View Full Version : TV From the makers of Gamers 2: Dorkness Rising --> Dark Dungeon

2014-03-19, 03:52 PM

Dark Dungeons brings Jack Chick’s 1984 masterpiece to the silver screen. Debbie and Marcie arrive at college unaware of the dangers of RPGing. They are soon indoctrinated into this dangerous lifestyle where they face the threat of learning real life magical powers, being invited to join a witches’ coven, and resisting the lure of Ms. Frost, a vile temptress of a GM. But what peril must the two friends face when they stumble across the Necronomicon and their fantasy game becomes a reality game? Find out in Dark Dungeons!

Now that the Jack Chick original comic has been mentioned as the origin point


All right. Just based on the trailer, I LOVE how they went for the really cheesy satanic look. The bunch of dice splattering in blood was a very, very nice touch! :smallcool:

2014-03-19, 03:58 PM
I'm gonna have to check the trailer when I get home. I remember the Kickstarter for this--apparently they actually got the full permission of Jack Chick by being perfectly straightforward with him. Something had to have gotten lost in translation.

Read the FAQ: it's amazing.

2014-03-19, 04:05 PM
Now that the Jack Chick original comic has been mentioned as the origin point...

Can I at least say that the credits actually say "Based on the Graphic Novel by Jack T. Chick"? Because that's hilarious. :smalltongue:

2014-03-19, 04:08 PM
Can I at least say that the credits actually say "Based on the Graphic Novel by Jack T. Chick"? Because that's hilarious. :smalltongue:

Sure. I just don't want this thread closed/purged because we get talking about the comic itself or the themes it represent, or its author. Forum rules & all... :smalltongue:

Legato Endless
2014-03-19, 04:08 PM
I'm shocked this is the first time I've heard the phrase 'Big Gaming'. Also had to laugh at their description of Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.

2014-03-19, 04:19 PM
I love how they very clearly state that this is NOT a parody or a satire. And then they explain exactly why: because they're straightforwardly portraying their source matter.

2014-03-19, 04:23 PM
I love how they very clearly state that this is NOT a parody or a satire. And then they explain exactly why: because they're straightforwardly portraying their source matter.

Hey. The source material aged very well :smallwink:

In fact, the target audience is consuming it probably more than the producing demographic :smallbiggrin:

2014-03-19, 04:40 PM

JR Ralls here, writer and producer of Dark Dungeons the movie. If you have any questions, feel free to fire away.

I had such a blast making this movie and I can't wait to share it with you all.

Any parts of the trailer really intrigue you? Any you didn't like?


2014-03-19, 04:46 PM

JR Ralls here, writer and producer of Dark Dungeons the movie. If you have any questions, feel free to fire away.

I had such a blast making this movie and I can't wait to share it with you all.

Any parts of the trailer really intrigue you? Any you didn't like?




*be cool, Cikomyr*

I have to ask this question. the original comic was rather bleak and depressive, but then again the lenght of that medium can allow the original artist to go for these kind of artsy works.

However, since you are making an adaptation, are you going to expand on the original storyline, one that may have a more.. err.. hopeful outcome? Or at least a chance of escape for the story's true victims? Or you are going to remain true to Jack Chick's original vision?

Legato Endless
2014-03-19, 04:46 PM
Did you feel any trepidation or anxiety dealing with such a heavy foreboding topic?

2014-03-19, 04:51 PM
I'm looking forward to this. I was laughing throughout the trailer.

2014-03-19, 04:58 PM
are you going to expand on the original storyline, one that may have a more.. err.. hopeful outcome? Or at least a chance of escape for the story's true victims? Or you are going to remain true to Jack Chick's original vision?

We are definitely going to be expanding the original storyline. As you saw from the trailer there are some shots in it that don't take place in the comic, as well as some that are the shot for shot from the comic. In the trailer you can see the preacher standing in front of the fire and we tried to get that as close as possible to the final frame in Jack Chick's graphic novel.

As for the ending; I'm not a writer who believes a surprise ending is the be all end all of work's worth. So I don't have a problem telling you that the ending matches the original quite closely.

However, we did have a test screening and I can tell you the audience found the ending quite satisfying.

2014-03-19, 04:58 PM
I'm looking forward to this. I was laughing throughout the trailer.
For shame. These are serious issues.

2014-03-19, 05:00 PM
Did you feel any trepidation or anxiety dealing with such a heavy foreboding topic?

Not really. I did a lot of research to ensure that the Dark Dungeons the movie RPGing scene is as accurate as that shown in Dark Dungeons the comic.

For instance, I haven't heard anybody comment on the tentacle that appears at the very end of the trailer, here or elsewhere. But it's there because we expose the threat of Cthulhu and the Necronomicon, which according to these direct quote from Jack Chick's website, "the Necronomicon and the Cthulhu mythos are quite real" and " he mocks the Necronomicon and claims it is entirely fictional.59 It is not." As we have thoroughly researched Dark Dungeons both appear in the movie.

