View Full Version : Things to do with a Wizard

2014-03-18, 10:31 PM
This friday I am playing in a sandbox-y game that starts at level 20, with eventual goals being attaining deity-hood with the rest of the party to form are own pantheon.

My character is a very elderly human 20th level wizard, and due to some strange (overpowered) rules of stat generation has an intelligence score of 40, meaning I have A LOT of spells to throw around, in both per day terms and the number in my spellbook. Personality-wise, he is far to old and lazy for real combat, and so mostly will be teleporting the party around, buffing them, then teleporting out to go pursue his own goals.

Aside from fun with contingencies, simulacrums, planar binding, and plans for an undead fueled mining operation, what are some other things that my Wizard can do with his powerful magic and spare time? I have access to all books and could research just about any spell. I do have craft (wondrous item) to make just about whatever I wanted, and the DM allows creative uses of wish as long as you make sure to word it very carefully. I am not trying to break the game really, just do some unique/fun things with magic, and I don't think I am remotely as creative as the folks on here.

2014-03-18, 10:34 PM
Well you're already basically a deity. You can do whatever you want. I guess your next goal is to attain divine rank?

2014-03-18, 10:49 PM
Well you're already basically a deity. You can do whatever you want. I guess your next goal is to attain divine rank?

Yes, in the long run. In the short term I want to establish a well-protected residence, make sure I have plenty of money, possibly get out of my old human man body and into the body of something healthier and more powerful, and acquire followers.

Power wise, I know a 20th level wizard is already a deity, I just am not experienced enough with spells to utilize them to that effect, which is what I am looking for advice on. :smallbiggrin:

2014-03-18, 10:53 PM
whats the rest of your group? because i read "well protected residence" as "i want a kingdom" and there are 2 ways to get a kingdom: brute force and political intrigue.
or, you know... genesis+astral projection....

2014-03-18, 10:55 PM
whats the rest of your group? because i read "well protected residence" as "i want a kingdom" and there are 2 ways to get a kingdom: brute force and political intrigue.
or, you know... genesis+astral projection....

No, not a kingdom, draws to much attention. More just a well protected hard to find extra planar study/mansion. Who needs a kingdom when you are trying to become a god? Though political intrigue sounds fun.

2014-03-18, 11:00 PM
it doesnt HAVE to draw attention (if you do political intrigue at least). but i see your point. in that case i HIGHLY recommend the genesis approach. doesnt get much more private than your own personal demiplane with permanent selective forbiddance throughout. now, only you can plane shift in or out. doesnt get much more secure than that (now we wait for someone to prove me wrong :smallsmile:)

Honest Tiefling
2014-03-18, 11:19 PM
Might be an odd question, but is your group into PvP? I think at this level, it might factor into a lot of decisions...

2014-03-18, 11:36 PM
I'd quit because it sounds boring.

Max Alchemy.

Get a mirror Imp familiar
Spend the feat to also get a Shadovig familiar

Have him create an army of 10th level you's

Have your army of tenth level copies cast Unseen Crafter Non-Stop.

Make a billion suits of Faecrafted Elven Darkleaf Thaalud Stone Armor (you can make AC 12 armor from trees)

You now have cornered the market on AC 12 Light Armor. Make it all small size. Add Spiked Armor. Add 10 Spike Shooters. Brew up a few hundred gallons of poison.

Find a gnome. Have your imp make simulacrums of him. Put simulacrums in suits of armor.

Have your army of duplicates make wyrm ditherbombs. Give the simulacrum gnomes gnone calculuses. Arm them with the most powerful random explosive you can make without magic, the wyrm ditherbomb. Give them sacks of the stuff.

Have an armor of gnomes hurl massive explosives 500 feet and shoot poison spikes if anyone gets close while jogging about in a suit of armor that looks like it was a tree version of Warhammer 40k. Occationally load a gnome into a catapult and hurl them at your enemy with a sack of ditherbombs. Watch the gnome explode.

Why? Because it costs you nothing and you are BORED.

2014-03-18, 11:42 PM
Might be an odd question, but is your group into PvP? I think at this level, it might factor into a lot of decisions...

Well the others like to braggy about the characters, and are into PVP so I definitely have planned for it and would be open to it if it did happen.

