View Full Version : A very basic build

2014-03-14, 04:59 PM
I need some build advice. I'm planning to join a game. The game is Core 3 only (MM1, PHB1, and DMG1), level 14. I know that the two phrases don't typically go hand in hand, but how would YOU build a 14th level Core-Only Optimized Positive Energy-based cleric?

Alternatively, perhaps a primary Arcane Caster (Sor/Wiz)?

2014-03-14, 07:45 PM
Durkon it up with a Dwarven Cleric 14 and it is hard to go wrong. You have access to some great spells (divine power, righteous might, divine favour), your movement rate is not slowed in heavy armour . . . things are pretty good.

You don't get access to things that let you swap out undead turnings, so it is up to you whether to focus on turning undead or not. Likely not.

You could become a crafter (the good domain lets you make holy weapons with craft arms and armour, for instance).

Who else is in your party?

2014-03-14, 08:06 PM
Durkon it up with a Dwarven Cleric 14 and it is hard to go wrong. You have access to some great spells (divine power, righteous might, divine favour), your movement rate is not slowed in heavy armour . . . things are pretty good.

You don't get access to things that let you swap out undead turnings, so it is up to you whether to focus on turning undead or not. Likely not.

You could become a crafter (the good domain lets you make holy weapons with craft arms and armour, for instance).

Who else is in your party?

Well, always one to forego a challenge, I managed to talk the DM into also opening up ACF and class variants, since they're in the SRD site he uses religiously.

The party consists of "a Wizard, combat rogue, barbarian/fighter, a monk, and a revenant cleric".

I submitted (after pleading for a minute) the following builds:

1. The half-passable gish
Actually this one's kinda self explanatory.
LN Human Fighter 2/Sorcerer 6/Eldritch Knight 6.

2. The Rage Druid
This one I'm having to start out asking for one thing, then formally requesting a second. In order for this build to work, I'd want the Druidic Avenger class variant, and (if possible) the Aspect of Nature Wild Shape variant.

CG Dwarf Ranger 1/Fighter 2/Druid 10/Horizon Walker 1

3. The Positive Energy Cleric
NG Aasimar (LA +1) Cleric 13. Pretty simple.

2014-03-14, 08:24 PM
1. The half-passable gish
Actually this one's kinda self explanatory.
LN Human Fighter 2/Sorcerer 6/Eldritch Knight 6.

Paladin would be a much better option, optimization-wise.

2. The Rage Druid
This one I'm having to start out asking for one thing, then formally requesting a second. In order for this build to work, I'd want the Druidic Avenger class variant, and (if possible) the Aspect of Nature Wild Shape variant.

CG Dwarf Ranger 1/Fighter 2/Druid 10/Horizon Walker 1

So many lost CLs with no real gain.

3. The Positive Energy Cleric
NG Aasimar (LA +1) Cleric 13. Pretty simple.

And again, losing a CL for no real gain.

2014-03-14, 08:26 PM
You could go Mystic Theurge and get both your magical fixes

Simple - yet awesome

2014-03-14, 08:34 PM
The rest of the group is really low-op. I posted the thread before he said what was playing in the group. He actually said he really liked the druid idea better because it fit thematically, and if I tilt it more towards Wild Shape than spellcasting (without completely eschewing spellcasting), then it may work out in my best benefit.

Still though, thanks, playground!

2014-03-14, 08:37 PM
Go with 3 only if you can start out with the LA bought off (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/reducingLevelAdjustments.htm).

Change 1 to an Aasimar (this version (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040213a) if possible, you never have to spend a level on the +1 LA (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20030824a)), which will gain martial weapon proficiency from the Outsider creature type (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#outsiderType), and just go Sorcerer 6/ Eldritch Knight 7 or 8.

Option 2 should just be a standard PHB Druid 14, it's better than anything else in Core or Core+SRD. Gnome is probably your best choice for race. Wild Shape into something scary then get someone to help you put on a Monk's Belt and tuck your Metamagic Rods into it.

2014-03-14, 11:08 PM
2. The Rage Druid
This one I'm having to start out asking for one thing, then formally requesting a second. In order for this build to work, I'd want the Druidic Avenger class variant, and (if possible) the Aspect of Nature Wild Shape variant.

CG Dwarf Ranger 1/Fighter 2/Druid 10/Horizon Walker 1

I believe that druid cannot be CG but CN or NG should work.

If it is a low op group then losing Caster Levels isn't so bad, and DM approval is a nice thing to have.