View Full Version : True Heroes, IC

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2014-03-18, 09:50 PM
A graveyard probably isn't the first place people most people would want to meet. Still, that might be for the best: anything to reduce the odds of being seen. A lone figure in a hooded black cloak stands in the moonlight among the gravestones, glancing about, as if waiting for people to arrive. Their breath fogging up slightly in the cold late winter night.

This is the place you've been called to meet. Make a post to describe your characters arrival/presence in the graveyard.

2014-03-19, 12:59 AM
A small form, discernable as a dragon mostly by the two wings sticking out of the masses of undyed wool that swath the creature, as if against bitter cold walks purposefully through the graveyard. It nods politely to the figure in the black cloak, then turns away to a nearby tombstone for a bit before taking an attitude of silent prayer.

This is certainly less interesting than my being here to join a group to topple a dark queen, so I get my racial bonus to bluff checks to tell any lie that is less interesting than the truth.

2014-03-19, 01:24 AM
Looking at first glance out-of-place in such an area of death, a celestial-armored figure approaches. An old cloak is drawn over its head and shoulders to prevent reflection, but occasionally a twinkle of shining metal makes itself known. A hand-and-a-half sword of cold iron hangs from its back and a silver warhammer dangles from its belt. A buckler covers its left arm and its left hand it clutches the handle of a small silver bell, as if for comfort.

The armored figure is wary and scans its surroundings. No breath issues forth from the visor of its helm. It seems unaffected by the nightly chill, although those with the ears to hear it would make out fervent mutters. Eventually it draws close to the hooded being in the center. A young dragon was inspecting the graves nearby, but those who paid close enough attention could tell that she was here for the same purpose and was just putting on appearances. Taking a cue from the young dragon, the new arrival begins inspecting the gravestones of those buried in the cemetery. There was no doubt that the meeting would begin soon.

Sense Motive (for Martha): [roll0]

2014-03-19, 01:54 PM
A dark blot flits over to near the dragon - a bit of purple visible for a moment before it pulls its robe closer.

"Chilly, isn't it..."
Sense Motive against Martha: [roll0]
Bluff, only relevant if the Sense Motive passes in which case I'll edit the bluff in: [roll1]

2014-03-19, 10:26 PM
"Oh my, yes. I think it might even rain tomorrow. Fredrick always did hate the rain."

2014-03-20, 05:08 PM
Kruentus drops from the air, ashen wings folding back into a cloak as he surveyed who else came. Ah yes, plenty of dark cloaked figures, all of whom no doubt capable of terrible violence.... Wait, what the hell is that thing! It looks like a dragon had a baby with the sweaters his mother used to send him during paladin school.
As everyone else was pretending that a midnight graveyard full of heavily armed strangers was just coincidence, he acquiesced to etiquette and and began studying the worn gravestones. One in particular caught his eye. Wait, that's his old name! He'd found his own!, no wait. They spelled it with an ae and not an i. Just someone with an incredibly similar name. Huh.

The Bandicoot
2014-03-20, 06:13 PM
Ixen glided into the graveyard, dropping near the center of the group from about five feet up. Looking around he folded his wings back up and dusted his clothing off. He was dressed in a simple dark-red entertainer's outfit which his wings nicely folded into. As an afterthought he retrieved his ioun stone and sent it on it's orbit around his head. "Darkly hooded fellows looking veerry intently at some gravestones. Either I'm in the right place or I've stumbled into the oddest cabal of necromancers I've ever seen. If it's the latter I'll happily exit the same way I came in..." he said as he continued to look around.

2014-03-20, 07:01 PM
After seeing so many new arrivals fly into the area, the knightly figure begins to show signs of unease. Eventually, it abandons the pretense of examining its surroundings and steps forward to speak with the hooded figure.

"Are all the souls called forth here required to fly? If that is so, I am afraid that I cannot accomplish that."

Its voice, when it speaks, is masculine and reverberates in an otherworldly manner, distorted further by its helm. Unlike the bone-chilling tone of a malignant ghost, however, it carries undertones of warmth and confidence.

2014-03-20, 07:19 PM
"Well, I don't think it's required, but wings do tend to be useful."

The Bandicoot
2014-03-20, 07:59 PM
She's right you know, they are quite useful. Ixen extended his left wing out to briefly scratch his nose. Although I'm not much of a flyer myself, more of a glider. With a few flaps of his wings Ixen flew thirty feet into the air and then started a slow descent, gliding circles around the group before finally coming to a stop right where he took off from.

2014-03-21, 07:23 PM
The cloaked figure looks about at the group, and speaks softly, "I had hoped more people would come, but this will have to do for now." Her voice is soft, but it carries, and she's easy to hear. "First off, I suppose I should answer your question: no, wings weren't required, though they do have many tactical applications. Anyways, you all know the basics of why your here. The Dark Mistress needs to be dealt with. As you know, she's conquered most of the continent. Recently, though, she's discovered that the temples of Ehlonna have been giving shelter and aid to some of those who continue to oppose her, as well as refugees from the cities she's done more significant damage to. I've recently discovered that she's sending groups into the woods, to try to infiltrate and corrupt the temple hierarchy. I'm hoping you all can stop her. The troops are moving through the woods 2 days from here, and with them is a man named Ordesiel Silvane. He's the one who can work the magic she needs to spread her corruption. Once you've slain him, the temple should be able to defend themselves." Suddenly, she speaks more firmly, and makes several motions with her hands. In front of her appears an illusory man, with ragged black hair, weathered skin, and piercing blue eyes. He's clad in a green robe with a simple rope belt. "This is him. I don't know how many soldiers they have, or how they're armed, but he'll almost certainly be well protected, and has powerful magic in his own right."

2014-03-21, 09:11 PM
"Well. A solid objective, at least. A single assassination, in the woods? Could be worse."

2014-03-31, 04:16 PM
"Pardon me, but I couldn't help but overhearing... I suppose I might as well join you in this endeavor, however irregular it may be. I mean when faced with a choice between doing something a bit gauche and putting up with all this irregular behavior from people who were SUPPOSED to be heroes... well, its all just a mess, and really, what am I supposed to do?" the little be-sweatered dragon says with a tremble to her voice, wringing her claws a bit.
Using #AB6918 for the moment, but I might be continuing to work on it. I'd roll another bluff check, but I thought I couldn't easily access the modifier on my sheet, and then I'd posted and... well, even now I'm uncertain of I would get my racial bonus.

2014-03-31, 06:45 PM
The cloaked figure nods. "Whatever your reasoning, I am glad to have you among us." She then glances at Hyacinth. "You're right, but...be careful. I don't know the full extent of Ordesiel's abilities. I don't know for sure that he does or doesn't have any sort of illusion magic available, or whether he has any other means of disguising himself."

The Bandicoot
2014-04-01, 10:26 AM
"Now I don't know about the lot of you but truth be told I'm not a very sneaky kobold so "assassination" doesn't exactly work towards my skillset." He ponders a bit Then again I am very flashy so I could provide a decent distraction...

2014-04-02, 11:15 PM
"Once we have slain him, what comes next? Will we be able to bring battle to the Mistress? Every moment that we delay is one she uses to consolidate more power."

2014-04-03, 05:23 PM
The figure hesitates, as if unsure what to say, "Perhaps...if we can, but...I'm not totally sure why the first heroes failed. I don't want to send you into the same situation they rushed into. While you fight Ordesiel, I'll be trying to gather more information. We can meet back here once you're done."

2014-04-03, 05:50 PM
"It's one step to success, even if we can't go further. Might we get going?"

2014-04-03, 06:03 PM
The figure nods. "Starting four days from now, I'll check back here every night, and meet you once you arrive. I'll be off." She begins to move away.

Unless someone stops her, she'll go. TempestFury: you should probably introduce yourself soon.

2014-04-08, 04:50 PM
A large figure was approaching the party. Unlike many of the others, it did not fly, not did it come cloaked and hiding its appearance. Instead, it had a robe covering most of its body as is strode purposefully towards the group. As it approached, it could be judged that it was around 6"6' in height, and most likely weighed several hundred pounds. Its head was obviously draconic, but had an odd metal sheen to it, and his eyes was pure red. No pupils, no irises, just a block of pure red.

"Sorry for being late to the gathering, but a few people took issue to my appearance and I had to settle that matter before I could arrive here."

2014-04-08, 05:24 PM
Martha looks at the late-comer with slightly more distain than she does the others.

"Well, I'm sure I could give you some tips on presenting a more prop-... that is to say a less obtrusive appearance?"

2014-04-08, 08:09 PM
"You could at least have worn a hood..."

The Bandicoot
2014-04-09, 10:39 AM
Hoods do tend to work quite well. Either that or find a way to make yourself seem amusing.....that's what I do. I come prancing and singing into town and everyone goes 'A dancing singing kobold? That's odd!' but nobody tries to kill me. Well, not the normal ones anyways.....

2014-04-09, 11:00 AM
"Really? I'd have expected at least one would have done something just to shut you up."

But she's grinning as she says it.

2014-04-09, 11:32 AM
"If we are all present, then we should make haste. If what she says is true, we must intercept this man as soon as possible."

2014-04-09, 04:29 PM
The cloaked woman nods, "I don't expect anyone else to join us." She turns to Trygg, "For your sake, I'll repeat myself." She then tells him everything she told the others, concerning the Dark Mistress, Ordesiel, and their mission. She then turns to leave.

I think it's pretty clear, but she's repeating everything from post 11, 14, and 19.

2014-04-09, 04:48 PM
Martha follows, trying to act as if she isn't mortified by her own actions.

2014-04-09, 05:10 PM
Hyacinth keeps up.

