View Full Version : Wrath of the Righteous: The Worldwound Incursion

2014-03-19, 06:59 PM
A discordant din echoes through the suffocating darkness clinging to you. Groans, coughing, the occasional reverberation of something titanic shifting in the distance... You ache, deeply. Your muscles cry out through the cloying, obfuscating shock of trauma. The sharp tang of blood is on the air and the taste of damp earth is on your tongue. Between your clothing and skin lies a thin accumulation of dust and dirt. Vague memories of light and laughter drift back to you, but, before that... Nothing.

The same nothing that sits before your eyes as you attempt to open them; the darkness doesn't disappear with the flutter of your lids. In fact, the only thing that changes is the sudden sting of dust settling on your now vulnerable eyes.

SargyalAs your eyes open and the dust settles, a sharp string passes through you; nothing you aren't used to, but as you clear away the grim, a large chamber arches away from you. Looking around, it quickly becomes apparent that Death resides in this cavern with you. Bodies, incomplete. Limbs, sundered. Blood, entrails. Forms collapsed and crushed, indistinguishable from one another. Yet, amongst the charnel stands out movement.

Underneath the din, you can discern that there is something... Moving. Furtive and quiet, it sounds like something hard scraping against stone.

2014-03-19, 09:00 PM
Luc exhaled long and labored as he tried to right himself, but was immediately rewarded with the bitter taste of dust on his lips and had to stop himself from inhaling or imbibing any more of it. The aches in his limbs and torso were sharp, fresh, the darkness left his head bleary, and the fine particulates no doubt coated his armor and made his skin crawl; altogether, an insufferable state of being and one he looked to be rectifying soon. Quickly, methodically, he pats himself down to confirm the presence of his weapons, and other gear, and after a brief moment's consideration, whistles softly for Harbinger, his steed.

With the blackness filling his sight and his memory, it would be all the more important to confirm if Harbinger was nearby, with the remainder of whatever gear he had brought with him since his arrival in Kenbares. Still, whatever happened may yet pose a threat, and Luc is far from keen to arousing further danger without even a light to see it by.

In the dark, he fumbles about for one of the torches kept on his person, and flint & steel besides, looking to light it immediately.

2014-03-19, 09:32 PM
Kardiza lies on his back. It takes him several seconds to realize this fact, and even longer to recognize that, contrary to the darkness before him, his eyes are in fact open.

Dust... Blood...

The Varisian man strains his brain, struggling to recall what had happened. Why was he lying here? Where was he? What had happened?

"Ugh..." he groans, sitting up roughly.

His body is bruised and palms are bleeding... the ground is rocky and sharp. Nearby, he can hear coughing. Movement.

There are others here... he realizes suddenly.

Kardiza opens his mouth to call out, to see if anyone needs help or, better yet, can help him, when he hears something else. Something... out of place.

Out of place? Out of place? Who am I to say what's out of place in the darkness of... of the gods know where? It could be anything.

Logic never stood much chance in the face of Kardiza's instincts though, and now caution felt to him more prudent than haste. He keeps his mouth closed, instead straining his ears and listening to the activity around him, attuning himself to wherever it is he now finds himself. He unsteadily climbs to his feet, watching for any light sources, shadows in the dark, or maybe glowing eyes. The task is that much more difficult with Kardiza's head ringing with all the fury of a church bell.

A light... and close by, too...

Kardiza starts to move for the light, but his legs, still weakened, give out with the first step and he collapses to the ground in a heap.

So much for stealth...

"Ugh..." he groans again.


Perception check to note if anyone is super close by and to hear what's happening nearby: [roll0]

2014-03-19, 09:35 PM
The sharp whistle (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Za1FMy7qYg) echoes through the cavern, yet there is not the characteristic snort or the sound of rushing hooves that would normally herald the recognition of the call and approach of the loyal steed.

As the whistle pierces the darkness, the furtive sounds stop.

After a moment of furtive search and striking, the torch sputters to life and the new Hell to which you've come is revealed. The ceiling and far walls of this vast cavern recede into darkness. On one side, the wall has collapsed in an enormous mound of rubble - Here and there, the arms or legs of victims who didn't survive the fall protrude. Towards the opposite side of the cavern, a series of boulders lie.

After a moment, you hear a voice, rough with coughing, call out:

"Hh... If you are there, come to the sound of my voice. Swiftly, now, swiftly!"

To match the voice, you see an Elven man in torn, bloodied robes crawling out from amongst the rubble, his face a bloody ruin. Immediately following this,

"Good Gods, I'm-I'm stuck! Help me, I'm trapped!"

Cuts out, across the chamber, in a quavering, panicked voice, before speaking up almost immediately thereafter, a low, feminine voice, laced with pain cuts in,

"Fffu. I'm-I can't make it over there. I'm stuck, too."

And, with the resurgence of voice comes the resurgence of memory, which rushes back:

Armasse was to officially begin at noon with the blessing of the festival by Lord Hulrun himself. Anticipation clung to the crowd; the lists were already set and jousters poised to set the holiday off with a literal bang. The crowd itself was thick in Clydewell Plaza, gathered before the venerable façade of St. Clydewell Cathedral, itself a stark reminder of the Mendevian’s stoic dignity, even in riotous festivity. Yet, as the aged inquisitor took to the stage, the crowd quieted; clad in shining, resplendent armor, the sober man showed not a sign of the many, troubled years he carried with him. He cleared his throat, but, as he was to speak, a bright light shone from the west, as if the sun were rising from the wrong direction. Hulrun’s shadow fell huge and distorted across the Cathedral’s façade. A moment later, the sound of a thunderous explosion ripped through the air and earth, along with a violent tremor.

To the west, behind the crowd, the fortress known as the Kite – the location of the lynchpin in Kenabres’ defense, the wardstone – had vanished. In its place, a brilliant plume of red fire, lightning, and smoke gouted into the heavens. In a moment, a figure erupted from the coiling plume of destruction, its massive, hellish form trailing tears of liquid flame and coated in dancing lightning; Death stood before the crowd, it’s domineering outline held aloft by burning wings black as pitch. Quickly, its terrible shadow engulfed Hulrun’s own across the face of the Cathedral, dwarfing and engulfing the suddenly frail, feeble old man.

Khorramzadeh, the Storm King of the Worldwound, had returned.

Yet, within a moment, hope returned, embodied by a powerful roar! Erupting from the crowd wherein she was disguised a moment prior was Kenabres’ greatest guardian; the ancient silver dragon, Terendelev. In a moment, the shining glory of her winged form rushed the flame wracked figure that was the Storm King and set their battle to rights. Yet, as the titanic forms clashed and coiled about one another, the ground below sundered and cracked; like a hill of insects disturbed, demons erupted from underneath, spilling into the assembled, vulnerable populace. In moments, the shattered plaza became an abattoir as the harrowing battle above turned; with a single, bloody flourish, the balor’s flamelicked blade bit deep into Terendelev’s body, sending a spray of metallic blood into the crowd. A few more blows fell and the duo spiraled downwards, crashing into the once-majestic façade of the catherdral with a thunderous tremor. Coinciding with this terrible sight, another monstrous demon erupted from the far end of the plaze, reducing several buildings to ruin, as it smashed its way into this world. The rift, sudden and uncontrolled, shot across the plaza and underneath your own feet. Without preamble, you are dropped into darkness.

Even as you fell, however, the dragon noticed your plight. Though Death stood over her, she seized her final chance to save a few more souls. After she uttered a single arcane word and stretched forth a bleeding talon, you felt her magic take hold of you, slowing your plummet into the darkness as if you were feathers falling into a pit. Yet, the fall remained inexorable and as you drifted downward into the depths, the last death cry of Kenabres to which you bore witness was the Storm King standing before the ancient silver dragon, his sword lashing out and cleaving full through her neck. As her severed head fell, the rift above you slammed shut and the light of the world above was gone.

As your memories settle, your senses kick back in; you can tell the relative locations of the people speaking in the room. As well, as you crane to make out more, you can hear what sounds like a quiet tapping, on the far side of the room amongst the collapsed boulders. Metal on metal, quick, once every few seconds.

With the sputtering light of the torch kicking on, the black and white of your darkvision struggles to equalize, but after a moment, color returns to the world.

2014-03-19, 11:15 PM
The sudden light in the darkness awakens Kamari. In a fit of coughing punctuated by an occasional groan of pain, she pushes herself unsteadily to her feet.

"Wh-cough, cough-what happened? The last thing I-cough-I remember was the dragon, and then... Is-cough-is anyone hurt?"

As she speaks, she draws her scimitar, and with a few words and a gesture it begins to shine brightly.

Casting Light on the scimitar.

2014-03-19, 11:48 PM
The flood of brutal memories, the wanton and horrendous destruction wrought upon Kenbares, is only the afterthought to Luc's sudden and all the more awful realization, 'The Wardstone . . . Destroyed . . . Khorramzadeh triumphant . . .' The horrors the demon taint could unleash upon this world, the anarchy that would ensue and pour across the nations of this world, the sheer bloody havoc. 'Lives are lost in battle, but they are nothing compared to the lives that will be lost if we lose this war.' He thought to himself, and that thought more than anything else steeled him against the raw pain coursing through him. Whatever spell the dragon had used to save his life had not saved him any of the physical discomfort of falling into . . . whatever pit this was.

The pit was good. Luc could work here, as well as any demon, or any devil for that matter. Other believers might have prayed for strength or deliverance from their chosen deity, but as a follower of Asmodeus, Luc knew the greatest strength he could rely on was his own and that self-reliance was the truest path to the Archfiend's blessings; and what better god could there be to pray to in a deep dark hole than The Lord of the Pit himself.

