View Full Version : Light of the Moon IC

2014-03-17, 09:04 PM
You've all been drafted into the army. You've heard rumors about it for years, a force of specially train soldiers, either pulled from the regular army, or drafted to it specifically, but there was never any proof of it to you. Until now. Earlier today you were all approached by a member of the city guard with your official draft report and you dragged to the large military base on the outskirts of the city. You were told to wait in line with the others. There is roughly 30 people in the room.
A gruff man with three scars that resemble claw marks running down his cheek walks in and begins pacing in front of you. "When the full moon rises, it brings dread, and fear to everyone's hearts. Once, long ago, the full moon was romanticized here in Lycania, but not anymore. You've all probably all heard the stories. Werewolves reeking havoc, killing innocents, and those that they don't kill become monsters too. The worst part is that, unless it's the full moon, we can't tell a beast from an ordinary man. These monsters are trying to tear our society apart. We need to stop them, and you are our newest recruits in this long war."
Down the line from you another recruit speaks up.
"So, what, are we supposed to just kill them? They're people too, you know."
The man marches to the recruit. "What was that cadet." He hisses, practically spitting in the boy's face.
"Lycanthropes are people too."
The man pulls his hands out of his pocket and slaps the recruit across his face, the man's glove glinting with metal woven into the fabric. There is a faint hissing sound as the glove hits his face and a slight burn remaining on the boy's cheek.
"Ah, should'a known you were one'a them." He grabs the boy by his jackets collar and yanks him upfront. "This kid here is one'a them. A monster. A werewolf." He smirks at the terrified look on the boy's face. "And this is the proper way to deal with one'a them." The man flicks a silvery dagger out of his sleeve and swiftly slices it across the boy's neck and he crumples. "Now I don't wanna hear none'a you talkin bout 'lycanthropes'. That name is a mockery of our beautiful country. And if I'm findin out any'a ya are monsters like him, your death will be just as swift."
He then smiles slightly. "But we'll find out in due time, eh? I'll be splitting ya into groups of six for yer training. I don't wanna hear no whining 'bout not likin' yer partners. You'll play nice, or ya won't play at all. I don't allow any funny business." He starts splitting everyone into groups of six, and you six are together. The man is currently across the room, talking to another group, so you're free to talk amongst yourselves.

2014-03-17, 09:16 PM
After that display Caelan eyes the rest of the recruits with suspicion and says, "If I'm going to be working with you, I want to know, absolutely for certain I can trust you. Werewolves are the most insidious beings ever created to destroy nature. We're lucky one of them was stupid enough to out himself, but anyone can be a werewolf. I'm not going to trust any of you until I see this..." She fishes a silver coin out of her purse, and holds it to her forehead for a moment. Unless the GM hasn't told me something, it doesn't burn and she continues, "See? I'm clean. I'm going to press this coin to everyone else's forehead. If it burns you, I will kill you. If you refuse, I will assume you're a werewolf or kill you. Any problems?"

Meanwhile, two large wolves circle Caelan protectively, growling at anyone who gets too close.

2014-03-18, 09:34 AM
Hulking, muscled men are, perhaps fairly, often estimated to be all muscle and no brain, but the look that crosses Donar's face as he watches the officer is ... calculating; the clear blue eyes narrowing and darkening under the shaggy blond hair. The look passes but it replaced with irritation as he turns to the person holding out the coin.

"You just saw that guard kill a boy who has never done any harm to anyone else, and you call werewolves evil murderers?

"But fine."

His large hand snatches the coin. He looks at it with disgust and then pops it into his mouth and begins to chew. The trimmed, blond beard doesn't hide the muscles bunching in his jaw, and he grimaces as he chews with difficulty.

Finally, he works it to the front of his mouth and spits it back in the face of the woman who offered it to him; the mangle lump of silver alloy no longer recognizable as a coin.

"There. You certainly ain't no squad leader, so you can take that bit of silver and shove it up your butt. I'll do it for you if you try a stunt like that again."

2014-03-18, 09:46 AM
A laugh rings out from the the blonde woman, leaning casually on a scythe of black metal and dark brown wood. "Trusting people based on what a coin tells you are we?", a smile creeps across her face and she laughs, her amber eyes glimmer with a hint of red for a moment as the torchlight reflects off them. "You may perform your silly test if it sets you at ease, though you'll have to excuse me if I do not trust as simply as that. My name is Oriel, by the way. ".

She glances down at the chewed up piece of metal and raises an eyebrow, "Though, I do hope you have another coin."

2014-03-18, 11:44 AM
Derrick Wolfbane

Physical Description:
A waterfall of silver drapes over the golden-glowing eyes of a man who's dress starkly contrasts his natural adornments. Simple breeches and tunic do little to detract from Derrick's obvious splendor, seen in more than just the halo of light that surrounds him like white torch-glow. His hair falls free and the beard on his face reveals that no razor has touched him since his first stubble some 13 summers past.

Derrick looks on Caelan with admiration, "Now here's one with a pure heart that burns like the sun! Thanks be to Pelor I've been assigned alongside one as devoted as you!"

Derrick bends down to retrieve the silver piece, spitting into his cupped hand to wash the dust from it and gently cleaning it. He presses the coin against his own forehead before returning it to Caelan with a handshake. "Right thankful am I that I got it before it graced your butt!" he snickers good-heartedly. "I am Derrick, called Wolfbane, trained my whole life to combat the scourge of the werewolves by the Holy Church of Pelor, trained as scout and gifted with some small means of magical assistance and competency, sworn wholly to stamping out the Foul Menace."

As Derrick approaches the wolves circling Caelan he emits some soft growls, barking noises, whines and his body fidgets in odd ways.

Using Wild Empathy and Speak with Animals to introduce myself to the wolves and politely ask after their well-being and declare myself an ally and friend.

2014-03-18, 02:38 PM
"You know, if a werewolf joined a squad of the army with special orders to hunt werewolves, some might think that they joined on purpose. After all, it'd probably be their best chance to find other unregistered lycanthropes. He'd probably have turned on us the first chance he got, or murdered us in our sleep." Xanben paused for a moment, appearing to think, staring with his pale blue eyes at the tall blond man. Then he abruptly reached for one of his swords, pressing his hand against the silver blade for a second, before putting his sword away and showing everyone his palm.

