View Full Version : Most relateable character

Teapot Salty
2014-03-15, 12:38 PM
Hey guys. As the title implies, I'm wondering which character in the comics you guys feel most, for lack of a better word, connected to. Which one do you find you relate to most. For me, oddly enough, it's Belkar. There are times when I feel like I should Belkar out. (somebody add that term to the dictionary) And even when I'm not angry, No one else in the order really grabs at me. Hell, Belkar's perfect world looked like the awesomest place ever. Basically I consider myself a less violent version of him. (Kind off an oxymoron) And as always, go nuts.

2014-03-15, 12:53 PM
Hm... Probably Roy. I connect with him most of the time. He doesn't really resemble me, but he reminds me of my best friend, they're both the same actually-good-honourable-and-clever-at-the-same-time-LG-types. He's one of the most well-rounded characters : he can't be boiled down to one or two traits that really define him, but his reactions always make sense in context and are what you'd expect not from a roleplayer's character, but from an actual human being (and a pretty amazing one, too). That's why he's easy to relate to IMO.

EDIT : @Grey Watcher : Yeah, same thing here.

Grey Watcher
2014-03-15, 01:00 PM
For me, I guess I'd have to say it's either Roy or Haley. Roy is more the person I wish I was (were? whatever): intelligent, confident, driven, and able to balance a lot of stresses and difficulties with only a minimum of snarky bad attitude. Haley is more the person I probably am actually most like: smart, good at what I do, not without ambition, but lacking the confidence in myself to really go for what I want.

Mad Humanist
2014-03-15, 01:17 PM
For me it's Durkon or Elan. I want to do the right thing but there is always more growing up to do and more harsh realities to grapple with.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-03-15, 01:33 PM
Sometimes, I feel like I can relate to Vaarsuvius. At others times, I connect to Roy. I don't think I can relate to Belkar that much.

2014-03-15, 01:36 PM
I would like to relate with Belkar, but unfortunately I'm no sexy shoeless god of war :smallfrown:.

From the rest I would pick Haley (with Elan as a close second). But I can't really say why.

2014-03-15, 07:42 PM
Haley is more the person I probably am actually most like

Note to self: do not annoy Grey Watcher. He might shoot an unarmed bystander in the foot (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0327.html).

2014-03-17, 12:02 AM
I'll have to go with Redcloak. A good intentioned extremist who uses evil means to further the cause of his wrongly oppressed people. I am not as noble as Redcloak, but I generally have good intentions that lead to problems. Maybe I'm more of an Elan with self-destruct runes than a Redcloak.

2014-03-17, 12:08 AM
Elan and Durkon. Easy. Elan because I'm in the process of accepting that the world does not care at all about my hopes and dreams, and the best thing that I can do is to do the best with what I have. Tying into that is Durkon's thing about doing your duty, even if it makes you miserable. My duty, to me, is to try and make the world a little better, a little brighter than it was before I go. Even if it makes me miserable.

2014-03-17, 01:50 AM
Probably Xykon.

... look, I get really ornery when my sidekick doesn't let me drop people into vats of corrosive acid to have a fight to the death with an acid-breathing shark, okay? I mean, ****, who doesn't, really.

2014-03-17, 06:55 AM
Sad to say but I worry I'm too much like Eugene, i.e a douche.

2014-03-17, 07:14 AM
Vaarsuvius, because I always want more power and stuffs then I have, and tend to be middling to terrible at handling it, and the only way I know how is hard work, so if someone offers me an easy ride to the top, I take it.
Roy, because at the same time, I am also willing to shoulder responsibility for my actions, and make a fairly good leader.
My life is a oxymoron! :smalleek:
And finally, Redcloak, Xykon and Belkar, because 1: I am always tempted to screw the ways, as long as I get the means.
2 and 3: when I'm fed up, sometimes you just gotta blow crap up, or stab it, or light it on fire, or whateves suits you. And doing such while being aloof and sarcastic is my favorite way.
And finally, Elan, because somewhere in me is a voice screaming: I'm just a kid! Can't I have fun? Why do bad things happen to good people?

I relate to a lot of people....