Such righteous reflections could wait however, as there were clearly those still alive and in need of assistance now that their was enough light to work with. Luc stands to his feet, moving with purposeful strides. "Stay still if you can! I'm up, I can help, but not everyone at once." He says making himself heard throughout the cavern as he moves to assist the half-elf man with his bloodied robes. Hearing another woman's voice asking after the injured, he calls back, "Help the woman who is stuck!"

Helping the half-elf man free himself: Strength check to shift the rubble without hurting him further.

2014-03-20, 12:05 AM
Tamako blinks, inhaling a shaky breath, taking in dirt and dust with it. She coughs before she can stop herself, her throat dry and scratchy. She licks her lips, trying to quell the dry feeling in her mouth. Gritty pieces of dirt stick to her tongue and she tastes earth. She makes a face, feeling like she just ate a dried-up worm.

She peers through the darkness, trying to see something, anything. Her eyes sting and she wipes at her face, feeling dust come off onto her hands. She reaches down passed her neck, grabbing the familiar symbol nestled on her chest.

"Ah..." She feels a calmness as she wraps her fingers around it. "Sarenrae... hear my prayer." She sat up a little straighter. "In the darkest of places, let there always be your light." The symbol in her hand glows bright light, casting shadows on the larger rocks and debris around her. "For it is in the deepest depths..." She looks down at her symbol, the light making her squint. It is a winged woman, her legs curved into a point and her arms stretched horizontally. "Your light can shine brightest."

She stands shakily and blinks repeatedly until her eyes adjust to the new light source. Noticing a stinging pain in her leg she looks down. She frowns, seeing her long robe cut down her thigh rather provocatively. She lets her holy symbol dangle from her neck and pushes the cloth aside, seeing a cut run down her outer thigh. It wasn't deep; it was barely bleeding.

A centimeter closer and it would have hit your-

She didn't let herself finish the thought. The idea of bleeding out in this place didn't sit well with her. She takes a glance upward, seeing a few jagged rocks sticking out of the earth. The rest of the area didn't look to be much more promising. The ground she stood on was covered in rocks varying in size.

That will make it hard to walk through...

She let her gaze fall back to her leg. She played with the dangling robe for a moment, trying to figure out a way to fix it temporarily.

"Maybe I can-"

She tried, with force, to tie the two sides together, but was interrupted by a voice echoing through the cavern. She looked up, then looked back down at her pale bare leg. The cavern was a bit chilly. She could see goosebumps on her thigh.

Someone could be hurt.

She stared at her leg for one more moment, then forced herself onward, heading in the direction of the voice.

"Hello? Is anyone hurt?" She calls out, looking hard into piles of rubble as she walked.

Casting Light on her holy symbol. Perception check to find anyone buried in rubble nearby. [roll0]

2014-03-20, 12:49 AM
His vision came back fleetingly. Shifting shadows clung to the sides of his view, laughing and dancing at his weakness. As he tried to take a breath, his ribs felt as if they were on the verge of snapping. It was too much for a simple fall and it angered him. Laying there, simmering in his rage, he shifted his weight to lay on his side and grunted with the effort. Spitting angrily to get the grime out of his mouth, he whispered obscenities toward himself. Rolling over onto his stomach and groaning as he started to push himself up, Sargyal looked around. He couldn't make out much. Rocks, blood, bodies and death. It was everywhere and it was nowhere near measuring up.

The iron smell of blood melded with the earthy smell of dirt and it was unsatisfying. A hunger bubbled within him. As he looked around he winced at the pain in his neck. Stretching in silence, pulling at himself and patting himself down for particularly painful points, the tiefling looked about him. Stooping down with a soft grunt he picked up a rolled up blanket and rolled it within his hands. A small tsk left his lips at the large bloodstain that now ruined its simple, lined pattern. Looking down at the source of the stain, he sighed and stepped to the side, wiping his shoes on the ground in a vain attempt to clean them.

The sudden motion in his vision caused the man to snap to attention and drop the blanket. Slowly scanning the last position he thought he saw whatever it was, light bounced into his vision. His grimace somehow deepened as he shielded his aching eyes. Looking down he could see that his blanket was once again in some man's puddle of blood.

Looking into the increasingly crimson pool, Sargyal could see what had happened to the man and himself. The pillar of flame spearing the heavens, the cracking of a massive flaming whip, the sound of dragon blood spattering on the ground. Sargyal spit into the pool of blood, getting the last of the muddy taste from his mouth.

The voices of others began to resonate within the cavern. The thought of death knells came to mind as he walked to the closest, a woman. As he approached the torchlight illuminated the devilish figure. Horns arched back from above his temples, while torchlight glinted off the amber within his eyes.

2014-03-20, 01:21 AM
"I'm injured, Sarenrite, help me!"

Barks the quavering voice, its source now evident: a man in what, once, might have been fineries worthy of Mendev's wealthiest elite, but crimson blood and ash stains the quality silks and wools. Prostrate, the man lies half buried at the bottom of accumulated detritus and is attempting to pull himself free, to no avail. Upon Kamari's approach, he ceases his struggles, looking up expectantly,

"Hurry, before I bleed to death!"


As Luc begins freeing the Elven man from the detritus weighing him down, he starts, darting away from the unfamiliar hands. With the turn of his hand, the source of his confusion becomes apparent; his eyes, whatever color they once may have been, are now gone, replaced by a red ruin across the features of what, once, may have been an attractive, white haired Elven man. Now, all that remains above the bridge of his nose and below the middle of his brow is a cauterized concave absence of flesh and bone. Yet, after a moment, he ceases his resistance and allows the young Armiger to free him, before rising, his hands clutching the man's shoulders for support. Once settled, he speaks in a clear, firm voice, ruined face evenly pointing to an approximation as to where Luc's own eyes would be,

"Soldier, I am Aravashnial, currently attached to the Hospitlier Kenabres. You must secure whe-wherever it is we are currently situated against demonic incursion, then report back to me for subsequent commands. If you encounter anyone else able bodied, send them here. Do you understand?"


As your light further enhances the macabre scene, Tamako, you catch a flurry of movement; across the room near the large accumulation of boulders, at the barest edges of light away from the seeming center of the survivors, there is... Something moving.


Tensing slightly at your obviously devilish features, the woman moves as if to scoot away from your silent approach, Sargyal, yet finds herself stuck; a large piece of rubble, solid, imposingly large, and seemingly once a piece of the architecture from above rests unmovingly over her left leg. You can immediately tell from the unnatural angle that the foot is sticking out from underneath the pillar that the leg is indeed broken, likely in more than one place. On whether or not you can move the pillar on your own, however... That yet remains to be seen. Either way, she, after her moment of hesitation, meets your eyes, the warm earthen tones of hers matching the hellfire in yours unwaveringly.

"Help me. Please."

2014-03-20, 08:23 AM
Light at last... Kardiza thought to himself as he made a second attempt at climbing to his feet. He stayed low, though, not wanting to draw overmuch attention to himself. There were other survivors, he saw; that was reassuring, but what else was down here? Where had they fallen?

A sharp pain lanced through Kardiza's skull, causing him to clutch at his head. Vivid memory returned all at once. The fight and the fall, the celebrating and fear... it was an explosion of sensation that nearly dropped him to his knees.

No... I have to focus. The danger isn't over.

Kardiza struggled with himself for a moment, and sure enough, the pain lessened. His vision which before had been starting to swim as dizziness had its day was straight and focused once more. Another light had appeared in the darkness. People were moving, and talking, and calling out. Someone was starting to remove rubble from one of the survivors. Thus far, though, no one had taken notice of Kardiza, and no one seemed to have noticed the odd sounds.

Is that... some kind of code? Someone signaling for help? Or am I just being foolish, and that's the sound of help attempting to come to us?

As the pain in his body and fog in his mind lessened, Kardiza was starting to take a better assessment of the area, and of what had happened, and what yet needed to happen. They were in some sort of underground cave. The cathedral had been near where they fell, though, which gave Kardiza an idea; cathedrals often had catacombs, and that meant there might be a way out of here.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire? Sounds like a death sentence either way... Better to go down fighting demons, at any rate, as opposed to trapped in some light-forsaken cave.

Kardiza started to move, carefully, towards the nearest light source. He kept his ears open, listening to the sounds he'd heard, but his attention was on the people now standing and moving about. As he walked unsteadily into the light, Kardiza offered an uneasy smile.

"How can I help?" he asked in a distinct Varisian accent, his voice hoarse and raspy from all the dust.

Perception to keep tabs on the tapping sound: [roll0]

2014-03-20, 11:25 AM
Sargyal glared down at the female. He could see the tensing of her muscles, the pain in her eyes as she tried to move under the boulder. Even with Death standing over her shoulder, this was the reaction. Perhaps it was panic, but even panic was useless. Looking down on her he felt powerful, a black feeling.

Looking back he could see another survivor, a human with black hair hanging over green eyes with a dopey smile plastered onto his face asking how he could help. Obviously going to one of the fallen would be more productive.

"You can help by helping me move this damn rock before this one wastes away," he said before looking around. That movement from before was still on his mind and as he scanned around where he had seen it last he spoke down at the woman, "And you. Name?"

Diplomacy Check for woman: [roll0]
Perception Check to see/hear source of movement: [roll1]
Strength Check to assist anyone who comes move the boulder or if nobody comes and I attempt to do it on my own: [roll2]

2014-03-20, 11:31 AM
As Luc begins freeing the Elven man from the detritus weighing him down, he starts, darting away from the unfamiliar hands. With the turn of his hand, the source of his confusion becomes apparent; his eyes, whatever color they once may have been, are now gone, replaced by a red ruin across the features of what, once, may have been an attractive, white haired Elven man. Now, all that remains above the bridge of his nose and below the middle of his brow is a cauterized concave absence of flesh and bone. Yet, after a moment, he ceases his resistance and allows the young Armiger to free him, before rising, his hands clutching the man's shoulders for support. Once settled, he speaks in a clear, firm voice, ruined face evenly pointing to an approximation as to where Luc's own eyes would be,

[COLOR="Green"]"Soldier, I am Aravashnial, currently attached to the Hospitlier Kenabres. You must secure whe-wherever it is we are currently situated against demonic incursion, then report back to me for subsequent commands. If you encounter anyone else able bodied, send them here. Do you understand?"

