View Full Version : 10 base classes, 10 prestige classes

2014-03-16, 02:28 PM
Imagine you are going to DM a D&D world with the restriction that there will only be 10 base classes and 10 prestige classes in that world. In the case of ACF features, they would be allowed, but each "set" of chosen features would count as one of your 10 base classes (for unadjusted fighter and dungeon-crash ACF fighter would count as 2 base classes - of course, one might only have the 2nd in your game).

Which 10 of each would you prefer to give maximum fun for a party and maximum enjoyment for you as DM?

*note: I imagine there are things I haven't thought of. In all those cases, assume either that they don't exist or that they are NPC only.

2014-03-16, 02:59 PM
Wild Shape Ranger
Bard (Bardic Knack version)
Dread Necromancer

Dunno for prestige classes.

2014-03-16, 03:39 PM
These base-ten supremacists really have to go! I bet the OP just happens to have exactly 10 fingers and exactly 10 toes, too!


This is the worst kind of -ism.


2014-03-16, 05:07 PM
I have always wanted to run a very low magic setting, where magic is something exceedingly rare and all that, and then have the allowed classes be the low-tier ones. With that in mind:
Base Classes
Ranger (Spelless variant)
Paladin (Spellless variant)
Fighter (Dungeoncrasher)
Barbarian (Standard and Whirling Frenzy)

Prestige Classes:
Drunken Master
Frenzied Berserker
Dungeon Delver
Invisible Blade
Master Thrower
Exotic Weapon Master

Edit: and while I am running with it, I would implement a system where any character can learn magic, with learning spells as some reward for clearing a dungeon or some story/character driven purpose, so every character may have a few 1st and second level spells, and maybe one much higher level spell as the story progresses.

2014-03-16, 05:10 PM
Wild Shape Ranger
Bard (Bardic Knack version)
Dread Necromancer

Dunno for prestige classes.Probably something close to this. Might change one of the casters out for a Spirit Shaman though.

2014-03-16, 05:34 PM
That lists seems pretty great, but Psion seems kind of random in a list that is otherwise Tier 3 and avoids full casters.

2014-03-16, 05:55 PM
That lists seems pretty great, but Psion seems kind of random in a list that is otherwise Tier 3 and avoids full casters.Beguiler and Dread Necromancer are full casters, though still tier 3.

I think Wilder is tier 3, isn't it? Maybe that. Specifically, the Educated Wilder.

EDIT: Thinking about it, having both Beguiler and Bard is pretty redundant.

2014-03-16, 06:18 PM
That lists seems pretty great, but Psion seems kind of random in a list that is otherwise Tier 3 and avoids full casters.
It's a lot better than vanceian casters, plus more subsystem options are nice.

Bard and Beguiler is pretty redundant, though, you're right. Maybe trade Beguiler for Warmage and Psion for... hmm... Warlock? The latter two with a bit of buffing, by preference. (A few more defensive/utility spells for the Warmage; more invocations known and full attacks with your blast for the Warlock). Aah, there really should be some sort of divine class on there beyond the Crusader, but everything that exists is either too good or too weak.

2014-03-16, 06:21 PM
Wild Shape Ranger
Bard (Bardic Knack version)
Dread Necromancer

I'd probably swap Beguiler for Totemist or Incarnate. Telepaths just do the whole Beguiler schtick better, and Incarnum is fun as heck.

Other than that, solid list. I don't even think Prestige classes would be necessary, honestly.

2014-03-16, 06:21 PM
Well, I have my replacement core, but since core is 11, I had 11 in there. Mine were:

Dread Necromancer
Unarmed Swordsage
Wild Shape Ranger

Of course, I'd want regular Ranger in that too because otherwise there's no real archer class. I guess if I had to drop to 10 I'd lose Warmage, since Warlock can already do the blasty thing.


2014-03-16, 06:28 PM
Of course, I'd want regular Ranger in that too because otherwise there's no real archer class.

Binder and Factotum can sort of do the archer thing. With special dispensation for homebrew, so can Warblade.

2014-03-16, 06:37 PM
These base-ten supremacists really have to go! I bet the OP just happens to have exactly 10 fingers and exactly 10 toes, too!


This is the worst kind of -ism.


Screw the eleven fingered. Base 12 is where its at.

2014-03-16, 06:44 PM
Screw the eleven fingered. Base 12 is where its at.

