View Full Version : Board Cool Games, Barely Played

2014-03-17, 09:31 PM
Post some board games you have but barely play them. Mine has to be Panzer Leader or Luftwaffe.

2014-03-18, 01:18 AM
Napoleon in Europe (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/3518/napoleon-in-europe) My favourite game but only get to play it once every year or two.

2014-03-18, 04:20 AM
Arkham Horror hasn't been out of my cupboard for years.

2014-03-18, 08:34 AM
For me? Shogun (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/20551/shogun) and Age of Empires (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/22545/glenn-drovers-empires-the-age-of-discovery). They both need a hefty-ish time investment, and neither is necessarily an easy sell, but they're both awesome board games for different reasons.

Cristo Meyers
2014-03-18, 09:04 AM
Battlestar Galactica doesn't come off the shelf nearly as often as I'd like. I can understand why, of course. It's got a pretty hefty time commitment (especially if you're like me and have every expansion).

2014-03-19, 06:22 PM
Agricola and Power Grid both are somewhat time consuming. Also most of my friends aren't as interested in them as I am. Only played Power Grid a handful of times, would really like to play it more. Also I don't like the short version of Power Grid because it seems end up in tie too easily. Might be because me and my friends don't think outside the box enough.

2014-03-19, 07:08 PM
Odinsphere is probably in this camp for me. Can't think of man others.

2014-03-20, 05:08 AM
Battlestar Galactica doesn't come off the shelf nearly as often as I'd like. I can understand why, of course. It's got a pretty hefty time commitment (especially if you're like me and have every expansion).

I like the game, but we've played it a half dozen times in the last 18 months, and the Cylons win every time. We've only managed to make a game of it on a couple of occasions. It's decent, but frustrating, mostly because I never get to be a Cylon. :smalltongue:

Agricola and Power Grid both are somewhat time consuming. Also most of my friends aren't as interested in them as I am. Only played Power Grid a handful of times, would really like to play it more. Also I don't like the short version of Power Grid because it seems end up in tie too easily. Might be because me and my friends don't think outside the box enough.

Love them both, but again my group doesn't play either of them often. Power Grid is a great game, though I always lose. Probably my obsession with becoming a real-life C. Montgomery Burns and only ever buying nuclear power plants. :smallbiggrin:

Cristo Meyers
2014-03-20, 07:36 AM
I like the game, but we've played it a half dozen times in the last 18 months, and the Cylons win every time. We've only managed to make a game of it on a couple of occasions. It's decent, but frustrating, mostly because I never get to be a Cylon. :smalltongue:

I played with Reinholdt every year when I used to go to the US meetups. He was always a Cylon. Every time.

Some of the things I've read say that the base game is a bit overbalanced in favor of the cylons and that Pegasus swings it back towards the humans. Not sure how true that is, though. Never tried the game with Exodus or Daybreak, though I own both.

Hoping to change that tonight, actually...

2014-03-20, 08:05 AM
Settlers of Catan. Yeah, I know it's supposed to be a big popular game but I seem to be the only one around here that likes it. The casual crowd thinks it's too complex and the more hardcore players think it's too simple.

The Milton Bradley big-box Shogun (same game series as Axis & Allies & Fortress America) is one I've had for years and have never been able to play as much as I'd like.

2014-03-20, 08:33 AM
I've been thinking about getting Twilight Imperium, but I'm not sure if it'll just gather dust on a shelf forever... Do any of you guys have it AND play it?

2014-03-20, 08:51 AM
Settlers of Catan. Yeah, I know it's supposed to be a big popular game but I seem to be the only one around here that likes it. The casual crowd thinks it's too complex and the more hardcore players think it's too simple.
I wonder if there's a way you could try out the Cities and Knights expansion...because it's definitely one that becomes less mechanically interesting for a lot of gamers whose exposure has moved on to more involved games. (When it comes down to it, there's not a lot to do.)

Cities and Knights adds some helpful wrinkles (and more ways to spend resources), and makes the game far more robust. It's the version of Catan that I like, and I think it's the one which has more odds of acceptance with more seasoned gamers. Unfortunately, it's also a hefty cost...

2014-03-20, 09:22 AM
I've been thinking about getting Twilight Imperium, but I'm not sure if it'll just gather dust on a shelf forever... Do any of you guys have it AND play it?

what a coincidence, I was entering this thread with the intention of posting about this game. My gaming group love it so much, but playing it takes so much time that we barely ever played it, so eventhough we like it, we sold it away.