Something in Luc cringes at the sight of the Elven man's injury, but years of etiquette and discipline assert themselves allowing him to keep a steely mask of casual resolve written across his features, even if Aravashnial would not be able to see such a gesture on his part. "Steady, sir," He replies helping the Hospitalier to adjust to a standing position facing him more directly, "I am Sir Luc of house Morthane, arrived to the city only yesterday and where we are is a cavern beneath the city. There seem to be a few other survivors here, but I would suggest that in your current state, it would be best that you accompany me so that we may gather the other able bodied together."

After a moment's thought, Luc doesn't so much wait for an answer as he directs Aravashnial to keep one hand on his shoulder, drawing his sword with opposite hand and raising his torch high. "It is dark in here, and deep. If I were to leave you, there's no guarantee I could find my way back with others, but ahead there are some other's with light. Together, we will be able to make this position secure." He begins to move towards the next closest source of light and voices, sword in one hand torch in the other, hoping that Aravashnial is not so stubborn in his course of action as to not follow the natural inclination of the blind to follow the most immediate guide. An underhanded tactic perhaps, to be taking advantage of his infirmity, but the knight had been quick to start giving orders and Luc's loyalty was to his own chapter of brethren, a fact he did not care to immediately disclose.

2014-03-20, 11:45 AM
Kardiza nodded once, unfazed by the fiendish appearance of the tiefling or the hostility in his voice. He'd spent enough time in Cheliax to know them for what they were, and to know that they were just as human, so to speak, as anyone else. They spent the same coin, bled the same blood (albeit at a somewhat different color), and fell for the same cons. If his tone was a little irritable, Kardiza could hardly blame him.

None of that, now...

The Varisian moved quickly, gaining confidence in himself as his legs regained their strength; walking was helping to stretch out the sore muscles. He came to a stop next to the strange tiefling and the injured woman, crouching down beside her and smiling warmly at her.

"Hello, friend of my friends. My name is Kardiza," he said to the woman in the traditional Varisian way, making every effort to sound comforting and friendly, "Have no more fears in your heart; my capable comrade and I are going to return you home, yes?"

Aiding in Diplomacy check to friend-ify the lady: [roll0]

He stood and made eye contact with the tiefling for a moment, silently communicating that he was ready to do the task at hand. The hair on the back of Kardiza's neck stood on end, though. Danger was near.

He felt around the rock, making sure to get a good hold on it before grunting and struggling to lift it with all his strength.

Strength check to help the fair lady: [roll1]

2014-03-20, 11:58 AM
As she moved closer to the voice she could hear more join it. Light shone from several light sources as she rounded a large boulder, seeing a small mass of people. Black pools littered the ground, shimmering in the darkness. It was only after a moment of inspection she realized it was blood.

"Oh, no..."

Memories flooded back to her.

She remembers standing in a crowd, sharing a smile with an older fellow, but for some reason she can't recall why. As the speaker took the stage a bright light filled the westward sky. She turned her head to see, but before she realized what was going on an explosion sent a ringing through her ears and a tremor threw her to her knees. Adrenaline began to make its way through her. She yelled out to people, telling them to get to shelter as she tried to stand.

No shelter could protect them from the giant beast that rose in a flash of fire and lighting. Smoke rose for miles as the creature's burning wings spread outward, carrying it high. She felt more than heard the roar that answered the demon's arrival, the sheer force of it making her shake. A silver dragon rushed forward from within the city, attacking the creature that loomed before them. The ground split like an egg, demons spilling out like fire ants searching for prey. She found herself finally standing and reached for her weapon, but another tremor sent her falling as the fighting duo crashed into the cathedral. She could hear another crash as earth flew through the air and buildings fell. Then she felt nothing below her and she was falling.

The last thing she could remember was a gentle hand. It encompassed her whole body and somehow she knew it was the silver dragon. But she continued to fall, the light above getting smaller and smaller. There was a flash of light from above, accompanied by a wave of heat. A horrible dread filled her heart as the rift above closed. The gentleness she felt was gone. She felt cold and alone before there was only darkness.

Something moved, making her snap our of her memory. She let her hand graze over her sickle, but she moved to the woman who had a boulder on her leg. She had to help these people, get them up and moving. Demons could be anywhere down here, just waiting for the right moment. Two men were trying to lift the rock off her leg. She grabbed it with them, lifting with all of her might.


2014-03-20, 12:53 PM

2014-03-20, 01:10 PM
After a brief moment of blind hesitation, Aravashnial nods and begins trailing the armed warrior. His grip isn't strong; Luc can feel the infirmity and pain through the weak, long fingered grip upon his shoulder, but there is a resolve to the man's pace that suggests he is still able in body.

"Well spoken, Knight. Describe to me the chamber, the condition of any survivors. Are there any knights of Kenabres present? Is the cavern sufficiently lit? Are there any visible exits?"


With a huff, the pinned woman blows a stray strand from her angular features, the panic in her gaze giving way to a ruefully sardonic look.

"Tirablade. Anevia Tirablade. What's yours, Horns?"

Her color is pale and a cold sweat clings to her brow, but a dark smirk plays about her lips after Kardiza approaches and speaks his piece.

"Friends already? Blessed I must be, to have so many so quick - Oh! Another?"

She queries, as Tamako approaches, crouching down adjacent the pillar of stone. Sarcastic as her words might be, her grin is sincere as she continues,

"You're all bound to make a girl feel faint, crowdin' her like this... But, we'll worry about home after we get this rock offa me, eh?"

Her humor mingles with anticipation as the assembled trio of heroes ready themselves to free her from her bonds, yet the grin falls flat after a few moments of desperate straining fail to budge the boulder in the slightest.

"Arrrrrrright... Um."

She winces slightly, before readjusting herself and placing her free, booted foot against the edge of the pillar, as the source of torchlight reveals itself to be the duo of an armored man, blade and torch drawn, with a grievously wounded elven man in tow.

"Aravashnial, My Gods..."

Anevia starts, the sound of humor bleeding away from her voice upon seeing the ruin that has become of the elven man.

"Hm? Who is that?"

"It's-It's Anevia Tirablade. Irabeth's wife. We've... We've, uh, met."


Aravashnial pauses.

Sargyal, Tamako
There is judgement in his silence.

"Yes. Are you injured?"

"Just stuck under a piece of rubble. We've got a few here trying to help get the damned thing off of me. Speaking of..."

She shifts slightly more to find the most favorable position.

"C'mon then!"


2014-03-20, 01:46 PM
"Well spoken, Knight. Describe to me the chamber, the condition of any survivors. Are there any knights of Kenabres present? Is the cavern sufficiently lit? Are there any visible exits?"

Luc purses his lips against Aravashnial's onslaught of questions, but given his newfound condition and their mutual trauma at having fallen into this place, he can hardly blame him. Taking a deep breath, Luc does his best to answer calmly, collecting his bearings and examining as much of the cavern as he can in doing so.

"The cave is large enough that my torch cannot illuminate it's walls or ceiling, or sign of an exit. There are no natural sources of light, but here we have some other survivors with lights of their own. Hail there!" He calls out to those gathered around the fallen woman, guiding Aravashnial closer and saluting with his sword by way of greeting. "None would appear to be knights, but only your friend would seem to be injured amongst them." He adds, unable to wholly hide the disappointed tone of his voice. Those assembled around Anevia would not seem wholly to be civilians either, but that is all that holds Luc from reserving judgement at this juncture.

Directing Aravashnial to take a seat momentarily on a piece of rubble, he steps in next to the assembled trio around the rock and sets his own hands to the task of lifting it. "On my mark . . . lift." He says with a casual air of authority.

I humbly suggest the 'aid another' action.

2014-03-20, 02:27 PM
Kardiza grinned at the woman.

"Friends indeed, Anevia Tirablade," he replied, straightening up as they utterly failed to move the large piece of rubble.

Maybe a crowbar wouldn't have been such a bad thing to have with me...

Kardiza looked around, hoping to see some wooden planks or iron poles or something along those lines mixed in with the other rubble. What he saw instead was the approaching pair. He listened to their exchange passively, taking note of the older man especially.

Aravashnial... Why does that name ring a bell? And a knight, too. Definitely don't recognize him.

"Alright, again then, hm? Lady Tirablade, you may feel a bit of a pinch," Kardiza added quickly with a glance at her oddly twisted foot, then he took hold once more and waited for the knight's mark before lifting with all his strength.

Aiding Luc with a strength check: [roll0]

2014-03-20, 03:08 PM
Moving toward the light and the sound of voices, Kamari finds the others trying to shift the large boulder.

"Let me help. It may move easier with three."

Dropping her scimitar nearby, Kamari strains to help shift the stubborn rock.

Strength check to Aid Another: [roll0]

2014-03-20, 09:47 PM
This woman has a strong heart. Tamako notes while stepping away from the rock for a breather. Remarkably calm given the situation. Then again, she must be in shock. Her eyes ran from the woman's crushed leg to the rock.

Maybe if we push, instead of lift. Yes, with some leverage I think we can-

Another stepped in to help lift the rock. They seemed to be having more success this time so she takes the opportunity to take another glance around her. Her eyes stop on the elvish fellow and she approaches, hoping she can ease his pain somehow, but then she sees someone else, half buried in debris. She rushes over, kneeling down next to him.