"It's a good thing you aren't a werewolf, else a more suspicious man than I might think you were one of them. Anyway, we're working together, so names would probably be useful. I'm called Xanben, and your name is?"

2014-03-18, 05:10 PM
Donar rolls his eyes.

"Suspicion blinds you. How do we know your sword is actually silver? Convenient to carry around some of your own 'silver' handy to prove yourself. How do we know she," he jerks his thumb at Caelan, "hadn't prepped against the silver trick somehow and isn't just using that to preempt suspicions. How do we know I don't have blisters all over the inside of my mouth? And if any werewolf came here, you can be damned sure that he," he glares at Caelan, "or she, would have prepared some avoidance methods sufficient to handle a simple silver test.

"Paranoid arsewipes. The only thing we can know for sure is that the poor kid there hadn't planned on killing anyone - he obviously didn't prepare at all and wasn't trying to keep a low profile."

Donar doesn't bother waiting for responses. He pushes his way over to the body and begins poking at it with his foot, examining the clothes, and any personal belongings visible.

2014-03-18, 05:53 PM
Caelan glares at Donar and says, "Do you know why werewolves exist? Some dark god decided it would be hilarious to turn man against nature. They chose the two races with the greatest power, the greatest organization, the best ability to defend the wild, and created a sick and twisted fusion to sow distrust and hatred between the two." She then continues in druidic, <"It is our duty as druids to stamp out this plague. Or did you think I wouldn't notice that we have the same bond to the wild."> With that, she palms a second coin, and slaps in on the back of Donar's neck, waiting for a reaction.

2014-03-18, 06:12 PM
Behind the bickering group, a throat is cleared. "Nearly done?" A pale, tired looking, women dressed in the same long silver colored military coat, dark grey pants, and knee high boots as the officer who spoke to you initially, but is still across the room, but she also has a hat with the countries crest on it and thick brown curls spilling out of it. Resting on the bridge of her nose is a pair of rectangular glasses in front of narrowed blue eyes.
"We'll be administering our own silver tests later. You very well don't need to." She sighs, tutting at you guys. "My name is Adrian Whitefoot. General Whitefoot if Commander Scarface is around. Oh. Also, don't call him Scarface unless you want to end up like that poor boy over there. Did he even introduce himself? I was running a bit late, so I missed his speech." She stares at you inquisitively, as different from the scarred commander as day is from night.

2014-03-18, 06:28 PM
Caelan stands at attention and says, "With all due respect, General, the 'poor boy' as you call him outed himself as an unregistered werewolf. That's why he's dead. And as for my little unauthorized silver test, I figured it's better safe than sorry. You can't have too many fail-safes against a threat as insidious as a werewolf."

2014-03-18, 06:50 PM
"Adrian. Please call me Adrian as long as he isn't near. It's still a breach of protocol that was done just as a scare tactic. The proper protocol is to immediately arrest them, draw up registry papers and charge them a hefty fine, not kill them, but Scarface gets away with breaking that rule all the time." She scowls, clearly disliking 'Scarface'. She snorts at the mention of a werewolf being a threat. "Does it look like a full moon to you? A lycanthrope is no more dangerous that a normal person right now."
She's not nervous at all. Downright relaxed, actually.

2014-03-18, 06:59 PM
Caelan nods, and says, "Fine then...Adrian. Werewolves are a threat, always. The registered ones are trying to restrain themselves, I'll grant that, but the unregistereds are almost always working their own sinister agenda, and using their ability to pass as human to further their schemes."

2014-03-18, 07:05 PM
"Or perhaps they just want a job that actually pays well enough to buy enough food for themselves, or even their families, if they have them, and many do." She says coldly. "I can tell this isn't going to be fun. I'll be the one training you six." She scowls. "Also, despite whatever Scarface tells you, Lycanthropes are human, and I don't want to hear another peep saying otherwise. The point of this is to fight the ones that are actually a danger, those who don't do anything to restrain themselves or get themselves out of the way."

2014-03-18, 10:13 PM
Donar slapped his large mitt of a hand over the spot where the hateful woman hand smacked the coin on his neck. His other hand came whistling around in a punch that would have laid her flat had the general not stepped in its way.

Donar stumbled off balance, pulling the punch. His glare promised that he hadn't forgotten his promise of retribution if she tried something like that again. He couldn't believe someone like that could call herself a Druid.

But the general's presence stilled his retort. Instead he merely glared at her while nodding vigorously to the general's words.

"General," Donar scratched at his neck, keeping it covered until a large rat crawled up out of his backpack and perched on his neck over the place the coin had been.

"The kid there probably had some family connections. Would it be all right if I checked the body to see if there might be anything to help find them? I'm new here, but maybe a local might handle that."

2014-03-18, 10:35 PM
"Adrian. I dislike titles; they're completely unnecessary. I'd allow that, but you might want to wait for Scarface to leave; he'd be real upset if he saw you doing that. I could also just figure out who he was and track down his draft info. It would say who is next of kin were, if he had any. If he didn't it would state his closest living relative." She pauses, turning her weary gaze to the rest of the group. "Why don't you all introduce yourselves. I'm afraid we'll be seeing a lot of each other in the next several weeks, might as well try to get off on the right foot."

2014-03-18, 10:55 PM
Garel Durand
a short, stocky dwarf, with long, somewhat wild brown hair and beard, wearing simple, well-made clothing designed for travel. He looks like someone who spends most of his time outdoors. His most notable piece of equipment is the large silver axe that he carries, it looks too big for him to wield.

Garel grunts...

well spoken, Adrian. Now, for the rest of you, I joined to fight dangerous werewolves, not each other. Say what you want about tests, but I'll keep any silver coins you toss my way.
He tosses his axe from bare hand to bare hand.
this blade's my proof, but you can believe what you want to as to if its real. Or train with me and wait till I chop a real werewolf with it, your choice.

Adrian, what should we call the commander, who did not give his name?

2014-03-18, 10:58 PM
As the general spoke, a good eye might catch a little spark of magic behind Donar's head, and a fantastic eye might have caught the rat ducking back into the backpack along with a bit of stick that could have been the end of a wand.

"Fiedendoff, general. Donar Fiedendoff."

Donar doesn't quite snap a salute, but he does straighten his back and stiffen his large arms at his side.

