View Full Version : Guessing Do any non-goblinoids worship the Dark One?

2014-03-16, 07:06 PM
Are there any small cults among dwarves, humans, or elves that worship him?

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-03-16, 07:52 PM
Possibly, but not very likely, given that he is the representative of the goblinoids, and was slain by the plots of the dwarves, elves, and humans. I can't think of any reason why someone else would worship him, given that we haven't really seen much in the way of positive other humanoid-goblinoid relationships.

2014-03-16, 07:58 PM
Yeah, going to go ahead and call it highly unlikely as well. The Dark One is the god of the goblinoids. Why would a human or a member of any other PC race worship him? They have their own gods, for every alignment. Even if a human or elf doesn't see eye-to-eye with any member of their pantheon, it doesn't seem that the Dark One would provide them with something that their own gods can't.

2014-03-16, 08:00 PM
Maybe if they're into goblinoids like Tsukiko was with the undead.

The Oni
2014-03-17, 10:52 AM
I would guess that any generally-disliked, downtrodden intelligent race might rally to the Dark One's cause; it's just that "goblinoids" is the word that describes most of that world's generally-disliked, downtrodden intelligent races?

I mean, I suppose some really, really fervent human defenders of equality might want to throw their hat in with the Dark One. But they'd definitely have to be extremists in the extreme.

2014-03-17, 12:43 PM
I'd say it's statistically possible that some non-goblinoids have taken it upon themselves to worship the Dark One, but I highly doubt that he has any clerics among them and probably doesn't acknowledge them, unless it's to cynically use them. After all, Xykon was human once, and so was Tsukiko, but while Redcloak allied with them, they weren't privy to the Plan. I'd say that the Dark One's vision of the future has no real place for non-goblinoids, but their help wouldn't be spurned either.

Giggling Ghast
2014-03-17, 12:51 PM
Just a few goblin posers. You know, those kids who paint themselves green and hang out at the mall.

2014-03-17, 01:33 PM
one word: teens

the same way we had good goblins inside Dorukan's Dungeon, who knows if there isn't a angsty human/elven/dwarf teen running around who would love to be a goblin, hence worshipping the Dark One

2014-03-17, 05:38 PM
There could be those similar to Uncle Ruckus who think they're polymorphed goblins adopted by a human/dwarf/elven family

2014-03-17, 07:35 PM
I could envision some other monstrous humanoids throwing their lot in with the Dark One.

2014-03-18, 12:30 PM
There could be those similar to Uncle Ruckus who think they're polymorphed goblins adopted by a human/dwarf/elven family

As usual with such theories, it's technically not entirely impossible. Doesn't mean it's in any way likely.

2014-03-19, 09:23 AM
I guess The Sapphire Guard has made a lot of enemies over the years. Surely there are some mountainmen who's pissed at them (sorta like in lotr, where the men of the mountain ally themselves with Saruman and his orcs against Rohan).

2014-03-19, 06:51 PM
Yes. I do. Muahahahahahah!


There probably are, although I doubt the Dark One cares that much about them.

2014-03-19, 06:53 PM
Yes. I do. Muahahahahahah!

A Kobold follower of the Dark One?!?
The Oracle isn't going to be happy about that:smalleek:

2014-03-19, 06:56 PM
Yes. I do. Muahahahahahah!


There probably are, although I doubt the Dark One cares that much about them.

Well, Redcloak mentioned that other races got the short end, like Kobolds, so I think he might try to help them as well.

2014-03-19, 07:18 PM
Do trolls, Lizardfolk and the like worship him, maybe? Maybe some other monsters who were created purely for cannon fodder, like the goblins?

I mean, the Dark One may primarily care about goblinoids, but if there's a decent following amongst other groups he might throw them a bone every once in a while.

2014-03-19, 07:24 PM
While most of worshipers the Dark One has are probably goblinoids, and I'd say the considerable majority of the remainder are similarly oppressed, I wouldn't actually say he has no worshipers who aren't human, elven, dwarven and other less oppressed races. Assuming the Dark One's agenda hasn't changed from what Redcloak's description back in Start of Darkness (and the wording of his description of the situation to Tsukiko makes me believe that, no, it hasn't changed), it's not a terribly unsympathetic ideal: equality. Now, granted, you have to be the sort of person who doesn't buy into the idea of being evil by dint of race, but those sort of people do exist. How willing the more conventional worshipers would be to accept them would vary (some would want revenge for the crap they've gotten over the years, some would be grateful that there are non-racists out there, etc.), but I'd bet there are a tiny group smattering mixed in there.

That all having been said, that's based on what the Dark One advertises, and a fair bit of that comes through Redcloak, who's adamant in his hatred for humanity (which, granted, is only a portion of the unusual worshipers that might be interested in the DO's agenda). We still haven't actually had the Dark One on screen yet, so no idea if he still holds to equality rather than, say, dominance or revenge. But I don't suppose the average worshiper would know his opinion anyway. Assuming he's on the level with just wanting golbinoids on equal footing with everyone else, it would be very odd for him to deny worshipers of the very people his followers are going to soon be interacting with in new, more positive ways. Were I him (and, for the record, I'm not a purple ascended goblin with plans to utilize a nigh-unstoppable deity-slaying horror to blackmail the various pantheons into concessions for my species), I'd take any sincere worship I could get.

I find it bitterly amusing that the ones most likely to sympathize with the desire for equality at the expense of some of the better resourced lands are likely to be Lawful Good...maybe even Paladins.

2014-03-19, 07:28 PM
The Dark One is pretty explicitly the goblin deity, so I would think worshiping him would be like a non-elf worshiping an elvish deity. The deity or the deity's servant's would probably try to direct such a worshiper to try his or her hands at the Reincarnation game if high enough level, because a former orc/drow/kobald fighter loyal enough to the Dark One to willingly become a goblin would be pretty good propaganda, and would add a new piece for the god to use. Alternatively, if the non-goblin is weak in the grand scale of things, the Dark One would probably use him or her as a pawn to further goblinoid goals.

As for genuine non-goblin worshipers of the Dark One, Gobbotopia is pretty much set up to be accepting of many species as all out, so non-goblins converting to the deity whose servants set up a working government where the powerful nation of LG divine warriors used to be wouldn't be out of the question.

2014-03-20, 02:23 AM
I got the impresion the human cleric that turned down Roys offer to join in orgins of heroes was a cleric of the goblin deity.

"I would love to but my god doesn't agree"