"Sir." She places a gloved hand on his cheek, raising his head so she can see into his eyes. "I'm going to get you out. Please, try to pull yourself out as I move the debris."

Strength check, if its needed, to move the debris[roll0]
Heal check to see if this guy is still in one piece, so to speak[roll1]

2014-03-20, 11:41 PM
"Wait, where're you-?"

Cries out the nobleman at Kamari's turning away from him, but his bluster stutters away into nothingness as Tamako approaches.

"Good. Finally, I, um..."

He clears his throat as she suddenly kneels, her gloved hand fearlessly touching him, guiding his gaze to her own. Certainly uncertain of how to react, he flaps noiselessly, his watery, hazel eyes dancing to and fro from her unwavering own, unable to hold the penetrating look for long. Up close, the evidence is clear; the man is clearly in shock and, held to her resolve, he is stripped, briefly, of his blustering defense. After a moment, his thin lips meet and he nods, wordlessly.

It quickly becomes apparent that he is not pinned by the earthen mound he is half buried in; the light dusting simply served to induce a sense of claustrophobia and his subsequent thrashing must have done half the work of scattering a handful of fist sized rocks across him. Panic handled the rest.

A few moments of shoveling away at the earth has him out and as he rights himself - Quite an ungainly exercise - he speaks,

"I am Lord Horgus Gwerm. How terrible are my injuries?"

It only takes a cursory examination to reveal that, aside a few scrapes and minor bruises, he is quite unharmed. His confusion likely stems from the fact that his front is thoroughly soaked in rapidly cooling blood.


"C'mon you - Sumb - Piece of-"

Snarls Anevia, half choked obscenities slipping between her gritted teeth. Pushing against the stone pillar, her long, fit leg does the effort of shifting its rigid mass and the new assembly of lifters aiding leads to the Truestone construction marginally missing injuring her crooked foot further as it rolls down and away, cracking stone and slate before it settles at the base of debris mound. Finally free, Anevia let's out a cry of exultation that quickly shifts to one of pain as sensation floods back up her extirpated limb.


Quickly reduced to a choked growl, Anevia pulls her injured leg against her chest, rolls onto her side and sucks deep breaths through her clenched teeth. At any attempt of consolation, she bats blindly at the proffered hand. In her silence, Aravashnial, having refused to sit with a curt, "I shall stand, thank you.," speaks,

"I assume she is liberated, then? Good. Someone collect the two... Thhhat way,"

he gestures vaguely towards Tamako and Gwerm,

"so that we may introduce ourselves without repetition and form a course of action."

As he speaks, he cautiously reaches for the hem of his right sleeve, neatly tears it with trembling fingers, and begins, delicately, wrapping it about his head, attempting to cover the horrific burns and absentee flesh, wincing only once throughout the procedure.

Standing on the mound and looking outwards, you catch the glint of torchlight off of something metallic amongst the massive boulders on the other side of the room.

2014-03-21, 01:55 AM
Tactfully, Luc managed to clear his throat over some of the worst of the injured Anevia's profanity. Given the pain it no doubt caused her, it was not an inappropriate response, but preserving some measure of propriety gave Luc a smug sense of satisfaction, and he wondered if he might have been premature in referring to her as 'milady'. 'A harmless courtesy,' He thought to himself, 'But courtesy is of little comfort in a situation such as ours'. Setting a more steely expression he turned his attention back to Aravashnial, whose own sense of self-reliance warrants him no small measure of respect in the young knight's eyes.

"I'll fetch them," He volunteers, deciding it is not unwise to defer to the newly-blinded elve's sense of authority, small comforts and all that, before turning to the tiefling and Varisian, "Remain here and if you have light or weapons, this is the time for them." He says, politely but firmly proffering them his torch, an expression of his own assumed authority in the situation, before making his way towards the bloodied man and the woman who has just now freed him.

"You're both all right? We have two more injured and two on their feet not far. Best if we all stick together."

2014-03-21, 09:15 AM
As soon as the piece of pillar was off of Avenia's leg and the lady indicated her pain, Kardiza tried to be there. When she waved him away, he hesitated. He wanted to do something, even if that was only to offer comfort, but the lady didn't want it.

Thoughts of a grateful damsel rushing first to your arms and then to your bed? Foolish man, stupid man... Have you learned nothing?

Kardiza winced at the internal rebuke and backed away. She wanted her dignity, and he would let her have that. Kardiza accepted the offered torch from the knight when it was offered.

"Thank you," he replied.

Once the knight was walking away, Kardiza rested his hand on the hilt of the sword at his belt. It was a bronze hilt, with smooth grooves where his fingers fit perfectly, custom fitted for his hand. He wrapped his fingers around the grip slowly, almost reverently, enjoying every instant of comfort the feeling of the blade gave him. It wasn't really the sword that so calmed the Varisian, but rather the deep and profound meaning it held for him.

He drew it from its scabbard just as slowly, the thin slender blade singing gently as its edge slid along the leather interior. The blade was long and delicate in appearance, with only one bladed edge that curved ever so gently until it came to a sharp point at the very end. Thin runes were traced along the blade. Many would take them to be magic, and indeed Kardiza had tried to convince people in the past that they were, but in truth, these were simply symbols of his people and of the church of Sarenrae. They were meant to attract good fortune to the sword's wielder.

A silly superstition... Kardiza had always thought, at least until recently. With no one speaking now, the Varisian took the opportunity to listen once more, straining his ears for the continued sound he had heard before.

Perception: [roll0]

2014-03-21, 01:42 PM
While the humans swarmed together to help their fallen comrade Anevia, Sargyal kept up a vigil. In his gut he knew there was some thing here with them and with what had happened on the surface, there was no telling what it could be. The grinding of stone on flesh and rock grated against his ears but only the pained growling of Anevia pierced his thoughts. He smirked. That human definitely had more spirit than the others. Catching a glint of torchlight on metal off in the dark, his tail curled up and stiffened. Paying no attention to the knight until he offered a torch he simply looked at it before spitting at the ground and turning back toward where he had seen the light, straining to pick up anything more in the darkness.

Looking back to see Anevia's progress or lack thereof, he weaved through anyone in his way to be at her side and knelt.

"The name's Sargyal. Now I know you got bigger balls than a mammoth so quit being so damn stubborn and let me help you."

Supporting her at her left shoulder and guiding her arm over his shoulders, Sargyal helped Anevia to her feet.

Perception Check to see anything else at the glint's position:1d20+7

2014-03-21, 03:44 PM
Tamako stood and brushed the dust off her clothes, becoming acutely aware of the tear in her robes once again.

"Lord Gwerm, I am Tamako Sūn." She gave a small, respectful bow and continued. "Your wounds will heal quickly, as they are only scrapes and bruises." She thinks a moment. "You will feel some discomfort as the initial shock wears off."

She looks behind her, seeing someone else approaching. Carefully, she turns herself to a different angle, so that he cannot see her state of dress.

"Ah, yes, you are right." She looks back to the nobleman. "Lord Gwerm, we will do our best to keep you safe, but this cavern is an unknown entity. Can you defend yourself, should the need arise?"

2014-03-21, 11:26 PM
Standing rather abruptly at the Chelish man's approach, Horgus puffs himself up and responds in a rather direct, unnecessarily loud bluster,

"Defend myself? I, Horgus Gwerm, Lord of Egede, am a damnably fine duelist. My skill with the, the rapier..."

As his robust conceit carries, his somewhat thick fingers at his belt where there is a distinctive absence of any kind of weapon,

"Is, um. Um. Hm."

Turning to regard the young Armiger with an appraising, defensive look, the slightly corpulent lord clears his throat before quipping with verve,

"Well, of course we should gather. Aside, Chelaxian, and stand to!"

Brushing past, the shorter man approaches the now complete gathering of survivors, his gait now seemingly fine, despite his imminent fatality moments prior.


"Wait, what're you-?"

Anevia cuts in, batting ineffectually at Sargyal's obstrusive grasping and, after an ungainly moment, finds herself propped against him, her injured leg suspended an inch or two above the ground at a rather unnatural angle.

"Ff- Al, alright, then."

Her good leg bracing the majority of her weight, she tenderly lowers the injured opposite to the ground, only to immediately withdraw it with a hiss.

"I... Know this may come as a surprise, but I think my leg is broken."


Cuts in a somewhat shorter-than-average man, trailing Sir Morthane and Miss Sūn,

"I am Horgus Gwerm, Lord of Egede.

He casts an appraising eye over the assembled, mismatched crowd, lingering on both Aravashnial and Anevia.

"I am without weapon or guard, so you all will have to suffice. You are to escort me back to my home and estate without further injury befalling me. If you are all capable of such, then you shall be compensated handsomely.

He pauses, taking one last lingering look over the party,

"A thousand gold pieces should suffice."

With that, he nods in a self satisfied manner and steps back from the center of the assembled circle. After a somewhat protracted, awkward pause, Aravashnial steps forward into the center of circle. In the direct light, he is a wreck of man, yet, despite his bloodied nature, he is unbowed. He states,

"Well, I suppose... We should be worrying about the hows of the situation, then. So far, it is rather evident that at least two of us are significantly injured. This must be addressed. We seem, at least, to not be under imminent attack. We should take this time to gather resources, search this chamber for both supplies and a means of egress. But, before that, we must know with whom we treat and their own capabilities. As stated, I am Aravashnial, an attache to the Hospitliers Kenabres,

Sargyal, Kardiza
A slight hesitation in the elven man's voice suggest that Aravashnial is concealing something about his affiliation with the knightly order.

"and I have served in the latest tour during the Fourth Crusade as both adviser on affairs magical and militaristic and... as a soldier. Now, who are all of you and what experience have you with fighting demonkind?"

The noise seems to have stopped.