2014-04-09, 05:55 PM
The cloaked woman turns to the two of them, "Er, I won't be with you. I have other things that I need to be doing. The woods are in that direction." She points. "It's a fairly straightforward journey. There's a road. I'll start checking back here in four days, which should be time to get there and back. Do you need something else from me before you set off?".

2014-04-09, 06:10 PM
"Nope, sorry."
And she loops off in the correct direction.

2014-04-09, 06:38 PM
Martha follows the others towards the woods.

The Bandicoot
2014-04-11, 11:43 AM
I wouldn't mind actually SEEING our mysterious benefactor unhooded seeing as we've all mostly given you the same benefit. In fact.....Tim, please help her with her hood.

Consider Tim the Unseen Servant via Ixen's Collar of Perpetual Attendance

2014-04-11, 07:27 PM
The figure hesitates. "Very well." She looks over at Ixen. "I am quite capable." She lifts her hood over her head, revealing a face that has been hideously scarred by flame. Above the burn wounds, her hair has only barely begun to regrow. "Do I meet to your satisfaction?" she asks coolly.

The Bandicoot
2014-04-11, 08:46 PM
Ixen blinked at the girl before zoning out a bit. Reminds me why I'm here.... he brushed the dirt off his shoulders and started walking with the rest of the group I never wanted this.... he muttered to himself.

2014-04-11, 09:54 PM
"Oh... you poor dear." says Martha, with a look 4 parts sympathy, and 1 part horror.

2014-04-12, 12:28 AM
"I thank you for your trust, but such a mark of pain is not to my satisfaction. What injustice has been heaped upon you, poor soul?"

2014-04-12, 07:18 AM
Trygg bowed his head slightly when the women repeated her words. A way of thanking her, before heading off. At least that was the plan until the others asked for her to take her hood off, and then started pestering her about what had happened to her. "Such tales can wait till later." Trygg said, already turning away from the women to head towards the forest. "Let us complete the task presented before us, then share tales between one another." That being said, Trygg had to wonder just who this women was, how she knew so much and like the others wondered how she came to be scarred.

2014-04-12, 09:50 AM
Hyacinth cringes at the burns.

2014-04-13, 08:51 AM
The woman looks back and forth between the Swordwraith and Trygg. "I was in a temple that was sacked by the followers of the Dark Mistress. The rest will have to wait until your return."

2014-04-13, 06:25 PM
The armored figure bows its head in acceptance.

"Very well. We shall be back as soon as possible. The hour of Her downfall approaches!"

Raising a fist in salute to the scarred woman, the knight begins walking.

2014-04-13, 07:21 PM
Martha falls into place at the back of those leaving right now, looking around nervously, mortified of anyone seeing her associating with such irregular people.

2014-04-14, 07:28 PM
The road from the graveyard is in good repair, and the party is able to make good time. The area is sparsely wooded, and the populated area the graveyard serves is primarily to the east - the opposite direction from where the group is headed. After the group passes a small chapel near the entrance, there aren't any buildings to be seen.

Are you guys going to travel all night? It's about midnight in game, meaning you'd be making camp shortly after sunrise (unless you want to force march).

2014-04-14, 07:41 PM
Looking at Ixen, Hyacinth, and Martha, the armored figure respectfully asks,

"Do any of you wish to be carried? Between myself and the warforged, you can all rest while we march through the night. It would save us half a day's travel."

2014-04-14, 09:11 PM
Hyacinth stifles a yawn.

"That'd be nice of you..."

2014-04-14, 09:17 PM
"Well, I don't know... it sounds very irregular to me..."

2014-04-14, 09:31 PM
Gazing down at the little dragon, the figure replies,

"It is indeed irregular. However, we need as much time as we can give ourselves. You need to sleep eventually, and I can carry you without much difficulty."

Looking at Hyacinth, he beckons, "Up onto my shoulders if you wish, little one."

2014-04-14, 10:29 PM
"Why the very idea! Being carried through the night rather than getting to bed at a proper hour! Not that we haven't already missed that I suppose... just dreadful, simply dreadful..."

The Bandicoot
2014-04-15, 01:52 AM
You can be as stuck up as you'd like my fair lady. While you are exhausted dreaming of your bed and your proper hour I will happily be asleep. I'm used to sleeping uncomfortably on moving things... Ixen stretches out his wings and arms, letting out a quiet yawn. He looks between the warforged and the figure that had suggested the idea. So which one of you wonderful uncomfortable moving things do I hop up on?

2014-04-15, 02:15 AM
"I'll have you know I've never slept on anything but stone and copper coins in my life. I may be young, but I'm no mammal to be carried about by its mother. It would be utterly ridiculous. Can't we just make camp and keep watches? That is what *brrr*" she giving a shudder "adventurers are supposed to do, right?"

2014-04-16, 07:39 PM
As the party stops for lunch, Martha speaks up from her grim silence.
"I... I suppose I could ride in the very top layer of someone pack as long as the top isn't strapped down tight enough that I suffocate. I just don't want anyone to see me. I just... I don't like this adventuring business, but I suppose life can't be all stream-water, oatmeal, and overcast days. I'm trying to maintain a semblance of normality. I'm dreadfully sorry for the imposition, but, could someone take pity on a poor dragonet?" says Martha, looking pitiful.

2014-04-22, 08:08 PM
The warforged hefts Martha up onto his backpack, leaving her to make herself comfortable. As the group continues the forest comes into view, but while still a ways off, they spot another group of travelers ahead of them, moving a bit more slowly and pulling a cart of some kind. There are five members of this new group, all humanoid, one of whom is pulling the cart, which is piled high with something the party can't make out.

2014-04-22, 08:24 PM
Martha snores softly, fast asleep.

2014-04-26, 04:56 PM
Trygg paused on seeing this new group of traveler, unsure of what to do. He heard the dragon on his backpack snoring softly, and wonders if he should wake her or not. For now, he doesn't make any move to do so and he turns to the others, speaking quietly he says. "I suggest one or two of us approach them for information, but not all of them as they might get suspicious, especially because so many of use a robed and hooded."

2014-04-27, 08:32 PM
The armored figure looks at the dragonborn and nods gently. "I shall go to them and seek tidings, if you wish. I mean no offense, but I feel that I most closely resemble what some would call 'normal'."

2014-04-29, 09:02 PM
After a brief silence indicating no problem with this plan, the armored figure approaches the travelers. It pulls the hood back from its head, revealing the shining angelic helm underneath. It holds up an empty hand in greeting.

"Hail to you, friends. Pray tell, what have you seen these past few days? Any trouble with the road?"

2014-04-30, 07:33 PM
One of the travelers, a beefy man with almost-black hair turns around, he greets the newcomer cheerfully, "Well hello there, nice to see a fellow traveler. We haven't seen much since we past that village a ways back. Road's been good though. What brings you to these parts?"

2014-04-30, 07:42 PM
"Our travels lead to us to the woods west of here. We are looking to meet up with some friends of ours. And yourselves?"

The Bandicoot
2014-05-01, 12:09 PM
((Not exactly sure WHERE Ixen is sleeping but I do know he is sleeping....))

Ixen adjusts himself in his sleep and mumbles quietly, suddenly letting out a loud But I don't want to see the All-Watcher! in draconic before going back to his in-sleep mutterings.

2014-05-01, 02:59 PM
Hyacinth flits up near Ixen's head with a large bell...
Then changes her mind at the unintelligible shout and tosses it away (to vanish before it hits the ground), slightly sullen.

2014-05-01, 08:23 PM
The man responds jovially to the paladin's comments, "We too, are headed towards the woods. I would suggest we travel together, but I fear we'd only slow you down, seeing as how you're overtaking us and us with our cart and all." He glances toward the cart as he speaks. "Before you go, perhaps you might share your name? I'm Jopin."

2014-05-03, 12:30 AM
Here the armored figure pauses, the silence growing uncomfortable between him and Jopin. Finally, it replies,

"...I am afraid that I cannot share my name. Not out of disrespect, friend, but because I do not know it. I know my purpose, but I do not know myself.

However, I am certain there would be no problem in travelling with your band. We made good time this morning and it is always better to travel the roads as a group. The others can introduce themselves as they wish."

It nods its head respectfully. "I am pleased to meet you, Jopin."

I feel like this is necessary, because nameless people are suspicious.
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-05-04, 06:43 PM
Hyacinth considers the time of day, and pulls out and discards in turn:
A pair of cymbals, a speaking trumpet, and a tuning fork

Before settling on a long, thin straw. Put one end near the ear, mouth up to the other...

Nah. Something else.

A tall stool, up to Ixen's head height.
And twenty pounds of atlases, dropped one at a time.

The Bandicoot
2014-05-05, 09:51 AM
With a loud SNRK! and a small roll, Ixen hit the ground. Within seconds he is in the air and gliding down in a tight corkscrew, surveying the area. When he eventually lands he shakes his wings a bit before folding them back down and with a bit of heavy breathing says What in the name of the gods was the source of that racket?

2014-05-05, 11:37 AM
"It's long past noon and you were asleep. Give Trygg a break, carry your own weight for a bit."

"Also, strangers."

2014-05-05, 11:45 AM
Tyrgg kept his expression neutral though out Hyacinth pulled out instruments and throwing them away... sure to make a large racket, the dragonborn thinking if would be sure to bring attention to themselves. However, once the small dragon awoke, and Hyacinth said it was time that the dragon carried his own wieght, Trygg sighed and said. "For you information, I am a Warforged, therefore I don't tire. I would of found it perfectly fine to carry... Ixen wasn't it? To carry Ixen all day."

