View Full Version : [3.5] PrC or 5th level spells?

2014-03-14, 04:37 PM
I'm working on a cleric for an ill-advised foray into the Tomb of Horrors, and I can't decide whether to take a PrC or to keep 5th level spells.

The cleric is a Neutral Evil Kobold Cloistered Cleric of Kurtulmak.

The rest of the party is:
Necropolitan Kobold Sorcerer (casts as Sor 10)
(water) Orc Barbarian
Human Warlock
Human Factotum (archer)
Human Factotum/Chameleon (build here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=336764))

The PrCs I've looked at hardest are Swift Wing and Dracolyte. Swift Wing loses casting, which seems like a bad idea, and Dracolyte loses skills. I couldn't find any other PrCs with good skills and first-level casting that I could get into.

And 5th level has a lot of good spells, like Break Enchantment, Plane Shift, True Seeing, and Transmute Rock to Mud (domain spell).

So do I keep the casting, the skills, or the spells? I'm guessing that I should go straight cleric.


2014-03-14, 06:49 PM
I'd say go for the lvl 5 spells. Also make sure to get revivify, since it has no level loss, less costly, and castable in 1 round.
If possible go straight up cleric until lvl 6 spells (for heal).

This will help keep the party together in case of a bad roll which results in death. If you are trapped in the dungeon, there's no reliable way a replacement PC in the case a PC dies.

2014-03-14, 06:57 PM
Why not both? Take Paragnostic Apostle or Divine Oracle or similar, though I'll agree that sticking to Cloistered Cleric is best due to skill points/level.

2014-03-14, 07:09 PM
Why not both? Take Paragnostic Apostle or Divine Oracle or similar, though I'll agree that sticking to Cloistered Cleric is best due to skill points/level.

Actually +1 on that. Unless you have your heart set on a PrC which has 1 spell casting dead level you can get a full casting progression PrC without having to worry about the consequences.

2014-03-14, 07:11 PM
I haven't played ToH, but I'd imagine that true seeing in particular is invaluable. I'd suggest taking a PrC that progresses casting or sticking to your base class.