View Full Version : Community Dragon Compendium vol. 2

Agent 451
2014-03-14, 03:55 PM
Since the chances of ever seeing a published Dragon Compendium vol. 2 are slim to none, it got me thinking: What would the Playground choose to add to a new compendium?

I'm interested in all ideas here, whether they be spells, monsters, classes/PRCs, items, locations, etc. Please feel free to list and summarize anything you'd include, as well as including where it is from, and why you would like to see it included or upgraded from previous editions of the game (or even downgraded from 4e).

Current List:

Betrayal of the Spirit Linked - Feat - Dragon #
Imbued Staff - ACF - Dragon #
Nonhuman flaws - Flaw - Dragon #328
Spell Sovereign - PRC - Dragon #
Targetteer Fighter - Variant Class - Dragon #310

2014-03-14, 04:08 PM
Other than Mystic Ranger, I don't know much about what is in the Dragons that didn't make it to Compendium 1 unfortunately. Wasn't there a flaw listing in one of them? That would be good to include. (I mean, aside from the jokey commoner one.)

Jeff the Green
2014-03-14, 04:37 PM
Spell Sovereign, the PrC that turns your familiar into a living spell.

2014-03-14, 04:44 PM
Betrayal of the Spirit Linked. A Feat whereby you sacrifice your familiar and turn it into an undead one.

2014-03-14, 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Psyren
Wasn't there a flaw listing in one of them?

There was an article with racial flaws, some of which were interesting--my favorite was Elven Pride of Arms. Can't recall the issue at the moment.

Agent 451
2014-03-14, 05:29 PM
The nonhuman flaws were from Dragon 328.

What issues are Spell Sovereign and Betrayal of the Spirit Linked from?

2014-03-14, 05:35 PM
Imbue Staff, an interesting wizard ACF that trades familiar for a magical staff that you can recharge via your spell slots. I don't know enough to know if it's balanced, but it is an interesting concept. Also has a tree of expansion feats to go with it.

Targeteer Fighter.

Some of the Monk/caster PrCs, named after Master of the N/E/S/W Wind theme.

Big Fau
2014-03-14, 05:38 PM
Betrayal of the Spirit Linked. A Feat whereby you sacrifice your familiar and turn it into an undead one.

Doesn't Libris Mortis have a feat that does something similar?

2014-03-14, 06:14 PM
Athar 287, anti divine still divine spellcaster

Dancer of Sharress 290, Uber version of cleric/dancing flavor with wildhsaping

fierce grappler 295 makes grappling possible on larger things sort of a mini blood born culstist

flame steward 283 A very decent elemental warrior try, and easy to modify for other energy types.

GloomBlades are a sort of nice round off from normal builds, give sneaks tremorsense and the like

2014-03-14, 06:29 PM
Wild Shape Monk could be cool to include. One of the few monks that I'd be willing to take a bunch of levels of (or at least 5, to go into MoMF...).

There was an article with racial flaws, some of which were interesting--my favorite was Elven Pride of Arms. Can't recall the issue at the moment.

Elven Pride of Arms was in #328. In any case, there were flaws in something like every other issue, so it'd be neat to pull the cooler ones into it.

Also, Phantom Sparks and Haunted are totally the best flaws :smalltongue:

2014-03-14, 08:41 PM
Also, Phantom Sparks and Haunted are totally the best flaws :smalltongue:

I think my favorite ones were Insomniac and Test Subject (not quite sure on the name of the second one, but super win of background flavor). Combine for a nice dose of experimental soldier with PTSD.

2014-03-14, 08:56 PM
Test Subject is awesome, too. That's actually my go-to for when I can't think of what flaw to get, since it's not too debilitating, but it's not completely negligible like some flaws.

2014-03-14, 09:43 PM
I like Pride of Arms. It fit with my paladin very well. :smallbiggrin:

2014-03-14, 09:58 PM
The various dragons included within the later; especially the Half Dragon versions therein; my favourite being the Cobalt Dragon with its bullrush breath weapon. #356 is the copy of Ferrous Dragons that I like.

2014-03-14, 10:46 PM
I've always liked the Silverhair Knight from Dragon 315. Think non-lethal paladin designed for redeeming evil. It's horribly drow-focused, with the deity and the "Can't kill drow" thing, but with how good they are with non-lethal damage it's not hard to hit.

Agent 451
2014-03-17, 11:24 PM
I've never actually played 2nd ed outside of old CRPGs, but I have a small stack of 2nd ed era Dragon mags. One of the items that I've always kind of liked it the cathole tool from Dragon 239. It's just a small shovel with a serrated edge, but as written you can use it as a weapon (although I have no idea how 2nd ed handles improvised weapons, if at all). I've always liked the idea of having Spetsna-like gnome shock troops using these as a hold out weapon.

2014-03-17, 11:36 PM
Wasn't there a flaw that gave you Divine Spell Failure? That's actually pretty cool. Oh, and Knowstones (Dr.333)

2014-03-18, 07:06 AM
Doesn't Libris Mortis have a feat that does something similar?

Stitched Flesh Familiar ? Different flavour but quite similar.

2014-03-18, 08:01 AM
Shen- Monkish PrC that let you become a shapeshifting martial artist based on the Shaolin animal styles. #319
Adu'ja & Gruwaar- Races introduced along with two less cool races. One is an ancient race of playable plant people who founded the Druidic tradition and the other is a furry gremlin fey. #317
Ranger Knight- A mounted PrC that blends together the Paladin and Ranger classes. #317

One thing in particular that annoyed me about the Dragon Compendium is that they introduced the Osteomancer and the other two Body of Knowledge PrCs from #317, but they couldn't include the new races and the Ranger Knight from the same issue. Instead we got crap races like the Dvati and PrCs like Arcanopath Monk.

2014-03-18, 08:11 AM
Eldritch Claws and Beast Strike are obvious

2014-03-18, 08:15 AM
The Variants.

The Templates.

A list of magic items and spells that never got published into splat books.