2014-03-17, 07:20 AM
I would say I'm about 1/3 Roy and 2/3 Durkon, with maybe a tiny splash of Belkar hiding in the back somewhere.

Killer Angel
2014-03-17, 03:48 PM
Choosing between the Order: Roy. Thats probably the reason he's also my favourite character (the second one is Belkar, but not because i feel similar to him... :smalltongue:)

Outside the order: Redcloak (at least, he's the one I'm more sympathetic with)

2014-03-17, 04:16 PM
I have to say nale, i know this may be unpopular but as i child i really liked slapstick (a.k.a hitting somone in the face with the ball during soccer) and was really anoying when i did not get my way. Since if grown up ive becoe less like him and i never was evil but i still like the freedom that evil charachters enjoy en like the charachters more for it.

2014-03-17, 06:23 PM
Belkar. I'm not a violent murderer or anything, but I like his sense of freedom and how he does what he wants in order to get the most enjoyment out of life.

2014-03-17, 07:07 PM
Vaarsuvius, a fellow scholar. Arrogant at times. Talks too much. I haven't committed mass murder, though.

2014-03-17, 07:16 PM
I really feel for Hobgoblin Warrior from Strip #433, panel 3 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0703.html).

2014-03-19, 08:14 AM
Hey guys. As the title implies, I'm wondering which character in the comics you guys feel most, for lack of a better word, connected to.

Well, to be serious for a moment, as someone who has a chance to reflect back on various mistakes and missed opportunities and foolish blunders (and as someone who struggles with a superiority complex based on a perception as being extremely intelligent), I feel that Vaarsuvius is the character I most strongly identify with. Red Cloak is a second, but his religious connotations clashes with my worldview enough to knock him back to a distant second.

2014-03-19, 09:21 AM
O-Chul. I do what I think is right even if it means putting myself in a bad situation, and I don't like cats very much.

2014-03-19, 10:27 AM
Belkar. I'm not a violent murderer or anything, but I like his sense of freedom and how he does what he wants in order to get the most enjoyment out of life.

So... Elan then?

2014-03-19, 08:04 PM



Auburn Bright
2014-03-31, 11:57 AM
Roy. A guy who tries his best to be good, with some really notable slip-ups? Oh yeah. I also end up finding myself carrying responsibilities that no one else will, but I can't do it half as gracefully as him.

And for some reason I heavily identify with the power struggle between Redcloak and Xykon. :smalleek: I don't even know what that says about me.

Mike Havran
2014-04-01, 12:17 PM
The wizard in green robe (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0130.html).

2014-04-01, 12:28 PM
Like others, Roy is mostly an ideal for me when I'm at my best. I most often identify with Vaarsuvius though. Loquacious, smart, driven, but sometimes less considerate than I ought to be. I also admit that Xykon's philosophy on power has a certain appeal to it...

Bulldog Psion
2014-04-01, 12:28 PM
Roy is probably closest, but he's a bit more lawful than I am.

Angel Bob
2014-04-01, 12:29 PM
Among the Order? Oh, it's gotta be Vaarsuvius. No question. I've always been the "super-smart" androgynous introvert with a distended vocabulary who tends to over-think things. Also, she gets the best lines. I wish my snark were that refined.

Outside the Order? Malack. Even though he was a filthy hypocrite and a terrible person, I have to admit -- if I were a vampire, I'd be exactly the same way. He valued his own survival and comfort above all else, but when those two goals were sated, he was happy to subdue his sinister nature and engage in cordial conversation with "friends". (And he's flippin' badass without being a hulk of muscle, so I respect that.)

Tl;dr I'm a brainy introvert who secretly craves the power to kill people with style. Fear me.

2014-04-01, 12:35 PM
Of the Order, I identify with Haley the most, followed by Roy, followed by Vaarsuvius (I need help). Outsider the Order, I'd identify with Redcloak and Right-Eye were it not for a particular allegory that I'm only half-sure is intentional. Not the one you think.

