View Full Version : Movies Uwe Boll is still making movies, and this makes me cry

2014-03-16, 08:22 PM
So I was in a Wal-Mart today shopping, and I happened to pass by the movie aisle. I noticed a movie there - In The Name Of The King 3. And I suddenly thought, WTF? the first one was so terrible ($10 million worldwide on a $60 million budget), how is there a 3rd one? No mention on the cover, but looking at the back, yep, Uwe Boll is still at it.

HOW has the blight on humanity that is Uwe Boll's movies allowed to continue?

(Yes, I am aware of the German tax law that essentially funds him, and it depresses me that he is still taking advantage of it)

2014-03-17, 01:31 AM
He has a fan base believe it or not. Plus he's insane, which helps him out immensely.

Legato Endless
2014-03-17, 02:59 AM
Huh. I sort of assumed he had ceased spawning such offal since I haven't heard any internet chatter since the 2000s ended. I need to go back and check to make sure Jack Thompson is still disbarred now.

2014-03-17, 04:28 AM
Actually, there is one reason Boll still make movie try to pop our eyes out of their sockets : His movies are total failure.

Yes, this is absurd. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uwe_Boll#Financing)

I am not sure if this is still valid, even if he is still making movies :smallmad:

2014-03-17, 12:34 PM
I though Germany changed that law some years ago. Did they change it back? Or has he found a new angle to make a profit on flop movies?

2014-03-17, 01:42 PM
Peeking at his imdb credits he doesn't direct much now, he seems to be more of a producer. 12 films alone from 2013-2014.

2014-03-17, 01:52 PM
Peeking at his imdb credits he doesn't direct much now, he seems to be more of a producer. 12 films alone from 2013-2014.

He was still directing multiple movies in 2013 - 3, actually. In fact, he's been doing 3 a year since about 2007.

He's probably not on IMDB because most of his movies are straight to DVD ever since the epic meltdown that was In The Name Of The King.

2014-03-17, 01:55 PM
He was still directing multiple movies in 2013 - 3, actually. In fact, he's been doing 3 a year since about 2007.

He's probably not on IMDB because most of his movies are straight to DVD ever since the epic meltdown that was In The Name Of The King.

Actually the reason that he's not making big-budget movies now is that the "The Producers" law from... was it Germany?.. expired or was repealed. So his terrible stuff no longer guarantees money from it.

Where he gets his money from: idiots.
The film industry is full of them

2014-03-17, 02:28 PM
Uwe Boll and his "films", much like the man, are like a storm on the horizon; a maelstrom of pure destruction, awfulness, misery, and woe - - it's elemental, and can't be reasoned with.

2014-03-17, 02:35 PM
I dunno, but I'd just keep walking past that section of the aisle and not return. :smallbiggrin:

2014-03-18, 09:34 PM
The interesting thing is that 30-40 years from now, people will look back at Uwe Boll’s work and wonder at his genius... or at least wonder if he was a genius or not. People are saying that very thing about Russ Myer, Ed Wood and other well known B movie directors now.

All three of these directors make (or made as the case may be) movies off of other people’s money (actually a standard practice in Hollywood I hear). They just happen to be terrible. If we walked out of a theater in 1959 having just seen Plan 9 from Outer Space, we’d all be just as pissed (only the amount of people you could make you opinion known to would be significantly smaller since the internet didn’t exist back then) about how bad that movie was.

If anything those B movies are becoming more popular now than ever before, thanks to shows like Mystery Science Theater 3000, internet programs like Rifftrax, Nostalga critic and others. What makes Uwe Boll’s so much more insulting?

Mystic Muse
2014-03-18, 09:37 PM
If anything those B movies are becoming more popular now than ever before, thanks to shows like Mystery Science Theater 3000, internet programs like Rifftrax, Nostalga critic and others. What makes Uwe Boll’s so much more insulting?

It's the idea that Uwe Boll hates the source material for some of his movies, and the fact that he was exploiting that loophole to make money even when he knew he was churning out an inferior product.

Kinda the same reason people hate Seltzer and Friedberg. The movies are bad, they clearly aren't done with any sort of respect (Blubberella? Really?) they clearly weren't intended to be good half the time, and they still made him tons of money so he kept churning them out.

2014-03-19, 06:46 PM
Actually, there is one reason Boll still make movie try to pop our eyes out of their sockets : His movies are total failure.

Yes, this is absurd. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uwe_Boll#Financing)

I am not sure if this is still valid, even if he is still making movies :smallmad:

Wait, so this like a "Springtime for Hitler" thing?

Legato Endless
2014-03-19, 07:03 PM
Yes, but with more of a shady loophole than genuine one time success tone Springtime normally implies. It's like a Hitler for all seasons model.

BeerMug Paladin
2014-03-19, 07:08 PM
Yeah, I agree, 20 or more years from now people will probably begin to enjoy Uwe Boll movies ironically. Probably the sole reason why he's hated as much as he is, is that he makes a lot of crappy videogame movies, thus even more firmly cementing the rule that videogames have terrible movie adaptations.

If some of those other notoriously awful directors made comic book movies (or whatever was mainstream at the time) the audience may have had a similar reaction to them. Being crap with original ideas is probably generally less upsetting to people, which is why we have things like backlash to Trek, Wars, and basically any nerd franchise out there when a new movie isn't absolutely perfect. (And often when a new 'bad' one comes out, the previous 'bad' ones get a promoted reputation as 'passable' movies). People just are harsher when someone is messing with a thing they like.

So when Boll makes some middling to bad action movie and gives it some names and other tie ins from a videogame, people react much more negatively to it than they otherwise probably would. Personally, I'd like to see him working with people like Nicolas Cage, George Lucas (writing/co-director) and any number of action stars from the 80s.

2014-03-19, 07:12 PM
Last I heard, they closed the loophole. I guess he just runs on sheer idiocy now.

That being said, Far Cry was actually... ok. Not good, but ok.