You think you can make out an armored, humanoid figure laying amongst the boulders.

Kardiza and Sargyal
As Horgus looks over Aravashnial and Anevia, his expression sours at both.

2014-03-31, 01:27 PM
Resisting the urge to scoff and subsequently bristling as Lord Gwerm brushes past him, Luc contents himself with a few imagined but unspoken comments he might have passed in regards to the Lord's no doubt 'exceptional' martial prowess, as only such a portly frame and general rotundity could lend itself so well to the grace and finesse of a master fencer. Luc had fought a handful of duels in his upbringing, no more than boyish scrapping if he were to be completely honest with himself, and then always with his chosen blade or morningstar; those few master duelists and higher ranking members of his own order would no doubt be mortified for this boisterous lord to count himself amongst their number, but he had learned quickly in his travels that the nobility of lands beyond the Infernal Empire were prone to such outbursts and posturing. Were it not for the high House Thrune's watchful and piercing gaze, he had little doubt many Chelaxian nobility would give themselves over to just this sort of obtuse bravado, but as it was, subtly was the preferred methods of house Morthane in particular.

That the Lord of the Egede had so quickly identified him as Chelaxian was not the least of his concerns either as they moved back towards the main group of survivors. Given the Empire's reputation and his own status as a Hellknight initiate, he had hoped to keep such information to himself lest anyone's sensibilities be offended, but Luc certainly lacked not the pride to affirm his status as such when prompted. For now, he would wait and see what else this Lord and others might guess before he identified himself as anything but a knight of Chelish origin.

Lord Gwerm however continued to prove rather the gauche example of nobility at it's most gaudy, offering a reward in gold up front to those not even his vassals and knowing nothing else about who these people might be. The sum itself, to Luc's mind, seemed to indicate either Lord Horgus's relative lack of respect for those others assembled, and he did not presume to exclude himself from that list either. Luc was more keen to listen to Aravashnial, who had a cool head and a sound mind, a soldier, if not a noble, but an elf all the same and thus a member of a noble race. The others he would wait before presuming and facts about their heritage (even the horned tiefling to his left) as he stepped forward to proclaim himself just after Aravashnial.

"I am Sir Luc Morthane, a knight, trained to fight with sword and mace and lance, but I am afraid have no other experience dealing with the demons of the pit. It was my hope in traveling to Kenabres that I should devote myself to that very cause, and it looks like I may yet get my chance, despite this day's earlier unpleasantness." He speaks with a cool, collected demeanor, trying to mask a certain waver in his voice that has not ceased as he hoped it would after their fall. Having begun to stand and move about, he can feel the deep bruising along his side down towards his hip where he no doubt landed the wrong way on both his armor and some rocky outcropping, but is grateful all the same that it is an ache, however traumatic, the silver dragon having saved him the fate of having been dashed across the rock in just the same manner. Suddenly, a rather chilling thought occurs to him as he wonders whether Harbinger was so lucky to have been saved by the Dragon's spell, the thought of his trusted mount dying so ignobly without ever having the chance to ride against the demons with Luc causes a pang in his chest he rather would not admit to, but causes him to speak up all the same. "I arrived yesterday, by horse, and had most of my gear in my steed's saddlebags with me in the plaza before we fell. It would be a great boon to us all if we could find him." He leaves the exact condition which they yet might find Harbinger, unspoken.

2014-04-01, 08:38 AM
Kardiza's face doesn't change, but his mood sours a bit.

You'd think I'd be pleased not to hear anything...

The Varisian continues to glance around nervously as Sargyal lifts up the injured woman. Under normal circumstances, he'd be right there with them, but Kardiza is getting more and more nervous. His skin is crawling. He is about to say something, in fact, when "Horgus Gwerm, Lord of Egede" approaches.

One big family, I see, complete with all the dysfunction and secrets.

At the mention of a reward, and the massive sum at that, the lord gains Kardiza's undivided attention. There are a lot of things the Varisian could think of to do with that much coin. Buy a wagon... hire some help... maybe even return to Varisia and travel, visiting all the old stops like Magnimar or Korvosa or Riddleport... Leave this silly crusade behind and live out the rest of his days in-

No. I came here for a reason. The Dawnflower forgive me for even thinking of it...

And then the knights were introducing themselves.

"Well met, friends to a friend. My name is K-er... Kardiza," the Varisian says, stumbling over his name as he realizes that he is telling a group of soldiers and knights and nobles his name and, in certain countries, that name could get him locked up or worse.

I hope that doesn't come back to bite me...

"All treasures may more easily be found while your eyes are open. I will be vigilant and alert you if I see your horse, friend," Kardiza promised, smiling and winking at the knight.

A horse full of gear would indeed be valuable. If they were trapped down here for a long period of time, it very well could prolong their lives, too.

"I'm afraid I'm not much of a demon slayer yet, either, though I'd very much like to be. The unspent coin holds the greatest promise of gifts to come, yes?"

2014-04-02, 03:37 PM
Tamako followed after Lord Gwerm as they made their way to the group. She took notice of the injured woman and swiftly approached her as the others began to speak. She knelt low, taking in the damage.

The tibia is most definitely broken... the fibula along with it if I am not mistaken.

Her eyes ran up the woman's leg.

The femur could be broken or fractured as well.

She met the woman's eyes and stood up straight.

"My name is Tamako Sūn." She said, focusing on the injured woman in front of her, rather than the others speaking. "I am a trained healer. If you will permit me I would like to set your leg, so that it will heal correctly." She paused, not knowing how to word the next part. She wasn't the best with words, at least when it wasn't in her native tongue. "It will be extremely... painful, however... it is necessary if you want to walk properly again." She took in a breath. "When that is done I will call upon Sarenrae to heal you and anyone else in need." She glanced at the elven man. "She will ease your pain." She added quietly.

Perception to find something long to use as a splint for the woman's leg [roll0]
Heal to access the damage and set the leg if she is permitted [roll1]

2014-04-09, 09:18 PM
"A Tian Sarenrite, eh? You must rarer than a day of peace in Absalom."

Anevia allows herself a toothy grin at the gentle Cleric.

She is very obviously in shock; she is pale, beads of sweat are accumulating on her brow, and her skin is cool to the touch.

"Sure, set me to rights. Uh, Horns?

She looks to the Tiefling supporting her weight,

"Think you'll need to set me down, hun. And, while you're at it, maybe find me a pillow and something to nibble on? I'm feeling a little peckish."

The humor in her voice quavers slightly, but her grip is strong on your arm, Sargyal, as she is lowered back to the pile of rubble.

Finding something with which to bind her leg only takes a few moments; amongst the rubble and remains, you find enough shards of wood and strips of frayed, blood-soaked cloth to measure out a worthwhile splint, Tamako. Once the materials are gathered and you are settled, Anevia allows herself one steadying breath before clenching her jaw and nodding to you.

"Do it."

Anevia takes your hand, almost instinctively; her grip is vice-like and skin calloused.

In your practiced hands, Tamako, you feel the bone shift appropriately in one sharply fluid motion, it resetting into the appropriate position with a dull, sickening grind. However, your work is almost ruined by Anevia wrenching involuntarily from the pain, the motion accompanied by a tormented yelp escaping her. Yet, Sargyal's bracing keeps her locked into place, preventing her from wrenching her leg too severely.


With a breathy whimper slipping her, Anevia goes relatively limp against Sargyal's bracing arms and allows Tamako to efficiently begin binding her leg into place.

"It is set, then? Good. Once you are done binding her leg, Miss Sūn, and can provide appropriate healing measures, we should organize ourselves for exploring and departing this chamber. I will need someone to act as... My guide, of sorts.

Sargyal, Tamako
The idea of having someone guide him seems to be heavily bothersome to the Elf.

"I can do it, once I get my legs under me."

Replies Anevia, her voice somewhat shakey, but tone firm.

"Are you-?"

"I'm fine. I'll be fine. Just give me a minute."

Consciousness returns with a sharp cry; not yours, however, but someone else's. It sounded nearby, but as you open your eyes, all you can make out is the dim glow of light originating from... Elsewhere. Something large and dark sits in the way, a... Boulder? All around you are boulders, rubble, bits of ruined architecture, but... How? Then, it returns. The memories of a bright, sharply clear day. The crowds, turned chaotic with hellfire erupting on the horizon. The mirroring of wings, one set large, black and terrible, the other grandiose and resplendent. The slaying of Terendelev and your descent into darkness. And, now? Now, you are laying on your back, hidden amongst a scattered field of boulders and... Something is touching your face. Gentle and yearning, you feel two sharp edges running down the curve of your cheek and, as you turn to investigate the source... Horror greets you; a humanoid, half crushed underneath the boulder adjacent, is reaching out for you, it's clawed hand extended to its longest potential, attempting to pull you further into its reach. Hairless, red-skinned and horribly, impossibly gaunt, the creature's near skeletal face has an expression of almost sadistic glee painted across it. Baring rows of blood caked teeth, the creature and whispers in some incomprehensible non-language, its servile tongue tasting the air in between raspy breaths.

Yet, another voice cuts the dark; nearby, perhaps right about the corner, the pinched, rough tone suggests a man in pain,

"Get help."

2014-04-09, 10:20 PM
Tovenares doesn't scream. She'd trained herself away from it ages ago and doesn't know that it'd do any good in any case. Instead she pulls herself away from t
he red thing and waves her hand absentmindedly, calling on her power to produce four small, shimmering balls of light. They dance upwards and then separate to spin around her, lighting the strange cavern in all directions.

2014-04-09, 10:30 PM
Four spheres of light rise from amongst the field of boulders, illuminating the cavern. While amongst the boulders, little more is revealed, the shadowy mouths of two separate tunnels are revealed past them.

