View Full Version : [PF] Best "Artificer" class?

2014-03-18, 06:33 PM
Not a conversion.

I'm looking for a best way to play a artificer using one of the base/core classes in Pathfinder. No Third-party.


2014-03-18, 06:35 PM
I'm gonna say wizard. It's almost like they're the best at everything...

2014-03-18, 06:38 PM
Lore oracle with focused trance can toast the spellcraft checks.

2014-03-18, 06:55 PM
Lore oracle with focused trance can toast the spellcraft checks.

This trance lasts 1d6 rounds, during which time you can only take move actions.

Hardly covers the hours needed to craft a magic item.

A wizard is your best bet, Int as the main stat means being able to easily pass spellcraft check to emulate any prerequisite you can't fulfill.

Pick up a familiar with the Valet (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/familiar/familiar-archetypes/valet-familiar-archetype) archetype and the Hedge Magician (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/magic-traits/hedge-magician) trait for maximum efficiency.

2014-03-18, 07:42 PM
In PF, you can mitigate the need for things like having the spell available for crafting magic items. There's no XP cost, just GP, so what you want is Money and lots of it.

In order to qualify for Craft Wonderous Item and Craft Magic Arms and Armor, you'll need a Caster Level. You can get this by actually being a spellcaster, or just picking a race that has a Spell Like Ability with your HD as the caster level.

Since you need Money rather than XP points, Ranger, Paladin and Fighter actually get the biggest starting value of 5d6*10 (Average 175 according to the SRD). Fighter would need to take a trait to get UMD and Spellcraft as class skills so that you could use these very effectively. Ranger and Paladin have spell lists to help with cutting costs and have Spellcraft as a class skill. Ranger in particular has lots of skill-points to work with, full BAB, two good saves, a spell list, and lots of archetypes and decent class features to work with. Taking a decent chasis and building it up with crafting cheese can work just fine.

Also, remember that you can craft at half the normal rate (1day/500gp instead of per 1000gp market cost) while adventuring by simply taking some time each night to work on it. This is much easier to do when you're not dependant on a night's rest to get spells back.

I'm sure there's lots of reasons why I'm wrong about this, but my opinion is that the best artificer is one that uses the crafting system to make up for their class's short-comings rather than to augment already powerful classes like fullcasters (Sorc, Wizard, Cleric, and so forth.).

2014-03-18, 08:00 PM
If there is a class that gives a bonus feat that you can change each day (like the Changeling), then that. So much that.

Otherwise... depends on how you want to artifice. A melee-ficer/archerficer would probably be a fighter, while any other type is a wizard.

2014-03-18, 08:14 PM
Hardly covers the hours needed to craft a magic item.

Depends on if the check is made over the whole time or just at the end, but good point. Yeah, wizard is best with the bonus feats and wide range of spells available. One arcane crafter (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/arcane-schools/paizo---arcane-schools/classic-arcane-schools/universalist/arcanamirium-crafter-absalom)universalists even gets a bonus crafting feat.

2014-03-18, 08:24 PM
Depends on if the check is made over the whole time or just at the end, but good point. Yeah, wizard is best with the bonus feats and wide range of spells available. One arcane crafter (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/arcane-schools/paizo---arcane-schools/classic-arcane-schools/universalist/arcanamirium-crafter-absalom)universalists even gets a bonus crafting feat.

Indeed, and the Valet familiar means you craft at double speed.

2014-03-18, 08:25 PM
Thanks for all the ideas, I'll probably go wizard because I am looking to make constructs and use them bruisers, scouts, assistants, etc.