2014-03-18, 10:58 PM
Caelan eyes Donar's actions suspiciously. Covering the spot where silver touched him? Looks suspiciously like a lycanthrope covering a silver burn that he doesn't want discovered...Too late now, of course, his healing would deal with the burn. With this in mind, she mutters in Druidic to Donar, <"Defiler...You dare call yourself a druid, you abomination? I know what you're hiding...It's only a matter of time until I prove it. And then...I will kill you slowly for your crimes.">

2014-03-19, 12:58 AM

Derrick rises from his conversation with the wolves, and mutters under his breath to Caelan, "Oh, do behave, nobody likes a surly bunkmate here in the civilized lands." It takes a moment to sink in that this was muttered in the same language Caelan was just speaking!

Brushing the hair from his face, the human addresses the general, "Pleased to make your acquaintance Adrian, I am Derrick the Wolfbane, no doubt my records were sent from the Temple. I look forward to augmenting my training with what you have to offer."

2014-03-19, 08:45 AM
"Scarface's actual name is William Brightblade. For your own safety, only call him Commander Brightblade. I cannot stress this enough. As you saw, he takes killing people rather lightly." She sighs at the bickering in Druidic.
<"Would you stop it!"> She snaps at them in the very same language. <"First of all, talking in anything but common is down right impolite, but taking childish bickering into to this sacred language is one step too far."> She scowls. "Yes, I speak druidic." She says coolly, returning to common.

2014-03-19, 08:52 AM
"Yes, sir," Donar promptly replies. "Common only, sir."

He clears his throat, "If I may ask, what will we be doing in this unit?"

2014-03-19, 09:02 AM
"Are you that opposed to calling me Adrian? If you insist on calling me something like sir, I would prefer you use M'am. I am a girl." She smiles, amused.
"Tracking down and arresting unregistered lycanthropes, using force to capture them if necessary. The next several weeks I'll be teaching you new ways to identify them, and the most effective ways to take them down."

2014-03-19, 09:18 AM
Donar looks flustered.

"No sir, er, ma'am. It's just that, well, we're in the military now, and I thought they always used stuff like that."

"I've been in plenty of brawls and can dish it out," he looks with promise at Caelan, "but I've never been a fighting man in the military. I guess I sort of assumed ..."

Donar trails off.

2014-03-19, 09:26 AM
"Most do. I dislike it. Anyway..." She trails off and stands up straight saluting at the Commander approaching.
"General Whitefoot." He says curtly. "Good to see that you made it. Mother alright?"
"Yes Commander, Sir." She says tensely.
"Good. Now, Cadets. General Whitefoot here will be your instructor. For the next four weeks, what she says is law. If she says jump, you jump. If she says run, you run. If I find out that any of you disobey her, you're fate won't be pretty. Understood?"

2014-03-19, 09:51 AM
Oriel continues to lean on her scythe and looks around at the others, then over at the newly introduced General, the heavy wooden end of the scythe tapping against the ground as she smiles at the general and speaks

"I have...memories of some military life, though I am quite out of practice. And some of the others seem to have some experience as well. Though I am woefully out of touch with the current...werewolf epidemic."

The commander approaches, and her smile drops in intensity to something more respectful, "Understood Commander."

Oriel D'Evenant is of fey stature, shorter than most human women, but with an almost impossible beauty and grace. Blonde hair spills down to her mid-back sometimes covering the base of her elven looking ears. Her amber eyes are flecked with green, and seemingly red though the amounts of each may in fact change with every glance, sometimes the entire eye seeming green, or even a blood red.

2014-03-19, 10:27 AM
Caelan salutes and says, "Yes Sir." She seems a little embarrassed over the whole Druidic thing, and is trying to make it up to the General.

2014-03-19, 10:53 AM
Donar is already strait-backed, and snaps a salute, copying as best he can the salutes he has seen.

"Sir, yes sir."

2014-03-19, 11:05 AM

"Aye, Commander. Heard and kept."

2014-03-19, 12:11 PM
"Yes sir. Understood sir." Xanben says as he hurriedly salutes the commander.

2014-03-19, 12:44 PM
"Good. You seem to have already whipped them to shape Adri." He sends a toothy grin at the general, who fidgets awkwardly.
"We are at work, sir." She says quietly, not looking at him. He sighs. "Don't go easy on them, General."
"Wouldn't dream of it." She says, still tense.
The commander smirks and walks away, Adrian sending a death glare at his back.
"Adri, as if." She spats angrily. "Why does he think he can talk to me like that?" She mutters to herself, a scowl etched on her face.

2014-03-19, 12:59 PM
Donar focuses his eyes about a foot above and off to the side of General Adrian's head.

"Where will our training be, ma'am?"

2014-03-19, 01:00 PM
Caelan stands stock still and silent at attention, awaiting further orders.

2014-03-19, 01:06 PM
"Huh? Oh, Various Places, but it's not properly starting until tomorrow. Today is orientation day. Silver tests are going to be after dinner which is in..." She pauses to glance at her silver watch. "2 hours. In that time I'm supposed to show you to your barracks and give you a general tour of the building. Come on, he came to talk to you guys now, so we're free to go. I'll show you to the barracks fist so you can drop of your stuff." She walks off, gesturing for you to follow.

2014-03-19, 01:16 PM

Derrick follows along, not terribly excited about being penned up in a barracks room. "I don't have any gear to stow, but a tour of the grounds sounds like just the thing."

2014-03-19, 01:37 PM
Caelan nods and asks, "Mind if I keep my gear with me? I like having my bow at easy grasp."

2014-03-19, 01:44 PM
Oriel follows off after the others, figuring it would be wise to stow her scythes before heading to dinner, "How long have you been serving for Adrian?". she asks, the bottom of her weapon thumping on the ground as she walks.

2014-03-20, 01:29 PM
"I suppose you can keep you stuff with you, but I still need to show where the barracks are." She smiles at Oriel's question. "Actually, legally, serving, or just honorably doing so? I was a military child, so my childhood was moving from base to base. I saw and learned a lot in that time. I've know how to use a bow for as long as I've known how to read."

2014-04-06, 01:21 PM
The bottom of her scythe taps along on the ground as she walks, the sound is rhythmic, almost following a beat. "I had meant legally, all of us have been in service of one force or another since our births, whether we know of it or not. Though I suppose your answer tells far more about you."