2014-05-05, 03:25 PM
Martha stirs in her sleep...
Listen (because: Very tired) [roll0]
...and wakes up. She peeks out of the backpack, attempting to draw on her limited experience peeking out of shutters to gather more juicy gossip on the neighbors of friends she would visit to have a cup of tea with.

2014-05-05, 08:57 PM
Jopin ponders the swordwraith's statement for a moment, "You're companions..." He looks past the wraith before continuing, "They seem to be a...spirited bunch. Perhaps you should consult with them before making any decisions?" He begins to move closer to the rest of his companions, leaning in, apparently to speak to them without being overheard.

I don't think I'm needed to resolve any of what the rest of you are up to, but let me know if I missed something.

2014-05-05, 09:50 PM
Realizing that Jopin wished to have a moment to confer with his own companions, the paladin turns around and returns to the squabbling group, who are apparently all awake now.

"These folk travel to the woods as well. It would be better for both parties if we stuck together on the road. Once we reach the forest edge, then we can part ways."

2014-05-07, 08:54 PM
Martha slowly returns to her sleeping posture, and equally slowly adjusts herself into a position designed to minimize snoring. She is apprehensive about being found in her unconventional location, but perhaps the problem will sort itself out if she ignores it.

2014-05-07, 08:58 PM


The Bandicoot
2014-05-09, 11:36 AM
Ixen composes himself, adjusting his sundark goggles, and nods. The more the merrier I always say! he lets out with a guffaw. He bows to the new group. Ixen Narhethi, bard by trade adventurer by choice. It's lovely to meet you.

2014-05-09, 01:35 PM
Trygg frowned at the offer, pondering it over for a few moments before slowly speaking the thoughts. "Travelling with a group would be beneficial, safety in numbers, and it would be least suspicious... but we are all fairly memorable, and if our mission is done and we earn her ire... her servants will have an easier time hunting us down."

The Bandicoot
2014-05-09, 07:55 PM
Which would be why we're splitting up once we get to the forest, before we even start our mission. Ixen says, turning to face Trygg

2014-05-13, 07:05 PM
Jopin finishes discussing with his companions and returns to the group, "Well then, have you reached a decision?" he asks.

2014-05-13, 10:13 PM
Looking at the dragonborn, the armored figure responds, "You are probably right, but we cannot allow such fears to dictate our actions. If She wishes to send Her foul servants after us, then we shall smite them like the rest. For now, however, let us focus on the task at hand."

Walking back over to Jopin and the rest of the other group, the disguised swordwraith answers, "The others agree. Come, let us be on our way. As glorious as this day is, I imagine everyone wishes to be in a good spot to camp before nightfall."

2014-05-14, 09:32 PM
Jopin nods cheerfully, "Well said sir. Let's move then."

As the expanded group ventures forward, the majority of their new-found traveling companions keep their distance from the party. Jopin, however, speaks freely, addressing the party as a whole, "So then, the friends you all are meeting, what do they do? There out so many people out this way."

2014-05-14, 10:13 PM
Walking alongside Jopin, the swordwraith responds, "There is a temple there that Ehlonna keeps that we seek for our pilgrimage. I have heard that the priests there are a very giving sort. And what of yourselves? What brings you?"

Looking over its shoulder, it continues, "Are you not concerned by the possibility of brigands? In this time of raiders, I would imagine a party of five towing a stacked cart would be easy pickings."

Sense Motive, because I'm beginning to smell a rat: [roll0]
Spot check to determine more of the man's features: [roll1]
Also, do any of the men have an evil aura to them?

2014-05-15, 05:15 PM
Jopin grins, "Is that so? These fellows are pilgrims too. I'm just a guide." He gestures toward the rest of the people that had been in the group before they joined the party. "We haven't been bothered by brigands yet."

For sense motive checks, let me know you want to make one, and I'll roll it for you. So far as you can tell, Jopin's on the level. He doesn't detect as evil, but the rest of the people he's with do.

2014-05-17, 06:55 PM
"I expect it's just a matter of time, then."

2014-05-19, 08:38 PM
Jopin looks at Hyacinth, "Oh? What makes you say that?"

2014-05-19, 08:58 PM
"Well, like he said" - indicating the armored ominosity - "You've got five people, you're moving slowly, and you've got that massive overloaded wheel-bin. Might as well be bait."

She thinks on what she's just said.

"It is bait, isn't it. You're trying to catch bandits in a ridiculously twisty way for some reason."

2014-05-24, 05:02 PM
Jopin seems taken aback. "No, though I don't actually know the contents of this cart, I feel confident these good fellows would have informed me if that were the plan".

2014-05-24, 05:33 PM
The armored figure tilts its head slightly at the comment. "Oh, are these not friends of yours? I had assumed that you all knew each other and traveled together. How long have you been with them?"

Its armored hand beckons back to the warforged and kobold, indicating that they should come closer.

2014-05-24, 06:20 PM
Jopin smiles at the rest of the group, "We recently became friends. We met a few days ago, and I agreed to take them where they wished to go."

2014-05-24, 08:18 PM
"So... you don't know who they are, don't know the contents of the cart... are you normally troubled by bandits at all?" Tygg asked, starting to get suspicious, but staying calm and quiet. Quite easy being a warforged.

2014-05-26, 09:48 PM
Jopin shrugs, "I trust these fellows. I haven't had much issue with bandits lately."

2014-05-27, 11:22 AM
Walking more closely to Jopin, the armored figure whispers, "I am not so sure of their friendliness. I can tell you right now that they are not pilgrims on their way to worship, no matter what they say. Tell me, when you met them a few days ago, did they hire you to bring them to the temple? Or are you currently under duress?"

2014-05-27, 10:19 PM
Jopin looks quite confused by the Paladin's statements, "Duress? No, of course not. They've offered me some food and gifts, but no great payment. I assure you that they're quite good people." He shrugs. "I've spent more time with them than you, I'm sure you'll come to see them as I do."

2014-05-27, 10:30 PM
Placing a hand gently upon Jopin's shoulder, the swordwraith firmly states, "Jopin, you seem like a good man. I shall be frank with you: these men are evil. I can sense it. Whatever it is they are transporting, it will bring neither happiness nor relief. It will only bring strife and injustice.

They must not reach the temple, for I fear that they serve the Mistress." Even saying Her name is enough to bring an edge of outrage into its voice. "Please, Jopin. If these men reach their destination, I fear for the people of the forest. Help us. Though we have only just met, you must trust me on this."
Diplomacy: [roll0]

2014-05-28, 10:18 PM
Jopin sighs, "I do not think you intend to be untruthful, but I know these people are good people, and I must help them complete their pilgrimage. I believe you mean what you say, but please do not try to fight these people. They are good people." He nods fervently as he speaks, and he looks back and forth, as if concerned that the two groups will begin fighting.

2014-05-28, 11:17 PM
"I am sorry, Jopin. But I must stop evil wherever I find it. Fear not, for you shall come to no harm."

Stopping in the middle of the road, the disguised undead turns and faces the other traveling men. He speaks in a demanding voice, standing proudly before them.

"This charade has gone on long enough. You will tell me what you intend to do with the contents of the cart, and what your purpose is at the temple."
Intimidate: [roll0]

2014-05-29, 10:42 PM
Jopin stands back looking worried, as if unsure what to do. One of the other members of the group comes forward, a human woman with long blond hair, pale skin, and blue eyes, draped in simple traveler's robes, "The contents of our cart are a gift for our goddess, and we intend to worship at the temple. What else would we be going there for?" The rest of the group confers amongst themselves.

2014-05-30, 01:47 AM
Trygg frowned at the disguised undead's actions, not liking how he simply openly challenged the others... still from how Jopin was acting, he wouldn't be surprised if he was under some sort of spell to make him so trusting and accepting, quitely he spoke to the group he was travelling with, asking. "Does anyone have a means of detecting magic? A scan of Jopin and these 'pilgrims' sounds like a good idea right about now."

The Bandicoot
2014-06-01, 07:13 AM
I do. I shall. Ixen says, whistling a short tune and casting Detect Magic. His hand hovers over his rapier, ready to leap forwards should the need arise.

2014-06-01, 10:40 AM
"You sure you're not being a bit paranoid? I mean, yeah, they've had a suprising lack of banditry, but... that automatically pins them as stay-away?"

2014-06-01, 11:02 AM
"Is that so, then? Then you will not mind overly much if I see just what gifts you are bringing to the temple of Ehlonna."

The armored figure begins moving toward the cart.

The Bandicoot
2014-06-01, 07:09 PM
Hey, Tincan, stand down a bit. At least until my spell kicks in and I see weather or not you have anything to worry about. You're jumping to conclusions of the first group we come across and I for one don't care for it. Ixen steps forward and studies the opposing group and their cart.

2014-06-01, 07:30 PM
Ixen's magic reveals to him magic auras on items held 4 of the other party's members, as well as one about Jopin. The group waits to see how the Paladin reacts to the rest of his party before doing or saying anything.

You can make spellcraft checks as you desire.

2014-06-01, 11:50 PM
The paladin stops, though he is obviously impatient for the results of the kobold's results. It coldly regards the group of men and women before the wagon, its left hand going to grasp the bell strapped to its belt.
Should have done this a long time ago...
Sense Motive for the pilgrims: [roll0]

The Bandicoot
2014-06-02, 09:14 AM
Four of them ring up, as does something on Jopin. How exactly they're ringing is another question entirely. he says in a quiet murmur.

[roll0] 1st Person
[roll1] 2nd Person
[roll2] 3rd Person
[roll3] 4th Person
[roll4] Jopin

2014-06-02, 11:01 AM
The armored figure straightens at Ixen's analysis. Turning its head, it asks, "Jopin... are you carrying any magical items on you?"