2014-03-19, 05:01 PM
We are definitely going to be expanding the original storyline. As you saw from the trailer there are some shots in it that don't take place in the comic, as well as some that are the shot for shot from the comic. In the trailer you can see the preacher standing in front of the fire and we tried to get that as close as possible to the final frame in Jack Chick's graphic novel.

As for the ending; I'm not a writer who believes a surprise ending is the be all end all of work's worth. So I don't have a problem telling you that the ending matches the original quite closely.

However, we did have a test screening and I can tell you the audience found the ending quite satisfying.


*ahem* I mean, good for you. Have you effectively finished production and post-production, or you are still fine-tuning the whole thing?

Also, what will be your distribution medium? Netflix? Free Youtube?

Not really. I did a lot of research to ensure that the Dark Dungeons the movie RPGing scene is as accurate as that shown in Dark Dungeons the comic.

For instance, I haven't heard anybody comment on the tentacle that appears at the very end of the trailer, here or elsewhere. But it's there because we expose the threat of Cthulhu and the Necronomicon, which according to these direct quote from Jack Chick's website, "the Necronomicon and the Cthulhu mythos are quite real" and " he mocks the Necronomicon and claims it is entirely fictional.59 It is not." As we have thoroughly researched Dark Dungeons both appear in the movie.

HOLY CRAP. I 100% missed the Tentacle!!

ALL HAIL AZAZOTH!!! :smallbiggrin:

Legato Endless
2014-03-19, 05:11 PM
Thanks for the replies.

How family friendly will the film be? Would you be open to having it used as an educational tool for children, the way the original writing was?

2014-03-19, 05:18 PM
Have you effectively finished production and post-production, or you are still fine-tuning the whole thing?

Still fine-tuning. We expect to be at picture-lock (that's when you lock all the live-action footage and all the edits) in a few weeks, and after that we'll be adding the score, a few special effects, and tweaking the sound until it's ready for GenCon on August 14th, 2014.

We'll be selling digital downloads and DVD's through our website. Netflix is under discussion but they don't actually offer very much of a return for small indy companies like us.

2014-03-19, 05:23 PM
How family friendly will the film be? Would you be open to having it used as an educational tool for children, the way the original writing was?

I'd say it's a pretty family friendly film, there is certainly no nudity, swearing, or real violence. There might be one or two scenes very young kids might be scared of, but maybe not too.

I think any child who plays RPG's and is shown my film by people who want him to see the error of his ways will find watching the movie an eye-opening experience.

2014-03-19, 05:26 PM
Do you or the actors who star in this film expect any outcry from Big Gaming?

2014-03-19, 05:34 PM
Do you or the actors who star in this film expect any outcry from Big Gaming?

I expect Big Gaming to make a lot of noise when the film is released. Especially when we premier it at GenCon Indianpolis, Big Gaming's heart of darkness. But Dark Dungeons the movie will attack the darkness!

2014-03-19, 08:25 PM
As someone who has read the original tract, plays RPGs, and is currently helping his wife promote a story where the central character gains something positive from his experience in roleplaying that can be used to help the world...

I have to say the... subtlety... of the approach to not only the film itself, but also the promotion of it, is masterful.
I'm looking forward to seeing it.

2014-03-20, 09:55 AM
Was that actual blood seen in the trailer, and will those actually be scenes in the movie?

2014-03-20, 11:38 AM
Was that actual blood seen in the trailer, and will those actually be scenes in the movie?

Not actual blood, we don't have the budget for that, but every scene you see in the trailer is featured in the movie as well.

2014-03-21, 03:00 AM
Thank you so much for making this. When it comes out you will have my money.
When I first read Dark Dungeons I thought "This could make an amazing movie, but it has to have the right creators". Looking at your website, seeing the trailer, and reading your comments here, I'm convinced that you are truly the right person to make a film about Dark Dungeons. Thank you.

2014-03-21, 08:41 AM
Thank you so much for making this. When it comes out you will have my money.
When I first read Dark Dungeons I thought "This could make an amazing movie, but it has to have the right creators". Looking at your website, seeing the trailer, and reading your comments here, I'm convinced that you are truly the right person to make a film about Dark Dungeons. Thank you.

Actually, that's a good point.

Oh Dark Dungeon Creator, answer our query.

What is your own credentials regarding gaming? What do you know of it, how much do you genuinely hate/fear/like it, and are you concerned your own personal view might taint the piece you worked on?

After all, nobody is above accidental bias.

2014-03-21, 09:02 AM
I wonder if you could convince Alamo Drafthouse in Austin to do a screening....

I'd certainly pay to go see it!!