2014-04-06, 02:15 PM
The bottom of her scythe taps along on the ground as she walks, the sound is rhythmic, almost following a beat. "I had meant legally, all of us have been in service of one force or another since our births, whether we know of it or not. Though I suppose your answer tells far more about you."

"I suppose you can say that you are always in service of someone, though for children, it's usually just their parents." She smiles. "Legally speaking I've been in the military over all 7 years, this unit 5 years and a general in this unit 3 years." She comes to a halt at a simple steel door. "This is the barrack you 6 will be staying at." She opens the door to reveal a plain room with dusty white walls, the cold stone floor that seem universal across the complex, and 3 plain bunk beds with threadbare white sheets. Next to each of the beds is a old dresser. "It's not much, but you get used to it. Once you move up from being cadets you'll get moved to a room with regular beds, but for now you're stuck bunking together. Feel free to drop off anything you'd like, or nothing at all and we'll get started with the tour."

2014-04-06, 04:51 PM
"So you were only in the army for 4 years before becoming a general, ma'am? Is it normal to be promoted that fast?" Xanben asks while storing his backpack in one of the dressers and placing his swords by it.

2014-04-06, 05:02 PM
Caelynn sits cross-legged on the bottom of one of the bunks, and closes her eyes. Meanwhile, her wolves lay down at the side of her bed, and the male growls at Derrick rather gruffly, <"How can ya speak to us? You one a them?">

2014-04-07, 12:36 PM
Donar walks over to the furthest bunk and tosses his walking stick down on the bottom bunk. "I'll go for this one. I don't think anyone wants someone my size sleeping over them."

He reaches a hand back into his backpack and a large rat crawls up his arm. "What do you think, Lucky? Our new bed for a while. Beats the woods."

The rat jumps down onto the bed and sniffs around before climbing back up Donar and into the bag.

Donar chuckles. "Yeah yeah, you like your nest better."

He turns back around to the general and straightens his shoulders, "Looks fine. Ready to roll, ma'am."

2014-04-07, 05:45 PM
Finding a convenient spot on a random bunk Oriel places the scythe with the black blade carefully on the bed, before drawing the Silver one from her back and hanging it on the side of the bed frame. She tilts her head to the side curiously for a moment before she turns back to the others, "That will do." she remarks, with her hands empty she crosses her arms over her chest and rocks slowly on her heels, waiting for everyone to be ready.

2014-04-07, 05:57 PM

Derrick surveys the barracks, and a barely perceptible sigh escapes him, Oh to have a sky to sleep beneath...can't be helped I suppose

He decides to save choosing a bed for bed-time, and stands silently ready for the tour to commence.

EDIT: He responds to Caelynn's wolf, <You'll find I'm trained to do many things, my friend, I'd be happy to tell you anything you like when time is more available with no small amount of good-natured mischief conveyed through body language.

2014-04-07, 07:24 PM
Garel follows Donar to the back of the room, and surveys the bunk situation, then climbs up to the top.

I guess the short guy gets the top bunk, huh? Hope you don't mind if I snore.

He stows a backpack in the dresser, leans his ax and walking staff beside it, and then turns back to the general, ready to begin the tour.

2014-04-08, 09:04 PM
"So you were only in the army for 4 years before becoming a general, ma'am? Is it normal to be promoted that fast?" Xanben asks while storing his backpack in one of the dressers and placing his swords by it.
"Uh, no. It can take up to a decade, and I'm the youngest general the army's had in a decade..." She clears her throat. "So, are we all ready to go? Yes? Good." She nods and strides down the corridor, expecting you 6 to follow.

2014-04-08, 09:06 PM
"Uh, no. It can take up to a decade, and I'm the youngest general the army's had in a decade..." She clears her throat. "So, are we all ready to go? Yes? Good." She nods and strides down the corridor, expecting you 6 to follow.

Caelynn silently falls into line in the generally accepted position of squad leader...Oh dear, the implications.

((Note here: I'm assuming there is a standard military marching order. She's standing where the leader of a subordinate squad would be, wherever that is.))

2014-04-09, 10:33 AM
Donar, further back in the room, comes up behind most of the others. He considers pushing up to the front, but the little runt is up there already and he doesn't want to be any closer to her than he has too. Unfortunately she is immediately behind General Whitefoot, and he would like to talk to her. Decisions.

As they leave the room, he decides to go for it anyway. "Cover me," he whispers to the animal in his battered Haversack. It pops its head up from the Haversack, the end of a wand gripped in each paw.

He steps to the side and trots up to where he is next to the striding general, unfortunately, presenting his back to the lunatic Caelynn.

"Um, general, I'm glad to serve, but I'm more at home out in the forests. I've been a lumberman most of my life. I've been in plenty of fights, but those have mostly been wild brawlin', punchin', and kickin'. You know, gouge their eye out sort of stuff." He looks a bit flustered. "Er, maybe you don't know that sort of stuff, ma'am. It's pretty crude, and I'm sure you, wouldn't..., well."

He collects his thoughts for a brief second. "What I'm trying to say, ma'am, is that I don't have any military skills. I'll do you proud, Ma'am, don't worry." He tries a salute while walking, and it is ... less than military perfection. "But, why in all that's holy would they pick me for the army?"

2014-04-09, 11:06 AM
"Um, general, I'm glad to serve, but I'm more at home out in the forests. I've been a lumberman most of my life. I've been in plenty of fights, but those have mostly been wild brawlin', punchin', and kickin'. You know, gouge their eye out sort of stuff." He looks a bit flustered. "Er, maybe you don't know that sort of stuff, ma'am. It's pretty crude, and I'm sure you, wouldn't..., well."

He collects his thoughts for a brief second. "What I'm trying to say, ma'am, is that I don't have any military skills. I'll do you proud, Ma'am, don't worry." He tries a salute while walking, and it is ... less than military perfection. "But, why in all that's holy would they pick me for the army?"
"Oh. The draft is just based on age and citizenship. It doesn't take any skill you may or may not possess into account, because we train you here, though the training may vary a bit depending on what skills you possessed before being drafted, but that's all to be covered tomorrow."

2014-04-09, 01:41 PM
Caelynn scratches the back of her head as she listens to Donar and General Whitefoot, before asking her respectfully, "If you don't mind my asking, Ma'am, where did you learn Druidic?"