Ugh. You know, it's because of people like you that we have 12 months and 24 hours in a day. What a mess.

2014-03-16, 06:45 PM
Ugh. You know, it's because of people like you that we have 12 months and 24 hours in a day. What a mess.

Take the number of months and divide them by three, now take the number of fingers you have and divine them by three. Which didn't end in a fraction?:smalltongue:

2014-03-16, 06:46 PM
I would probably gestalt Ranger and Scout to make the archer class. That, or lift the Hunter from PF's ACG playtest.

2014-03-16, 06:49 PM
Take the number of months and divide them by three, now take the number of fingers you have and divine them by three. Which didn't end in a fraction?

Neither. Tragic industrial accident. :smalltongue:

Kidding. Look, why don't we just split the difference and use base 36?

In no way does this "split the difference".

2014-03-16, 06:53 PM
I'd like at least one of each kind of caster. Ardent or Wilder for Psionic, Shugenja or Spirit Shaman for Divine, Bard or Beguiler for Arcane?

... That's a lot of charisma. Let's call it Ardent, Shugenja and Beguiler.

Let's add in the ToB classes for fun melee characters. Warblade, Crusader and Unarmed Swordsage.

Wildshape Ranger because it's fun and I want a nature sort of class. Factotum for sneaky stuff. That's 8 so far.

What's the best way to do archery? Incarnate? If so, I should include that. Probably stay away from Totemist so I don't step on Wildshape Ranger's toes.

After that, probably Binder or Warlock.

As far as prestige classes go, they should probably be considered with the base classes in mind. Also should be 10 levels or more. Master of Many Forms for WS Ranger, Eternal Blade for Warblade, Shadow Sun Ninja for Swordsage, Chameleon for Factotum are probably the most clear. Actually, with Eternal Blade available I might cut out Crusader, since EB gets access to the only unique discipline Crusaders get.

Shadowcrafter or Swiftblade for the Beguiler? The only good Incarnum class I know is Ironsoul Forger. Would that work for an archer?

Warlock specific PrC's tend to not be great. And Hellfire Warlock is only 3 levels. Not very familiar with Binders. I'd go Constructor for Ardent but that might lock them into too narrow a focus.

EDIT: I'd also cut out racial requirements. If there's only 10 PrC's, it'd be better if anyone could take it.

2014-03-16, 06:54 PM
Ugh. You know, it's because of people like you that we have 12 months and 24 hours in a day. What a mess.

See? Even the sun and the Earth know that 12 is superior to 10.

Take the number of months and divide them by three, now take the number of fingers you have and divine them by three. Which didn't end in a fraction?:smalltongue:

Not to mention 4 and 6.

2014-03-16, 06:58 PM
I think I'd go with something like:

Factotum: Fills the skillmonkey niche, and has limited casting.
Wild Shape Ranger: Fills the nature-guy niche, and also opens up the ability to make a shapeshifter.
Warblade: This is your "beatstick" fighter-type.
Crusader: This is your Holy Warrior-type of character.
Swordsage (unarmed variant folded in, keeping armor proficiencies): This is your "nimble" fighter-type.
Binder: I think the Binder does a fairly good job of filling the cleric's role of having some healing, some other magic, alright fighting, but above all else is about drawing power from an outside-reality source. Their powers are also different enough from other magic that it's a nice contrast. Refluffing to make them more "cleric-y" might be possible if the player wants that sort of theme.
Warmage: This is your Black Mage.
Dread Necromancer: This is your Necromancer.
Bard (bardic knack by default): An alternate skillmonkey, and also a support character.
Wilder (educated ACF): This fills the role of psychics. They might also get the ability to pick a Psion discipline to choose powers known from if they want.

This class runs into the issue of not really having a good Archer class, unless you're a Factotum/Binder specialized for it. Maybe Psyren's suggestion of a Ranger//Scout.

Prestige classes are harder to pick 10 of, but thinking about what sort of archetypes I personally would want to see in a game, I'd probably go with something like...

Abjurant Champion: With mage armor and its variants being turned into abjuration. I like gishes, and I also like the concept of a mage using force fields as a defense.
Slayer (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/slayer.htm): Fighter-types who use their psychic powers to increase their fighting ability are cool.
Master of Many Forms: For the rangers who want to be less "natureguy" and more "shapeshifter."
Knight of the Sacred Seal: Because Binders need a PrC, and the other ones are fairly specific.

