View Full Version : Should I allow construct making?

Honest Tiefling
2014-03-15, 01:17 AM
So one of my players has expressed interest in making some constructs. I'm a little wary, and intend to get an okay from the rest of the players. But I want to know, what should I keep an eye out for?

Also, is there a good non-combat construct that could add flavor but not allow him to overshadow the party? Given that the character is trying to put his family into new bodies, I really doubt he's going to use them as meat shields.

Pathfinder game with some third party, but I am willing to work with 3.5 material but I worry about getting my hands on the books.

2014-03-15, 01:40 AM
Should you allow construct making? My good sir, you should require it! :smalltongue:

If he's looking to make new bodies for his family, that's fairly frankenstein and could make for good RP. Also, a few constructs here and there aren't gonna hurt anything unless he gets to the "let's have an army of Golems for the grunt work!" phase.

Homonculi from Eberron have some good non-combat options, like the crafting Dedicated Wright, or the mobile equipment locker/gear caddy called the Packmate. Both are good utility constructs.

2014-03-15, 01:51 AM
If he's going to be crafting multiple golems, then he won't have the funds to make them overshadow the rest of the party.

2014-03-15, 01:59 AM
Not sure about pathfinder but in 3.5 nearly all constructs are mindless. I don't think that fits with new bodies for the family idea.