Gift Jeraff
2014-04-01, 01:48 PM
Most of the characters talk too much for me to relate to them, so I guess I'll go with Zz'dtri. In group situations, I tend to let the person with the biggest ego get all the spotlight they want, much like Z. Also, I wouldn't have minded V being sent to the Demiplane of Extremely Painful Torture.

Plus, in a sense, isn't everyone on this board scrying on the OOTS?

2014-04-01, 02:04 PM
It's always been a close race between Roy and Durkon for me. I generally have Roy's temperament (i.e. nice guy whose sharp tongue gets him in trouble and follows the rules MOST of the time) while tending to fill Durkon's role in any group (advisor/big brother figure) I'm in. I guess that suggests my alignment is Lawful.

2014-04-01, 07:54 PM
Absolutely Belkar, He is like a very badass version of how i see a cool me

2014-04-01, 08:51 PM
I would think that the one I relate to most would be... Probably Elan. I wish I could say that I relate to Roy, but I have a feeling I'm a little too oblivious for that one.

2014-04-01, 08:59 PM
Probably Elan, as I most often act like he does, more than any other character.

The Smallest
2014-04-02, 05:58 AM
Nale, as he acts the way I would in most of the scenarios he has been in. I also hate my father, though not for the same reasons as Nale.

2014-04-02, 07:37 AM
My main problem with relating with the cast is the parent issues everywhere. Until I was, like, 22, I didn't even think you could have a bad relationship with your parents. So, I'd say Celia. She also has the most modern of moral codes.
Otherwise, Miko. I am not like her, but I think it's easy to understand her and be sorry for her. She strove and strove, pity that she was insane and was striving in the wrong direction anyway. But being trapped in a world you don't understand, trying to find a way and discovering that you had it all wrong? That's relatable to.

2014-04-02, 09:44 AM
When I took one of those "What D&D character are you?" tests, I came out a CN Elven Wizard, which does put me closest to V. But the problem with those tests is that if you get ranked as "intelligent" you always get pigeonholed as a wizard. (OK, sure, if I were a D&D character, I probably would be a wizard, but still :smalltongue: )

When I think of the OotS, Durkon and Elan are the two most benevolent and virtuous characters (especially now Elan has done a bit of Growing Up), so they represent things I'd like to be, but I fall too far short of their virtues. I'm too impatient and get bad-tempered when I'm tired. Oh wait... that sounds like V again.:smalleek:

My moral code is actually "makes Celia look bloodthirsty", so on the one level I can't really relate to any of them. I have a lot of sympathy for the plight of the younger Redcloak, but Right-Eye had the better idea towards the end.

So actually, the person who I find most relatable is Haley. She's trying to do good and be a better person. She can admire and try to emulate the virtue she sees in others, but she isn't perfect and falls short. She's smart, and is frequently exasperated with the stupidity of others, but it doesn't make her contemptuous or callous.

2014-04-02, 09:56 AM
Somewhat surprised no one has said Shojo. I'm not really like Him, but I can feel for him. He spent a long time unable to truly express himself to even his closest of relatives, all the while continuing to further his kingdom's and the world's interests. If he was never in power and instead, say, Hinjo or Kubota was in power, it's quite likely that Team Evil would have already performed the ritual, at either Soon's or Girard's gate. I did enjoy the way he treated Roy, too :smalltongue:

2014-04-02, 10:34 AM
Roy, due to reasons already explained by people far more eloquent than me.

2014-04-02, 10:41 AM
Hinjo, when he is around. At other times, Durkon.

2014-04-02, 12:44 PM
For me it'd be Vaarsuvius, at least in alignment (I think) and a thirst for power or at least the ability to exert control over my surroundings (namely the fabric of reality itself but thats a pipe dream :P). Although I can't claim to have committed genocide so that's where the similarities differ luckily.

But yes I'd say I am True Neutral although I never play that way in video games or what I imagined I'd play as if I played D&D or some other roleplay but thats because I love playing out stories and LG or CE is always so much more interesting to play than a responable person (basically paragon Shepherd vs my Sith Inquisitor). Irl, however I over-think alot and see the pros and cons of actions that are considered "good" or "evil" (not too evil mind you) and can't really claim to be any saint but nor do I consider myself evil (but then again nobody does), I just do whats best for me, and keep my family and those I care about in mind too.

