View Full Version : Lolth has discovered the ultimate source of power!

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-02-03, 11:15 AM
The power of the doily has been discovered!!!


Schlemiel elves, gather together and proceed to the Underdark!

2007-02-03, 05:20 PM
Bah, Lolth is only an incy wincy spider demon.

2007-02-03, 05:23 PM
Wow, V is really playing with fire--in more ways than one!

Lord Zentei
2007-02-03, 05:25 PM
Bah, Lolth is only an incy wincy spider demon.

Not anymore. Now she has the DOILY! :smalleek:

Green Bean
2007-02-03, 05:28 PM
Not anymore. Now she has the DOILY! :smalleek:

Quickly! We must gather up as many water-spouts as we can before the rain starts! It's our only hope!

2007-02-03, 05:28 PM
Frightening, truly frightening.

Spiders would be scarier if they were not so incredibly squishable. It's when they sneak up on you that you should be scared.

2007-02-03, 05:42 PM
Doily or not, if Lolth tries get under my clothes, she's going to get an epic-level smiting.
Wait, that sounds terribly wrong.

Spiders that aren't intelligent enough to stay outside get smashed.
Spiders that build webs where I walk get their webs torn down.
Unless they're heavier than a pea. Then they get thwacked by the broad-side of a saw. Hard.
(The saw gets cleaned of spider guts afterwards.)

Every other spider gets to live. For now.

The Dirge
2007-02-03, 05:45 PM
Having some lots of spiders in your house means you can bet on them and force them to do arena style combat!

2007-02-03, 05:58 PM
*Shudders* spidersss......

It'll take more that doily possession to halt my righteous crusade to vanquish all the eight-legged evil in the world.

2007-02-03, 06:30 PM
Crap. Her plans have accelerated.

I must warn the council!

2007-02-03, 07:09 PM
Spiders that aren't intelligent enough to stay outside get smashed.
Spiders that build webs where I walk get their webs torn down.

Apparently, some scientists did some experiments once with a million odd spiders. Once the spiders had completed their webs the scientists dropped a twig on all of them, ruining the webs. Most of the spiders just built new webs, but a tiny miniscule ammount of a percent worked around the twig to repair their previous web in a way that made it better.

Basically it means that for every million odd spiders, there are some spiders that are smarter than other spiders. I find that quite interesting from a "humans are all individuals" viewpoint.

2007-02-03, 07:15 PM
Doily-wielding spider goddess? Eeek! Slay Deity! <Raises Lolth as a zombie> Doily-powered Lolth servant for me!

I will now craft a Wondrous Item, a dark orb with the OP's picture within it. I will use it not only to control the zombie, but tap the power of the doily and the goddess. I AM UNSTOPPABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-08, 12:31 AM

And that was a skeptical face.

And did you photoshop that, or did a spider really make a web like that?

2007-02-08, 01:39 AM
Doilies, Lloth, spiders...

Wow, this is one awesome/weird thread!

2007-02-08, 08:32 AM
Doily or not, if Lolth tries get under my clothes, she's going to get an epic-level smiting.
Y'know, as a long-standing hobby naturalist, I feel I should say that I *like* spiders.

And did you photoshop that, or did a spider really make a web like that?
Oh yeah. You wouldn't believe some of the structures they come up with.

2007-02-08, 12:55 PM
Anyone read War of the Spider Queen? The sequal to it is out right now. The first book, Sacrifice of the Widow, looks interesting but it was sold out when I looked for it at Borders, at least the ones in my immediate area.

2007-02-08, 01:10 PM
Apparently, some scientists did some experiments once with a million odd spiders. Once the spiders had completed their webs the scientists dropped a twig on all of them, ruining the webs. Most of the spiders just built new webs, but a tiny miniscule ammount of a percent worked around the twig to repair their previous web in a way that made it better.

Basically it means that for every million odd spiders, there are some spiders that are smarter than other spiders. I find that quite interesting from a "humans are all individuals" viewpoint.
Or it means that out of a million odd dropped twigs, there are some that damaged the webs less than others, and those webs were worth repairing.