The Dark Fiddler
2014-03-20, 09:24 PM
Battlestar Galactica doesn't come off the shelf nearly as often as I'd like. I can understand why, of course. It's got a pretty hefty time commitment (especially if you're like me and have every expansion).

I enjoy Battlestar, wish it wasn't such a time investment. My friends and I used to play before roleplaying sessions, but they used up such my time we never did much else.

I like the game, but we've played it a half dozen times in the last 18 months, and the Cylons win every time. We've only managed to make a game of it on a couple of occasions. It's decent, but frustrating, mostly because I never get to be a Cylon. :smalltongue:

We must have groups with very different playstyles, because Cylons only win about 10% of the time in my group. We still love playing them because it's a not-too-common experience, but it's almost a death sentence.

Anyway, Battlestar aside I'd love a game of Dixit. That weird mix of trying to be clear and obtuse... I've only played it once but I enjoyed it so much.

Aside from that, I love deckbuilding games. Only have experience with the DC game and Dominion, but I feel it's an genre that doesn't get the love it deserves.

2014-03-20, 09:35 PM
I've been thinking about getting Twilight Imperium, but I'm not sure if it'll just gather dust on a shelf forever... Do any of you guys have it AND play it?

I love this game. It is one we don't play often though. As cool as it ias there are some problems with it. A similiar game which is also very cool and similiar is Eclipse. It has fixed some of the problems, it is an excellent game TI is just closer to my heart though.

2014-03-21, 05:21 PM
I picked up the Order of the Stick game, and so it has been read by me a few times, but actually not played. I bought it thinking I could play it, but apparently so far, no dice. Its still nice to read though.

2014-03-21, 07:42 PM
Cities and Knights adds some helpful wrinkles (and more ways to spend resources), and makes the game far more robust. It's the version of Catan that I like, and I think it's the one which has more odds of acceptance with more seasoned gamers. Unfortunately, it's also a hefty cost...

Definitely get Cities and Knights, it makes the game that much more enjoyable.

2014-04-07, 07:21 PM
I've been thinking about getting Twilight Imperium, but I'm not sure if it'll just gather dust on a shelf forever... Do any of you guys have it AND play it?

I have TI3 and both expansions. It's an amazing game, but the time commitment means it hits our table only once or twice a year. However, every play is epic.

It's definitely a lot of money for a game we don't get to play often, but I have been unable to convince myself to sell it because I like it so much.

2014-04-07, 07:24 PM
I love this game. It is one we don't play often though. As cool as it ias there are some problems with it. A similiar game which is also very cool and similiar is Eclipse. It has fixed some of the problems, it is an excellent game TI is just closer to my heart though.

The two games are very different from each other. Don't buy one thinking its very much like the other. Read through reviews of each and watch some walkthrough videos to help decide which may be of more interest to you.

(yes, I do own both)

2014-04-07, 07:27 PM
I picked up the Order of the Stick game, and so it has been read by me a few times, but actually not played. I bought it thinking I could play it, but apparently so far, no dice. Its still nice to read though.

I played a friend's copy and we had such s good time that I bought a copy, but my family hasn't been interested in playing over other games so it has sat in the shelf since. :smallfrown:

2014-04-07, 07:32 PM
For me it's definitely the board Game of Thrones, as my group calls it. It has a reputation now of either causing a lot of frustration or taking about 3 times too long among my friends.

2014-04-07, 07:45 PM
what a coincidence, I was entering this thread with the intention of posting about this game. My gaming group love it so much, but playing it takes so much time that we barely ever played it, so eventhough we like it, we sold it away.

My gaming group hasn't had a chance to play this one yet, save a few of us. It just takes so long to set it up, and play, that no one has the time to invest in one game. We stick to games that max out at 2 hours most of the time.

For me it's definitely the board Game of Thrones, as my group calls it. It has a reputation now of either causing a lot of frustration or taking about 3 times too long among my friends.

Your game buddies don't have the playing ability to think ahead then. This game is awesome, though I yet have had a chance to be in the running for a win. I always get someone overly aggressive sitting near by family, usually my fiance. (i was Greyjoy to her being Lannister, and she was Greyjoy to me as Lannister) My game group leader took out the Baratheons as House Martell.

...For games I have found that I enjoy that don't see the light of day enough: Runebound and it's sister game Rune Wars (I own the former now), and Shadows Over Camelot. I love fantasy setting games, and these three hit the spot for me.