2014-04-09, 02:19 PM
Caelynn scratches the back of her head as she listens to Donar and General Whitefoot, before asking her respectfully, "If you don't mind my asking, Ma'am, where did you learn Druidic?"
"Same way you did, I'm sure. Training as a druid." As if on cue, a sleek black leopard slips out of a slightly open door that the group passes and lopes up next to Adrian. "Oh." She sighs. "Didn't I tell you not to follow me today." The big cat only looks up at her puzzled.
"We're almost there." She says, a tone of exasperation coloring her voice.

2014-04-09, 03:24 PM

Derrick falls into line near the back of the marching order, knowing his time out front will come all too soon. He remains silent and attentive thus far, though he's very pleased to see the leopard come out and attend Adrian. With some soft noises, purrs and mews, and a little body language, he welcomes the cat to the tour.

Derrick still has Speak with Animals on, all day every day. He introduces himself to the leopard and politely asks its name, and compliments it on a fine two-legged companion, and he takes the extra moment to explain that Adrian had asked it not to come along originally, followed up with a reassurance that the leopard is a welcome friend on their tour. He also asks the leopard to point out anything it feels important to mention on the tour.
If that's a bit much I can scale it back, of course :smallsmile:

2014-04-09, 03:28 PM
Taking up the rear of the group with her hands clasped in front of her, the woman keeps relatively quiet now, as some of the others seem to vie for position near the front. She instead listens to the others talk and takes note of rooms they pass, and the corridors they travel down.

2014-04-09, 03:31 PM
Caelynn nods to Adrian. When the panther comes out, she smiles and says, "She's beautiful. What's her name?" Meanwhile, her wolves are eyeing said panther a little suspiciously, but do nothing aggressive.

2014-04-09, 03:50 PM
Xanben stays in the middle of the line, quietly trying to both keep track of the corridors they pass, as well as keep an eye on the leopard.

2014-04-09, 03:59 PM
Derrick falls into line near the back of the marching order, knowing his time out front will come all too soon. He remains silent and attentive thus far, though he's very pleased to see the leopard come out and attend Adrian. With some soft noises, purrs and mews, and a little body language, he welcomes the cat to the tour.

Derrick still has Speak with Animals on, all day every day. He introduces himself to the leopard and politely asks its name, and compliments it on a fine two-legged companion, and he takes the extra moment to explain that Adrian had asked it not to come along originally, followed up with a reassurance that the leopard is a welcome friend on their tour. He also asks the leopard to point out anything it feels important to mention on the tour.
If that's a bit much I can scale it back, of course :smallsmile:

"Hello. I know she didn't want me to follow her today. Something about cadets and whatnot. I just don't understand why, and I don't care anymore. My name is Luna."

Caelynn nods to Adrian. When the leopard comes out, she smiles and says, "She's beautiful. What's her name?" Meanwhile, her wolves are eyeing said leopard a little suspiciously, but do nothing aggressive.
"Luna. Only thing she answers to." Adrian laughs lightly. Playfully, Luna bats her paw at the wolves and hisses.

2014-04-09, 05:27 PM
Caelynn nods, and laughs a little at Luna's behavior. John, meanwhile, stoically takes the bat, and growls at Luna, which earns him a prompt reprimand from Caelynn, "Hey. Play nicely."

2014-04-09, 07:28 PM
Luna meows satisfied, and trots next to Adrian. She comes to a halt at a set of frosted glass double doors. "Okay, we're here. This is where the tour starts" She opens the doors and gestures for you 6 to enter before her. The room is just as large as the room you all met in, but not nearly as empty, infact the room is full of different things. Stations with various types of weapons, an area that looks to be a miniature archery range, an area of the floor just covered with mats, and various training dummies at every station. There a 5 doors out of this room, other than the one you just entered. People are darted to from each station, putting equipment up for the day and generally cleaning up. One person, an elf with their arms full of books is trying to open the door nearest with their elbow. They mutter something under their breath. Anyone fluent in elven know that they're swearing under their breath.

2014-04-09, 07:42 PM
Caelynn looks around the room a little critically as she wanders over to the archery station, eventually nodding and saying to herself, "Nice place," as she reaches the firing lines. Once there, she casually fires a few arrows into one of the targets. A few seconds later, they fly back into her hand and she smiles, saying, "I still got it."

2014-04-10, 07:38 AM
Xanben wanders over to the struggling elf and holds open the door for them. <Here, let me get the door for you> he says in elven.

2014-04-10, 08:09 AM
Caelynn looks around the room a little critically as she wanders over to the archery station, eventually nodding and saying to herself, "Nice place," as she reaches the firing lines. Once there, she casually fires a few arrows into one of the targets. A few seconds later, they fly back into her hand and she smiles, saying, "I still got it."
The person working at the archery station, a young man, looks at Caelynn appraisingly. "Fancy yourself an archer, cadet?"

Xanben wanders over to the struggling elf and holds open the door for them. <Here, let me get the door for you> he says in elven.
The elf looks thankful. <Oh. Praise Luna. Thank you.> They smile and step into the room, which appears to be a library. They sets the books on a table turns to Xanben. <Not often that cadets pay any mind to us. All us workers here were cadets a few years ago. Didn't want to go out on the field to actually fight, but we were drafted, so we have to do something, so we've been put to orderly work.>

2014-04-10, 08:50 AM
Caelynn nods to the man and says, "That's what I'm trained in, at least. I was a hunter before I got drafted, and you tend not to be able to take down a deer with just a knife or a sword." The wolves sniff at the man appraisingly before lying down at Caelynn's feet.

2014-04-10, 08:57 AM
Caelynn nods to the man and says, "That's what I'm trained in, at least. I was a hunter before I got drafted, and you tend not to be able to take down a deer with just a knife or a sword." The wolves sniff at the man appraisingly before lying down at Caelynn's feet.
He looks down at the wolves, his eyebrows raised. "Ranger? Druid? What?"

2014-04-10, 09:03 AM
He looks down at the wolves, his eyebrows raised. "Ranger? Druid? What?"

Caelynn laughs and says, "Both, actually. The woods seem to like me, and they have complimentary skills. You?"