The creature doesn't seem to respond to the light, but rather, the man's voice. Its perverse grin sours and its head tilts at an impossible angle, leering towards the origin; a man, dark skinned, clad in dented full plate, his right arm pinned beneath a massive boulder, up to the shoulder.

2014-04-09, 10:46 PM
Shut up hisses Tovenares there are things in here with us.

Tovenares move carefully around the thing, staying out of its reach, towards the man who called for help. With no one else immediately around she puts her back to the boulder pinning him and pushes it as hard as she can.


2014-04-09, 11:24 PM
It becomes immediately obvious that the boulder is immovable without magical aid; one of the largest in your immediate vicinity, it could weigh several tons, at the least. Upon your nearing of the man, more becomes apparent; his arm and the armor encompassing offers little resistance to the improbable size of the boulder, there seeming to be some form of absurd flattening of his limb where it meets the edge of the rock. Even with your limited knowledge of the medical arts, it's apparent that his arm is beyond saving. Up close, his angular features merge the line between the rough features of a middle-aged human with the smooth agelessness of the elves and, as he speaks, you can discern a strange accent and cadence to his voice. Despite his condition, he seems relatively calm and speaks in a low, reserved whisper.

"I'm aware; it is pinned and blind. Do not speak further."

He motions with his free, armored hand, indicating the source of the light that preceded your own.

The creature, maybe eight feet from you now, allows itself a long, low sibilant hiss. Baring its teeth, it begins to scrap at the earth between you and it, sliding its clawed hand back and forth, attempting to feel out as much of the space surrounding it as possible.

Now illuminated by the light suffusing the cavern, you can fully make out a dark skinned man, clad in full-plate amongst the field of boulders. His arm is pinned beneath one of the largest of the debris and there is a woman adjacent him. You can hear them talking, but can't make out the words. He is gesturing in your direction.

2014-04-10, 08:30 AM
Kardiza starts when Tamako introduces herself.

A priestess of Sarenrae? Here? Now?

The meaning of such a coincidence isn't lost on Kardiza, though he says nothing, merely watching as Tamako moves to help Anevia.

She's a tough lady, Kardiza thinks to himself, smiling slightly at the woman's humor in spite of her pain.

"I will take a little look around, yes? Better to know that it is only crickets chirping in the dark," Kardiza says, taking a few steps back into the darkness.

Kardiza is just starting to move out of the light when the entire cavernous room is illuminated, blinding the Varisian for a moment. Reflexively, he raises his sword in front of him. It only takes a moment for Kardiza's eyes to adjust. He sees the two tunnels, like great shadowy eyes, but no sign of attack.

"What the hell?" Kardiza wonder out loud, not lowering his sword in the slightest, "Are one of you doing that?"

2014-04-10, 10:22 AM
Tamako offered a small smile to the woman as she finished tying off the splint.

"You did very well." Not moving from her position she held her hands above the woman's leg, inhaled deeply and was interrupted by the cavern illuminating behind her. She looked down at her glowing holy symbol at the man's question. "No... it was not I." She felt the need to hurry rise in her gut. These people needed care before something dangerous showed itself. She closed her eyes.

This, however, is something that cannot be rushed.

"Merciful Redeemer, our Everlight in the darkness, hear my prayer." She began, her voice taking on an unearthly tranquility. "Dispel the darkness that surrounds our minds and our hearts. Guide us, radiant goddess of mercy; shine your healing light upon us in this hour of turmoil." She opened her eyes once again. "The Dawn brings new light. Sarenrae be praised." She finished, the symbol at her neck emitting a more powerful glow and warmth that washed over the cavern.

Channeling positive energy (4/5 per day): [roll0]

2014-04-10, 11:47 AM
Tovenares looks at the gigantic boulder, then down at the half elf. Listen. There is no way we can move this off of you. I think. She pauses, knowing what she is about to say might upset the man considerably. I think our best option is to cut your arm off.

Tovenares continues before he can react too strongly Do you have any healing magic about you? It'll be important to stop the bleeding immediately.

2014-04-10, 12:10 PM
Silently acting as little more than a support for Anevia, Sargyal looked at the others, disdain hanging on his brow. The situation was starting to weigh on him more than he would ever be willing to show. In all likelihood these would be the last people he would ever see and more than anything, he was angry at himself. How could he let himself fall so low as to die in a hole with scum dwelling the surface above him. Continuing his vigil over the cave and the others, he seemed to be the only one to notice the man pinned under the boulders when light filled the cavern. While the Varisian brandished his sword at nothing, Sargyal cleared his throat. Pointing at the man pinned under the debris, Sargyal stared at the praying woman.

"Someone else needs you."

Take 10 on Heal to assist Tamako with Anevia

2014-04-10, 01:25 PM
Both Aravashnial and Anevia shudder, the healing magics reknitting sundered flesh, yet after a moment, they release complimentary sighs of relief.

As you begin to speak, the man shakes his head urgently, motioning at the beast, before he yells.

"No, you must be quiet-!"

Barks a strangely accented, gruff voice with the authority of a drill sergeant, yet his words are overwhelmed by a caterwauling screech, both emanating from the field of boulders.

The skeletal creature, its strangely elongated head now pointed directly at you, continues screeching as its one free arm begins to rip at its waist, tearing ribbons of its own desiccated flesh away from itself. As it does so, an olive skinned man rounds the corner of the same boulder under which the beast is pinned, holding aloft a scimitar.

As you edge around the corner of the nearest boulder, a complicated scene reveals itself to you: a gaunt, screeching near skeletal creature wrapped tautly in red, oozing skin is pinned from the waist down beneath the boulder you've just circled. It's one free arm is clawing madly at its waist, tearing free ribbons of its own desiccated flesh and muscle. It appears to be attempting to extricate itself from its pinned state, its hungry, savage face pointed towards a young woman crouched adjacent to a prone, dark skinned man clad in dented full plate.

Kardiza and Tovenares
After a singular, horrifying moment, the creature succeeds in freeing itself; reaching forward and grasping the hard packed earth with its one free clawed hand, it wrenches forward, the last strands of its connective tissue and spine severing with a sickening pop and spray of copper ichor.

Battle Map (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhWXF1KlAc4)

Roll Initiative in the ooc thread and we'll determine order there. Black boxes are boulders, each square is 10 by 10

2014-04-10, 02:20 PM
At the half elf's shout Tovenares snaps her head around, looking behind her at the formerly pinned creature. She maneuvers herself between the monster and her new charge, in the process muttering a few words that cause translucent, gently-glowing armor to appear. Her fingers elongate and sharpen at the ends, becoming weapons suitable for combat.

Casting Mage Armor, activating my Claws and using Arcane Strike.

2014-04-10, 02:47 PM
The scream from behind the field of boulders across the cavern immediately spurs Luc into action. "With me." he says as a curt but urgent command, motioning to Kardiza, leaving Sargyal and Tamako to continue their ministrations for a moment. Tossing his torch onto the ground a few yards ahead, he draws the oversized morningstar from his back, hefting it with both hands as he rushes towards the right hand side of the boulders.

Double Move to H, 11 dropping my torch as a free action and drawing my Earthbreaker along the way.

2014-04-10, 03:06 PM
"Light of the Dawnflower," Kardiza gasps as the horrible monstrosity oozes out from under the rock.

He hears the knight's words and starts to obey, but stops, looking at the woman and the man there.

They're in terrible danger...

Without stopping to think whether or not his actions are foolish or perhaps a little hasty, Kardiza charges forward, leaping onto the "thing" and stabbing at it with his sword, trying desperately to keep it off of the new pair.

Charge to K7 (if I'm reading that right)(+2 to Attack, -2 to AC I believe)
Attack with scimitar (18-20 crit, x2+2 fire damage)
Sneak Attack (because monster hasn't acted, it's flat footed, right? Right???)

2014-04-10, 03:39 PM
"If you can't fight, get back", shouted Sargyal as he leaped from stone to stone, down until he was on the cave floor. Landing with a gentle thud, he stood in front of Aravashniel and proceeded to sprint toward where Kardiza had disappeared behind the boulder. That screech bounced in his head and in his vision, red started to claw at the edges. His breathing started to slow, in and out in equal magnitude, deep and practiced. No mercy, no remorse. He could hear commotion from behind the boulder. No mercy, no remorse. Rounding the boulder, his mouth watering, his eyes gleaming, he scowled at the pitiful creature on the ground. Standing over it, Sargyal raised his arms and tightened his muscles, ready.

Double move to L-7

2014-04-10, 11:03 PM
Tamako inhaled deeply, letting the warmth flow through her. She stood straight as the Tiefling pointed out someone else in danger. She gave a curt nod and started to make her way there, when a screech made her cringe and her hair stand on end. Then, everyone was in motion. Tamako drew her Scimitar, the curved blade gleaming in the light of her holy symbol. The small Tien woman looked strange holding the weapon, but she held herself with the poise of a skilled combatant.


Her fist clamped tightly around her weapon and her eyes seemed to glaze over. She moved quickly, heading toward the boulders.

Double move to J6

2014-04-11, 01:52 PM
The creature, one armed and writhing in a pile of its own entrails, forces itself onto its back, swinging wildly, blindly, at Kardiza's charge, bringing a thin, wiry arm up to deflect the swift, if overzealous blade. In a skip of sparks, the scimitar's edge scraps a thin line against the adjacent boulder, under which the beast's other half remains. This close, it's apparent that something is wrong with its features; dented, it's as if something heavy had crushed the slope of its brow, compressing the bone and flesh down over what once might have been horror inspiring eyes. Never-the-less, its face, little more than an open maw of needle-like teeth, is pointed towards the suddenly apparent duo of Tiefling and Man, its tongue tasting the air for them. With a horrifyingly nimble twist, the creature flips itself onto its stomach and lunges towards Kardiza, the points of its teeth sinking through the leather of his boot and biting deeply into his shin. Reaching up, its grasping hand attempts to find purchase on his shirt, yet Kardiza's nimble step back and instinctive kick is enough to dislodge the rapacious advance, freeing his leg from its toothy maw, yet leaving some shreds of his boot and blood in its teeth.