The thing about PrCs is that I like having a crapton of them, and limiting them to 10 isn't really fun for me. No idea about what other six I'd want in here this list, because of that.

2014-03-16, 07:37 PM
The PRCs are hard to do. But base ten huh...

Wild shape Ranger
Wolf totem Barbarian
Cantor (divine bard)
Dragon Shaman
Expert (UA version)

I'm sure there's some balance issue but this seems like a tasty list that precludes T1 full casters.

2014-03-16, 08:04 PM
I think my list is probably pretty similar to most people here, and I couldn't narrow it down lower than 11, but here goes:

Duskblade - gish
Spirit Shaman - divine caster
Beguiler - sneaky guy
Warlock - arcane blasty-guy
Warblade - fighter
Crusader - paladin
Unarmed Swordsage - monk
Wild Shape Ranger - nature-focused with decent options
And then these three have a lot of good options and get them in interesting ways:
Factotum - skill-monkey role-filler
Incarnate - versatile support
Binder - versatile support

The list is pretty arcane-heavy but I think crusader and spirit shaman give a good mix of divine or divine-like abilities, along with ranger. Most core roles are available with these eleven. If I had to narrow it down to 10 I'd probably have to choose between incarnate and binder, but it'd be a hard choice since I like them both very much.

2014-03-16, 08:22 PM
How about choosing 10 races, as well?

2014-03-16, 08:30 PM
How about choosing 10 races, as well?

1) Human. Obviously.
2) Killoren. I think they're neat, and they don't get nearly enough play.
3) Warforged. Superior to Dwarves in nearly every respect.
4) Lesser Planetouched. Strong choice in place of Human for a lot of builds.
5) Azurin. I'm into MoI stuff, and these guys are irreplaceable.
6) Half-Giants. I consider them strictly superior to Goliaths.
7) Halflings. As far as small-sized races go, these guys are pretty neat.
8) Syands. One of the cooler psionic races.
9) Whisper Gnomes. Hands down, the best stealth base race.
10) Tibbits. Because AWWW ITS A WITTLE KITTY.

2014-03-16, 10:35 PM
Except on the Paladins when variants are listed I mean that all are applied to that class.

Favored Soul
Dread Necromancer
Dragonfire Adept
Rogue [Martial & Spell Sense variants]
Barbarian [Lion Spirit Totem & Wolf Totem variants]
Paladin [and all it's alignment variants- yes I'm cheating on this last one]

Occult Slayer
Totem Rager
Earth Dreamer
Bone Knight
Knight of the Sacred Seal
Abjurant Champion
Gray Guard

I realized that this may not be the most balanced list, but I think that it would be a pretty solid variety at a moderately close power level.

And since someone mentioned races:

Silverbrow Humans
Lesser Aasimar
Water Orcs

2014-03-16, 11:34 PM
What if, instead of having the Binder as one of the 10, I made Anima Mage into a Warlock only PrC? Would that be a good idea?

2014-03-17, 12:07 AM
Using the interpretation that the passage from the Feats section in Complete Arcane lets you use Vestige Metamagic and Invocations? That'd be cool as hell.

2014-03-17, 03:14 AM
1. Spontaneous Variant Druid
2. Spontaneous Variant Cleric
3. Wizard
4. Sorcerer
5. Rogue
6. Warlock
7. Fighter
8. Barbarian
9. Unarmed SwordSage
10. Crusader

1. Prestige Paladin
2. Eldritch Knight
3. BlackGuards
4. Assassins(good/evil versions)
5. Mystic Theurge
6. Prestige Bard
7. Prestige Ranger
8. Enlightened Spirit (a fixed version)
9. Eldritch Disciple (most likely to be switched for something else)
10. Any full BAB class that a single classed fighter wants to take.

If I thought about this a little more I might make a few tweaks especially with the prestige classes, also assuming that NPC classes still exist.

