View Full Version : Natural weapon size increase?

2014-03-14, 04:00 PM
Currently looking at a Cave druid using the carnivorous crystal for his wildshaping by 10th level<cave druid in advanced players guide>
The base damage of that slam is 7d8+1 1/2 str.

The question in that regards, is using the spell strong jaw, it will increase by two size categories. I am trying to find a chart to judge what damage will be done by it, normally by that point, it has allready changed to d6s, does anyone have a good chart or link or understand the math behind it?

on that note, if i took improved natural attack for the slam, that would be a total of 3 categories higher than the "normal" 7d8.

2014-03-14, 06:39 PM
Huh, that's a tricky one. I really don't think there's any RAW on this, but you could go with something like 14d6 for one size increase, 20d6 for two, and 30d6 for three.

2014-03-14, 07:05 PM
6d8 1 step is 8d8 and the 2nd step is 12d8 and the 3rd step is 16d8

Since 7d8 is between 6d8 and 8d8 its reasonable that the next step would be between 2 dice and 3 dice of difference. The chart looks like the cap per size increase is 4 dice of difference, so just use that for additional steps.

7d8 1st step 10d8 2nd step 14d8 and 3rd step 18d8.

You don't need to change it to d6s, just keep it d8s (unless you lack adequate amounts of d8s, then just buy a 1lb bago'dice).

Even if you don't agree with a 3 dice of diference for the first step it will be:

7d8 1st step 9d8 2nd step 13d8 3rd step 17d8.

Edit: forgot to put in part of the table in support of this.

Last line of the improved dice damage table
2d10 > 4d8 > 6d8 > 8d8 > 12d8 > 16d8

2014-03-17, 10:16 PM
While on the cave Druid subject my DM asked if there had been an errata for it. Oozes being blind and having blindsight, but the beast shape does not give blind sight, only blind sense, if the creature had it. Does this mean all cave Druids would be blind with no sight?

2014-03-17, 10:29 PM
Just a side note: the content we are talking about here is 3.PF

If the Cave Druids were turning into oozes via the beast shape ability, Yes. The reason why beast shape doesn't give you blindsight is relative power. Blindsight lets you defeat invisibility and concealment, even magical darkness. Blindsense is less powerful in that you need line of effect to see a creature and it will not defeat invisibility or total concealment.