2014-06-02, 07:36 PM
All the aura's are faint (which I really should have told you before). The one you identify (the fourth person) has an aura of faint evocation about his sword. Of the other auras, two are on cloaks and one is on something in the blond women's cloak that you can't quite make out.

Remember, I'll roll sense motive checks for you. You can't tell if the women is lying or not.

Jopin shakes his head at the Paladin, "Do I look like I can afford such things? No, none at all. Why do you ask?"

2014-06-02, 07:50 PM
Drawing its hand-and-a-half sword from the sheath on its back, the paladin holds it pointed to the side. It remains standing firmly in the middle of the road.

"It all becomes clear now. You have ensorcelled him. Admit your misdeeds and I will show mercy. This is your last warning."

The Bandicoot
2014-06-02, 09:07 PM
You didn't tell me which one of Jopin's items was magic so forgive this...

Ixen draws his rapier and rolls his eyes. Ah hell....faint ring of evocation on his sword, no clue what kind on their cloaks and something in her cloak.... he says, pointing out each person in turn. Jopin, I suggest you toss that [INSERT CORRECT ITEM HERE] that they gave you and run. Things are about to get messy.

2014-06-04, 09:16 PM
The blond woman shakes her head, "We have done nothing wrong. If you force a fight, I have no doubt Ehlonna will grant us victory, but I pray you do not force it to that." She fingers something within her cloak. The man with the magic sword steps between her and the Paladin, and the other two members step to either side of her. Jopin moves between the two groups, sticks his arms out and speaks, "Please! I beg of you! Do not let this come to blows. I assure you I possess all of my wits."

I need to know where everyone is (except Prehysterical, who I'm using as a reference point); give me a grid number (my understanding is that his character is closest to the NPCs). If any of you want to try to talk things down, you can, otherwise we'll roll initiative. Given that the NPCs have approximately taken move equivalent actions in response to the Paladins declaration, the rest of you can too (this isn't quite RAW, but it seems like a reasonable adjudication of the situation to me).









Cloak 1







Blonde Woman



Cloak 2





















The Bandicoot
2014-06-05, 11:37 AM
Jopin, step away from them, this is your last warning. SOMEONE is set on corrupting the temple you are traveling to and I will defer to my compatriot's judgment when he says it's your fellow travelers. If you do NOT move I will assume that despite his judgment you too are with them.


2014-06-05, 03:25 PM
Martha wakes up at the shouting and poises herself in Trygg's backpack, ready to spring out the instant she feels him start to make the violent upper-body motions of swinging a weapon or dodging (rather than just moving from one spot to another or firing most ranged weapons).


2014-06-05, 10:22 PM
"...And you're serious about this. Fine, I'll support you... trust needs to start somewhere, and it's certainly not on your end."

So saying, Hyacinth flits back a bit and hovers just above the ground, hands lowered towards her own shadow, which darkens slightly near them.

2014-06-09, 05:12 AM
Trygg silently stepped up out sideway, arcane energy beginning to dance between his fingers as he prepared to fight. The warforged doing his best to stay away from the sword-swingers, not wanting to be caught up in the close-ranged fighting.

Position is I13. Init is [roll0]

2014-06-09, 06:14 PM
Jopin looks at Ixen in alarm, stepping back, such that the fighter is partially between him and Ixen.

For the sake of expediency, I will roll your initiative (except for Trygg).

Ixen: [roll0]
Trygg: 13
Hyacinth: [roll1]
Heiros: [roll2]
Martha: [roll3]

Hyacinth, take your action, then it's the enemies turn.

2014-06-09, 06:51 PM
Hyacinth quickly rises from her crouching position, pulling two crossbows from her shadow, and fires at the one with the sword.

Free action to "draw" (create) two Shadowcraft Light Crossbows. Both have Augment Enhancement Bonus (+1), Attune Special Property (Corrosive), and Attune Special Property (Magebane).

Mainhand: [roll0], +2 if Magebane applies (has arcane spells prepared, has spontaneous arcane spell slots availible, or has arcane SLAs)
Damage for Mainhand: [roll1] piercing + [roll2] acid
Damage for Magebane Mainhand: [roll3] if Magebane applies
Offhand: [roll4] +2 if Magebane applies
Damage for Offhand: [roll5] piercing + [roll6] acid
Damage for Magebane Offhand: [roll7] if Magebane applies

2014-06-09, 07:54 PM
Hyacinth's shadow bolts smash into the man with the sword, finding a weak point under his heavy armor and he grunts in pain as the bolts disappear into him. He responds nearly instantly, he snarls, and matted black fur sprouts from his face. He rushes forward, charging into the Paladin. The attacker's sword finds a gap in the plate and cuts into the sword-wraith's neck. The man draws his blade away, looking at the wraith in confusion, as his blow fails to have the effect he intended.

Heiros takes 17 damage before DR (which applies in full).

Ixen, go. Then enemies again.

The Bandicoot
2014-06-11, 01:49 AM
Ixen jabs at the furry-sword-man with his rapier, hoping his attacks make a mark.


2014-06-11, 05:39 PM
Ixen's quick strikes catch the man off-balance after his assault, and the rapier comes away with blood on it.

Behind Jopin, the first cloaked man seems to take notice of his companions relative ineffectiveness and moves forward, drawing a bow as he does so. He launches an arrow at the tiny fey across from him, but she easily avoids the shaft.

Trygg's turn; then enemies again.

2014-06-13, 04:35 AM
Seeing how his allies where taking on the swordsman well enough, Trygg decided to strike someone else, starting with the archer that had recently shot at their fey ally. Mildly wondering if he should mention the Fey Heritage of his Warforged form later as he did so.

Attack, ranged touch [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-06-14, 08:37 AM
The second cloaked figure steps forward, speaking firmly, "Intoriellum. Cannieris. Setenium". He continues speaking and makes quick precise gestures centered around something hanging from his neck.

The blond woman speaks quickly, "Eporiahnis sepiria casoria." With her last word she makes a quick gesture and where there was 1 woman there is suddenly 7.

Prehysterical, and DracoDei, it's your turn, then Jopin has the chance to act again.

2014-06-14, 04:58 PM
The man's blow is enough to knock the paladin's head to the side, but it remains standing firmly in the middle of the road. Snapping its head back up with a sickening crack of vertebrae, a golden light begins to shine from the eyes of its helmet. It glowers at the confused swordsman. "Justice be done."

The blade of cold iron swings forth, blazing with holy light.
First daily use of smite evil
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1], +4 if target is evil
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]
Overcomes damage reduction X/evil
Improved Smite damage: [roll4] if target is evil
If attack hit, 1 STR damage from target

2014-06-14, 08:52 PM
Martha dithers, uncertain how to interprit the jostling she is getting... she ends up doing nothing.
Delaying until my initiative next round, or someone attacks Trygg.

2014-06-15, 08:54 PM
Guided by his supernatural goodness, the paladin's blade finds a gap in his assailants armor, finding fur and flesh beneath. Though the warrior stays on his feet, it's clear that between this and Hyacinth's and Ixen's attacks he's badly wounded.

As if unsure what to do, Jopin moves as if to hamper the paladin in some way, but hesitates too much for it to amount to anything.

Hyacinth's up.









Cloak 1


Hyacinth + 10





Blonde Woman



Cloak 2





















2014-06-16, 06:55 PM
Seeing the cloaked figure chanting, Hyacinth rises for a clear shot at him, and takes it.

Move action to I8+10' (vertical, not sure how to notate). Standard action to fire once at Cloak 2.
Attack: [roll0], +2 if Magebane applies (Arcane casting ability or arcane SLAs)
Damage: [roll1] piercing + [roll2] acid
Magebane damage: [roll3] piercing

2014-06-16, 09:09 PM
Hyacinth's bolt penetrates hits the cloaked character with an acidic hiss, shadowy energy spreading into his body. The man stumbles, but he manages to keep his place in his chant.

The warrior at the front of the group strikes furiously at the paladin, but the paladin's armor deflects the blow.

Ixen's up.

The Bandicoot
2014-06-18, 09:31 AM
Since attacking the sword-guy worked before, Ixen decides to continue doing so.

Attack 1[roll0]
Possible Crit Confirm 1 [roll1]
Attack 2 [roll2]
Possible Crit Confirm 2 [roll3]
Damage 1 [roll4]
Damage 2 [roll5]

2014-06-18, 09:15 PM
Ixen's first attack strikes true, drawing blood from under his opponent's armor. The man jerks to the side in response, causing Ixen's second thrust to hit nothing but air.

The first cloaked figure sneers at Hyacinth and moves forward, aiming his bow at her, then turning at the last moment to fire on the warforged instead. His shaft flies true, striking where wing meets body in a well placed shot.

Trygg, you take 14 damage before DR. Martha, Trygg, you two are up, then enemies.









Cloak 1


Hyacinth + 10





Blonde Woman



Cloak 2





















2014-06-19, 01:08 AM
Martha bursts out of the backpack, and quickly sizes up the situation. She moves into position, and lines up a shot that would be sure to send most violators of her lair running, as she tries to drain away the very traits that allow them to be so abhorrent to her. Her jaws stretch open in the signature attack of a dragon, but nothing seems to emerge.

Move Action: Fly to M13 and land.
Standard Action: 30' line of Pure Elemental Ennui straight north, striking "Sword Guy", Jopin, and "Cloak 1". Will DC 15 or take 1 point of Intelligence Drain, AND a separate Will DC 15 or take 1 point of Charisma Drain.

