View Full Version : [3.5] Non-Charisma-based Team Leader (Warblade//??? Gestalt)?

2014-03-17, 11:25 AM
One of my player's characters recently died (a heroic, self-sacrificing death, which the player was satisfied with), and the player now wishes to play a team-leader type character, but doesn't want to invest heavily in Charisma, and thus came to me for help with a possible 20 level progression that would be playable from 11th (the current level); as this is a gestalt campaign, I figured having one side of the progression be a White Raven focused Warblade would be a good start to such a build, but I'm somewhat lost as to how the other side of the progression would go.

Part of me thinks it would be helpful to the character build to have a bunch of class features that would provide flat bonuses to allies, while another part of my thinks it might be better if the character has assess to things like Nightsong Enforcer's Teamwork (Status) ability and work as the team's coordinator in battle.

All official 3.5 WotC published and licensed (Dragon Mags, Dragonlance CS, etc) are allowed in the game, and the optimization level is mid to high. Party is currently a stealth-focused Factotum//Erudite/Slayer, a Generalist Wizard//Archivist, and a Zhentarim Soldier Dungeon Crasher Fighter//Tashalatora Monk/Ardent.

2014-03-17, 11:35 AM
Things that synergize with being a leader...

First question is whether he wants to lead the party or actually take Leadership.

Either way, some classes are still solid.

Marshal: minor auras are Cha based, but the other ones are level based (you never hear about them because people forget that Marshal is longer than 1 level). Also, granting actions is fun.

Bard: Can actually be pretty independent of Cha if you don't focus on spells with saves. Inspire Courage optimization is strong, Song of the White Raven exists, and he could use Perform (Oratory) to be giving rousing motivational speeches throughout the battle.

Dragon Shaman: Again, auras are helpful. Also, sharing your draconic adaptation.

Any non-Cha based caster: Probably not what he's looking for, but I'm mentioning them for completeness sake. Mass buffs are nice to have.

2014-03-17, 11:41 AM
To clarify, the player wants to be a tactical leader, not take Leadership and have a bunch of followers.

I'm generally leery of taking Marshal for a low-Charisma build because the Major Aura progresses far too slowly, meaning the minor aura is the primary motivating reason for taking the class. I initially considered going with an Inspire Courage optimized bard, but, after reading the Inspire Courage Optimization handbook, I felt like I had no better understanding of Inspire Courage Optimization than I had before I read it. Dragon Shamans in general just seem a bit underpowered for the party

2014-03-17, 11:43 AM
Well, this is the passive side, so I was mostly looking at classes where you don't really get new things to do with your actions.

What didn't you get about IC? I'm currently running an IC optimized bard, so I have a fair grasp on it.

2014-03-17, 11:47 AM
Well, this is the passive side, so I was mostly looking at classes where you don't really get new things to do with your actions.

What didn't you get about IC? I'm currently running an IC optimized bard, so I have a fair grasp on it.

I understand how Inspire Courage works, per se; it's just, the handbook itself reads almost like a list, without any suggestions as to how to actually stack the stuff together. Not to mention, being mind-affecting, it'll become nearly useless in about a half-dozen levels, because then Mind Blank will pretty much be on everybody all the time.

2014-03-17, 12:51 PM
That's why you play something like a silverbrow human (or any human and grab Dragontouched) and grab Dragonfire Inspiration.

As far as how they stack, you just get all of the bonuses that add +1, and total it up. So for an 8th level bard it is:
+2 from bard levels
+1 from Inspirational Boost
+1 from a horn
+1 from Song of the Heart
Total: +5 to hit and damage

The main point of contention is with Words of Creation: does the doubling apply at the begining or at the end. If it's at the beginning, the above totals to +7, since the 2 from bard levels is doubled. If it is applied at then end, then the above is +10, since it doubles the total.

2014-03-17, 02:22 PM
Considering that everyone else has casting, I'd go for a White Raven focused Warblade // Wizard/War Weaver. That keeps you Int-based rather than Cha-based, and gives you plenty of access to buff spells and BFC that can be applied in a tactical, leadery way. If you want to keep distinct from the Archivist//Wizard, switch in Wu Jen.