View Full Version : Abicus vs. M'caghar (The Crowd Calls for Blood)

2014-03-18, 09:37 PM
The crowd is in an uproar as the two contestants are brought into the arena and unshackled in their opposing corners. The gigantic gates behind each of them would usually close with a deafening din of metal and stone, but any sound the gates would make is drowned out by those seeking entertainment. Both of them knew to expect this, but actually experiencing it was something else entirely. As the two fighters prepare to defend their lives, M'caghar is the first off the blocks!

One of the scrawniest kobolds you've ever seen enters the ring. His meager build nearly comical in comparison to the vast arena. He walks proudly as though he has something to prove, his wings flexing with each step. While unarmored, he is armed with a wand in each hand and a third in his belt, though it looks like he can barely lift even their weight. However, Abicus is outside the range of M'caghar's vision and thus remains unseen to the grimblock.

Eyeless and ugly this creature has a glaive strapped to his back and wears a breastplate. On his belt are multiple pouches. In his hand he holds something that looks like an urn. His pose is defensive and he looks ready.


Initiative Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=17205771#post17205771) and the reroll. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=17205826&postcount=1226)

Umbranar, you're up!

2014-03-19, 02:06 AM
M`caghar hustles forward towards the other corner where he expects his foe will be.

Double Move to G14
Swift action: activate stance

Stance is Stance of Clarity (+2 ac against Abicus)

2014-03-19, 11:27 AM
Abicus shouts at his opponent as he rushes across the field. "You cannot see? A pity, but you will still feel the power of the children of dragons!"

He launches himself into the air with his wings leaving a small trail of dust on the ground and thrusts his wand at the sightless beast with a shrill battlecry creating a deafening pop next to the grimlock's ears.

Move: fly diagonally to D16, 15 feet in the air
Standard: Activate wand in his right hand, M'Caghar takes 1 point of sonic damage and a negative level (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#energyDrainAndNegativeLevels) . Will save DC 10 or deaf 1 round.

Spell was Sonic Snap with Fell Drain metamagic.

How are you handling flight? Is it possible to move diagonally or are you requiring we move horizontally across the grid and then vertically? If not, I'll need to amend my actions.

2014-03-20, 03:55 AM
Means Im not deaf so my blindsight works.

I Guess you flew over me since Im in G14, think my blindsight has picked you up. Just in case a listen check: [roll1]

M`caghar growls and sneers at the kobold: Magics and tricks, this arena is seems to be a stage for con-artists instead of a fighting pit. He then uncorks the urn in his hand and smoke bellows out of it.

Standard Action: Uncork the urn. Smoke fills a 50ft spread centered on G14.
Other actions are hidden unless you can see G14 through the smoke.
Im unsure about identifying Wondrous Items on use.

Move to J17 and drop Urn there (if this does not destroy it).

What happens to my maneuvers with a negative level?

Piggy Knowles
2014-03-20, 07:55 AM
Fliers can move diagonally, although it may cost additional movement - remember that any diagonal movement, even up or down, costs 5' for the first instance and 10' for the second.

Also, because you have average maneuverability, please keep the relevant restrictions in mind. Creatures of average maneuverability move at half-speed when ascending, so moving diagonally upward, you would only be able to move to C18 as a move action - it costs 5' of movement to ascend to B19, and 10' of movement to ascend to C18, for 15' total.

I can find nothing in Tome of Battle or the FAQ that indicates an initiating character would lose maneuvers when hit with negative levels. You are still subject to all of the other restrictions and penalties associated with negative levels, of course, but as you are not a spellcaster, it does not appear that you will lose any maneuvers. I will post the question on the Simple Q&A thread to be sure, however.

2014-03-20, 11:25 AM
"You scoff at tricks and then hide in smoke?"

... Well as a player at least I know it's a stupid eversmoking bottle haha. What is visibility like? SRD says vision is "totally obscured." Does that mean I can see 5 feet with concealment? 10 feet away has total concealment like Obscuring Mist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscuringMist.htm)?

Starting turn in C18, 10 feet up as per Piggy's response about flight. Thanks, I forgot about half speed for ascending.

Move: Fly to F16, 5 feet up (total of 15 feet off ground)
Standard: Cast a spell.
Mage Armor.

Buffs in Effect (rounds left)
Mage Armor (600/600)

2014-03-20, 11:32 AM
The smoke spreads another 10 feet while M`caghar stays hidden in the smoke.

yes, concealment 5 ft, total concealment 10 ft and beyond.