Cool-down on BW: [roll]1d4[roll]

OOC, I'm entirely aware that I would have done much better to get into melee, but Martha is used to permanent brain damage being something that has a tendency to cause foes to exercise the better part of valor, plus the ability to hit more than half the foes with her line is fairly tempting to her.

2014-06-19, 01:10 AM
BW cool-down[roll0]

2014-06-20, 05:20 AM
Trygg hardly even flinches as the arrow strikes home into his flesh. Oh, it hurt like hell and he was sure it did quite a bit of damage, but he completely and utterly ignored it. Instead, he simply turned to the one that shot him, and retaliated with a beam of arcana energy. Sure that it would hurt his enemy more than the arrow hurt him.

Attack vs Touch [roll0]
Crit Confirmation [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2014-06-22, 07:42 PM
Trygg's bolt of energy catches his foe square in the chest, staggering the man. Martha's breathe weapon causes the enemy warriors to wince, and Jopin cries out in pain.

As the cloaked figure finishes up his chant, a great black bear appears directly in front of Ixen. The cloaked man steps forward, gesturing once more, "Estorises. Casmiendia!" As he finishes, he touches the bear, whose muscles bulge in response. The creature lashes out furiously at Ixen with both teeth and claws. Though Ixen dodges most of the creature's attacks, one swipe of the claws connect, digging through the gaps in Ixen's armor and drawing blood.

Witnessing her allies response to the beige dragons breath, the blond woman pauses, looking. She, and her reflections, move south until she has a clear shot at the dragon. As one, the group raises their hands and a fiery ray arcs towards the little dragon. It catches her in her still open mouth. The pain is incredible.

Ixen is hit once and takes 9 points of piercing and slashing damage.

Martha is hit once and takes 32 points of fire damage.

It's Heiros' turn.









Cloak 1


Hyacinth + 10






Cloak 2





Blonde Woman


















2014-06-23, 11:44 AM
Realizing that his comrades are in peril, the paladin seeks to swiftly end the threat in front of him. Another glowing slash swings through the air.

Second use of smite evil
Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1], +4 if evil
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]
Improved Smite: [roll4] if evil
1 STR damage

2014-06-23, 04:42 PM
The paladin's blade cuts deep into his foe. The man drops to the ground, blood spilling out. Jopin lets out a cry of alarm and bends down to examine the dying man.

1 down. Hyacinth, Ixen, you guys are up.

2014-06-23, 07:53 PM
Hyacinth continues to hover, and to fire at the cloaked figure.

Realized I've been forgetting Rapid Shot. Oops.
Priority order of attacks: Cloak 2 > Cloak 1 > Blonde. So if one of the first two attacks takes out Cloak 2, the remainder go to Cloak 1, and if the first two attacks take out both of them, the third goes to the blonde. Note that attacks against Cloak 1 are in range for Point Blank Shot, so I get +1 to attack and damage if they're going for them.

First Attack: [roll0], +2 if Magebane applies
Damage: [roll1] piercing + [roll2] acid + [roll3] piercing if Magebane applies
Second Attack: [roll4], +2 if Magebane applies
Damage: [roll5] piercing + [roll6] acid + [roll7] piercing if Magebane applies
Third Attack (Rapid Shot): [roll8], +2 if Magebane applies
Damage: [roll9] piercing + [roll10] acid + [roll11] piercing if Magebane applies

The Bandicoot
2014-06-27, 01:59 PM
Ixen turns his attention to the bear in front of him and just keeps attacking, not stopping for a moment.


2014-06-28, 01:35 PM
Hyacinth's first arrow goes wide, but her next shots both find their mark. They draw grunts of pain from the summoner, but he stays on his feet. Ixen's first strike draws blood from the bear. It hollers in pain and narrowly avoids his second attack.

On the other side of the battle field, the archer moves back towards his comrades, releasing another arrow at his warforged opponent. Once again, the arrow finds its mark, burying itself under a gap in his breastplate.

Trygg, you take 18 damage and you and Martha are up. In case it's not clear I'm referring to cloak 1 and cloak 2 as archer and summoner respectively.










Hyacinth + 10






Cloak 2


Cloak 1




Blonde Woman


















2014-06-28, 06:04 PM
Martha moves in and attacks the summoner with her full force.

5' step to N12
-1 to-hit compared to my sheet since I haven't used my Toothbrush of Greater Magic Fang today.
Power Attacking for -2 which I THINK gives me +2 to damage for the bite, and +1 for the claws.
If I drop Cloak 2, the extra attacks are going on the bear.
Bite to-hit [roll0], Damage [roll1], Crit. Confirm [roll2], Crit. Damage [roll3]
Claw1 to-hit [roll4], Damage [roll5], Crit. Confirm [roll6], Crit. Damage [roll7]
Claw2 to-hit [roll8], Damage [roll9], Crit. Confirm [roll10], Crit. Damage [roll11]

2014-07-02, 08:32 PM
Trygg grunted again as the arrow sank into his flesh, but stubbornly ignored it. Confident that his eldritch blasts would be able to out-damage the strikes from the enemy archer. Trygg replying, once against with a beam of pure arcane energy, directed at the archer. Determined to win this duel.

[roll0] vs Touch AC
[roll1] Damage

2014-07-02, 10:09 PM
Though he manages to deflect one of Martha's claws with his shield, the little dragon's onslaught proves too much for him, and he goes down, blood dripping from his wounds. Scant seconds later, Trygg's bolt takes the archer square in the chest; he falls to the ground, unconscious and dying.

The bear, for its part, keeps fighting, clawing and biting at Ixen. The kobold's armor deflects it's claws without issue, though, and he evades it's powerful jaws without much effort.

The blond woman grimaces as events unfold before her. She unleashes another fiery ray at Martha, then steps over the archer's body moving to put Jopin and the bear between her and her assailants. The scorching ray catches Martha in the side, inflicting a second less serious wound upon the dragon.

Martha, you take 15 damage. Heiros's turn.










Hyacinth + 10






{Cloak 2}



{Cloak 1}
Blond Woman




















2014-07-04, 01:35 AM
The paladin sees another scorching ray strike the little dragon. We cannot continue to withstand such an assault. Rushing toward the last remaining enemy, the undead's glowing yellow eyes begin to take on a more bluish tinge. The illusions that surround the spellcaster do not fool one that can sense life itself as it charges silently with its blade aglow.
Charge action, taking AoO from bear, AC 20, doesn't matter where I end up exactly
Last daily use of smite evil
Attack roll: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Crit Damage: [roll2]
Improved Smite: [roll3] if evil
1 STR damage

2014-07-04, 08:39 PM
As the paladin moves past the bear, it reaches out with its claw. The bear's claw cuts past the paladin's armor, but the damage is absorbed by the undead's toughness.

You take 9 damage, absorbed by your DR.

The Paladin's blade cuts into the blond women's body, drawing a deep gash across her torso and she staggers backward.

Jopin rushes to the Paladin's side, "Please. Do not hurt her." He reaches out to grab the Paladin's sword.

Jopin's making a disarm attempt. You can make an attack of opportunity against him, if you want to. Otherwise, make an opposed check.










Hyacinth + 10






{Cloak 2}




{Cloak 1}
Blond Woman




















2014-07-05, 01:59 PM
Jopin grabs the Paladin's blade, but the Paladin manages to jerk it away without difficulty.

Hyacinth, Ixen; you're up.

2014-07-05, 04:36 PM
Hyacinth thinks One down... and keeps firing.
Sorry I'm running out of RP for hovering-in-place-while-shooting.
First Attack: [roll0] +2 Magebane
Damage: [roll1] piercing + [roll2] acid + [roll3] Magebane piercing
Second Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5] piercing + [roll6] acid + [roll7] Magebane piercing
Third Attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9] piercing + [roll10] acid + [roll11] Magebane piercing

Priority is the summoner, then the caster with Mirror Image up. I'll roll the Mirror Image in OOC if I actually get to them.

The Bandicoot
2014-07-08, 09:27 PM
Ixen just keeps stabbing.


2014-07-12, 11:56 AM
Hyacinth's first bolt strikes an illusion, and it vanishes with Hyacinth's shadowy bolt. Her second bolt seems to be slowed down slightly by something the blond woman is wearing, but it still visibly cripples the woman (and all her duplicates) . As she struggles to keep her feet, Hyacinth's third bolt hits the bear. It roars in pain, and a moment later, Ixen's flurry of strikes send it back to where-ever it came from.

Only the blond woman is left conscious, and is at 0 hp (disabled); Trygg, Martha, it's your turn.

2014-07-12, 01:56 PM
Martha bursts through the air, flying jaws first at the blond woman.
Probably taking an AoO from the bear, my AC would be -2 due to charge, and thus an 18.
Charging the blond woman:
To-Hit (No +1 for GMF, but a +2 for charging) [roll0], damage [roll1], Crit. Confirm [roll2], crit. damage [roll3]

2014-07-12, 02:00 PM
[roll0] (1 = attacking the right image). Btw, the bear was defeated by Ixen in my last post.

Martha charges into another of the woman's duplicates and it vanishes.

5 images left.

2014-07-12, 02:13 PM
"Don't kill her." Trygg said, glad that the dragon swooped though one of the images, instead of managing to kill the women, it was obvious she was one the verge on unconsciousness. "Its best to restrain her, so we can question her."

2014-07-12, 02:17 PM
"SURRENDER OR DIE!!" shouts Martha.

2014-07-12, 02:59 PM
The woman looks at the warforged and the dragon, then, begins to laugh an absurd, desperate, laugh,"And if I surrender? Do I go free? Do you heal my wounds or do I crawl for days to the nearest civilization? Dying very much looks to be in the cards for me."