2014-04-10, 09:38 AM
Caelynn laughs and says, "Both, actually. The woods seem to like me, and they have complementary skills. You?"
"I'm a ranger too." He grins. "Why do you think I work at the archery station."

2014-04-10, 10:38 AM
"I'm a ranger too." He grins. "Why do you think I work at the archery station."

Caelynn smiles and says, "Oh, really? Up for a little friendly competition, then?"

2014-04-10, 02:22 PM
The elf looks thankful. <Oh. Praise Luna. Thank you.> They smile and step into the room, which appears to be a library. They sets the books on a table turns to Xanben. <Not often that cadets pay any mind to us. All us workers here were cadets a few years ago. Didn't want to go out on the field to actually fight, but we were drafted, so we have to do something, so we've been put to orderly work.>

<So they've got you carrying stuff around then? Easier than getting attacked, I guess. How long are you stuck working here for then?> Xanben looks around the library curiously. <And are there any interesting books in here?>

2014-04-10, 03:18 PM
<So they've got you carrying stuff around then? Easier than getting attacked, I guess. How long are you stuck working here for then?> Xanben looks around the library curiously. <And are there any interesting books in here?>
<Well, what sort of work they put you to depends on what you're good at. I'm a wizard, so working the library goes to me. Ultimate arcane power and I have to spend my days sorting books. I'm here for a few more long years. Some advice for you cadet; no matter how opposed you are to this whole thing, just go with it. Anything is better than years of orderly work.>

Caelynn smiles and says, "Oh, really? Up for a little friendly competition, then?"
"Well, I would be, but you're clearly on the tour with Gen. Adrian, won't be here for long. She's probably just giving you a chance to look around."

2014-04-10, 04:00 PM
Caelynn nods and says, "True. Meet we here when I'm done?"

2014-04-10, 05:00 PM
Donar looks around, though he doesn't stray far from the General. He does whistle, though. Long and drawn out.

"Wow, this has a bit of everything it seems. Is this the place we'll train most of the time? Because I think I might enjoy this part of it."

He eyes Caelynn's activity at the archery station with a sour face, but continues looking around. The glimpse through the door to the library catches his attention.

"Can we use the library too, or is that just for people who know how to use magic?"

2014-04-10, 07:15 PM
<Well, what sort of work they put you to depends on what you're good at. I'm a wizard, so working the library goes to me. Ultimate arcane power and I have to spend my days sorting books. I'm here for a few more long years. Some advice for you cadet; no matter how opposed you are to this whole thing, just go with it. Anything is better than years of orderly work.>

<Thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind. Wouldn't want to be made to clean the toilets for the rest of my time here, after all.> Xanben shrugs. <I'd probably better be going back to General Adrian now, we're just on a tour around the place at the moment. Have a good day, and I hope you don't have to sort too many books> he says, before walking back into the training room to stand near the general with the rest of the group.

2014-04-14, 11:43 AM

Derrick keeps pace with the party throughout the tour, as yet asking no questions. Lost in thought he appears chagrined at Xanben beating him to getting the door for an elf in need, and his cheeks redden a touch at the language the elf is using.

Deciding to keep his peace, he turns his attention to Caelynn's archery skills and challenge to a fellow ranger.

Should I....no, that would just be showing off. Caelynn appears to be pleased by status, no need to interfere with anything there.

"I have to agree, the training facilities here seem quite complete...I only wish I'd had access to some of these resources during my training at the temple..."

2014-04-16, 02:57 PM
Oriel stays near the others as well, not bothering to wander to any one specific area. She rocks back and forth on her heels and turns to address Derrick when he speaks, "No. " It seems she won't elaborate at first, with how flat the single word comes out, but then she continues, "This is no place for the unproven to train, except perhaps to test their competency and find their specialty...otherwise they would break when faced with true threats, and not mere games or leisure practice." she dips her head towards the archery station and the friendly banter there, as if to emphasize her point.

2014-04-16, 03:26 PM
Caelynn nods and says, "True. Meet we here when I'm done?"
"Sure, if I can."

Donar looks around, though he doesn't stray far from the General. He does whistle, though. Long and drawn out.

"Wow, this has a bit of everything it seems. Is this the place we'll train most of the time? Because I think I might enjoy this part of it."

He eyes Caelynn's activity at the archery station with a sour face, but continues looking around. The glimpse through the door to the library catches his attention.

"Can we use the library too, or is that just for people who know how to use magic?"
"Oh, anyone can use the libraries. The purpose of this room is to figure out what you are good at, so we can train you further. We'll spend the first week and a half here, then you can continue to come here optionally in free time for miscellaneous practice There's this room, the stable thata way" She gestures to another door off to the side. "And the gardens over there." Yet another door.

<Thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind. Wouldn't want to be made to clean the toilets for the rest of my time here, after all.> Xanben shrugs. <I'd probably better be going back to General Adrian now, we're just on a tour around the place at the moment. Have a good day, and I hope you don't have to sort too many books> he says, before walking back into the training room to stand near the general with the rest of the group.
"Good day, Cadet. See you around."

Oriel stays near the others as well, not bothering to wander to any one specific area. She rocks back and forth on her heels and turns to address Derrick when he speaks, "No. " It seems she won't elaborate at first, with how flat the single word comes out, but then she continues, "This is no place for the unproven to train, except perhaps to test their competency and find their specialty...otherwise they would break when faced with true threats, and not mere games or leisure practice." she dips her head towards the archery station and the friendly banter there, as if to emphasize her point.
"Exactly. The point of this area is to hone in on what you're good at, or just to practice small things so you don't get rusty at them. I'm not allowed to show you the practice rooms proper yet, but you'll see them in due time."

2014-04-16, 03:33 PM
Caelynn smiles, nods, and says, "Alright. See you later. Back to the tour." With that, she walks back to her previous position, and says to General Whitefoot, "Nice place."

2014-04-16, 04:12 PM
"Exactly. The point of this area is to hone in on what you're good at, or just to practice small things so you don't get rusty at them. I'm not allowed to show you the practice rooms proper yet, but you'll see them in due time."

Donar nods as a light comes on. "Oh good. I was a bit puzzled. I'm certainly no expert in military matters, but I was pretty sure that it involved a lot more team training than what this," he gestures at the room, "seemed to be."