Move action: draw potion
Standard action: drink potion
Potion of Fly

Fly 30/30

2014-03-20, 11:35 AM
OOC: The eversmoking bottle contains no language like Obscuring Mist to suggest that vision is obscured in increments. Instead, within the radius of the smoke all vision is totally obscured. This, creatures have total concealment and lack line of sight to one another.

2014-03-20, 11:46 AM
How far up does the arena go? 100ft?

I'm going to try to pinpoint your location in the smoke with a Listen check. Pretty sure DC would be 5, +1 per 10 feet away you are. Rest of my turn will be dependent on that info.
[roll0] Hah... nevermind :P

Abicus coughs and sputters, flying out of the smoke to catch his breath.

Full Round: Run action to fly to R4 out of the smoke, still 15 feet in the air.

Buffs in Effect:
Mage Armor (599/600)

2014-03-21, 03:31 AM
From within the smoke the sound of breaking glass can be heard.

Free action: drop vial of used potion
Move: Draw potion
Standard: Drink Potion
Potion of Shield of Faith

2014-03-21, 11:08 AM
Abicus glides in tight circles in the corner of the arena staying outside the expanding smoke cloud.

"This crowd wants to SEE you fall to your knees you hideous cave-dweller! Come out and give them the show they came for!" He appeals to the crowd, his arms raised inviting a cheer.

Move: fly in circles, staying outside the cloud by 15 feet. I'll move up if necessary as it expands.

I can't do ANYTHING inside that cloud haha. Consider my turn held Abicus as readied until you finish with your glass breaking and come out.

Buffs in Effect:
Mage Armor (598/600)

2014-03-21, 12:22 PM
OOCL To clarify, Abicus has readied a standard action, not delayed his initiative until after M'caghar's action.

Readied action: use wand of sonic snap as soon as M'Caghar becomes visible.

2014-04-01, 02:44 AM
Another vial can be heard falling and the smoke spreads another 10 feet.

Move action: draw potion
Standard action: drink potion
Potion of Barkskin

HP: 50
1 negative level
Do potions have minimum caster level of the spell or minimum for the feat Brew Potion?

2014-04-01, 09:47 AM
Abicus continues his circles keeping his eyes on the cloud.
OOC: Still readying an action

Holding my readied action for a sonic snap as soon as he's visible.

2014-04-03, 03:28 AM
The smoke keeps spreading, another 10 feet for 80 ft radius in total.

Free action: drop potion
move action: draw potion
standard action: drink potion

Potion of Bull`s Strength

2014-04-03, 09:44 AM
Still readying

2014-04-03, 09:53 AM
OOC: need a map update to plan next action. Smoke should be 90 ft radius from G14.

2014-04-03, 10:49 AM
OOC: I'm 15 feet outside of the smoke in the NE corner and as high up as necessary to fly in tiny circles (average maneuverability).

2014-04-04, 01:44 AM
Ooc: do you use wings to fly?

2014-04-04, 09:36 AM
OOC: Yes, I do.

2014-04-04, 10:52 AM
Listen check [roll0]

Draw tanglefoot and move closer.

2014-04-04, 11:30 AM
I was shouting taunts at you earlier, so you probably have a decent idea where I am.

At ground level the smoke extends to S2. If my math is right between calculating the sphere of the smoke and my average maneuverability needs for a circle, I am 60 feet off the ground and flying in a square from T1 to Q4. At Q4, the nearest point to the cloud, I am 15 feet outside of the smoke.

If you or the DMs want to check my calculations, I'd appreciate it. Pretty sure they're accurate, but a second look doesn't hurt.

Still readying!

Buffs in Effect
Mage Armor (595/600)

2014-04-07, 03:08 AM
Move action: move to edge of smoke (20 ft distance to Abicus at N7)
Standard action: Trow tanglefoot bag
On hit: reflex 15 required or immobile and unable to fly with wings.
Lasts: [roll1]

A tanglefoot bag is trown towards you from within the smoke.
Touch ac attack is 20 (check spoiler)
Reflex 15 required or you are immobilized.
You are entangled on hit and this lasts 7 rounds (check spoiler)

2014-04-07, 09:47 AM
How does Wings of Cover (http://dndtools.eu/spells/races-of-the-dragon--83/wings-of-cover--3100/) apply in this circumstance? It reads "if your foe is ABOUT to attack you" but in this case he's already made the attack and I was unaware of it because I couldn't see. If it's possible to negate the tanglefoot bag completely great, but if not I'll still activate my wand for the +4 to Reflex.

