View Full Version : Dark Horizon : They Return

2014-03-15, 08:56 PM

This is an alternate history. Because of various inventions, differing political events, different leaders assuming the right positions in the world, and other important factors, the world as we know it is not this Earth. Things are so much better these days. Ever since the good times began around twenty or more years ago, the world has seemed to get better and better.

There are still Third World countries, still some people are much better off than others, and some are still poor, in living poverty and misery for one reason or another. Some starve, others are massacred, as it has always been on this brutal world. Yet something is not right. Or rather, maybe something IS right. That is all a matter of opinion, you see.

Maybe this is our Earth, and we are merely in a dream, unaware of the real things that await us when we wake up from our escape of the horrors the real world has to offer, or perhaps, we are sleeping as punishment for our sins and wicked deeds in this world?

The Awakened

Deep beneath the waves, lies the remains of a once great civilization. The civilization of Atlantis. Within Atlantis, there are the remains of a vast, dead city, crawling with strange inhabitants, mysterious and vicious.

You are in a sealed portion of Atlantis. . . a place of mysterious purpose none of you can recall. In the center of a vast structure, there is a large, mysterious crystal, shining brilliantly with shimmering energy.
You are all in your own rooms, which neighbor each other, and are East, West, North and South of the brilliantly powered crystal.

None of you know much about this place, although some of you may have vague memories of it from your own times. You all know about yourselves based on vague recollections. You know who you are, and a little bit of what you are capable of. Yet you are weak, deprived of strength.

All of you begin to open your eyes, and awaken in a strange, sarcophagus like object.

2014-03-15, 10:12 PM
Ach, how'd I get in here? No matter, I'll just push the lid off of this forsaken box. I'm mighty stiff, though. Still, beats laying in a box forever! With this, Nodens puts all his might into pushing the lid off and will attempt to do so quietly, if at all possible.

The Grim Author
2014-03-16, 12:24 AM
Hades slowly opened his eyes. Hmm. This is troubling... where am I? He grit his teeth and cleared his throat. "Persephone?" But she wasn't next to him. There wasn't enough space in here for her as well. Irritated, he shoved against the lid of the Egyptian Burial Box with all his might. "Persephone! Where are you?!"

Toxic Mind
2014-03-16, 12:46 AM
Ryujin opens his eyes and flexes his hands. hands? then he was in the form of man, for now. He could feel the sea around him, but it was distant and muted, as if there was a great deal between Ryujin and his element. He felt stone around him, and a thinner slab above him. Ryujin mustered his energy and punched the slab. It cracked and blew upward, and Ryujin sat up and surveyed his surroundings. "Hello?" Ryujin asked. He could see a few of the other boxes, similar to his own, and could sense movement in some of them.

2014-03-16, 01:08 AM
Hecate opened her eyes. Hmm. Last thing I remember was a one of my festivals. How did I end up here? She pushes the lid off of the sarcophagus. She sits up and looks around before calling out. "Is anyone there?" Someone also called out as she did. "Who's there?" She asks, her tone denoting only a curiosity, not a command or fear.

Toxic Mind
2014-03-16, 01:28 AM
"I am called.... Ryujin. My friends call called? me Ryu. And you are?" The voice sounded female, but Ryujin could not make out and features of the speaker yet.

The Grim Author
2014-03-16, 02:59 AM
"The name is Hades," responded the God of the Underworld as he shoved open his sarcophagus a little more, "and I'm looking for my wife."

2014-03-16, 03:37 AM
"What are we doing here?" A high pitched voice asked from behind the other gods. "Why am I confined this pathetic, material. . . euclidian form?" He demanded to know, from no one in particular. "This is most distressing. This is not Ryleh".

2014-03-16, 09:15 AM
Dionysus wakes up to find himself in some sort of stone coffin. He pushes against the stone slab, eventually sliding it off. He sits up, rubbing his arms and feeling tired. Moving the slab seemed to take more effort than it usually did.
"Feels like that one-," Dionysus's statement, mostly to himself, was disrupted as he noticed three other beings stand up in their own coffins. He could tell that they weren't just mortals, given the exotic names they used for themselves. He felt no need to be unsociable, so he sat up and introduced himself.
"Name's Dionysus!" the curly-haired god said, when he suddenly heard Hades introduce himself, "Hades? Now there's a name I know..."
Dionysus stops, trying to recollect where he had heard that name. Whenever he tried to think of something specific, it felt like a bad hangover. He tries to overcome this, silent for a rare instant as he tries to think.

