View Full Version : Analysis A Belkar Thread! Spoilers Ahoy!

2014-03-19, 11:20 AM
It's come up a couple times in Durkon threads, but it's never really gotten the attention I wanted to pay it, so here it is:

Belkar's character development is one of my favorite parts of the comic. His gradual shift from indiscriminately bloodthirsty psychopath to learning empathy and the ability to care about people outside himself is fascinating and I can't wait to see it continue in book six. In book five, though, it really came to a head after Belkar saw Durkon die to save him, and in a very stark fashion we got to see the new-and-improved Belkar's genuine reaction to that:

Actual horror and confusion.

Thereafter, every time Belkar interacted with Durkula, he was itching to get his murder on, but with a couple differences--not only is he attempting to be on the up-and-up with Roy, asking for him to plan Durkula's demise, but he becomes visibly agitated whenever anybody suggests that the vampire is actually Durkon.

My contention--and I make this topic because several people have disagreed or dismissed this contention over the last couple months--is that this is Belkar attempting to honor what he thinks Durkon would want, because he is now capable of caring about what Durkon would want. Ultimately, it's irrelevant that Durkon is actually trapped; Belkar's at a point where he's trying to help someone else, whether he's right about the help or not. (We know he is, but the first time I asserted this was before we knew one way or another.)


2014-03-19, 06:49 PM
What you said.

2014-03-19, 08:40 PM
I would say that's entirely accurate. We got the first glimpses of this when Belkar saved Enor and Ganji in the arena.

Jaxzan Proditor
2014-03-19, 08:54 PM
I definitely see Belkar changing as time goes on, and I am looking forward to it. However, I think that Belkar's feelings about Durkon are less that he feels Durkon would want it this way but more that he doesn't trust Durkon because of what he did to him recently. After all, Belkar was the only one of the Order to see Durkon as a thrall, and that might have affected his view about him. Also, he had his blood sucked by Durkon.

2014-03-21, 04:48 AM
I think Belkar probably finally put a few ranks in Survival and is now getting his self-preservation on. There is an evil being that by all rights, according to Belkar's messed up understanding of acceptable behavior in society (evolving lately though it has been), ought to be a murderable target, and he is being told no, which is frustrating him and confusing him because he sees it as 'it's just a matter of time'.

His experience with the vampires thus far has been "They're all going to kill us, I mean look what happened to the most reliable primary caster in the party!"

In my opinion, he is starting to show some twisted form of empathy, but Durkon in no way resembles his kitty companion the way the big blue half-dragon ogre did.

Killer Angel
2014-03-21, 07:42 AM
My contention--and I make this topic because several people have disagreed or dismissed this contention over the last couple months--is that this is Belkar attempting to honor what he thinks Durkon would want, because he is now capable of caring about what Durkon would want. Ultimately, it's irrelevant that Durkon is actually trapped; Belkar's at a point where he's trying to help someone else, whether he's right about the help or not. (We know he is, but the first time I asserted this was before we knew one way or another.)


I don't know if this is true... it goes very far, in reading intentions behind actions.
But indeed, Belkar's character development is undeniable.

2014-03-21, 08:01 AM
I don't know if this is true... it goes very far, in reading intentions behind actions.
But indeed, Belkar's character development is undeniable.

Hasn't stopped his detractors from denying it :P