The Werebear Half-Dragon Skullrusher Ogre is obviously very dangerous in melee, but with the right spells I could deal with him, though he is slippery when it comes to magic (Iron Heart Surge). The Rogue/Assassin/Duelist would be child's play, and he is also the only evil member of the group so obliviously I have planned for how to deal with him. I could turn into something that can beat him in melee, and his stealth is very easily solved. The last and most dangerous is a favored soul. My spells>his spells (especially cause I have craft contingent spell) but he still is probably the one that would require the most effort to beat.

All in with preparation I could take them all at once, but I don't plan to to turn on my allies, I am not evil and they are the closest things I have to friends.

2014-03-18, 11:46 PM
I'd quit because it sounds boring.

Max Alchemy.

Get a mirror Imp familiar
Spend the feat to also get a Shadovig familiar

Have him create an army of 10th level you's

Have your army of tenth level copies cast Unseen Crafter Non-Stop.

Make a billion suits of Faecrafted Elven Darkleaf Thaalud Stone Armor (you can make AC 12 armor from trees)

You now have cornered the market on AC 12 Light Armor. Make it all small size. Add Spiked Armor. Add 10 Spike Shooters. Brew up a few hundred gallons of poison.

Find a gnome. Have your imp make simulacrums of him. Put simulacrums in suits of armor.

Have your army of duplicates make wyrm ditherbombs. Give the simulacrum gnomes gnone calculuses. Arm them with the most powerful random explosive you can make without magic, the wyrm ditherbomb. Give them sacks of the stuff.

Have an armor of gnomes hurl massive explosives 500 feet and shoot poison spikes if anyone gets close while jogging about in a suit of armor that looks like it was a tree version of Warhammer 40k. Occationally load a gnome into a catapult and hurl them at your enemy with a sack of ditherbombs. Watch the gnome explode.

Why? Because it costs you nothing and you are BORED.

I am a little bored, I normally DM for our group but missing players mean we can't play this week. As for the rest of the group, non of them are particularly experienced and non have played at high-level before, so they thought it would be fun. Again, I don't want to break the game, but I do like your plan for what to do if the others turn it into a slugfest with giant monsters, which is exactly what will bore me.

2014-03-19, 12:50 AM
what are some other things that my Wizard can do with his powerful magic and spare time?

With the various polymorph spells (i.e. Alter Self, Polymorph, Polymorph Any Object, Shapeshift, etc), you can become anything. Imagine everything you would want to do, and every form you would want to try out, even for just a day. You could even seduce women in goose form (Zeus did it, so why can't you?). Become anything, do everything.

With the teleport and plane shift spells (i.e. Teleport, Plane Shift, greater versions of both), you can go anywhere you want.

Enjoy some heavenly alcoholic beverages while reclining on the beaches of Lunia, the first layer of celestia. There's an infinite holy water ocean, a beach, and an evil wizard Mahlhevik, trying to repent. Visit his castle and play poker (and some other games like Wizard's Chess) with him. Also pick up a few buckets of holy water for the road: it might come in handy sometime.

Take a tour around the planes.

See how far into the Abyss you can go without going crazy.

Fight a few rounds of Team Deathmatch on Ysgard. Watch a few too.
Spend some time in each planar metropolis. Party, make some friends, and do some exploring in each one.

Get low-level adventurers and heroes to do stuff for you. Have them retrieve items you don't need from really dangerous places, or ask them to defeat really dangerous people. Bonus points if you put any MacGuffins there yourself. Scry on their dungeon crawls while relaxing and eating popcorn. If they make it to high levels, then they can be useful minions. Until then, they're entertainment. Consider it "hero farming". Extra points if you get the group to take a session or two and play through their adventure(s).

Go hunting. Kill powerful monsters and make trophies of them. A Tarrasque skull mounted on your wall, will of course be the crown jewel of your collection.

Take up an apprentice. Teach him/her some secrets of magic in between adventures. Be proud when the apprentice tries to murder you and become the master.

Disguise yourself as a feeble old traveler, ride around the land like that, and ruin anyone who messes with you. Kind of like Odin. Teach those mortals to respect travelers and elders.

Craft cursed items, and plant them inside ordinary-looking treasure chests and dragons' hoards.

Cast Baleful Polymorph on attractive young men/women who you don't like. Plenty of interesting stuff could result. If someone recovers, don't sweat it. Spread rumors that the curse can be broken with a kiss from royalty.

Build an extremely large and complex tower/dungeon for the lulz.

2014-03-19, 01:55 AM
Sending adventurers on random quests seems fun, and exactly what my character would do. Most importantly it will entertain me while my companions have large and often boring duels with divine beings. Thank you