Toxic Mind
2014-03-16, 12:16 PM
Ryujin rises from his sarcophagus, and quickly crosses the distance to the box containing Hades. He stands above the other man, and extends his hand. "There is a woman here, but I do not think she is your wife. But we will not discover what has happened to us if we do not move." Ryujin turns after helping Hades up. "We are under the water, I can sense it all around us, pressing down. Where in the world, I cannot yet tell. Bbt if I can taste the water, I will know for sure. Does anyone need help? he says to no one in particular.

2014-03-16, 12:42 PM
"Ryujin, is it? My name is Cthulhu. I uh, am surprised to be speaking in such a lowly mortal tongue, especially in this primitive, bipedal, euclidian form. Anyway, I don't suppose you know how to get out of here?"

2014-03-16, 01:06 PM
I seem to be...well, everything that was attached is still attached. I might not have minded getting my other hand back, too, but at least I still have my sword. Nodens stands and stretches feeling the blood rushing through most of his limbs and checking for full articulation out of the other. He raises his still sheathed sword and gives it a couple of swings. Boy, it's good to feel this again.

Toxic Mind
2014-03-16, 07:54 PM
"Cthulhu? Your guess is as good as mine, but I can assure you that we are underwater. We should see to our fellows, and work together to find our way out of here." Ryujin looks startled and worried when one of the others in the room suddenly pulled out a sword and began swinging it around. Ryujin raised his fists, one of which is covered in a metallic gauntlet with gems set throughout it. "Put away the sword, please. Ryujin said calmly but firmly. He moved between the man and the others in the room. I would prefer to avoid violence Ryujin a voice lowers audibly and his eyes flash to something far more akin to a snake than anything human but I will if I must.

2014-03-16, 08:07 PM
"Cthulhu? Now that's a strange name," Dionysus says. He hops up onto the edge of his coffin, sitting there and watching the others with an unperturbed smile on his face. He sees one of the other gods swinging a sword around, and falls back into the coffin when a swing gets too close. Sitting up again, Dionysus notices his thyrsus inside. He picks it up, grasping it firmly. He squeezes out a couple drops of nectar into his cupped hand, pouring the substance down his throat in a fiery burst of euphoria that quickly fades out. He looks around at the other gods.
"Well, I don't have any ideas, but I do have a drink," Dionysus says, waving his stick in the air, "Anybody?"

2014-03-16, 08:29 PM
Ah, my apologies, Ryujin. I meant no harm. I prefer to avoid violence, too, but you never know what is necessary. Still, I will honour your request. He says as he returns his sword to his side. I have but one plan: find a way out or make one. Unless someone has a better plan I suggest we focus on getting away from here and to somewhere less crypt-like, yes? I think a drink would be nice... Dyonisus, was it? I'd be Nodens. He says as he extends his hand in greeting.

Toxic Mind
2014-03-16, 08:45 PM
Ryujin nods, and his eyes fade back to their normal blue-green. "My thanks for your understanding, and your vigilance Nodens. This city is ancient, and we may have need of your blade before we get out. " Ryujin looks around, noticing the large crystal for the first time. "Might I suggest we begin with that" he says, walking toward the crystal. Upon reaching it he stretches out his Hans, attempting to discern the purpose of the crystal, or any information at all about it's make-up or origin.

Ryujin waves off the offer, and responds "Inebriation may not be the best choice, given how little we know of our surroundings." Ryujin gestures around the room. "but you are free to do a you wish."

2014-03-16, 09:55 PM
Enki rolls over in the box, trying to get comfortable, trying to go back to sleep. Too early, too cold. Not yet. But, he cannot rest, not here in this tomb. With an extended yawn, he lifts the baked clay cover off his sarcophagus and crawls out to face the day. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he surveys the room.

"Who are all of you, and what are you doing in my house?"

2014-03-16, 10:27 PM
If this is truly your house, good sir, show us the door and we will gladly leave. As it is, none of us know how we got hear but would very much like to not be. I would wager, though, that you are as misplaced as the rest of us. Welcome to the party!

