View Full Version : Raymond Fir vs Iria (The Crowd Calls for Blood)

2014-03-18, 09:40 PM
The crowd is in an uproar as the two contestants are brought into the arena and unshackled in their opposing corners. The gigantic gates behind each of them would usually close with a deafening din of metal and stone, but any sound the gates would make is drowned out by those seeking entertainment. Both of them knew to expect this, but actually experiencing it was something else entirely. As the two fighters prepare to defend their lives, Ray is the first one off the blocks!


Initiative Rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=17205771&postcount=1225)

Zeb, you're up! Please post a descrition of the hut. Gem Knight, please add a description of Iria to your sheet and post in-thread.

2014-03-19, 12:43 AM
A crimson hemisphere sits in the corner of the arena its topmost point 20' above B19, its ruby surface prevents all vision of what could be inside.

It is a Tiny Hut (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/tinyHut.htm)
OOC Do I still have crowd support for +1 to hit and damage or was that just last fight?

An electric yellow ray burst from the sphere zigzagging towards Iria snaking around obstacles, cover, and other impediments.
Ranged touch (vs flatfooted): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] electric
If it hits there is a crackle of thunder and a flash from within the hemisphere take an additional [roll2] electric

"Sorry for the lack of chit chat, I want to finish one of these in less than a minute"
+1 to hit and damage, crowd support?
Position A20 10' high
Damage taken: none, 7 images and the one real halfling
Free action: Speak
Standard Action: Seeking Ray
Swift action: if hits active veil of storms
Move action: up 10'

Resources/spells/maneuvers expended this fight: Seeking ray, Veil of storms 1 charge

Buffs (rounds remaining)
Tiny hut Radius 20' centered B19 (7184)
Feather token whip (583)
Flame arrow(485)
See invis(486)
greater mirror image(47)
Oil of magic weapon (8)
Fox's Cunning (9)
Cats grace (10)
Pro Evil (11)
Levitate (12)
Raging flame 30' radius centered C18 (6)
Ends turn

Piggy Knowles
2014-03-20, 07:58 AM
Crowd bonuses do not carry over from one fight to the next.

Lightning crackles across the arena, striking Iria and wracking her body with electricity.

OOC: That is thirty points of electricity damage to Iria. Gem Knight, you're up!

2014-04-01, 02:16 PM
OOC: Just an update that I am here, I'll prolly try to kick out a post tomorrow depending on how RL goes...

2014-04-10, 08:05 AM
Gem_Knight, you're up! Failure to post by 4/15 will result in delayed initiative.

OOC: I know it's already been 9 days, but some folks are still getting up to speed w/ the upgrade. I'll send a PM as well.

2014-04-11, 11:49 AM
sorry, RL has been kicking my ass, and I'm annoyed with a lot of things, I'll try and kick out a post by the deadline... my turn is supposed to be simple but I haven't taken the time to math out where my movement will take me >.<;

2014-04-13, 10:27 AM
[OOC: I know I need a proper description, but I've got nothing for that beyond the statistics on the sheet for right now. To keep things moving at least I'll kick this out.]

Iria scowls unable to see her opponent or even what exactly he's hiding behind. She flares open her wings as she flies up 20 feet to R2. As she moves up she draws a potion from her bag with one hand. She drinks the potions, drops the vial, then takes her weapon with her other hand resuming readiness.

Free: Release one hand from grip on her weapon
Move: Fly to R2 and draw potion
Standard: Drink Potion
Free: Drop Potion
Free: Resume two-handed grip

Cure Light Wounds [roll0]

2014-04-13, 03:22 PM
"I hope that wasn't something to inure you against electricity?"
Spellcraft: [roll0]

*Assuming it wasn't or Raymond doesn't identify the potion

"Because I can keep this up for the whole fight"

An electric yellow ray again bursts from the sphere zigzagging towards Iria snaking around obstacles, cover, and other impediments.
Ranged touch (with +2 since Raymond is still hidden, +4 from the energy link created by the last ray and you still receive no dex as well): [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] electric
If it hits there is another crackle of thunder and a flash from within the hemisphere take an additional [roll3] electric.
Seeking Ray

Position A20 ground level
Damage taken: none, 7 images and the one real halfling
Free action: Speak
Standard Action: Seeking Ray
Swift action: if hits active veil of storms
Move action: descend 10'

Resources/spells/maneuvers expended this fight: Seeking ray x2, Veil of storms x2

Buffs (rounds remaining)
Tiny hut Radius 20' centered B19 (7183)
Feather token whip (582)
Flame arrow(484)
See invis(485)
greater mirror image(46)
Oil of magic weapon (7)
Fox's Cunning (8)
Cats grace (9)
Pro Evil (10)
Levitate (11)
+4 to hit with rays vs Iria(6 rounds)
Raging flame 30' radius centered C18 (5)
Ends turn

2014-04-16, 06:17 AM
As Iria quaffs a potion in midair, Ray zaps her again. Once more, his attack crackles with electricity before sparking anew in an aftershock of static and pain. Iria's flesh grows numb, then begins to tingle as the sensation of pain sets in.


Gem_Knight, you're up!

The potion Iria imbibed was one of Cure Light Wounds

2014-04-17, 10:08 PM
Gem_Knight, you're up! Failure to post by 4/22 will result in held initiative.

2014-04-19, 02:19 AM
OOC: Gah- I hate to- even if I prolly was gonna loose anyway- but I have to forfeit until IRL settles down a bit >.<; which I have no idea when that'll be- might be months at this rate...

2014-04-21, 08:42 PM
Iria takes a knee, begging clemency from her unseen opponent within the red hut. The crowd, however, has other ideas in mind. "Kill her!" they shout in unison.

Zeb, you're up! Iria is now considered helpless.

2014-04-22, 12:53 PM
"Refusing to be an instrument of the Lady just means you will accept her gift in the mundane way rather than through magical splendor."

Small glass spheres begin pelting out from the tiny hut, striking the champion with small flashes of flame.

With a plus 15 and a helpless opponent I think I only miss on a 1, so some attack and damage rolls:
Attack, Physical damage, Fire damage
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2]
[roll3] [roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7] [roll8]
[roll9] [roll10] [roll11]
[roll12] [roll13] [roll14]
[roll15] [roll16] [roll17]
[roll18] [roll19] [roll20]

Let me know how many rounds it takes so I can update the buff counters

2014-04-22, 02:46 PM
As Raymond pelts his foe with attacks, she does nothing to respond. Some in the crowd cheer, but others begin to boo and assume that the battle has been fixed. Nonetheless, watching her get pelted to death brings them all to agreement once more.

Raymond wins!