2014-04-02, 01:13 PM
Of the Order, I identify with Haley the most, followed by Roy, followed by Vaarsuvius (I need help). Outsider the Order, I'd identify with Redcloak and Right-Eye were it not for a particular allegory that I'm only half-sure is intentional. Not the one you think.

Dang, I suspect this gets into things we can't talk about, but I'm really curious. Can I get a yes or no as to whether it's the story that rhymes with "plain and sable?"

Nale, as he acts the way I would in most of the scenarios he has been in. I also hate my father, though not for the same reasons as Nale.

You know, this is kind of frightening. Care to expand on it? If you're anything like Nale, an invitation to go into a long, detailed monologue should be practically irresistible. :smallwink:

My main problem with relating with the cast is the parent issues everywhere. Until I was, like, 22, I didn't even think you could have a bad relationship with your parents. So, I'd say Celia. She also has the most modern of moral codes.
Otherwise, Miko. I am not like her, but I think it's easy to understand her and be sorry for her. She strove and strove, pity that she was insane and was striving in the wrong direction anyway. But being trapped in a world you don't understand, trying to find a way and discovering that you had it all wrong? That's relatable to.

This just means that your parent issues were more deeply buried than average.

2014-04-02, 01:17 PM
Dang, I suspect this gets into things we can't talk about, but I'm really curious. Can I get a yes or no as to whether it's the story that rhymes with "plain and sable?"
That'd be a "no," but that's an interesting take on their story that I hadn't seriously considered.

2014-04-02, 01:27 PM
This just means that your parent issues were more deeply buried than average.

No, only that I got to know people who have them when I was 22.

When I've had problems and disagreements with my parents, we shouted at each other openly and solved problems by bringing them up, since before I was a teenager. Besides, my parents are rather flexible and have a good dose of good (not common) sense.
But not having or giving the chance or the will to work out such things, either as parent or as child, is something outside my personal experience.

2014-04-02, 01:31 PM
That'd be a "no," but that's an interesting take on their story that I hadn't seriously considered.

Oh I thought thats what you were referencing as well, the C&A archetype is what springs to mind when I see the Redcloak and Right-eye story.

2014-04-02, 01:38 PM

Auburn Bright
2014-04-02, 03:58 PM
Miko's another one. Without saying too much, I've struggled with extremism before. I was extremely focused on this formulaic idea of "what's right" without factoring in the consequences of my thoughts and actions.

Kinda interesting how I see myself in both Miko and Roy.

2014-04-02, 07:59 PM
:elan: elan

2014-04-03, 02:33 PM
I'm probably the most like Vaarsuvius (or at least, a more Good-leaning Vaarsuvius). Like him, I tend toward arrogance because of my intelligence, and I have a tendency to talk WAY too much. However, I find Roy to be the most relatable, followed by Elan--no surprise, then, that they're my favorite characters. I just connect with their struggles and their character arcs, and I think Roy seems like a very "real" guy. He's a wonderfully developed character! I also just really love Elan, I think he's hilarious and adorable, and I really love his development during the recently concluded arc. Poor kid.

With a cast of characters as developed, varied and colorful as this, I think just about any character is relatively relatable, except the really evil ones.

2014-04-04, 03:07 PM
Vaarsuvius, definitely. Obsessed with learning things, snarky, and talks too much. Also, while I try not to be, I worry that I can be a touch arrogant at times, and I could almost see myself lashing out at someone like V did (not to the extent of mass-murder, though). There's also a bit of Haley or Roy or even O-Chul in there, I think, in terms of morality: rules are all very well and good until there's a better way.

2014-04-07, 08:33 PM
i am a mix of :elan: and :vaarsuvius:

2014-04-08, 02:51 PM
It shifts a lot for me. Frequently it has been V or Roy. Occasionally it is Haley or Redcloak. I feel like I have a lot of the 'negative' traits that V has, and some of the better aspects of Redcloak. Roy and Haley seem like the people I WANT to be able to relate to the most, though.

