View Full Version : How many Dwagons?

One Skunk Todd
2007-02-02, 07:45 PM
Any thoughts on how many dwagons Stanley has? Surely they will play a substantial role in Stanley/Parson's defense strategy, especially now that Jillian's not commanding the air defenses. I count five at the moment. Red, Yellow, Brown, Pink and Purple. One blue croaked by Jillian.

2007-02-03, 03:02 AM
I counted only four. Brown? Where?

2007-02-03, 02:09 PM
I count six (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/erf0006.html).

2007-02-03, 05:03 PM
I count four.

2007-02-03, 05:06 PM
The blue one may be croaked, but there is a croakomancer on Stanley's side.

Dragon scheme reminds me of Dragon-Tails.

One Skunk Todd
2007-02-05, 08:46 AM
I counted only four. Brown? Where?

First panel of page 12 there are five and the middle one looks brown to me. Then the blue one was croaked.

Fourth panel of page 22 shows (to me anyway) a distinctly purple one which brings us back up to five.

Maxymiuk's link show's a yellow one using Bogroll as target practice but I don't know if it's a different yellow than the one on page 12 or the one on page 22. Also you can see part of a red on page 22 but it could be the same red as the one on page 12.

I guess what I'm really wondering is does he have handfull, 5 to 10, or does he have hundreds at his command? Not that anybody knows for sure yet. :)

2007-02-05, 09:14 AM
The brown one is actually black, because the colors are a pun based on Power Rangers. So Red, Yellow, Blue, Pink and Black. I think the Purple is actually Pink - it was drawn in the "not here, not now" style, which tends to add a blur, a light brownish tint and uses true shadows (as opposed to shading). So it may explain the slight hue difference; if you're not convinced look at Yellow in 22 vs Yellow in 12.

However, the Dwagon shown in 3 and 4 is green, which brings it to a total of five even if we assume the yellow in 6, 12 and 22 is the same and the red in 12 and 22 is the same and the purple and pink is the same.

2007-02-05, 02:36 PM
Umm... how are we to know that Stanley has only one of any given color of dwagon? Sure, we haven't seen more than one of any color in any one place, but I don't know that we should read that to mean that there's only one of each color.

2007-02-05, 03:18 PM
Because that would screw with the Power Ranger color scheme.

By the way, I wonder if the Green one is somehow different?

Also by the way, I'm bummed the blue one died...Billy was always my favorite.

2007-02-05, 03:29 PM
I count six (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/erf0006.html).

I still don't get that one (as a whole) (and the outdoors one before it).

2007-02-05, 03:51 PM
Because that would screw with the Power Ranger color scheme.

That was a one-time joke by Jamie. It has no bearing on how many dwagons Stanley has in total.

I still don't get that one (as a whole) (and the outdoors one before it).

The dwagon is taking a dump on Bogroll. That's all there is to it. Wanda doesn't want to be near him because he's holding an umbrella shaped like a bullseye. Target practice.

2007-02-05, 06:39 PM
Come to think of it, we seem to have completely missed the green one. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/erf0003.html)

One Skunk Todd may be right about the yellow one, though the one here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/erf0006.html) has a distinctly different shading from the one we see here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/erf0012.html). Still, it may just be something like the sun hitting its scales at a different angle.

2007-02-05, 07:29 PM
he has as many dwagons as plot demands, no more no less.

2007-02-06, 01:02 PM
The only thing I'll mention is that, considering that Wanda mentiosn being outnumbered "25 to 1", I doubt Stanley has over a hundred dwagons, tops, with it much more likely to be a dozen at most.

Thankfully, since it seems that Ansom has almost no air capability other than Jilian (captured), her gwiffon (which croaked), and the orlys (who also croaked), and some bats (which I doubt can match a dwagon one-on-one), than even a couple of dwagons can make a big difference in this fight.

One Skunk Todd
2007-02-06, 01:04 PM
The latest strip has a distant shot of the tower with 10 or 11 large flying things (apparently) nearby. So at least a dozen seems likely now.

2007-02-06, 02:13 PM
The latest strip has a distant shot of the tower with 10 or 11 large flying things (apparently) nearby. So at least a dozen seems likely now.I count eleven, at least, but personally I think that the question is pretty pointless.

2007-02-06, 10:27 PM
I count eleven, at least, but personally I think that the question is pretty pointless.

I think they're too small to be dwagons, maybe they're simply the pigeons from the Arkenhammer cracking walnuts open?

2007-02-07, 07:21 AM
I think they're too small to be dwagons, maybe they're simply the pigeons from the Arkenhammer cracking walnuts open?These cows are very small; those cows are far away...

One Skunk Todd
2007-04-27, 08:46 AM
Looks like ~30 for sure now, including multiples of the same type. I know it's not horribly important, that there will be as many as the plot demands, but I like trying to figure it out anyway. :)

2007-04-27, 10:25 AM
49 shows us many new ones, at least several dozen I say. They're going to be a key part of the defense, those archons will have their work cut out for them. Reminds me of the glory days of HoMM 3. Dragons clashing in epic battles, ah, the good old days.