Every character would start at level 1, with an absurdly high starting rolls for stats and/or point buy, because you are the heroes/villains darn it!, traits and flaws allowed, people would have to earn treasure instead of just blindly following WBL, magic items would not automatically be in stock at the "magic mart" with higher level items being particularly rare, nor would the materials needed to make them necessarily be in stock, this includes things like higher level scrolls for adding spells to a wizards spellbook(for example 1-3rd uncommon, 4th-5th rare, 6th very rare, 7th basically unobtainable, 8th-9th non-existant) Creature difficulty would be regulated by campaign world area/events and not a players level, with # of random encounters per day being determined completely randomly by dice no 4 encounters you are out of spells have a nice rest to recuperate, might run into 1 monsters one day and 15 monsters another day depending on where and when you are there as well as the way things are done by the players, and where strategy and intelligent play are rewarded more than just OP'ing everything. Magical Effects could potentially be altered greatly depending on your location in the world with places ranging from natural antimagic fields, to dampened magic where spells of Higher levels do not work starting with 9th and up and working down for more dampened areas, to places where no arcane or divine magic works, but the other kind does, etc. etc. Moderate Hedge of DM protection until level 4 so you can get a feel for your characters/learn how things work.

This is not the Tippy-Verse you are looking for. :smallcool:

Honorable Mentions:

1. Incarnate
2. Psion
3. Slayer
4. Ironsoul ForgeMasters

2014-03-17, 07:25 AM
But what if I want to gestalt some of the classes?

Here's my list:
-Ranger/Scout Gestalt (archer/twf skirmisher)
-Mystic Wildshape Ranger (druid-light character)
-Warblade/Barbarian (A fighter that relies on instinct to bash his enemies to the ground)
-Swordsage/Psychic Warrior (tashlatora if you want to flurry)
-Paladin/Crusader (save boost cha synergy, more smite and other stuff (paladin alignment alts assumed to be fine)
-Beguiler/spelltheif (minus the master spelltheif feat and spelltheif spells)
-Dread Necromancer/Warlock (blast and scare)
-Warmage/Duskblade (compliment duskblade channel with some warmage versatility
-Gunslinger/Fighter (PF class, but 3.5 rules for guns they are in the DMG)
-Rouge/Swashbuckler (minus the feat that stacks Sneak attack)

Presteige classes hmm...
1. Ruby Knight Vindicator (flavor for the paladin crusader to upgrade from replaces both sides)
2. Illithid Hunter (some abilities for swordsage/psychic warrior to upgrade from replaces psychic warrior side)
3. Assassin (rouge swashbuckler upgrade, can replace either side)
4. Eldritch Savant? (dual progression for dread necro/warlock replaces both sides)
5. Unseen Seer (beguiler spelltheif upgrade replaces beguiler side)
6. Frenzied Berserker (warblade/barbarian upgrade replaces both sides)
7. ...

eh I'm out of ideas for it.

John Longarrow
2014-03-17, 08:22 AM
For the most part, my list is a little different than most.


Two options would be
Wilderness Rogue
Cloistered Cleric

Abjurant Champion (Both Arcane and Divine)
Radiant Servant

For archery, fighters do it well if they are built that way. Same with being unarmed combatants. They get 11 feats, so they SHOULD be able to specialize in most areas of combat!

Rogue and Beguiler have similar skill sets, but Rogue emphasizes a skilled combatant more, which is why I've got it in there.

P.S. Base 2 is the way to go, just ask your computer!!!

Shining Wrath
2014-03-17, 08:37 AM
Base classes:


Three classes for melee; two classes for skill monkeys; the three classic Tier 1 caster classes; and one each for binding magic and invocation magic to provide some variety.

Prestige classes - there are just too many to really narrow it down to 10. Master of Nine and Ruby Knight Vindicator from Tome of Battle, the classic Archmage and Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil for the Wizards, and Malconvoker for the Cleric or Wizard who feels the need to go dark and mysterious. Who takes a PrC for Druid? Sublime Chord for the Bard ...

Ah, fuggedabout it. Too many PrC to narrow it down to 10.

2014-03-17, 08:38 AM
1. Warblade
2. Unarmed Swordsage
3. Totemist
4. Psion
5. Factotum
6. Archivist
7. Spirit Shaman
8. Generic Spellcaster (Unearthed Arcana)
9. Warlock
10. Binder

1. Slayer
2. Abjurant Champion
3. Jade Phoenix Mage
4. Prestige Bard
5. Prestige Ranger
6. Ruby Knight Vindicator
7. Chameleon
8. Knight of the Sacred Seal
9. Eldritch Disciple
10. Psychic Assassin

1. Human
2. Elan
3. Strongheart Halfling
4. Grey Elf
5. Changeling
6. Warforged
7. Shifter
8. Dvati
9. Tibbit
10. Dwarf

2014-03-17, 08:54 AM
>Oracle (Looking at the Pathfinder one here, is there a 3.5 Oracle?)

