View Full Version : Sneak Grapple?

2014-03-17, 09:29 PM
Is there any reference for a bonus to grapple against a target that is un-aware of your presence?

2014-03-17, 09:34 PM
nope there isnt

2014-03-17, 09:35 PM
You'd get the usual striking-from-invisibility bonuses to the initiating touch attack (+2 to hit and enemy is denied Dex to AC, as well as being unable to make an Attack of Opportunity against you for trying to grapple should you lack Improved Grapple.) I don't know of any bonuses you'd get to the ensuing grapple checks, and it'd be a bit hard to justify them.. the enemy certainly knows where you are once you've grabbed them.

2014-03-18, 12:47 AM
Yeah, after the initial melee attack roll to start the grapple, you're using grapple checks instead of attacks. There's no "visually undetectable" bonus for those. You're in an improved position against all the enemies who aren't grappling you; even with Improved Precise Shot they still can't target you if they can't see you. So, ranged or otherwise, they have to attack the square, with a 50% miss chance generally and then an equal (random) chance of "targeting" their ally.

2014-03-18, 07:10 AM
interesting, very interesting. thank you all.

2014-03-18, 07:55 AM
Note however if you are playing Pathfinder rules the foe would be denied his dexterity bonus and dodge bonuses to his Combat Maneuver defence making him easier to grapple if caught by surprise.

2014-03-18, 08:21 AM
In Pathfinder it would matter because the atttack roll and the grapple check were rolled into one, and they would lose their dex/dodge bonuses to CMD against the latter unlike 3.5. Once the grapple is underway, however, stealth no longer applies (though invisibility will help prevent them from reversing the grapple onto you.)

Ninja'd by smj

2014-03-18, 08:54 AM
Also, IIRC the only way to add Sneak Attack damage to grapple checks is Savage Grapple, which requires Wildshape. Just in case that was a topic of interest.