Sunken Valley
2014-04-08, 03:27 PM
Tarquin. He's an affable man who wants to stabilise the continent and help his sons live to their full potential. Rich even said if he died tomorrow his regime would hold.

2014-04-08, 04:20 PM
Most of the (main) characters are relatable in some way, but I'm the most like Elan. Especially with all his recent character development that makes him not so unreasonably childish, I'm even more like him. >.>

A Tad Insane
2014-04-08, 05:04 PM
A quarter of the way through the pole arm merchant strip, I knew exactly how it would end and was reminded of something I pulled on a 'valued customer' a few days before

John Coake
2014-04-08, 05:45 PM
I relate to The demonic roach on the left in the last panel (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0082.html)

But seriously, Elan when I'm not angry, then I'm a total Belker, until I cool off, then I'm either a Nale or a Tarquin, plotting my revenge for a while, then I go back to Elan.

2014-04-09, 11:38 AM
I think everyone who grew up in a dysfunctional family can at least see the temptation to become a monster as a way to stop being scared. Hurt others instead of being hurt by them. Try to feel superior because you came to believe it's impossible to be an equal. Treat others like you've always been treated, give it meaning. An outsider to society, see it as alien and unrelatable.
Nale's a broken, miserable thing and I know I've been in places where I could have gone down the same road. Not in a comic world genocidal way of course, probably in a down to earth, all too common cycle of abuse way, but still evil. I can't even boast of choosing a better path, I feel like retaining mental health and eventually becoming socially adjusted was more a matter of chance than virtue.

2014-04-10, 01:40 AM
I usually like bard characters most, but Elan is out of the question because of being too dumb. So that means, it's Haley and Roy I can relate best to, despite not being either an authority figure nor a criminal myself.

2014-04-10, 03:06 AM
Haley (rather distrusting, not overly confident, fairly quick to take initiative) with a tad of Vaarsuvius sometimes (I sometimes have urges of ambition while I usually lack it) and Redcloak when I'm angry (vicious down-talking speech).

2014-04-10, 03:39 AM
That'd be a "no," but that's an interesting take on their story that I hadn't seriously considered.

Actually, I'm curious as well. I figured it wasn't C&A, though. But I will ask: Is it political? If so, I think I might have a guess.

BTW: Won't even touch the relating the V bit. :smalltongue:

2014-04-10, 11:56 AM
Actually, I'm curious as well. I figured it wasn't C&A, though. But I will ask: Is it political? If so, I think I might have a guess.
Taken to PM.

2014-04-11, 06:41 PM
Yeah, I'm Belkar. The troublemaker of the group. And even though I stand 6 feet tall, I am still treated like a tiny sidekick. I'm the youngest child in the family, and one with most wicked ideas.

In DnD campaigns, I'm the evil guy who makes the needed call when good guys tangle up in their goodness. Even though my current campaign seems like half the party is evil :smalleek:

2014-04-12, 06:27 PM
I lean towards :roy: and have a bit of :vaarsuvius: in there too.

pwning doodes
2014-04-14, 10:54 AM
Otherwise, Miko. I am not like her, but I think it's easy to understand her and be sorry for her. She strove and strove, pity that she was insane and was striving in the wrong direction anyway. But being trapped in a world you don't understand, trying to find a way and discovering that you had it all wrong? That's relatable to.

I definitely relate to Miko. I am actually very similar to her in the sense that I am often an overbearing rule enforcer. I go out of my way to correct bad behavior, and it tends to piss people off. Many OotS fans loathe Miko (as was probably the intent of the author), but I just feel bad for her.

:miko: R.I.P. Miko Miyazaki :frown:

2014-04-14, 11:18 AM
I definitely relate to Miko. I am actually very similar to her in the sense that I am often an overbearing rule enforcer. I go out of my way to correct bad behavior, and it tends to piss people off. Many OotS fans loathe Miko (as was probably the intent of the author), but I just feel bad for her.

And I thought I was going to be the only one identifying with Miko. For about the same reasons as above.

…and also with Roy – sometimes I take responsibility for people who doesn't want to be taken responsibility for.