2014-03-16, 10:41 PM
"Yes, well. The door should be this way!" Enki turns triumphantly to face Hecate's chambers. "No, not quite right. Perhaps it would be this way? No, clearly not." He turns in a circle, taking in the sights around him. As his eyes settle on the glowing crystal in the room's center, he strokes his beard thoughtfully. "You raise a very good point there. None of this actually looks familiar at all." Gesturing at the crystal, he adds, "Especially not this. I certainly never owned a giant glowing... thing... like this one. I'd remember something like that."

2014-03-16, 10:53 PM
"I've been awake for over seven hours." Cthulhu said. "I've come across many others during that time, but they either wouldn't talk or only said they would, in effect, only speak to me if they couldn't find a way to leave in the mean-time. Everyone's investigated this magical crystal. That's all I really know about it, other than it has more magical power stored in it than should be possible to contain in the entire mortal plane."

2014-03-16, 10:56 PM
Hecate rises out of the sarcophagus, her crystal wand help firmly in her hand, but at her side. She gazes warily at the others, but is glad to see the familiar faces of Dionysus and Hades. Hecate walks forward, her purple dress flowing behind her as she is intrigued by the crystal. Her knowledge of magic springing to her mind. Her mind searches for the kind of magic of the crystal before her. She'd never heard of anything being able to contain anywhere near this kind of power. Even her own crystal wand has only a minuscule fraction of the power of this larger one. She's delighted that a marvel of magic like this exists, but she is also frightened of so much power in a single place.

Toxic Mind
2014-03-16, 11:00 PM
Ryujin notices the woman who spoke earlier staring intently at the crystal. Do you know what it is? Or if it can help us? he says. The others in the room felt no different to him, but this one he could feel a pull, familiar and yet distant. Almost like... Tsukiyomi? But this woman was clearly not him. This puzzled Ryujin.

2014-03-16, 11:28 PM
With that wand in her hand, hopefully she will. He turns to Hecate. I may not know you, miss, but you seen like you know crystals. Have you any idea as to what is up with this one?

2014-03-16, 11:32 PM
"It has a vague resemblance to some of the magical artifacts of my gods, the Outer gods, like Shup-Nikkurath, and Yog-Sothoth, but somehow even more advanced and powerful than that. It's somehow incredibly bizarre and so strange I don't understand how it works, although as gods we may be able to eventually understand how it does work, not soon, but a long time of study should finally reveal it's total purpose. For mortals, the knowledge needed to learn substantially about this, would require tens of thousands of generations, if not longer."

"If I'm right about this Crystal, it warps reality outside our universe and basically localizes all of the magical and residual paranormal energy there, localizes it into this crystal, which then releases everything back into our world in a refreshing wave of power. Which, to be honest, baffles me, probably even more than the rest of you, since when I was asleep in Ry'leh, Earth had nowhere near this level power, if any, compared to my race, let alone the Outer gods."

2014-03-16, 11:55 PM
Mars felt blood splash his face. He felt the barbarians crumble beneath his spear. But there were too many, and he was too weak. His city, his beautiful Rome had forgotten him, and it was going to be destroyed because of their loss of faith. But he would protect it, he would try, in this perfect moment. Where his weapons flash out and kill all that would dare oppose him. For in a dream, just maybe he could bring victory, just this once.

"Ach, how'd I get in here?"

No, he couldn't wake up. He was going to save Rome.

"Who's there?"
"I am called.... Ryujin"

"Dammit," Mars growled as his eyes fluttered open and his dream drifted away. It was gone, just like his city. Groaning, he shoved himself out of his sarcophagus. Where was he? Not Olympus, surely. Grabbing his spear he headed out toward the sound of voices. Reaching the rest of the gods he looked over them. Some familiar, many not. He gave a nod of recognition to his uncle and brother, but was otherwise silent as the gods tried to figure out the mysteries of the crystal.

2014-03-17, 12:27 AM
"If it is as powerful as that, we should have no problem tapping into the incoming thaumic current to instantiate a violation of the averaged null energy condition, allowing for a transversable quasaroid leading to the surface." Looking around at the blank looks around him, he adds, "We could use it to get out of here."

2014-03-17, 12:42 AM
Cthulhu frowned."I don't think so. This is like Cavemen discovering one of today's Super Computers. It's not feasible. Even I can't do that, and although I"m not a god of magic, specifically, I have more experience with objects like these than any of you, maybe all of you combined. It's quite likely we can get out of here, however, in a little while, I can sense the magical force fields surrounding this place beginning to disappear. It should go down in another seventeen hours. In the mean time, I think that some of our "neighbors" have been listening in."

