View Full Version : Wizard: Customized Domain VS specialization

2014-03-19, 06:50 PM
Just asking, but what are the advantages that Domain Wizards get over specialists assuming they pick the same group of spells (EG. Transmutation Domain VS Transmutor)?

Also I was given the ability to make a customized domain for a Wizard and I wanted to know what would be best spells for a customized domain along with any prestige classes that could help since it's not a specialist and cannot use those prestige classes.

2014-03-19, 07:23 PM
Domain wizards don't have to drop schools for the free goodies and as such are generally superior to specialist counterparts unless it's low level and the specialist picked one of the better specialist specific ACFs like abrupt jaunt for focused conjurers. This becomes even more in the domain wizard's favor if he's allowed to also stack elven generalist.