could cast haste to give everyone another attack. At that level each of the other characters should also be getting an additional attack from BAB, the boost from haste and inspire courage makes sure that one can hit just as hard as the first. In such a large and melee oriented party that could end up being huge, ensuring everyone hits and hits hard.

6 characters (plus druid animal companion) all capable of at least two attacks (but haste so make that 3). The bard probably just more than doubled the damage output of the party. Enjoy being everybody's favorite support character.

And that's just one spell and their signature ability. You have access to staples like glitterdust, grease, and alter self. You can have skills to rival the rogue and can be the party's knowledge man with bardic knowledge. And you know how you just made your party into awesome fighters? Yeah, works for you too. Have fun mixing it up in melee, or start shooting the annoying caster with arrows.

Then take to the spotlight whenever charm and guile are necessary. Sing of your party's great conquests in the tavern as all the patrons cheer. Be awesome by making everyone around you awesome.

Moral of the story is that bards are fun and interesting characters that would fit in nicely in this party.

2014-03-15, 07:16 AM
Wizard is what the party needs. More specifically, the party needs a s upper/utility caster—someone with spells like fly, haste, enlarge person, and polymorph.

Specialize in transmutation (or conjuration, I guess), bainning enchantment and evocation. Domains look cool, but I believe that specialization is generally a better idea.

2014-03-15, 11:53 AM
Specialize in transmutation (or conjuration, I guess), bainning enchantment and evocation. Domains look cool, but I believe that specialization is generally a better idea.

I disagree. Contrary to Specialist, Domain Wizard has no drawback. And the benefits are not far behind. You cannot choose your additional spell per day, but a domain like the Transmutation has Haste and Polymorph.
If you look at what Treantmonk's guide to Wizard (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=394) say:

Domain Wizard (UA Variant): If your DM is stupid enough to allow this - always take it. The best is either the Conjuration or Transmutation domains (big surprise) that contain almost without exception solid spells. Domain wizard basically will give you the benefit of specialization (1 extra casting per level of spell) without the drawback (no lost schools), oh yeah - you also cast your Domain spells at +1 level and you get to add them to your spell book for free. You are not limited in the number of times you can memorize your domain spells. So basically it is in every way superior to a generalist, and in most ways superior to a specialist. Your DM won't allow this unless he's a moron. If you don't take it when it's allowed - then you're the moron.

This party is really melee oriented, so Haste is almost mandatory. The other domain spell are very good and are worth preparing everyday, except for Levitate. Additionally, the party don't have a real face, except maybe the Paladin. So keeping Enchantment can be really useful. And given that he will be the only arcane caster, keeping Evocation and Necromancy can be useful too. Because this schools have some unique BFC, debuff and even some utility spells.