A man with a yellow-red skinned pigment in his skin, dressed in an armored, green robe and carrying a large spear like weapon, known as a Guan Dao, stepped forward. "I am Guan Yu. I don't pretend to know anything about this object, other than it has the resonance of a mystical object. I do know, however, that this Cthulhu is probably correct. Zhuge Liang has been divining the purpose of this Crystal, and trying to sense the outside of these walls and the magical seals ever since we awoke together, and he has arived to the same conclusion."

A much shorter man, 5'8 in height, to Guan Yu's 6'7, stepped forward. He was dressed in robes, and carrying a magical fan. "I am Zhuge Liang." He paused for breath. "In addition to Cthulhu's observations, I have surmised that there are dangerous monsters and creatures outside this place. We seem to be located in a magical plane, semi-separated from the Mortal World, yet somehow still inside it. Like a Tortoise in it's shell."

"Anyway, the magical creatures outside the walls should not be dangerous to a grouping of three or more of us, although they could gang up on one of us, and be quite the nuisance. Luckily, they harbor a supernatural terror of this structure. If for some reason, we need to stay here, we would be safe. They would not follow."

"There are portals throughout the area around this structure. At least five. Most likely more. In the mean time we don't really have much to do other than wait for others to wake up and converse with one another."

2014-03-17, 01:21 AM
"hmm interesting..." Hecate murmured to herself. She looks to the others. "If my intuition is correct, This is some sort of egg." She turns back, squinting her eyes at it, taking more time to inspect it. "I think that it might even me intelligent. I can sense some form of mind, but I can't tell exactly what kind. It could be a sentience like our own or like a mortal's, I'm not sure. It also is likely the reason we were all asleep." She speaks while she is walking around the crystal, looking at it from several different angles. She looks up from the crystal to Zhuge Liang "Do you know how large this compound is?"

2014-03-17, 02:13 AM
Zhuge Liang attentively responded with careful detail. "Well, around 500 square miles long and wide, and most likely not including higher and maybe lower levels. There are perhaps hundreds or even thousands of us around on this floor alone."

Toxic Mind
2014-03-17, 09:27 AM
"Since we have naught to do but wait it may be wise to learn more of one another, before we may be fighting monsters. Though I understand if so,e of you may be reticent to share. So I will start. Ryujin draws the attention of those assembled. I am Ryujin, dragon of the Oceans. I ruled from my coral palace, where I helped to maintain the balance in the oceans. For a time I slew leviathans of the deep and used their bodies to create new coral palaces across the world. What has become of these I know not. I am more than I seem."

There is a sound like the crack of thunder and the crashing of a wave against a mountain and where Ryujin once stood there now coils a Japanese dragon. Its scales glitter like the shifting blues and greens of the sea. "I think I am capable of handling a few monsters." Ryujin says, his voice noticeable lower than before. Another thunder crack and wave crash and Ryujin stands again, in human form. "Now you know so,e of my party tricks. I can control the waters of oceans and those away from the sea, and my true form is well suited for combat. Anyone else care to share?"

2014-03-17, 03:24 PM
"I am Cthulhu, the Great Old One. I am a great priest of the Outer gods and a master sorcerer. I am heralded as he who will bring the end of the world for Mankind, as all on the surface world will be changed, devoured, go mad or worse. I am the great harbinger of madness."

Guan Yu steps forward. "I am the god of war, and gaurdians. I fight with my great Guan Dao, and even as a mortal I could carry and swing my one hundred pound weapon like it was a mere one handed sword. After the death of the greatest warrior of the land, one day I rose to become even greater in skill than he. Yet I was betrayed, and thus, I was destroyed by my enemy, and I was beheaded.'

'Yet now that I have ascended, my power in combat has been magnified a thousand fold. With my Green Dragon Crescent Blade, I can carve through any obstacle or enemy that faces me!"

Zhuge Liang stepped forward. "I don't think I should babble on about myself, but I am a sorcerer and mystical practicioner."

2014-03-17, 07:58 PM
I was king of the Tuatha De Dannan, we came to rule Erin, a small island. I lost my hand in life and thus relinquished my reign since I was no longer perfect. I returned briefly after my successor proved inadequate and relinquished it again once a suitable successor was found. I was a capable fighter but more of a fair ruler than fighter, in all honesty.

