View Full Version : Anointed knight

2014-03-17, 05:42 AM
Were thinking after I have read alot about how bad this class is,
If changing so it counts as every anointed knight level you take
counts as a fighter and paladin level, for requirement of unlocking
fighter feats for the fig levels, and for lay on hands amount and smite
evil efficiency for the pal levels. Would this make the class more useful?
And maybe for paladin spell progression or would this make it too good?

Spacehamster over and out

2014-03-17, 06:00 AM
More useful, yes.
Useful, no.

The main reason is that Fighter exclusive FBFs (The Weapon Focus line) are absolutely terrible, and Paladin Smite and LoH are also pretty bad

2014-03-17, 06:03 AM
It would be more useful but your still a fighter or paladin with a little extra.
I have enjoyed playing a fighter with anointed knight levels. As BSF it worked but apart from that I did not do much else.

2014-03-17, 06:06 AM
Maybe if you gave it 3/4 Paladin casting progression on top of that it would be a decent paladin PRC. It's a pretty bad melee class in that it scales with cha, its anointment class features are rather weak and its bonus feat list is very limited.

It also has to rub itself with magic oil to become more powerful. That's dumb beyond words.

2014-03-17, 06:08 AM
Well mostly the better lay on hands is what I would be after since our party usually consists of melee characters with little to no healing, we are retarded that way. :P I will be 4 fig, 4 pal, 5 anointed knight and 7 of a reworked 3.5 weapons master I found on the net. Got good charisma so 5 more levels to lay on hands would scale nicely and add a bit of healing, as would the small amount of spells I would get from having 5 more levels of spell progression.

2014-03-17, 06:12 AM
Maybe if you gave it 3/4 Paladin casting progression on top of that it would be a decent paladin PRC. It's a pretty bad melee class in that it scales with cha, its anointment class features are rather weak and its bonus feat list is very limited.

It also has to rub itself with magic oil to become more powerful. That's dumb beyond words.

Lol its the magic oil thing that I find cool and different with the class. xD

2014-03-17, 06:13 AM
Oh, I missed your edit. Yes, with full paladin spell progression it would be pretty good. Then we run into the problem of it advancing nearly everything the palading has (except the mount), so it becomes Paladin++. Not a big deal IMO, but some may mind.

Lol its the magic oil thing that I find cool and different with the class. xD

Heh, I suppose it's a matter of imagination. Yours is most likely the correct mental image. Mine is that of a huge, glistering body builder with a Hulk Hogan moustache flexing his muscles and shouting "This holy oil makes me STRRONGERRR!"

2014-03-17, 06:21 AM
And if I decide to skip the anointed knight levels, does anyone have any suggestions for a 5 lvl prestige class that fits a charismatic weapon mastery obsessed super good guy? :)

2014-03-17, 06:35 AM
Fist of Raziel? It's also in the BoED.

2014-03-17, 06:37 AM
Oh, I missed your edit. Yes, with full paladin spell progression it would be pretty good. Then we run into the problem of it advancing nearly everything the palading has (except the mount), so it becomes Paladin++. Not a big deal IMO, but some may mind.

Heh, I suppose it's a matter of imagination. Yours is most likely the correct mental image. Mine is that of a huge, glistering body builder with a Hulk Hogan moustache flexing his muscles and shouting "This holy oil makes me STRRONGERRR!"

rofl now that is a hilarious mental image!

2014-03-17, 06:45 AM
Fist of Raziel? It's also in the BoED.

Ill have a look at it, see what requirements it has and such thx. :)

2014-03-17, 06:57 AM
Fist of Raziel? It's also in the BoED.

Ohhh this class seems nice, dont know how I missed it when reading through BoED when I got it. :) thx think ill take 5 levels of Fist instead since it gives spell progression. ^^