View Full Version : Personal Demiplane Protection

2014-03-18, 02:25 PM
Our group is hitting epic soon, and I was thinking of making my own plane with Genesis so I can Astral Project myself from there, and I was trying to think of ways to protect my body when I'm gone. I looked at the Weirdstone(?) in PGtF, but since it blocks planar travel, it's not that great an idea. I'm gonna grab Epic Spellcasting, so I was thinking of setting up a Mythal, but I've never used epic spells before so I'm not quite sure what to do with one. I also thought of setting up a bunch of magic traps that go off whenever someone who doesn't have my Arcane Mark on them gets too close (re: every d*** step they take). I'm definitely going to have a bunch of monsters bound to my will that will also attack anyone not wearing my Mark. Any other ideas on what to use and what to do with a Mythal would be greatly appreciated.

Fouredged Sword
2014-03-18, 02:35 PM
Make your plane have no mass, IE no native material. Bring in everything used to make the earth and structures there. Now the focus component required to planeshift there doesn't exist. Alternatively, make just enough for your focus, and no more. Make the whole area a banishment trap so that everyone but you gets hit by banishment every round.

forbiddance (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/forbiddance.htm) can be used so that when people shift in, they land exactly where you want them to. Make it selective, so you ignore the effect and appear not on the banishment trap.

Alternativly, set the whole place up with selective (http://dndtools.eu/feats/shining-south--25/selective-spell--2543/) forbiddance so you can planeshift in, but nobody else can without using Wish.

Furthermore, fill the areas out of the forbiddance with with effects that occupy space. You cannot teleport or planeshift into an area that would cause you to intersect with an object, so a stone block will act like a doorway that prevents planer travel into the only area that planer travel is allowed. When your friends come to visit, you can open the door for them. When you go projecting, you can shut the door and lock everyone out.

2014-03-18, 02:47 PM
That Selective Forbiddance is a great idea. Thanks! One question though; would my summoning spells be affected or will Selective Spell still allow me to cast them?

Fouredged Sword
2014-03-18, 05:22 PM
You and your magic ignores the forbidence, nothing else short of wish's "despite local conditions" clause will punch trough. Stopping wish from getting in is nearly impossible, and in an epic game, your opponents may be willing to throw down that kind of exp to attack you.

That is why a second layer of defenses should try to banish anyone who isn't welcome, with maybe a delay teleport effect as well. If you want to be truely save, keep the place small and before you go projecting block off everything other than the space you need to lie in. Yes, it's basically a coffin of stone, but it's the only way to keep out wish, and they can still call you to them (you get a save at least, I suggest the willsave replacing counter from ToB to use a concentration check in place of the willsave and a vest of steady spellcasting for a +43 to the check)

If you want a place to entertain guests, make a second demiplane. Keep your fortress of solitude a fortress of solitude.

2014-03-18, 05:40 PM
Setting up a demiplane with Create Demiplane is a BAD idea.

Why? Because any such demiplane is coterminous with the Astral - anyone could simply walk over the edge from the Astral to your plane. And in this case "anyone" includes that Paragon Astral Dreadnought that happens to be wandering around the general area. And you don't want people simply wandering in while you're Astrally projected and your body is inert, ripe for the killing and all your stuff up for grabs.

2014-03-18, 05:47 PM
To really be secure, you need to not only make sure there's no space to appear in, but also no space for even really small incorporeal creatures to appear in. So, Riverine filling everywhere around you, but there's still the area inside your body. To deal with that:

A) If incorporeal creatures can block each-other, then make a simulacrum of yourself, make it incorporeal, and have it overlay you exactly.
B) Ghost Touch armor, if it's ruled to prevent things appearing inside it.
C) Mind Switch into a solid (no internal cavities) Ghost-Touch object.
D) Get a Monk's Belt and an Amulet of Mighty Fists (+1 Ghost Touch). Now your body is Ghost Touch. Still might not work if you have empty spaces inside you (stomach, lungs, etc).

Emperor Tippy
2014-03-18, 05:50 PM
Setting up a demiplane with Create Demiplane is a BAD idea.

Why? Because any such demiplane is coterminous with the Astral - anyone could simply walk over the edge from the Astral to your plane. And in this case "anyone" includes that Paragon Astral Dreadnought that happens to be wandering around the general area. And you don't want people simply wandering in while you're Astrally projected and your body is inert, ripe for the killing and all your stuff up for grabs.

This is all wrong.

1) Arcane Genesis creates a plane that is coterminous with the Ethereal Plane, not the Astral Plane.

2) Coterminous does not mean what you think it means.

Coterminous Planes: Planes that link together at points are coterminous. Think of coterminous planes as touching each other. Where they touch, a connection exists, and travelers can leave on reality behind and
enter the other. The Astral Plane is a coterminous plane to most other planes; it exists alongside them and can be accessed from them.

That is the rules definition. To walk between planes they must be coexistent, not coterminous.

2014-03-18, 08:24 PM
That is the rules definition. To walk between planes they must be coexistent, not coterminous.

Actually, even planar travel between coexistent planes is not so automatic as all that. Take the Ethereal/Material pair for example; they're coexistent, but it requires a mid-level spell or Su ability to get from one to the other. There's no mere walking that can do that.