2014-03-17, 08:04 PM
Dionysus sat on his coffin, listening to Cthulhu with mild interest. The wine-drinking god started to truly pay attention as soon as Cthulhu mentioned madness. He hopped off of his coffin as the other two finished speaking.
"Ooh, madness?," Dionysus says with a light smile, "That's in my purview! I'm Dionysus, the god of alcohol and ecstasy."
With that statement, Dionysus waves his hand, producing a goblet out of midair. He squeezes his thyrsus, releasing a stream of nectar into the goblet. He passes this goblet off to Nodens.
"Anybody else?" Dionysus says, pouring another goblet for himself and swishing it around a little, "A little nectar can help those thoughts flow!"
Dionysus takes a hearty sip from his goblet, savoring the powerful taste of the divine liquor. He sighs contentedly as he lowers the drink, wiping his mouth with his other hand and looking about eagerly to see if anybody accepted his offer.

2014-03-17, 11:25 PM
Cthulhu, I will have to remember that one, Mars thought to himself. He seems less a god and more a child of Echidna. And another god of war, a wordy one too.

"I'm Mars, God of War. I can help with the creatures, should that be necessary."

2014-03-18, 01:19 AM
Mars, eh? I was wondering when we would meet. I've been called by your name a few times, and I now see that it was indeed a compliment. I'm glad to have you in our number. It would be an honour to battle alongside you.

2014-03-19, 12:29 PM
"Well then, how do you propose we pass the time as we wait? There isn't much on this floor that hasn't been explored. The other levels are not accessible to us." Zhuge Liang asked.

2014-03-19, 03:36 PM
Enki inwardly rolled his eyes at the "Great" Old One, privately dismissing him. After all, a mere priest of a higher power could never be worthy of consideration. So too with Guan Yu, who seemed to be only a ascended godling and a boastful one at that. Not at all like his Murdak, who was properly respectful, even after that nasty business with Tiamat. Zhuge Liag, on the other hand, had his approval. Appropriately modest in the face of true divinity, useful with his information and, of course, able to provide support to his theory regarding the crystal. Five portals already, and apparently created by mere mortals!

"I am Enki, of course. You undoubtedly recall me as the one who taught the mortals how to plant seeds, tame goats, build temples, write records and sing hymns. In a word, a maker of civilizations. Though I am no great warrior, I am an inventor and a sage. I find myself eager to discover what has become of Eridu and of men. Perhaps they have progressed beyond my teachings at long last? It would certainly be a marvel to discover how it is that they have created such an edifice as this."

2014-03-19, 07:08 PM
Zhuge Liang and Cthulhu look towards each other, Zhuge Liang speaks first. "I don't think even we could create this magical thing. Not even Brahma, Vishnu, and the others of the combined Devas, and our gods, the Shen, combined, would be able to touch this magical power. Cthulhu has whispered in my ear that this thing is possible an infantile god in embryo, an omnipotent baby that has not yet taken it's first steps."

Hecate begins to have her face twitch, and her head develops a minor ache. (PM me for information).

Cthulhu then speaks up. "This egg is vaguely, as I said, reminiscent of some of my god's technology, yet even, somehow, improved. It could possibly be an omnipotent entity re-forming it'self for some unforeseen reason, yet I cannot tell it's true purpose."

Toxic Mind
2014-03-19, 07:16 PM
"Assuming that humans built this place would be foolish. While I believe them capable of great feats of engenuity, assuming anything in this place could prove rather... Fatal."

Ryujin had little experience with magic beyond the sea, but his face grew ashen at the mention of the crystal being some sort of egg. "If this is an egg, and an infant would have such power that most of us can barely comprehend, I would feign to see what could have created such an egg!"

2014-03-19, 08:09 PM
There was suddenly a loud thundering sound, and the force fields, covering the gates of the large structure shut down. Growling was heard off in the distance, and some of the nearby gods turned around. Some of them drew swords, others flew from the scene and looked onward. . . A mysterious echoing laugh covered the entire building.

2014-03-19, 08:56 PM
"And I, you. It is nice to finally put a face to the name," Mars gave Noden a tight lipped grin. He was content to let the more magically inclined gods figure out what to do about the egg when the shields shut down.