Pretty boring, but it does pretty much everything you'd want. Possibly a Wu Jen or Shugenja (which I probably messed up the spelling of) in there somewhere.

>Mystic Theurge (boosted to d6)
>Cerebremancer (boosted to d6 and changed so Divine casters can get in too)
>Eldritch Theurge (boosted to d6 and changed so Divine casters can get in too)
>A Warlock/Psion Theurge, again at d6. Let's call it Eldritch Psionicist.
>Mash together the Arcane Archer and Eldritch Knight. Let's call it Eldritch Warrior. Give them the choice of archery or two-weapon, and let them get the Ranger abilities each of those paths would give.
>Illithid Savant, but allowing anyone to eat brains, not just Mind Flayers. Gross, but we're limited to ten PrCs here.
>Grim Psion remade for 3.5e
> ???

2014-03-17, 12:29 PM
1. Factotum - Skillmonkey
2. Warblade - Fighter replacement
3. Unarmed Swordsage - Monk Replacement
4. Crusader - Paladin Replacement
5. Binder - Pact magic is neat.
6. Psion - I like psionics.
7. Totemist - Incarnum is fun.
8. Sha'ir - Because they're more fun than wizards in my opinion.
9. Cloistered Cleric - Divine caster.
10. Bard - Because I like them better than I like druids.

HM: Dragonfire Adept, Druid

1. Archmage - Adapted so that divine casters and psions can take it as well.
2. Master of the Nine - For those initiators.
3. Sublime Chord - For the Bards out there.
4. Warshaper - For the changelings.
5. Eternal Blade - Without the racial requirements. Again for the Initiators.
6. Knight of the Sacred Seal - Binder
7. Chameleon - Good prc, Factotum gets options.
8. Abjurant Champion - Adapted so both Arcane, Divine, and Psions can take it. For the gishes out there.
9. Exemplar - To make some builds more interesting.
10. Anima Mage - Adapted to work with Psions and Divine Casters too.

HM: Seeker of the Song

1. Silverbrow Humans
2. Warforged
3. Lesser Planetouched (Feels like cheating, but I like them all)
4. Strongheart Halfling
5. Whisper Gnome
6. Changeling
7. Grey Elf
8. Elan
9. Azurin
10. Dream Dwarf

HM: Tibbet

2014-04-13, 01:53 AM

1. Priest (divine bard rehash)
2. Druid (mystic wildshape ranger rehash)
3. Warblade
4. Crusader
5. Factotum
6. Beguiler
7. Dread Necromacer
8. Warlock
9. Swordage (unarmed)
10. Scout (with a choice of SA/Skirmish)

I would throw binder in there, but it kinda steps on the warlocks toes fluff n SLA wise.


1. Prestige Paladin (w/maneuvers on levels w/out CL +)
2. Mystic Theurge
3. Unseen Seer
4. Master of Many Forms
5. Prestige Bard
6. Jade Phoenix Mage
7. Prestige Ranger (w/manvuevers on levels w/out CL+)
8. Bloodstorm Blade
9. Ninja Spy
10. Ultimate Magus (w/out prepared casting requirement)


1. Humans
2. Dwarves
3. Desert Half-Orc
4. Strongheart Halfings
5. Snow Elves
6. Gnomes
7. Sharakim (no LA)
8. Buhka
9. Half Elves
10. Raptorans

No redundant elves, or environments means races from all four corners of Oerth, each with it's own unique stats :D

2014-04-13, 02:12 AM
I would start by asking each of my players what they wanted on the list.

Based on the preferences of my past players (and the lack of envy):
Bard [Bardic Knack]
Fighter [Zhentarim Soldier, Thug] (my fighter players really like the basic attack action and At-Will abilities)
Barbarian [Spirit Lion, Wolf Totem, Whirling Frenzy]
Cloistered Cleric
Beguiler [Eclectic learning]
Dread Necromancer [Eclectic learning]

2014-04-13, 11:19 AM
For ten base classes, I'd go with

Barbarian - Good for smashing.
Bard - Boost everyone's stats.
Cleric - Go-to for divine magic and turning undead.
Druid - Hippy nature magic.
Paladin - Holy warriors. 'nuff said.
Ranger -Nature people. In a pinch I'd go for a scout instead, though.
Sorcerer -Spontaneous arcane caster.
Wizard - Intelligent arcane caster.
Favored Soul - Spontaneous divine caster.
Ninja - or rogue. Both fill similar niches. I personally prefer Ninja for the AC bonus from wisdom.