2014-07-12, 03:34 PM
"If you surrender, and you give us the information we seek. Then yes, we will heal your wounds, and set you free." Trygg said, completely seriously without missing a beat. Unbothered by how the others might think to such a suggestion, or any disagreements it might cause. "You have more word."

2014-07-12, 06:08 PM
The woman raises her eyebrows, "Come forward and heal me then. I won't fight you anymore."

It looks like we're done fighting for the moment, so you should all feel free to chime in.

2014-07-12, 06:47 PM
Martha stands there, not quite sure what to do with herself, but not letting her guard down. She shuffles her various limbs in her discomfort.

2014-07-12, 06:56 PM
The paladin is off-put by Trygg's words. Its first instinct is to put down these evil souls before they can do any more harm. However, now that an oath of truce has been given, they cannot break that oath. Reluctantly, the undead steps forward and lays its gauntleted hand upon the woman's forehead. Glowing yellow light fills the space between. "Let that which was broken be unbroken," it intones. Taking a step back and planting the tip of its sword in the ground, the paladin continues, "You will now tell us the truth. Firstly, have you enchanted this man?" Its helm indicates Jopin.
1 point of Lay on Hands. If she's a good little girl and cooperates, she will get more.
I'd like a Sense Motive, please.

2014-07-12, 07:16 PM
The woman jerks in surprise at the paladin's touch. She glances at Jopin, pauses, then speaks, "I have."

You don't detect that this statement is a lie. Did you want to Sense Motive on something else?

Jopin jerks upright at her statement, looking back and forth between her and the party.

2014-07-12, 07:20 PM
Hyacinth keeps both crossbows trained on the blonde woman.

"Don't try anything."

Originally said:
Hyacinth drifts to the ground and dismisses one crossbow, replacing it with a domed hut/shield with a single wide slit, through which she aims her other crossbow at the blonde woman.
However, a little math shows that such a dome would weigh far too much for the twenty-pound weight limit even if it was only one inch thick, half Hyacinth's height, half a dome (so still open in the back), and made of balsa wood. So I'm sticking with altitude.

2014-07-12, 07:30 PM
Trygg was happy that no one had complaints about his actions to call a truce and agree to heal her, in return for information. Especially as he didn't have any method of healing her himself. The warforged wasn't surprised to hear that Jopin had been enchanted, as they had thought that was the case before beginning the battle. More importantly, Trygg stepped up himself, asking. "Why did you enchant him?"

The Bandicoot
2014-07-12, 07:48 PM
Ixen bends down and wipes his rapier off on the clothing of the dead sword-guy. He then paces around to the side of the blonde woman, holding his rapier at his side.

2014-07-12, 09:26 PM
The woman hesitates for a moment, as the party surrounds her, "I wanted him to believe we were good people." She looks imploringly at the paladin, "If you would, my companions are dying around us. Could you please save them?"

2014-07-12, 09:39 PM
A moment's hesitation is the paladin's reply before turning and moving to each of her downed comrades. Each time he touches them, the golden light surrounds his hand, though it is more intense this time. The bell at the paladin's belt begins chiming softly.
Lay on hands, 4 hp each for a total of 12

EDIT: Wanted to make a Sense Motive on whether she is really cooperating, but that might be kind of redundant now.

DOUBLE EDIT: When I say a moment, I mean a couple of seconds, not 90 seconds. Want to be clear about that.

2014-07-12, 10:00 PM
The paladin's healing staunches the flow of blood from his foes. Though the fighter and archer continue to lie in their blood, the summoner opens his eyes, in the same weakened state as the blond woman, looking up at the paladin in confusion, "What...?"

2014-07-12, 10:50 PM
The paladin leans close to the summoner's face, eyes glowing faintly through its helm's eyeholes. "Thank your companion for caring about your life as much as her own." Standing up straight, it looks back toward the blonde woman. "Do you serve under a man named Ordesiel Silvane?"

The Bandicoot
2014-07-12, 10:55 PM
Ixen very calmly paces behind the blonde woman and plunges his rapier into her. I am not for letting people like her and her companions live. he says, wiping the blood off on her robe and kicking her over. People like her and her companions are why I agreed to this. Because from what I understand, we were sent to KILL them."

[roll0] multiply it by two because of the auto-crit

2014-07-12, 11:12 PM
"How rude... you could have at least waited for the others to get more information out of her, and then discussed the matter with them like a civilized individual. All the same to me at the end of the day though...." Martha sniffs, and starts digging her claws through the dirt to rub the blood off of them.

2014-07-13, 06:33 AM
Trygg's eyes darkened at the kobold's actions, anger at how he had took the women's life, even after he had promised that she would not be killed. Without hesitating, the dragonborn's arm shot out, a blast of arcane energy erupting from from his fingers and streaking across the air towards Ixen.

[roll0] vs Touch, and I belief Flat-Footed as well.
[roll1], damage

The Bandicoot
2014-07-13, 01:11 PM
Ixen turns to Trygg as the bolt of energy zooms by his head. Warforged. Do you know what happens when you leave enemy survivors? They wake up, they heal, and they get re-equipped. Then they come back to kill you. he glares. You see.....they killed my wife. People like her that is. Some wandering party with a mission. That same party LET ME LIVE and that was a great mistake on their part. A mistake I do not intend to repeat.

But...if you do not like my methods I give you a choice... Ixen says, sheathing his blade and stepping back with arms stretched to his sides. Try to kill me. Someone who will fight with you. Or kill those who WILL fight against you.

2014-07-13, 02:04 PM
Mirror Image is still in effect, meaning you need to roll to hit the right target as well (1 is a hit). [roll0]

The kobold's rapier flickers, and the blond woman falls to the ground, blood spilling out. The summoner rises to his feet with a gasp.

A moment later, Trygg's bolt zooms past Ixen.

2014-07-13, 02:53 PM
"ENOUGH!" The thundering voice of the paladin echoes as it raises its sword and light blazes from its helm. "The battle is over!" Thinking quickly, it falls to its knees and uses the last of its healing to stabilize her.

Pointing a gauntleted hand at Ixen, it continues, "Do not confuse justice with vengeance. I am sorry for your wife, but the desire to inflict that suffering on others only leads to yet more injustice. Save your fire for the Mistress! If you continue down this road, I will not hesitate."

Turning its gaze back upon the summoner, it actually stops awkwardly. Eventually, it says, "...I am sorry. She obviously cares for you. Who is she?"

The Bandicoot
2014-07-13, 03:20 PM
Now isn't the time to cling to petty things like 'justice'. Ixen turns around and if you are going to make a habit of letting people like that live then you will die. Eventually you are going to realize how foolish you were. Ixen flaps his wings, flies thirty feet into the air, and starts gliding away.

2014-07-13, 04:18 PM
"And good riddance, if that's the sort he is. Revenge for death, as a motivator? He'd probably fall the same as the first lot. She'll just offer to bring them back or make him forget them or something."

2014-07-13, 04:49 PM
The summoner pauses for a moment, looking at the people arrayed before him. Finally, after Ixen departs, he answers the sword-wraith, "She was our leader. She grew up in the same town as I did, but I did not know her well."

2014-07-13, 05:18 PM
In the paladin's vision, the tiny spark of life is still visible within the woman. Reaching for its belt, it retrieves a healing kit. While it tends to her wounds, it asks, "Do the four of you know of a man named Ordesiel Silvane? Or is she the only one who knows anything?"

2014-07-13, 05:51 PM
The Paladin has no problem treating the blonde woman's wounds. The summoner replies slowly, "All I know is that we were supposed to meet a man by that name."

2014-07-13, 07:16 PM
Rarely one to side with the minority on any given topic of conversation, Martha adds her two coppers to the matter of Ixen as she watches the kobold fly away.
"A most unpleasant and disruptive individual into the bargain." Martha says. She digs around in her pack and pulls out a toothbrush.

"Always good to remove the blood from the teeth after doing battle. Prevents premature fang loss. Be with you all in just a moment." she gives as an excuse then wanders casually off in the opposite direction from the one that the kobold took when departing. When and if she gets more than 200 feet away, she speaks again.


Bluff [roll0]
If I get that far, I'm activating my magic toothbrush and taking 1 minute to brush my teeth. This enhances all my natural weapons to +1 for the next 5 hours.

2014-07-15, 11:41 AM
Trygg simply said nothing, watching as Ixen disregarded the others and left to fight by himself. He didn’t agree that it was good riddance, as the loss of an ally was never as pleasant occasion, but the warforged had to agree that it was most likely for the best. Ixen had already shown that he could not be trusted, and let his lust for revenge control his actions.

When the the summoner admitted that they were going to meet up to their target, the warforged grimly smiled, asking. “Do you know who he is expecting?” Trygg already thinking of how they could turn this to their advantage, either pretending to be the group that he was meant to meet, or by being the group’s ‘prisoners’... though the Paladin might take a while to convince to go along with an underhand tactic.

2014-07-15, 07:08 PM
The summoner gives a resigned shrug, "I think there's a couple other groups moving through here. I'm not privy to all the details of the operation."

2014-07-16, 09:06 AM
"So. There's a chance that we can replace your fallen comrades as members of the group." Trygg said thoughtfully and with a grim smile at this information. "As we are healing you, and not straight out killing you, will you play along?"

2014-07-16, 06:49 PM
The summoner shrugs, "There's a chance. I don't mind assisting someone if it keeps me alive." He laughs softly to himself at this last comment.

2014-07-16, 09:25 PM
Looking over at the summoner, the paladin asks, "What's in the cart that was to be used in your mission?" It finishes wrapping the blonde woman with bandages.