Immediate on your turn: Activate wand in Left Hand Wings of Cover (http://dndtools.eu/spells/races-of-the-dragon--83/wings-of-cover--3100/)
Reflex save: [roll0]

Abicus dodges out of the way of the bulk of the gooey substance, but as it hardens he finds it noticeably more difficult to maintain his flight. Looking into the fog and searching for his opponent he yells, "Alright, we've had our moments of preparation. Let's make this a real fight."

Move: Fly to T4
Standard: Continue readying an action.

Buffs in Effect:
Mage Armor (594/600)
Tanglefoot Bag (6/7) - Half fly speed

2014-04-07, 10:38 AM
Lets see how you survive without your petty magic stick!

Free action: draw glaive during move
Move action: fly to T6
Standard action: sunder on wand in main hand
sunder opposed attack roll: [roll0] (-1 if another negative level is bestowed)
damage roll if success: [roll1]

ooc: smoke has extended to 100ft radius with G14 as center.

2014-04-07, 11:03 AM
"Well we can't allow that to happen, now can we?" As your glaive strikes out to snap the wand, it recoils on a pair of spectral dragon wings that spring into existence a split second before it hits as though the mother of dragons is watching over him personally.

Readied Action as soon as you come out of cloud: Activate right hand wand - You take 1 sonic damage and a negative level, Will save DC 10 or deaf 1 round.
Immediate on your turn: Activate left hand wand - your attack is cancelled. You may spend your standard doing something besides targeting me.

OOC: I'll wait to take my turn until you decide on your standard.

2014-04-07, 11:10 AM
Ooc: technically im not targeting you but your wand. Do you have the name of that spell so I can check the description ooc? Else I need DM ruling.

2014-04-07, 11:27 AM
OOC: Hmm... good point. Wings of Cover (http://dndtools.eu/spells/races-of-the-dragon--83/wings-of-cover--3100/). The spell provides "Total cover against a single attack." As sunder is a melee attack with a weapon, I would rule the spell works in this case. If you disagree we'll need some DM intervention.

If it's decided the spell doesn't work, I have a different immediate I'll use.

Piggy Knowles
2014-04-07, 11:50 AM
OOC: Pause, please. Wings of Cover states "If your foe is about to attack you with a melee, ranged, spell, or psionic attack...", and the initial attack in this instance is targeting one of your carried objects, rather than you directly. I'll post to the Simple Q&A by RAW thread to see if a sunder against a carried object counts as attacking "you" in this instance. Update forthcoming, once I get a response.

EDIT: Curmudgeon has confirmed that Wings of Cover will not work in this instance:

A 416 No.

The benefit of the spell is limited to attacks against you. Attacks against your possessions, familiars, allies, & c. are not included.

2014-04-09, 12:42 AM
Ooc: then my actions stay the same. As for the will save:

Moment of perfect mind concentration check[roll0]

2014-04-09, 10:00 AM
OOC: Alright then, scratch that. Instead, Abicus teleports to T1 as an immediate action on your turn and is out of range of your attack.

Move: Fly to Q1
Standard: Activate wand in right hand. You take 1 sonic damage and 1 negative level (total of 3 so far), Will save DC 10 or deaf 1 round.

Immediate teleport was Abrupt Jaunt ACF.

Buffs in Effect:
Mage Armor (593/600)
Tanglefoot Bag (5/7) - Half fly speed

2014-04-10, 04:39 AM
OOC: Think this is over soon with the cheesy feldrain wand :smalltongue: Its your turn.

2014-04-10, 08:19 AM
Pause, please.

In Round 1, how does Abicus get from his starting square of T1 to D16 with a single move action? If you simply thought you were the red circle, the move would be T1 to Q5. This would put you out of range to use Sonic Snap at CL 1 (as you'd be 70 ft from your target and Sonic Snap is a close range spell). Did I miss something regarding your movement, or is a minor retcon necessary?

2014-04-10, 09:47 AM
LOL! Oh man, big fail on my part. Yes, for some reason I thought I was orange and he was blue (possible because the M was for Miinstrel? idk). I didn't question how he double moved to G14 because it didn't matter much to me since I was going airborn anyway.