2007-04-27, 09:33 PM
I counted at least 10 on page 31. And there is a Blue Dwagon there, despite the fact Jillian had already croaked one.
And the last page (44, or 49, as LordVader said) shows at least 17 dwagons.

I guess the number is somewhere between 20 and 40 dwagons.

Innis Cabal
2007-04-27, 09:42 PM
i am guessing alot more then we can see...since its their only poowerful weapon

2007-04-27, 09:45 PM
i am guessing alot more then we can see...since its their only poowerful weapon

Other than Wanda Firebaugh... I have a sneaking suspicion she could croak more than her fair share of enemies.

2007-04-27, 09:52 PM
Other than Wanda Firebaugh... I have a sneaking suspicion she could croak more than her fair share of enemies.

Course she can... but she can also uncroak just as many as she can croak...

2007-04-27, 09:58 PM
Course she can... but she can also uncroak just as many as she can croak...

More importantly, the ones she uncroak adds to her own army, making it a vicious cycle of croaking and uncroaking.

2007-04-27, 10:07 PM
More importantly, the ones she uncroak adds to her own army, making it a vicious cycle of croaking and uncroaking.

My point exactly... Mwahahahahahahaha

2007-04-27, 10:37 PM
I counted 28 dwagons of various colours on the most recent: page:http://www.giantitp.com/comics/erf0049.html
If this thread was about how many colours there were then I am sorry and will delete this.

2007-04-28, 04:40 PM
Yes, the dwagon count has just increased significantly.

Maybe the arkenhammer's real power is it reduces the upkeep costs on dwagons to zero, letting you have as many as your command point limit allows.

Because I'm quite certain the upkeep on a dwagon is much higher than for Hampster.

2007-04-28, 05:19 PM
Or at least significantly reducing it. But I don't think Stanley would complain even if the maintenance cost of the dwagons was sky high, as long as they have the stats to go along with it.

2007-04-28, 07:42 PM
Hear hear for HoMM3 dragon battles. Those Crystal Dragon were teh pwn, though I preferred Ghost Dragons for the mental image.

I would anticipate that the Arkenhammer simply increases the appearance rate of Dragons that "offer" themselves. If you played Master of Magic, you'd see alot of that with random Gnoll Halberdiers showing up going "hay u got ten bux?" You'd still have the upkeep (like feeding the Dwagons), the Arkenhammer would simply trigger them showing up as supplicants. Otherwise they'd simply be overmap creeps like in WarCraft 3; things in the way causing attrition to those on the offensive or expanding.

2007-04-28, 09:12 PM
Because I'm quite certain the upkeep on a dwagon is much higher than for Hampster.

Much higher? For a single fighting unit, albeit powerful and flying, than for the Chief Warlord? I doubt that very much.

2007-04-28, 09:18 PM
Parson's upkeep is 1000 schmuckers a day. The 500,000 support-planned summoning spell would have drained the treasury. Stanley took the 350,000 schmucker version. 150,000 remain. He has 150 Chief Warlord days remaining before bankruptcy. If each dwagon has an upkeep equalling or exceeding Parson's, Stanley would have maybe 6 days of Dwagon and Chief Warlord remaining. Ansom would not need to worry about a siege.

2007-04-28, 09:58 PM
That depends on no income. Sure, it's only one city, but it is a capital.

2007-04-28, 10:22 PM
Since the Arkenhammer 'tames' the dragons, it might also help with their upkeep cost. The other thing would be that Stanley probably has a decent amount over 500,000 schmuckers in his treasury. Maybe twice as much.

Otherwise, Wanda wouldn't have suggested buying the 500,000 gp spell. Why buy a warlord when you can't afford him for even a single day? Stanley was just being cheap when he took the 350,000 option of having wanda cast it.

2007-04-28, 10:27 PM
Since the Arkenhammer 'tames' the dragons, it might also help with their upkeep cost. The other thing would be that Stanley probably has a decent amount over 500,000 schmuckers in his treasury. Maybe twice as much.

Otherwise, Wanda wouldn't have suggested buying the 500,000 gp spell. Why buy a warlord when you can't afford him for even a single day? Stanley was just being cheap when he took the 350,000 option of having wanda cast it.

That assumes that Wanda knows exactly what's in the treasury. There's no reason why that information would necessarily be available to anyone but the Overlord.

2007-04-28, 11:09 PM

"That would literally empty the treasury!"

Stanley had 500k, +/- "literally". He lost 350k of it.

The issue of the capitol's revenue is a good call, though. HoMM3 capitols had trouble buying out their units. Master of Magic capitols could easily fill their garrison of top-end units and subsidize the same in a handful of no-income colonies, though it was unrelated to being a capitol, it was just the most well-built and populous town by virtue of age and investment.

2007-04-29, 09:59 AM
i'm sure he has more than in that comic scene showed. but since everything else he has in so few numbers i doubt he has a lot of dragons, or dwagons.