View Full Version : Handful of 1st level wizards working for you.

2014-03-16, 01:20 AM
So say you have a handful of 1st level human wizards working for you, (you or a friend basically trained them from 1st level commoners) lets say they have an average Int of 13-14 between all of them, however while you have trained these guys up you do not have the means to supply them all with spellbooks you basically have 1 spell book that is the property of another higher level wizard who taught them.

Being 1st level humans they have 2 feats so they take spell mastery twice giving them the ability to actually prepare spells, sort of like a mage wright but better. (I know by the rules they get spell books with spells in them as 1st level wizards, but for simplicity's sake these guys don't)

Anyway you have 5 or so 1st level wizards who know between 2-4 spells each+read magic(because of spell mastery), which spells should they learn? What would you have them do? These would not be people who came along with you on adventures but guys that just hang out at your base of operations or something.

2014-03-16, 01:24 AM
I'd train them as Eidetic Wizards.


2014-03-16, 01:35 AM
3.5 or PF?

2014-03-16, 01:40 AM
How hypothetical is this? I get the impression that this is a situation your character finds himself in now. If so, more info will help.

2014-03-16, 01:48 AM
Lets say Eidetic is a no go because it makes this to easy, its for 3.5, and its actually hypothetical not a real situation, but for the character I had in mind there is a good chance that they are probably going to be in a fort or other fortified structure out in the middle of no-where, with a low amount of supplies, maybe some farm land around too, and obviously bad things that live in the surrounding area since it is out in the middle of no-where.

2014-03-16, 02:34 AM
They could all share one spellbook, incidentally. You just need enough Spellcraft to make the check, which you can take 10 on. So, +6 for a 1st level Wizard, which should easily be doable.

That aside - spells for defending a Fort.
* Does the Fort have warriors defending it too? If so, definitely Enlarge Person.
* If hostiles are showing up alone or in small groups, Charm Person could work well. Maybe even get some of them on your side.
* Silent Image can frighten away the less savvy attackers.
* Magic Missile can be very deadly in large numbers, and is long range.
* Mount is pretty versatile - it can help you make an escape, block doorways, and be traded to less savvy attackers as a (temporary) peace offering.
* At least one of them should have Comprehend Languages, but probably not all of them. Ditto Disguise Self.

2014-03-16, 02:39 AM
Why wouldn't you train them as Magewrights?

2014-03-16, 03:17 AM
Why wouldn't you train them as Magewrights?

Magewrights have a very limited list, don't get the ability to make a familiar, or scribe scroll, or any acfs, or the ability to specialize for bonus spell slots.

There would be warriors/fighters at the fort as well, I don't neccessarily need them only for defense of the fort, making things or other tasks could be just as beneficial or maybe even more beneficial.