Retcon as needed, though I don't think it'll change things too terribly much, probably just delay everything by a round while we close the gap. I would have stayed on the ground for the first round and cast Mage Armor, then taken off once we got a little closer together.

I took my turn in the "Actions" spoiler from my previous post. You're up as soon as ponies unpauses the game.

2014-04-10, 11:15 AM
Ooc: that means im on 2 negative levels if the first gets retconned?

2014-04-10, 11:57 AM
Yes. Unpause. :smallbiggrin:

2014-04-14, 02:51 AM
Come here so I can snap your neck!

Free Action during move: sheath Glaive
Move Action: Fly to Q2
Standard action: start a grapple (provoke AoO)
Touch attack: [roll0] (+2 forgot buff)
Grapple Check: [roll1] (+2 forgot buff)

2014-04-14, 11:18 AM
Does initiating a grapple count as attacking me for purposes of triggering Wings of Cover (http://dndtools.eu/spells/races-of-the-dragon--83/wings-of-cover--3100/)? I'm assuming yes as it's a touch attack, so will proceed with my turn but we should wait for confirmation before going further.

I can't take an AoO because both of my hands are full with wands :/
Immediate on Umbranar's turn: Activate Wings of Cover wand. Negates grapple attempt.

Standard on my turn: Sonic Snap wand. 1 sonic damage and 1 negative level (NOW it's 3 so far :P), Will DC 10 or deaf 1 round.
Move on my turn: Fly to Q4 (no AoO unless you have Imp. Unarmed Strike).

Buffs in Effect:
Mage Armor (592/600)
Tanglefoot Bag (4/7) - Half fly speed

2014-04-16, 02:41 AM
Free action: Draw weapon in move
Move action: fly to Q2
Standard: Sunder Wand in Main hand:
Opposed attack roll [roll0]

2014-04-16, 06:53 AM
As the cloud spreads to envelope the arena, our two combatants take to the skies in order to avoid the cloud. M'caghar is blasted a few more times with Abicus' wand, and turns his fury on his opponent's magic item.


miinstrel, please provide your opposed sunder check or any other immediate actions you'd like to use.

OOC to both: Please wait for DM updates before moving to the next round. I apologize that it slows down the progress of the battle, but it allows us to address rules questions as they arise instead of a few rounds back. For instance, the smoke has now risen to a height of 65' at the arena's edge (75' in Q4). I've acted based on the assumption that the two of you have been trying to avoid the smoke, but please let me know if that's accurate. After all, you know what they say about assuming...Going forward, please list your flying altitude or ask me how high the smoke is in a particular square if you're attempting to avoid it.

How did you double move from J17 to N7 and still have an action left to throw a tanglefoot bag in Post 23?
When you used Abrupt Jaunt previously, you went from squares T4 to T1. Please keep in mind that Abrupt Jaunt only allows you to teleport 10 feet, so I teleported you to T2 instead.

2014-04-16, 08:59 AM
I think I misjudged the distance there, undo the entangled condition on Ministrel I guess. Doesnt really matter, 1 more Negative Levels and its over :smalltongue:

About the Smoke, did not try to avoid it (think I cant even notice it with blindsight) just tried to swing at my foe.
Guess you can drop me 10 ft to 70 ft height, got a reach weapon so that shouldnt be an issue? Else 75 feet height.

2014-04-16, 11:18 AM
Immediate in response to sunder: Abrupt Jaunt up 10 feet.
Standard: Sonic snap wand for 1 more sonic damage and a negative level!

If he's dropping down as mentioned and I can't see him, after the jaunt I will fly over and up so he has to emerge from the smoke to get to me and ready an action to wand him as soon as he's visible.

Abicus grins and throws his arms in the air as M'caghar's lifeless body falls into the smoke and proceeds to the strike the ground below with a satisfying splat. The kobold flies a victory circle above the smoke.

Buffs in Effect:
Mage Armor (591/600)

I'll use Nerveskitter before the next fight for an initiative boost.

2014-04-17, 10:13 PM
Abicus blinks just out of M'caghar's reach once more. As he reappears higher in the air (and out of sundering range), he levels his wand at his opponent and fires once more at the grimlock. A blast of sonic energy catches M'caghar right between the eyes and, while the blast itself seems small, it drops the monster. He falls into the cloud of acrid smoke and out of sight. A few seconds later, a sickening sound is heard as the grimlock's flesh splats against the arena floor and his bones break.

With 4 negative levels, M'caghar is dead. Abicus wins!