He walks over to a nearby sword drill dummy and gives it a couple thumps with his fist, just testing its makeup, and nods. He walks back to join the others. "Maybe with a bit of practice I'll actually be able to use a sword on that thing instead. Looking forward to learning formation work, though."

2014-04-28, 12:10 PM
Donar clears his throat. "Oh, and the mess. That's the other thing I want to find out about. See if it's as ... interesting as its stereotype."

2014-04-29, 03:37 PM
Donar nods as a light comes on. "Oh good. I was a bit puzzled. I'm certainly no expert in military matters, but I was pretty sure that it involved a lot more team training than what this," he gestures at the room, "seemed to be."

He walks over to a nearby sword drill dummy and gives it a couple thumps with his fist, just testing its makeup, and nods. He walks back to join the others. "Maybe with a bit of practice I'll actually be able to use a sword on that thing instead. Looking forward to learning formation work, though."
"Group Training will come, but you will each be receiving individual training first. You need to hone your skills before you can even hope to successfully use them in a group." She smiles slightly. "We'll get to the cafetorium, but that is not out next stop." She purposefully strides across the hall, and through a door, clearly still expecting you all to follow her.

2014-04-29, 04:12 PM

Derrick follows along without further comment, taking his surroundings in. His thoughts stray to what kind of training he might receive and how it will better help him to hunt the lycan threat.

A private smile finds its way to his face, pleasant and easy-going. What kind fortune Pelor has shown to bring him to this specific place at this time!

2014-04-29, 04:16 PM
Caelan nods, fights the urge to salute, and follows General Whitefoot in silence.

2014-04-29, 05:13 PM
Donar nods as the General speaks and follows her out, giving a training dummy a heavy thump as they walk past.

2014-06-01, 02:38 PM
She leads you all to the next room whichs a large circular room with a domed glass roof. "This is called the moon room. Every single night the spell on the roof, yes there is one, activates simulating the full moon, so any lycanthrope would transform in this room. It's used to confirm If someone is truly a werewolf, because the silver test isn't always reliable."

2014-06-01, 03:29 PM

Derrick stares up at the ceiling in admiration, not only for its beauty but for its utility. "Simply amazing...and devilishly clever! It warms my heart to see that we are part of an organization so dedicated to its work!"

2014-06-01, 04:39 PM
Caelan also stares as the ceiling, impressed, and says, "Wow...Have you ever used it before? How reliable is it?"

2014-06-02, 10:14 AM
"Simulates the moon, eh?"

Donar looks at it, considering. "How about some sort of magic thingy to block the effects of the moon? Something that might provide better support for the legal werewolves than the standard cages and manacles. There are regularly stories of a registered werewolf getting loose from whatever containment they use on the fool moon."

Donar peers at the walls, floor, and ceiling, intently examining any magical sigils visible. ''Then I've also heard tales of more powerful werewolves who are able to control their shape even during the full moon."

He looks around at the others and walks back, "Those might just be boogey man tales, though."

2014-06-02, 11:13 AM
"Officially it has only been used thrice since the building's construction..." She sends a sideways glance to Donar. "That spell has been worked on, but it's not considered a priority. I myself have looked into it some, but I don't have much free time to work on it. Facilities are provided for registered wolves if they do not think they can properly contain themselves." She looks up at the ceiling herself. If you look closely you see there seems to be runes carved delicately on the wooden beams between each window.
"It's said that lycanthropes now were one descended from men who could at will shift between being a wolf and a man, but there's no proof these tales are true. Now lets move on, this room gives me the creeps." She sends a furtive glance at the walls of the room before shaking her head and quickly striding out of the room.

2014-06-02, 11:20 AM
Donar follows along.

2014-06-02, 01:13 PM
Caelan tilts her head curiously at Whitefoot's discomfort, but says nothing and follows her.

Sense Motive on a hunch...Just whatever it can tell me about what she thinks about the room.


2014-06-02, 11:02 PM
Garel smiles as he circles the room, inspecting the construction of roof, and the runes in the beams. He chuckles to himself.

Har har... Now that's what I call a clever solution to the army's problem. And here we were, all fighting with each other about our own werewolf tests like a bunch of raw recruits. Should have known they'd have something like this.

He glances around at the other members of the party before following the General out of the room.

2014-06-05, 11:38 AM
"It's only used if we suspect someone is one." She mutters, staring at the floor. "This, quite obviously, is a hallway. Down this hall is lavatories, the cafetorium and group training, which you're not permitted to see yet." Suddenly a scream echoes down the hall and the commander from before drags someone out from a room by their ear. Adrian flinches back, almost stepping back into the moon room.

2014-06-05, 12:04 PM
Donar perks up - if someone screwed up seriously enough for a chewing out, Donar wanted to know what it was so he could avoid committing the same mistake.

Adrian's reaction was a bit odd. A screaming-at-the-poor-recruit shouldn't elicit that much of a response.

Donar slid over toward Adrian, still watching the recruit, and said in hushed tones, "What's going on there, ma'am?"

2014-06-05, 12:25 PM
"Something he won't want watched." She hisses through clenched teeth, before turning around and darting back into the moon room.

"You spineless little brat." The commander pins the other guy against the wall. "What did I say!"
"B-but..." The person stutters.
"WHAT DID I SAY!" He shouts.
"B-but it's... you're not..."
"If General Whitefoot can keep her mouth shut for five years now, you should be able to do it for more than a month! You're pathetic!"
The guy bursts into to tears. "I'm sorry, Commander." He sobs.

2014-06-05, 12:37 PM

"That has the distinctive ring of a personal affront" Derrick mutters under his breath. He remains rooted in place as sympathy wells up inside him for the berated young man.

Quietly his voice floats behind the dressing-down, "Are we about finished with our tour, Adrian?

2014-06-05, 01:18 PM
"Got it. Hope he doesn't get in too much trouble, ma'am."

Donar winces at the chewing out echoing after them.

He might check with the other recruits to see what the guy had let slip. The military had to keep its secrets, and while he wouldn't spread the secrets himself, he definitely wanted to know what they were to keep them from biting him in the tail.

2014-06-05, 02:22 PM
Caelan frowns and shakes her head as she silently wonders what General Whitefoot was keeping quiet about. Surely not what she thinks...Surely not. That would be silly.