2014-07-17, 08:09 PM
The summoner glances at the cart. "Gold. Supplies. A few gifts for the temple."

2014-07-17, 08:20 PM
"Gifts? As an excuse to get to the temple, an alibi?"

2014-07-17, 08:51 PM
The man smiles, "Naturally."

2014-07-20, 08:42 AM
“Where are you Ordesiel Silvane exactly? Before reaching the temple, or afterwards?” Trygg questioned, trying to get a good idea of what lies ahead before they would procedee. Information is essential after all.

2014-07-20, 09:43 PM
"We were to meet at the temple," the summoner replies.

2014-07-25, 08:52 PM
"Well then. Hand over any casting implements before we set out - I wouldn't trust you even if I could throw you."

She points at the ground with one hand, covering them with a crossbow with her other hand.

"Quickly now, before I start to think you're not being straight with us."

2014-07-25, 09:36 PM
The man hesitates for a minute, then sighing, reaches for a belt pouch, which he throws down in front of him. He reaches into a pocket in his cloak. Wincing slightly, he removes something from the pocket, and presents a twisted black branch, with some manner of thorns, which he throws down on top of the pouch. "There you go."

2014-07-26, 10:03 PM
Martha puts up her toothbrush and moves back to the group.

"So, what next?" she asks in a monotone.

2014-07-27, 12:58 PM
Before this continued any further, an important question had to be answered.

"What is your name? I will know you before I trust this mission to you."

2014-07-27, 02:34 PM
"Am I on a mission?" The summoner tilts his head, as if confused. "My name is Ephien."

2014-07-31, 07:46 PM
The paladin leans forward meaningfully.

"Indeed you are, Ephien. You and your companions will accompany us as we put a stop to Silvane's plans. Do this, and you will all be considered redeemed.

Think carefully on this. If we had been servants of the Mistress, do you think you would still be breathing? Do you truly wish to serve a power that cares nothing for the lives of others? Believe me when I say this, Ephien: if the Mistress has her way, we all will suffer for it. Even you, and her." Its helm nods at the unconscious blonde woman.

2014-07-31, 09:16 PM
Ephien laughs softly, "It will most likely be as you say. But most like I shall suffer regardless. I signed on with the mistress to ease my suffering, not eliminate it."

2014-07-31, 09:46 PM
Somehow, despite having no muscles, the paladin's limbs tremble with rage.

"Do you wish to know why She is so powerful? How she has accomplished so much," it shouts. The unearthly echo is more pronounced now. "Because people like you," it points angrily, "think about what is easiest. It's easier to submit, easier to just stand by and watch as evil things happen to good people, easier to think only about yourself and care nothing for the suffering of others. The Mistress is a puppeteer, nothing more. Without supporters, without thralls, She has no power. All She knows is how to tug the strings of temptation, how to make things "easy". If you would just take up arms and fight, make the difficult decision just once, then you could make more of an impact than you can imagine! One spark is all it takes to light a fire, and She has been foolish enough to douse herself in the oil of tyranny. I can only do so much. You have to decide if you value freedom over slavery."

Shaking its head, it turns and walks over to Jopin. Its head is now held low, as if ashamed. "I am sorry for ignoring you, Jopin, my friend. Are you well," it asks quietly.

2014-07-31, 09:59 PM
For a moment, Ephien seems almost cowed, but it passes quickly, and he calls after the Paladin, "Plenty fought. They are dead. If I had fought, I would be dead too. I did not make the choice between slavery and freedom. I made the choice between the slavery of the mistress and the slavery of the abyss. Unless you think everyone who dies will be so lucky as you were."

Jopin, having watched the entire exchange in timid silence, takes several moments before replying to the Paladin, "I...I er...I am...unharmed."

2014-07-31, 10:17 PM
Gently, the paladin places a gauntleted hand on the man's shoulder. A smile is present in its voice that cannot exist on its face. "I knew that you were a good man, Jopin. I had faith in you. But now, things have become more dangerous for you. Where we are going, the temple... there will trouble. I would not blame you if you were to go home now."

2014-08-01, 11:47 PM
Jopin seems to consider the paladin's words before speaking, "Quite frankly, these woods are my home. At the very least, I can lead you to the temple."

2014-08-02, 01:17 PM
"Yes, well, I'm sure such matters are quite beyond a simple dragon like myself. As long as you have the decency to leave out any mention of my involvement in this whole mess to anyone, especially my friends, relations, and acquaintances, I believe you and I shall get along just swimmingly dearie."

She turns to the person who was carrying her before. "I believe I should like to return to your pack now if that is all the same to you."

2014-08-04, 08:25 PM
Jopin starts for a moment, then concludes Martha's first comment is directed at him, "Er. Um. Yes. Naturally, I will do as you ask. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

Trygg, I believe you were the one carrying Martha before the fight.

2014-08-05, 07:25 AM
Trygg was tempted to stay out of the debate, to leave the guy to his own opinion. However, he disliked how he said if he had fought he would of died, so he chose slavery over the risk of death. That got on Trygg’s nerves as he moved to address him.

“I’m sure you know the stories... Of how we sent ‘heroes’ to fight against the Dark Mistress, only to join her and fight in her army. Do you think she would of won if they had thought? Do you think she would of won if all of the nations of the world stood against her, instead of so many of them joining her? You say if you fought, you would of died. But if you had fought, and people like you had fought. The Dark Mistress would not have won. Now it falls to those of the shadows to take her down.”

The Dragonborn stepped back away from their ‘accomplice’. His piece was done, for now he instead turned to the dragon once more, simply nodding his acceptance to carry her. He would not tire.

2014-08-05, 11:24 AM
Martha returns to the backpack and arranges it as it was before.

2014-08-06, 03:20 PM
"I wouldn't be too sure that if everyone had fought, we'd have won. Can't deny she's tough."

"That's just no excuse. You don't just abandon hope. What's the point, if you do? They were supposed to be the heroes, and they quit. They left their job unfinished, and someone's got to do it, or everything stays even more unbalanced than it was before they started."

2014-08-06, 08:23 PM
The summoner doesn't seem especially moved by their arguments, but he says, "There are many 'ifs' in the world. If we had defeated you in battle, we would continue on our mission. As things stand now, however, I will assist you in what ways I can. The flower is right though; the Mistress has many powers of her own and many ways of bending people to her will. I would not presume too much."

2014-08-07, 10:19 PM
The paladin regards the summoner. "Is there any chance that we could put your comrades on top of the cart? I did not lie when I said that we needed to make it to the forest before nightfall."

2014-08-08, 04:54 PM
He shrugs, "Do as you must. However, before we depart, I must heal myself, so as not to fall dead throughout this journey. May I presume that if begin working my magic, none of you will take the opportunity to attack me?"

2014-08-08, 10:43 PM

To shoot for nonlethal (-4 on the attack roll) if he casts a spell with no healing visible within two rounds (twelve seconds). Paranoia incarnate? I don't think so.

Note that if his wounds are such that I wouldn't be able to see them healed, scratch that and replace with "casts an offensive spell."

2014-08-09, 10:29 AM
"We will not attack you for healing yourself, simply for trying to escape. And we will know if you try to cast a none healing spell." Trygg said, carefully keeping his gaze on the summoner, ready to strike against him in case he tried to betray their trust... one could never be to sure with a person like this.

2014-08-10, 09:45 AM
This appears to satisfy the summoner; he begins his chant, "Encorellia. Mosipheeli." and his wounds begin to undo themselves.

2014-08-12, 05:47 PM
Satisfied, the paladin gently picks up the blonde woman and places her on the cart.

"Ephien, give me a hand with your compatriots. Jopin, could you please assist us?"

2014-08-13, 07:47 PM
Ephien gives a sort of half smile, "As you wish," he replies dryly, and moves to assist the Paladin. Silently, Jopin moves to help out as well.

2014-08-16, 10:45 AM
Trygg decided it would be best to simply keep watch for any threats, as the Paladin, Jopin and the summoner were sorting everything else out.

2014-08-17, 09:47 AM
After they finish loading their captives into the cart, and resume their westward journey, the group reaches the forest without incident. The towering trees are clearly ancient, and they can hear the sounds of birds and other wildlife throughout. The road they have been following narrows to a much smaller path, about 10 ft. across. It's well enough maintained that they can travel it without issue, even with the cart, but if they venture more than a few feet off, the wood quickly becomes an impediment, though it wouldn't be impassable.

With Life Sense, you see a strange pattern of shadows of light, consistent with many small creatures moving about in the vegetation.

2014-08-20, 05:55 PM
The paladin regards Jopin as they travel.

"How much further is a defensible clearing? I suspect that some among us may need some rest before the trials ahead."
The paladin is in the front of the group alongside Jopin.

2014-08-21, 11:01 PM
Jopin keeps pace with the Paladin, "Well, I don't know much about defensible, but there's a clearing about quarter of a mile that way," he gestures into the woods, "and there's another clearing where this road another, about a mile from here."

2014-08-24, 03:16 PM
The armored figure nods.

"The closer one should do. We must make sure that we are all well-rested, for the morrow may be dangerous for us all."

2014-08-26, 07:57 AM
Hyacinth yawns.
"Yes, that sounds like a good idea."

2014-08-27, 12:11 PM
Trygg followed the group at the back of the group, not minding that it could be called the most lonely position of the convoy. When they began to discuss a nearby clearing to sleep, the dragonborn warforged spoke up, stating. "I have no need to sleep, so I will be able to stand guard by myself."