With a hiss, it spits scraps of leather from its maw and begins to speak in a discordant, inhuman tongue that echoes throughout the chamber: "Ehk suuluth Kenabres agneeis, yu tuvay agneeis, ahk, ahk, ahhhk."

In Abyssal: The city Kenabres burns, you will burn, hah, haah, haaaah.

"Dear Lord, there's a Demon in here! Kill it! Kill it now!"

Barks Horgus, turning towards and backing away from the field of boulders and the commotion emanating from therein. Anevia, struggling, attempts to right herself as Aravashnial calls out,

"Sir Luc, do you see it? Can you tell what breed it is?"

Yet, as Luc moves into position, the beast revealed by the crack between the boulders isn't any he recognize's by sight. As well, it appears gravely injured; seemingly torn in half at the waist, a humanoid, skeletal monstrosity wrapped in ichor coated, crimson skin flails blindly at what may be Kardiza, its maw snapping violently at his legs. It is apparent that, were Luc closer, he could fight through the separation between the boulders, yet before he can move to the breach, Tamako steps into it.

As you step into the breach between the boulders, you bear witness to what appears to be a bisected humanoid creature, skeletal and clad in ichor coated, crimson skin, mere feet from you, gnashing its needle like teeth at Kardiza's leg. Quickly, you piece together what must have occurred: The monster, pinned beneath the boulder on your left, must have ripped itself free, discarding its legs and left arm, to be able to combat the people now surrounding it. After a moment, you realize the beast is some form of Babau and, from what you know of their intrinsic resistance to normal weapons, horrifying fortitude, and general skill at dismembering mortals, that the beast, were it not for its current condition, would very likely be able to murder everyone in the chamber. You are uncertain how much of a threat the beast is now, but you at least flank the monster.

2014-04-11, 03:06 PM
For my own reference (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GdVji_13PgbuZvZeBTq3KLGyntRuXSU-mI6mWJ0w38E/edit#gid=0)

Torvenares steps swiftly up behind the monster as it turns to attack her would-be rescuers, putting herself in the advantageous position of striking at its back. She then swipes at the thing with her claw-like hands.

Swift Action: Activate Arcane Strike
5-ft step
Full attack with flanking bonus (also granting flanking to Tamako and Kardiza)

First Attack

Second Attack

2014-04-11, 03:08 PM
Unfortunately you can't add in extra rolls after you've made a post, so here;

Critical Confirmation and Extra Damage

2014-04-11, 03:32 PM
Luc is forced to confront his own ignorance of whatever type of demon it might be when Aravashnial calls to him, gritting his teeth as he sees Tamako squeeze into a gap he would have overlooked in his rush to get around to the other side of the boulders. "I'll tell you once it's dead!" He calls back, his voice full of righteous zeal as he steps in next to Tamako, his broad frame forcing her aside as he swings his morningstar in a wide arc overhead in order to avoid jamming it in the rocks. Despite being prone and nearly surrounded, the creature still flails and hisses, but Luc's eyes fix on the demon's own soulless pools with a determination as the impact of his weapon rings throughout the cavern.

Move to squeeze next to Tamako at J, 9
Attack with Earthbreaker: +4 base, +2 flanking [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-04-11, 04:46 PM
Kardiza howls in pain as the thing tears into his leg. He is quick enough to hop away, but he can feel blood already running down his leg. The flesh is torn up, and the Varisian feels lightheaded and faint from the wound. There is a burn like fire in his flesh, reminding him of a time long ago when he'd fallen into his father's cooking fire...

The Varisian gritted his teeth.

I must not lose my focus. Sarenrae, please... Help me...

Kardiza barely has time to give thanks as help arrives in the form of two claws and a really big steel weapon. Taking advantage of the bloodied demon's distraction, the Varisian steps forward again and slashes at the creature with his scimitar, silently praying that he can finish this but preparing himself all the same to leap away should he draw the demon's ire once more.

C'mon... Daddy needs a critical hit...
Attack with scimitar: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Free five foot step to back away if attack fails to kill demon.

2014-04-11, 10:42 PM
Sargyal weaved slightly to the side as the creature lashed out and sunk its teeth into the human's leg. The muted tearing of leather and flesh filled his ears, eliciting little more than a scowl from the tiefling. Even when it was literally torn in half, this creature was still thrashing about. A heat seemed to burn in his brow as he pulled his lips back in a snarl, the hissing, guttural language leaking out of the creature's snapping maw assuring Sargyal of his suspicions. The smell of sulfur and blood intensified around Sargyal as he seemed to cough and shout back at the demon while bring his fists down on the demon.


"And you will not live to see, you pitiful, worthless wretch!"

Flurry of Blows, Flanking:

Damage rolls for respective attacks:

2014-04-12, 09:25 AM
Tamako stood in stunned silence for a moment as the creature came into sight.

Sarenrae help us...

This was bad. She knew if this creature was still able-bodied it would kill them all. She glanced down at her weapon, then back at the creature. She set her jaw and stepped back, wrapping her free hand around her holy symbol.

"Radiant Protector, let your light reach down into this abyss, so that all who would not redeem behold your splendor. Let your glare shine through... and melt the flesh of all those who would oppose you. May all the raging fires of the sun consume them. Sarenrae be praised..."

The holy symbol lit up until it was almost blinding, sending a wave of white heat through the cavern.

Shift to I10, Channeling positive energy to harm evil outsiders (30 ft burst) (DC 15 to save) [roll0]

2014-04-12, 11:18 AM
The creature, blind and hissing, doesn't react to the approach of Tovanres and, as her claws tear at its ichor coated flesh, it begins to spasm, the wiry muscles of its wire-thin frame contracting underneath its leathery hide.

Her second, deadlier claw, having found purchase at the base of the creature's neck, tears free in a spray of vital fluids, yet, as she steps back, she notices that some of the ichor of its skin remains on her hands and, in a moment, begins to burn with a hellishly acidic pain. With a quick flick of her wrist, she manages to dislodged the offending slime, yet the damage is done.

OOC: 4 acid damage. Feel free to write the reaction without spoiler tags.

Wounded underneath arm and at the base of the neck, the creature begins to disjointedly lash outwards at the Varisian, its teeth gnashing wildly, broken half syllables escaping its maw, yet, amidst its intensifying death throes, even its efficacy to kill is compromised. Spine arching, head twitching, its sole arm skipping across the stone ground, the creature enjoys only a single moment more free movement before Luc's morningstar, great and terrible, crashes down upon its shoulder, crushing the joint in a riotous clang and spray of fluids. Screeching, the beast begins to spasm and, as Kardiza and Sargyal move to finish the beast, its wild spasms deflect the worst of their attacks until, in a holy corona of light, does a corona of holy radiance ignite about the Tian cleric, the tingling wave of color searing along the beast's frame and ending its seizures.

By the time Luc notices that the head of his morningstar is steaming, some mild corrosion has already set in. Though easily cleaned, it would appear that the ichor of beast's fleash has weakened the head of the weapon, somewhat.

OOC: The weapon has taken 3 damage. It hasn't received the broken condition, however.

The silence returns, the half formed monster's lamentations silenced.

"If you are injured, come to me."

Speaks the pinned man.

2014-04-12, 11:47 AM

The strange woman in primitive, fur-lined dress with dark skin and darker hair yelps and jumps back away from the dying creature. She draws her hand - which was a talon only a moment ago - protectively close against her body. Her skin there turns an angry red and bleeds slightly, but she seems to have gotten the creature's blood off of it.

She sucks air through her teeth and backs slightly away from the rest of the group.

2014-04-12, 11:53 AM
Kardiza stumbles back just in time to witness the demon's death in a burst of radiant light.

"So. That's a demon..." Kardiza notes dryly after a moment, grimacing as pain flared up his leg.

Thank you... the Varisian silently prays to the Dawnflower before limping towards the pinned man. He definitely qualified his leg as an "injury". Blood was still seeping from it, and Kardiza was dimly aware of the blood trail he was leaving on the ground behind him.

"Greetings, friends to a friend," he says, leaning against a large boulder beside the pinned man and sinking to the ground weakly. Instead of sheathing the sword, the Varisian sets it gently across his lap. He glances curiously at the woman as she backs away, but is more immediately concerned with his leg, as well as the man who had offered help... while buried in rubble.

He needs help just as much as I do...

"You offer great hospitality from a place on the street," Kardiza observed meekly, looking the pinned man over, "But I thank you, all the same. Perhaps, once we uncover you, you may help me bandage this, yes?"

Kardiza makes to get back to his feet, but his injured leg gives out and he drops to the ground roughly.

"Ha ha... Second time is the charm, yes?" he suggests, reddening slightly.

2014-04-12, 12:16 PM
The man, at closer inspection, is obviously half-elven in origin; slightly pointed ears and almond eyes sit in hard, weathered features that never-the-less are reminiscent of the agelessness of the elves. With skin like aged oak, close cropped hair dark as pitch and sharp, jade eyes, he strikes a decidedly foreign profile, only reinforced by a strange accent. It is apparent that his armor, full plate sans helmet, is functioning, if dented. Adorning the left pauldron are a myriad of holy symbols, the center of which seems to be the winged figure of Sarenrae. Likely, the other pauldron would bear similar inscription, were it not completely crushed underneath the massive weight of the boulder flattening the entirety of his right arm.

"Stay still. My wounds do not bleed; yours do."

