View Full Version : Roleplaying a CE cleric of Tempus

2014-03-19, 05:11 PM
In the FR Faiths & Pantheons it states Tempus values honorable warfare, obeying the rules of war and quelling wanton slaughter and destruction....It also states that a CE cleric may be a worshipper. How would one roleplay a CE cleric of Tempus then? CE is the very nature of bloodlust and destruction. I ask because in my campaign I am working on I was thinking of having an evil cleric of Tempus as one of the baddie's since one of our players is a CG cleric of Tempus. And suggestions or tips?

2014-03-20, 11:33 AM
Note that while Tempus does value honorable warfare, note that ''value'' does not equal ''be an absolute slave too''.

Warfare is often full of tricks, deceptions, falsehoods and so on. Like nine out of ten of the greatest battles in history were won this way. And though there is a fine line between ''honorable trickery'' and ''cheating'', no one will agree where the line is exactly.

A CE cleric of Tempus would follow the ''rules of war'', up to a point. But they would have no problem ignoring, bending or breaking them. They would not do anything to make others suspicious at all. And try to make evil things they have done look like accidents, random occurrences or even the work of others.

And with just ''honor'' there is lots of gray. What is honor and honorable? Not everyone will agree where the line is....

Tempus is also more focused on big battles and war, not so much day-to-day fighting. He does not like the slaughter of innocents in war....but is a bit more silent on just one farm house full of innocents.

2014-03-20, 12:05 PM
A good place to start might be the overlap between Proud Warrior Race Guy (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ProudWarriorRaceGuy) and Blood Knight (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BloodKnight).

2014-03-20, 02:49 PM
Good points. Honor is subjective during war. Maybe from the perspective of the CE cleric he is being honorable in deceiving his opponent or setting a trap for them to be utterly and decisively destroyed. But yes it is a fine line either way you walk.

Thanks for the links I will take a look.