2014-08-30, 07:54 PM
With Jopin pointing out the way, the clearing is easy to find. In a few places, the group needs to stop to get the cart through the difficult terrain, but the journey is otherwise uneventful. The clearing is about 20 feet across and approximately circular, surrounded by a circle of stones that appear to have fallen down several years ago. Moss has grown up over the stones and long grass has covered the entire clearing. Overhead, the branches are thinner, and one can see a clear path to the sky, though branches still pass through the entire area, created a clearing dappled with light from the sun.

In the clearing, there is a warforged, with a body crafted out of ironwood, accompanied by a badger.

That's you, Dirt, in case it isn't obvious.

The Bandicoot
2014-09-03, 09:41 PM
Dirt turns to face the group and smiles, arms outstretched Hello there travelers he says in a calm and quiet voice. His gaze falls to the warforged in the group and his smile widens. See? he says motioning towards the other warforged and turning to the badger I knew I was not the only one to escape.

2014-09-06, 07:47 PM
"Only one" to escape? I hadn't thought it was that bad... honesty, or overacting?
Sense Motive [roll0]
(the above was thought, not speech - Hyacinth is still hiding behind... huh. I never specified. Hiding somewhere, and we'll figure out where if it becomes relevant.)

2014-09-07, 02:16 PM
Trygg was a little taken at back at this, and looked as his scaled hands, and robed body before turning back to the ironword warforged and said. “As glad as I am to see you brother, how was it that you recognized me for what I am? My dragonborn visage often hides my warforged nature from others.”

2014-09-08, 12:57 PM
Surprised by this friendly new presence, the paladin asks, "What do you call yourself, woodforged? How did you come to be here?"

The Bandicoot
2014-09-09, 09:35 AM
Dirt chuckles Mostly a hunch and a guess brother. When you live amongst nature for as long as I you tend to notice small things. he crouches and pinches some dirt between his fingers, standing up and throwing it to the wind. That which my feet have tread to bring me here is also what I go by, you may call me Dirt.

2014-09-13, 06:22 AM
"Dirt? An interesting name." Trygg commented at this, wondering who had decided to name the Warforged such a lowly name, or if he had seen reason take it himself. The dragonborn decided not to comment anymore however, and spoke up, moving forwards to address him. "My name is Trygg, and I am a Covenanter. From how you speak of nature and have a companion in the form of animal, am I to believe you are a druid?"

The Bandicoot
2014-09-13, 09:09 PM
Indeed I am brother. As well as something a little more.....As I am connected to the forest, so is the forest is connected to me. Dirt grasps his hat and pulls it off, revealing a small fern growing from the top of his head. I travel to the temple of Ehlonna to pray and meditate. Many things have happened recently that I must ponder.....

2014-09-13, 09:34 PM
"What sort of things? Beyond the whole Dark-Lady-taking-over-everywhere thing."

"We were going to set up a camp, yes? How about we get on with that."

The Bandicoot
2014-09-14, 09:12 AM
Things like watching my grove, the grove I grew into, the grove that grew into me, my one peaceful place burn to ashes. Things like looking over the desolate planes of ash and gnarled stumps and finding one single creature alive. Dirt bends down and scratches his badger So, me and Ash here are searching for our own peace.

2014-09-14, 10:28 AM
"Hah! Peace?! None of that to be found here! Fuss and bother 24/7/365..." can be heard (but not easily heard) from a certain back-pack.

Martha clamps her claws over her sotto voce outburst... she just couldn't help it. She slowly curls up into a tight ball of pure mortification.

2014-09-15, 01:08 PM
"If you pay your respects to the goddess Ehlonna, then listen carefully to what I have to say: there is a plot to infiltrate and destroy the temple. We must find our way swiftly there on the 'morrow, so that we might stop it. Will you help us?"

The Bandicoot
2014-09-16, 12:22 PM
Dirt sighs Perhaps your friend is right...perhaps peace is a foolish thing to search for but I will continue to search for it. he places his hat back on his head since our paths cross for the immediate future I will join you. I cannot say for afterwards though.

2014-09-18, 07:47 PM
"'Will you help us?' More 'can,' I think. Why should we think a pacifist - and quite a noticeable one, at that - would be able to help us?"

The Bandicoot
2014-09-18, 10:57 PM
Assuming that because I seek my own peace, I am a pacifist. he smiles, his hand lingering over the club at his side. A wise man once said a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. I say a single man, much less a druid, willing to help is worth a thousand who sit and watch.

2014-09-19, 08:09 PM
The paladin clasps a hand around Dirt's shoulder in camaraderie.

"Well-spoken, my friend! Well said, indeed! With hearts such as yours, we cannot possibly lose!"

He turns to move the unconscious bodies from the wagon, eyeing the summoner.

"Would that all men had such courage..."

2014-09-19, 08:56 PM
The summoner shrugs his shoulders, but says nothing.

2014-09-20, 01:21 PM
"Even a pacifist can lend us support, your knowledge in the wild will help us move though the woods, and your magic will surely be able to grant us strength and healing in battle." Tyrgg spoke after a moments silence to contemplate the situation once more. Dirt was an... interesting warforged that much was for sure.

2014-09-20, 03:00 PM
"Point made."

2014-09-29, 10:35 PM
The sun sinks low as the party prepares their camp. The setting sun casts a strange pattern of shadows through the leaves, and though wind blows through the higher branches, the clearing is peaceful and still. When the sun finally sets, a relatively clear sky offers some light, though much of it is obscured by the trees, and normal vision can discern only about 10 ft. in front of it with any detail.

A variety of animals can be heard in the distance, but not seem inclined to approach the sleeping adventurers, until close to dawn, when Dirt suddenly hears what sounds like hooves approaching the area.

As before, the forest is full of living creatures, so your lifesense is casting light all over the place.

The Bandicoot
2014-10-01, 09:58 AM
Rise and shine friends....hoofs approach us. Dirt says, his voice just above normal volume.

2014-10-01, 03:07 PM
Martha walks out of the tent with iron-clad nonchalance.
Bluff [roll0] "Nothing interesting here Mr Dirt. Nope. Not at all."

2014-10-03, 11:21 AM
"Horses and riders, I wonder who they are." Trygg said quietly as he waited for their approached, relaxed and showing no signs of threat or hostility, but neither was he unready for battle if it came to that.

2014-10-03, 04:27 PM
Hyacinth flies as high as she can get without being obstructed by branches, and waits cautiously.

2014-10-03, 11:28 PM
"What should we do?"asks the wyrmling, wringing her claws in social anxiety.

2014-10-04, 07:50 AM
"Wait for them to arrive." Trygg suggested easily, not that concerned about the horse's approach.

2014-10-04, 04:41 PM
The paladin checks on the status of Jopin and their prisoners, particularly the blonde woman.

2014-10-05, 05:03 AM
"I'll be in that tent if nobody minds... I don't want to be seen adventuring by anyone I don't have to be."

2014-10-06, 08:43 PM
The Jopin and Ephien open their eyes as the paladin approaches them, and Ephien pushes himself to a sitting position. The rest of the group, the blond woman included, remain unconscious, so far as the paladin can tell.

As the rest of the group prepares themselves, a centaur male emerges in the pre-dawn light. The human half has olive skin with dark brown hair, and the horse half is solid brown. He glances at the party, except for the Martha, then at their captives, "I, uh, excuse me, I mean you no harm. But, um, might I ask what you are doing in this forest, and why you taken captives?"

2014-10-08, 05:12 PM
Hyacinth continues hiding under the canopy, observing silently.


2014-10-09, 10:33 AM
Trygg decided to take a straight forwards approach and said bluntly. "We were traveling to the nearby temple, and encountered this lot traveling there as well. However, it was revealed that the guide had been enchanted by those we have captive, and they were part of the group planing to usurp the temple for the Dark Mistress. Due to the fight we had, we were unable to travel though the forest and stopped for the night. Does that answer your quest?"

2014-10-09, 08:08 PM
Martha remains very still within the closed (but not tied shut) tent, eaves-dropping and wondering if this will be another fight or if the visitor will go away.

Listen [roll0]
Sense Motive [roll1]

The Bandicoot
2014-10-10, 05:33 PM
I'm just a traveler that decided there were safety in numbers. Dirt said, absent-mindidly scratching Ash's head.

2014-10-10, 07:16 PM
The centaur blinks at Trygg's forthrightness, then addresses the group, "Well, if you wouldn't mind making a slight detour, my tribe has encountered another group of her agents. Would you be willing to help us deal with them?"

If he notices the dragon in the tent, he gives no sign of it.

2014-10-10, 10:22 PM
(Martha is, in point of fact, not peeking out at all. Probably has no direst LoS from any part of her body to any part of the centaur's. He might see her silhouette against the canvas, hear her, or have seen/hear her before she went back inside the tent though.)

2014-10-12, 06:16 AM
"I personally would like to, though I would have to discuss it with my companions first, if you are willing to give us five minutes of privacy?" Trygg requested politely, knowing that the others would be able to tell if he's lying, or evil.

2014-10-12, 06:47 PM
"I personally would like to, though I would have to discuss it with my companions first, if you are willing to give us five minutes of privacy?" Trygg requested politely, knowing that the others would be able to tell if he's lying, or evil.

The centaur nods, "Naturally." He suits his words, moving back a good 100 feet into the woods.

2014-10-13, 11:02 AM
The paladin moves forward to speak, his voice low. "I sense no evil from this one, but this is too much coincidence for my liking. I say we follow, but let us be on our guard."

2014-10-14, 11:02 AM
"We're always on our guard." Trygg said wryly at the Paladin's comment, before looking around and asking. "Anyone in disagreement to going?"