"Ominous," Mars muttered to himself as the laughter reverberated through Atlantis. "Alright," he finally rose his voice to address the gods around him with his full authority. "These creatures are intelligent, and they are trying to create fear among us. But we will not let them. War gods, and those accustomed to fighting hand to hand form up. Gods of magical inclination, behind them. Gods without experience in battle will be support. We don't know what these creatures want, maybe if we're lucky they'll move by us without confrontation. I don't see Fortuna here, so we will prepare to fight, and we will meet them with a united front. Dragon, do you have enough room to maneuver in here?"

Toxic Mind
2014-03-19, 11:00 PM
A crash of thunder sounds and where Ryujin stood, a dragon coils upon itself. It looks at Mars, and snarls, the closest it's bestial face can get to a smile. "Try not to get stepped on." Ryujin says, the laugh obvious even through the deep of his voice. "I am feeling quite up for a snack." Ryujin roars, and it is a primal, beastial challenge.

2014-03-19, 11:17 PM
The assembly of gods was massive. Guan Yu stood by Zhuge Liang, ready for battle. Cthulhu spoke up. "These creatures are familiar to me, yet not. These are bestial monstrosities. They are still afraid of this structure, but the odd laughter I heard just now is not from one of them. I can sense that the malevolent voice we heard laughing at the Assembly of gods is planning something in store for us that does not involve the creatures outside these walls. Not even the entity that mocked us with his dark laughter can enter here. I think that it was mocking us for something, but we have nothing to fear yet."

Ao Kuang, the Chinese god of storms, and the Eastern seas came up to Ryujin. "Ryujin! We look almost like twins, it would be fitting for us to join in battle against these bestial foes! I am Ao Kuang, and I am pleased to meet your acquaintance."

The gods begun to storm out . . . Even the scholarly mystics and sorcerers wouldn't risk permanent imprisonment just to study this Crystal. As soon as a deity would leave the strange building, they would breathe clear air, purer than the most pristine mountain air, but if they would raise their head and look up, they would see that whatever they were grounded on was rising. Within an indefinate number of hours, Atlantis would be above water.

The Feral Illithids screamed at the top of their lungs. Their hands were mangled into huge claws, and their naked bodies extended tentacles from their faces, scratching and lashing out at the nearest deities. Their feral screams would have chilled the hearts of mortal men.

Toxic Mind
2014-03-19, 11:39 PM
"One problem at a time, Cthulhu. We must deal with the threat of these monster first, to ensure that as many of us that can escape from this place." Ryujin's serpentine body moves quickly, belying his size. He nods at the other dragon's greeting, the human gesture looking decidedly odd in his current shape. "Ao Kuang, you and I shall clear a path for our less armored brethren to escape the confines of this room. We cannot allow these creatures to trap us here." Ryujin surges through the opening, his muscular body smashing Illithids aside and clearing a small path for Mars and the other warriors to exit the shielded area. Ryujin picks up the closest Illithid in his claws, smashing the creature brutally against the ground.

How would you like to handle combat?

2014-03-20, 12:18 AM
Nodens wraps his hand tightly around the hilt of his sword. He moves to stand to the left of Mars. I am ready for combat, though I do not know how capable I will prove against foes such as these. I shan't draw my sword unless we do meet these creatures in battle, though. Once drawn, this blade will not be satisfied until blood is spilled. I expect those of us confined to these forms will see significantly less battle, though. I am both glad and sad about that fact, truth be told.

2014-03-20, 11:52 AM
"H-hey! Wait for me!

A small Aztec boy, who couldn't be older than about 13, tumbled out of one of the sarcophagi, armed with nothing more than some hunting gear: javelins and bolas. He looked around and grinned at the oncoming creatures. "Ooh, ooh, do I get to hunt them?"

He offered no explanation of who he was, and leaped from side to side as the other gods wore more serious expressions, twirling his bolas around in hand at the same time. "Come on everyone, let's have some fun!" He danced towards the oncoming creatures blithely.

Toxic Mind
2014-03-20, 01:43 PM
Ryujin slices one of the Illithids with his claws and whips his tail around, smashing two more into the wall. He whips his head around to one that had been trying to sneak up on Zhuge Liang and bites down of the creature, spraying the floor with gore. Contrary to his earlier statement, he spits out the remains. "Not that hungry" he says.

Ryujin spots the small child and daintily grabs him by the javelins he carries, lifting him up to in from of the great dragon's face. Ryujin roars at the child, his teeth red with gore and dripping. The child's smile never falters. Ryujin raises one eyebrow. "Fair enough, little one. Hunt on."