Ten races -

Human - simple, easy, well-known.
Elves - I'd probably go with a ranger variant of the class instead of the wizard version.
Spellscales - go-to race for sorcerers.
Half-elf - also good for rangers.
Githzerai - Ninja favored class variant, due to monks sucking.
Dwarves - well-known.
Dvati - Interesting bards. Not used a lot though.
Half-orc - good bonuses to strength.
Warforged - I just kind of like them.
Gnomes - can't be racist towards the little people.

Ten prestige classes -
Blackguard - antipaladins. gotta love 'em.
Assassin - Everyone needs murderers.
Archmage - Archetypical mage.
Evangelist - PWAISE BAHAMUT!
Shadow Adept - Just 'cause.
Tainted Scholar - Breakin the game, one free metamagic feat at a time.
Arcane Archer - If you have elves, you gotta have archers.
Mystic Theurge - Because multiclassing between arcane and divine casters isn't fun any other way.
Dwarven Defender - Same reason we have the archer.
Arcane Hierophant - Do you need to ask?

2014-04-13, 01:00 PM
Ten Classes:
Dread Necromancer
Druid (Shapeshift variant)
Favored Soul
Swordsage (modified to include an Archery school)
Warblade (modified to include an Archery school)
(Honorable Mentions: Beguiler, Factotum, Binder, Totemist).

Ten PrCs:
Horizon Walker
Sublime Chord
Prestige Paladin
Bear Warrior
Master of Nine
(Honorable Mention: Seeker of the Song, Hellfire Warlock, Bloodstorm Blade, Chameleon, Warshaper)

Ten Races:
(Honorable Mention: Aasimar, Shifter, Azurin)

2014-04-13, 01:03 PM
These base-ten supremacists really have to go! I bet the OP just happens to have exactly 10 fingers and exactly 10 toes, too!


This is the worst kind of -ism.


Are we on Tumblr?

2014-04-13, 02:23 PM
I prefer classless systems...

2014-04-13, 03:35 PM
Wild Shape Ranger
Bard (Bardic Knack version)
Dread Necromancer

Dunno for prestige classes.

Savage Bard variant from UA is much better even if only for trading Reflex saves for Fort saves.
Swap Bardic Knowledge for Bardic Knack.
Swap Countersong for Spellbreaker Song.
Swap Fascinate for Hymn of Healing (just because)
Swap Suggestion for Song of the Heart (Feat, eberron ACF, but not setting specific)
Dread Necromancer

Seems like a bit better list to me. Hard to upgrade such a good list a lot.

2014-04-13, 04:11 PM
1. Generalist Wizard
2. Domain Wizard
3. Focused Specialist Wizard
4. Divine Wizard
5. Immediate Magic Wizard
6. Wizard
7. Cleric
8. Cloistered Cleric
9. Spontaneous Domain Cleric
10. Sorcerer

1. Ultimate Magus
2. Incantatrix
3. Spelldancer
4. Hathran
5. Contemplative
6. Dweomerkeeper
7. Halruaan Elder
8. Divine Oracle
9. Sovereign Speaker
10. ?

Seriously, I like casters. Never been a Druid guy, though.

2014-04-13, 05:07 PM
Wild Shape Ranger
Bard (Bardic Knack version)
Dread Necromancer

Dunno for prestige classes.

My list would look very similar to this except with psion being replaced by wilder or ardent and warlock in there somewhere (maybe instead of bard or beguiler?)

As for races:
Grey Elf
Half Orc (possibly desert half orc?)
Lesser planetouched, if that's allowed. Otherwise, shifter would work.

2014-04-13, 05:48 PM
I honestly feel like limiting people to ten classes and prestige classes is bad for the game. I know legitimately few players who use races outside the player's handbook, but as DM I feel like the limitations would become dreadfully boring.

2014-04-13, 08:19 PM
Base Classes

I. Warblade: A fighter for the group.

II. Duskblade: A Gish.

III. Warmage: A blaster-caster.

IV. Dread Necromancer: A zombie-commander.

V. Beguiler: A living-commander.

VI. Binder: The witch who makes deals with spirits, semi-gods (not demi-gods), and all other ilk.

VII. Warlock: My great, great granddaddy loved devils a little too much!

VIII. Factorum: Skill monkey.

IX. Druid (Modified As Explained Below):

Druids may choose to gain Wild-Shape or Spellcasting, but not both.

