View Full Version : [3.P] Magus/Warmage Missile Build

2014-03-17, 02:41 PM
Short version, I'm planning a 3.p Magus/Warmage build and want some advice.

I was thinking of doing a Magus/Warmage 3.p build for an upcoming campaign. It's a pretty rough idea, but I thought the two would mesh together well. I was planning on taking Precocious Apprentice on the Magus side and then taking Ultimate Magus, and then probably finishing out the full class and then jumping into a 5-level PRC (thinking Force Missile Mage, so it'd be Magus 3/Warmage 2/Ultimate Magus 10/FMM 5). I was going to mostly focus on debuff-blasting via Magic Missile-Fell Drain, using arcane thesis and Easy Metamagic from Dragon Mag to basically auto-intensify, auto-fell drain it, but also take advantage of the Magus's self-buff spells (especially polymorphing) in case I need to mix it up in melee. I think the big issue will be the MAD (Charisma and Intelligence are both important, although Warmage Edge makes it slightly synergistic at least) and the limited spell levels, but I'm trying to work it so I lose as few Magus spell levels as possible, since post-6th spells for Warmage seem especially "meh" to me. By the end of my build I've worked it out to 13/13 casting level (that 5th and 6th level spells for Magus and Warmage respectively), using Practiced Spellcaster and the bonus to effective CL from Ultimate Magus to bump the CLs all the way up to 20 for the purposes of my spells. Anything you guys think I should specifically try to fit in my build, or any pitfalls I should look out for? If so, I'd appreciate it.

2014-03-17, 04:43 PM
I am sorry for sounding harsh, but...
The build is a bad idea. Magus spells and abilities are suited for close combat, while the Warmage's spells scream for long-to-medium distance blasting. Stacking Ultimagus at the top is also not quite a good idea - for fullcasters maybe, but with 6th level Magus spells you lose out too much. Overall it feels like you'd be better with running a pure Magus or Warmage/Wizard/Ultimagus.

2014-03-17, 05:37 PM
This'll teach me to speculate stumbling blind drunk, but maybe, just maybe, you'd be better served by being a cleric of Tharizdun (or just getting the Force domain) and focusing down on DMM shenanigans for magic missiles. Then your avenues of advancement open up just a bit on top of that.