2014-06-05, 06:12 PM
Adrian hisses from the doorway. "Guys, take a hint. When I say it's not something he wouldn't want watched then leave, you follow me back out of the hall. Or have you already forgotten how lightly he takes killing. I won't be surprised if Captain Darkstep dies before the end of the day. Now come-" She halts mid-sentence, gasping through her teeth as the commander finally notices them.
"General Whitefoot! What are you doing here!" He says, storming down the hall towards you all.
"Showing the Cadets the caf., Commander. We did not mean to intrude upon your reprimanding of Captain Darkstep. Infact, we were just leaving."
His gaze sweeps over her and all of you.
"Do not speak of word of what you just witnessed to anyone. That's an order." The commanders eyes linger on Adrian, then suddenly he laughs. "Oh, I'm glad you're here however, you've given me the perfect idea for the captains punishment. Now, carry on." He laughs again before striding back down the hall to the terrified looking captain. Adrian lets out a choked noise and sprints from the room, her hands over her mouth in horror.

2014-06-05, 07:34 PM

Derrick watches Adrian flee. "I think our tour is complete for the day, friends. I suggest we all start a good night's rest as soon as possible."

A few seconds after the last words leave his mouth, Derrick vanishes.

Using Flee the Scene to leave behind a Major Image that does the above dialogue, running after Adrian waiting for a chance to approach her and do the "if you need to talk/what was that all about" thing.

2014-06-05, 08:05 PM
Caelan nervously twitches her fingers, the only part ruining what would otherwise be a perfect standing at attention as the commander's gaze sweeps over the group. When General Whitefoot flees, however, she takes a deep breath and whispers, "Oh no..." Meanwhile, John and Genna protectively circle her, senseing her fear, and growling at anyone who gets close.

2014-06-05, 09:24 PM

Derrick watches Adrian flee. "I think our tour is complete for the day, friends. I suggest we all start a good night's rest as soon as possible."

A few seconds after the last words leave his mouth, Derrick vanishes.

Using Flee the Scene to leave behind a Major Image that does the above dialogue, running after Adrian waiting for a chance to approach her and do the "if you need to talk/what was that all about" thing.
Since you followed her, you see that she went ran back into the training room, and off through one of the side doors. You may remember that she said the gardens were through that door.

2014-06-07, 11:20 AM

Derrick follows Adrian through the door, and after a few moments approaches her quietly.

If he finds her alone:
"Adrian, I've suggested the group gets some rest to prepare for whatever tomorrow brings, if you have other orders you'd like relayed I'd be happy to carry them. And if you need an ear, I have two I'm not using." His tone is mild and sympathetic, with a respectful distance to it.

If he finds her not alone, he asks about orders and offers to relay them.

2014-06-07, 04:48 PM

Derrick follows Adrian through the door, and after a few moments approaches her quietly.

If he finds her alone:
"Adrian, I've suggested the group gets some rest to prepare for whatever tomorrow brings, if you have other orders you'd like relayed I'd be happy to carry them. And if you need an ear, I have two I'm not using." His tone is mild and sympathetic, with a respectful distance to it.

If he finds her not alone, he asks about orders and offers to relay them.

Unless Luna being there counts as her not being alone she is; she's sitting in a far corner between two empty planters, with her knees pulled in to her chest.
"I thank you for your offer of a listening ear, but even if I was permitted to tell you, I don't think you would understand." She sighs. "If you could, just tell tell them to go back to the barracks. Dinner is in an hour and a half, I'll come get you, and we can finish the tour after the silver test."

2014-06-07, 06:07 PM

Derrick offers a look of sympathy and bids a simply farewell to Adrian and Luna, each in turn. He then returns to where he last saw the others to relay her wishes before heading back to the barracks himself.

2014-06-07, 06:44 PM
When the group gets back to the Barracks, assuming nothing stops them, Caelan sits to her bed and says, "Well...That was perturbing."

2014-06-09, 01:30 PM
Donar plops back on his bunk with a sigh. He looks wryly at Caelan when she speaks.

"Paranoia, secrets, torture, summary executions, threats, and punishments sufficient to leave generals a twitching wreck just at the thought of it? People like you must be in charge. You just better hope you don't somehow fall afoul of whatever it is that's going on - paranoia will get you condemned regardless of guilt."

The rat from his backpack crawled out and perched on his shoulder, nose sniffing the air for a moment before crawling up around the bunk.

"My advice? Just keep your head down and your nose clean."

2014-07-01, 11:05 AM
(As no one is posting, I'm just going to move along.)
A little over an hour later Luna bonds into the room, followed moments later by an annoyed looking Adrian. "Luna! You don't need to run ahead like that!" She scolds before looking up at all of you and clearing her throat. "Supper time."

2014-07-07, 01:15 PM
Donar had been snoozing on the bunk and sits up with a jolt at General Adrian's announcement.

"Huh? Oh, hey, food!"

He stands up and rolls his shoulders. The rat runs up his back and drops down into a pocket sewn on the front of his tunic.

"Time to see if the food is as bad as the legends say."

He shambles over to the door, straightens up and salutes General Adrian with a smile on his face.

"Reporting for mess duty, ma'am. Ready to destroy every lump of bread and ladle of stew in sight, ma'am. Just lead the way."

2014-07-07, 02:22 PM
Caelan is still meditating when General Whitefoot returns, and stands, saluting when she enters, her wolves lying at the foot of her bunk. When she hears Donar's joke, she frowns but says, "Indeed. Lead on, General Whitefoot."

2014-07-13, 10:11 AM
Adrian chuckles at Donar's joke. "I'd say the food is good, I grew up on the stuff. Now come on." Swiftly she leads you back to the mess hall, though she takes a different route than last time. Just as she gets to the door of the hess hall a bell sound rings through the entire building, and she smirks. "Right on time. Get a table, we have the benefit of being the first ones here, though that won't last for long."
The room is filled with rows upon rows of dingy-looking grey tables and the only people currently in the room is the staff. "I suggest picking a table away from the doors and the food line. Afterwards, grab a tray and get in the food line, they'll put whatever the meal is on your tray."

2014-07-13, 12:07 PM
Caelan nods, and gestures towards a seat on the far side of her room. Her wolves trot over there and lay down on either side, while she gets a tray and stands in line.

2014-07-14, 01:14 PM
Donar looks skeptical at the assurance of good-tasting food, but grabs a tray and stands behind Caelan.