X. Cleric (Destroy Undead Alternate Class Feature; Modified As Below).

Clerics select two domains and spontaneously cast from those domains. Those are the only spells they have access to.

Prestige Class

I. Prestige Paladin: What world is a world without paladins?

II. Prestige Ranger: For you Drizz't wannabes.

III. Eldritch Theurge: Can you say Warmage/Warlock Shenanigans?

IV. Heirophant: For those high level Clerics/Spellcasting Druids.

V. Master of Shrouds: Change Protection From Good requirement to "Animate Undead".

VI. Ur-Priest: They gain access to a randomly drawn pool of spells per day. Ha.

VII. Master Specialist: Good for all the casters.

VIII. Arcane Archer: For you bowmen out there.

IX: Assassin: Everyone loves the hired killer.

X: Horizon Walker: And this guy.

2014-04-13, 08:22 PM
These 20 but using the Pathfinder Feats every odd level.

1 Rouge
2 Ranger
3 Duskblade
4 Dragon Shaman
5 War Mage (Electic Learning)
6 Warlock
7 Bard
8 Favored Soul
9 Swashbuckler
10 Paladin (Charging Smite)


1 Assassin (no Alighnment restriction)
2 The one that progresses Bard to 9th level spells for the life of me can't remember what it's called.
3 Storm Lord (non-specific Diety Varient)
4 Deepwood Sniper
5 Hellfire Warlock
6 Hellreaver
7 Rainbow Servant
8 SPell Dancer
9 Ashworm Dragoon
10 Exorcist of the Silver Flame (No specific Diety Varient)

Man on Fire
2014-04-14, 07:31 AM
Wildshape Ranger
Dread Necromancer
Binder (no online vestiges)
Dragonfire Adept

PrC - some that are good for them, dunno which ones.

2014-04-14, 09:19 AM
Base Classes

1. Binder
2. Bard (knack, spellbreaker song)
3. Crusader
4. Dread Necromancer
5. Duskblade
6. Psychic Rogue
7. Unarmed Swordsage
8. Warblade
9. Warlock
10. Wildshape Ranger


1. Knight of the Sacred Seal
2. Sublime Chord
3. Master of the Nine
4. Abjurant Champion
5. Pale Master
6. Ebon Saint (most likely to get booted off list)
7. Hellfire Warlock
8. Master of Many Forms
9. Eldritch Knight (modified to allow entry via Warlock)
10. Bloodstorm Blade

2014-04-14, 09:37 AM
Base classes list:

Warblade (with fixed Iron Heart Surge)
Wild Shape Ranger (without access to Aberration Wild Shape, Frozen Wild Shape, etc).
Psychic Warrior (without access to Rapidstrike or Expanded Knowledge)
Psychic Rogue (without access to Expanded Knowledge)
Bard (without access to Glibness or Alter Self)
Beguiler (without Shadow Evocation/Conjuration)
Dragonfire Adept (with Warlock Invocations added to his Invocation list)
Binder (without access to online vestiges)

Yes I know this one goes to 11 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Up_to_eleven).

This list offers you a mix of mechanical options and roles, with nothing that can accidentally "break" the game by default. (Though I'm sure a creative player could do so if they actively sought to break the game).

Not on my list for a reason:

Any prestige class. In an ideal game, there wouldn't be prestige classes. Base classes would simply have expanded power/spell/ability lists.
Any full divine caster. Access to large amounts of unlimited healing basically removes Exploration as a meaningful sub-game, since it renders most decisions that don't end in death meaningless.
Any full caster class other then the Beguiler (which has a set spell list). These classes are great when used in the hands of a mature player, but can require WAY too many caveats and house rules to use with someone who isn't experienced with them and/or is intentionally trying to "win" the game.
Dread Necromancer: Have you ever seen a DN in a real game? It's a nightmare. They get way, way too many minions by default.
Factotum: A nifty class that I would allow if a player asked me, but there's not much of a rationale for him to exist in a game with a Bard, Psychic Rogue, Wildshape Ranger, and Beguiler. And the ability to cherry pick any spell opens up the door to possible game breaking abuse.
Warlock: Too few resources per level. It's a lot easier just to give the Dragonfire Adept (who gets significantly more, since has two separate tracks for Invocations and Breath Effects) the Warlock's Invocations.