Reaching awkwardly with his left arm, the motion clumsy due both to the shield still tied to it and the restriction of his armor, he, provided Kardiza would not resist, manages to place his heavy gauntlet upon the Varisian's forearm. With that, there is the familiar itch that accompanies magical healing as the tissue along Kardiza's leg reknits, even if the boot remains torn and bloodsoaked.

You heal eleven points.

"It was a Babau, sir. We were very lucky."

He clears his throat, raising his voice somewhat,

"Ma'am, if you are injured, come to me; I can heal your wounds."

"Is it done?! Did you kill it?!"

Cries Horgus, his voice strained with panic.

"Are there more survivors? Who are you talking- Oh! Oh, it's-it's you, Anevia, of course. Thank you."

Aravashnial speaks, before the sound of ruffling and the clip of something wooden on stone suggests their approach. His hand wrapped about Anevia's wrist, Aravashnial walks side-by-side the young woman who, remarkably, is leading rather confidently, albeit holding what appears to be a quarterstaff as a means of aid.

2014-04-12, 12:35 PM
Tovenares glances at the half-elf when he addresses her.

"I... Yes, alright." She approaches him and gingerly holds out her arm.

"Though, don't overtax yourself. I still think, you know, what I said earlier. About how to get you out of there. That boulder doesn't look like it's going to move for anyone, and I'm not sure I'd want to try even if we could. It might be holding the whole roof up."

2014-04-12, 01:13 PM
His jaw clenches somewhat, but he doesn't respond as he reaches for her hand. Taking the now un-clawed digits into his armor clad grasp, he closes his eyes and allows himself a deep, slow breath. With it, there is a warmth that spreads along the acidic burn on Tovenares' skin, before the corroded skin regrows.

You heal 4.

"Someone ensure the Babau is dead; be careful with what weapon you use, however, as the acidic coating can and will damage it."

"Babau? The demon was a Babau and they managed to put it down?"

Remarks Aravashnial, as he and Anevia round the left side of the boulders, behind Sargyal. Upon rounding to see the mangled, ruined form of the beast, Anevia averts her gaze, drawing in a steadying breath.

"It, uh... It looks like it had its hind quarters caught under the boulder. Must've been crushed in the fall. Looks like it tore itself in half to get at us."

"That... Is within the bounds of expected behavior for this breed of demon, provided it had no other options."

"It did not. It was attempting to remain silent, once it realized there were other survivors in the cavern, likely in an attempt to ambush anyone moving around these rocks."

"Wh-What? Who is that?"

"It would appear to be a man caught under a very large rock."

"Sergeant Athelian Sek'Dathia de la Roche. Flowers of the Dawn, Irregulars. Babau was on me when the plaza erupted; we fell together. I was attempting to signal anyone else in this chamber when I understood that it was pinned and blind, to warn them of a potential ambush. I figured that if it realized anyone was aware of it, in its condition, it would go by any means to extricate itself."

He shrugs against the implacable weight of the boulder, gritting his teeth.

"Now, um. Does anyone here happen to have any experience as a chirugeon?"

2014-04-12, 05:03 PM
Tamako moved around the boulders, seeing that the creature finally lie still on the ground in a puddle of it's own viscous blood. She isn't surprised by the state she finds the pinned man in. What does surprise her is the clarity and confidence in his voice and his desire to help everyone around him given his state. She stared for several moments, taking in his features and armor. She held his eyes for what would probably seem like an uncomfortable amount of time to most people.

He has pretty eyes...

It was when her eyes moved beyond his she realized he was half-elven. After a few moments of silence, she started, the conversation catching up with her.

"Y-yes. I do."

Knowledge Religion to figure out what Athelian's place in the church of Sarenrae is. [roll0]
Heal check to see what can be done with Athelian. [roll1]

2014-04-12, 05:58 PM
Luc ponders the acidic corrosion on the head of his morningstar with a sort of casual curiosity, until the metallic fumes remind him that a few more incidents like this and he would have to find a new one. "That's perturbing." he says aloud, though his tone conveys no hint of any such feeling, before reslinging the weapon and nodding to sergeant Athelian, before turning back to Aravashnial.

"Sergeant Athelian's appraisal of the situation is most adroit, and surprisingly optimistic given his predicament." He says to the blinded hospitaler, before addressing them both. "I can't speak for a surgeon, but if the others will clear some room, I will see to it the Babau is dispatched."

Luc then busies himself retrieving his torch and using it to find the largest, most lethal looking hunk of rock he can find, hefting it over his head and after everyone his clear adds a bit of 'umph' in depositing the rock directly onto the creature's skull, wary of any splatter from it's acidic blood.

I'll take the time and precaution necessary to perform that coup de grace without injuring himself or anyone else.

2014-04-13, 10:00 AM
Tovenares kneels next to Athelian, but when she speaks it's to the woman who has claimed experience as a surgeon.

Come here, won't you? She gestures to come look at the half-elf's arm, which is thoroughly crushed beneath a boulder far too big for them to move without magical aid.

This arm doesn't look savable to me but I am not learned in such things. I believe our best bet to save the man's life is to remove it. Doing so without killing him will be the trick. Magical healing would help stop him from bleeding out. Athelian can do that normally, but being in pain can complicate spell casting.

Tovenares pauses at this. I don't suppose - it's powerful magic, Athelian, but it's worth asking. Could you cast a delayed spell? Or a triggered one?

2014-04-13, 10:49 AM
Kardiza gasps in surprise as the wound on his leg closes and knits itself. He has never felt the touch of divine magic before, but he has seen it at work. The feeling is not as comfortable as he'd always imagined it.

"I th-thank you, friend!" he exclaims, rising to his feet more steadily this time in wonder, "As though I had never been struck!"

Kardiza takes a short test walk, just a few paces, as the others continue to talk.

A babau? What is a babau? Some form of demon? It doesn't really matter, I suppose... It's dead and we are not.

The presence of the demon or babau or whatever it was stays on Kardiza's mind, though, and as the sister of Sarenrae begins to look the sergeant over and the talk shifts to removing him from his predicament (something Kardiza is well aware he'd have little to offer), the Varisian decides to double check their current situation.

"If we are staying here for a while longer, I'm going to take a good look around this cavern and make sure there are no more snakes hiding in the grass waiting to gobble us down, yes? I will not go far," Kardiza informs whoever is unburdened enough to be told, "Just a circuit of this chamber, I think."

Kardiza does just that, taking care not to venture too close to either of the open tunnels, but walking slowly and deliberately enough to listen and watch for any other monsters or, perhaps, survivors amongst the rubble and boulders.

Taking 20 on Perception (27) to walk around the room, searching for survivors or lurking enemies; keeping sword drawn.

2014-04-16, 09:49 PM
Athelian nods to Kardiza.

In the silence that follows Athelian's question, his gaze shifts between those gathered about, before meeting and matching Tamako's stare. Before she speaks, during the prolonged match, his gazes begins to narrow in confusion. Upon her confirming her experience, he nods, tentatively.

You are uncertain what his role in the Church is, as the Sarenrites maintain many soldiers of differing origin, but you recognize the name of his stated unit: It was an amalgamation of volunteer forces that was largely wiped out sometime last year. You are uncertain if the unit has been officially disbanded, but they have not fielded units under their banner since then.

As for his arm, upon inspection, it becomes apparent that it is beyond saving without magics well beyond your skill, verifying Tovenares' evaluation. His arm from just underneath his deltoid down is almost completely flattened underneath the weight of the titanic boulder resting on it and will require amputating. Such an act, with the presence of healing magics, is likely doable, but will also result in unavoidable damage to any nerves in what remains and will likely be indescribably painful. The only matter of choice is to either amputate his arm from directly underneath the deltoid, thereby saving a stub or to perform a shoulder disarticulation, removing the entirety of his arm at the shoulder joint. The former, while messier, is likely the easier scenario, but runs a slightly higher risk of exposing the wound to contaminates. The latter is both more difficult for a relatively inexperienced chirurgeon such as yourself and also more traumatic to the patient, but would grant you more room and maneuverability during the surgery and give you more ability to limit the contamination of the wound. Ultimately, you are the most qualified here and the decision is yours.

Punctuating Tamako's appraisal is the sickening pop of the Babau's skull as Luc's procured rubble efficiently (and neatly) compresses the demon's mangled features. Ichor and slime spray about, but Luc's positioning ensures that none are exposed to it. The fluids begin to sizzle on the cold stone of the floor as a shuddering death rattle emits from the creature's ruin of a face.

Turning to Tovenares, Athelian speaks, a slight tone of confusion marring his tone,

"I do not know how to weave spells; my healing abilities are a gift from the Gods and I cannot alter or enhance them in any such way. However, I do need to be conscious to use them and I am uncertain if I will be able remain as such during this...

He clears his throat, his jaw clenching,

"This, um, surgery."

Horgus, having rounded the corner some moments ago, pales and looks between the pinned man and Kardiza, before moving towards the Varisian man. He clears his throat and begins to walk at his side, ostensibly to the end of aiding him in searching the cavern, and as they move away from the party, he clears his throat and confirms as much.

"Um, ahem. Mister Ka... Kardiza, was it? Perhaps you would not mind my company. Snakes and what not. Can't leave the burden to you alone; might find yourself distracted or somesuch. Can't risk anything..."

Bluster and awkwardness aside, Horgus does not terribly inconvenience your search and, aside the many ruined bodies you come across, you find nothing that seems overly useful or threatening.

2014-04-17, 11:39 AM
This arm doesn't look savable to me but I am not learned in such things. I believe our best bet to save the man's life is to remove it. Doing so without killing him will be the trick.

Tamako frowns at the choice of wording. She kneels next to Athelian and meets his eyes.

"I have to inform you... I have not done anything like this... surgery before." Her voice doesn't waiver, but she doesn't sound as confident as she was while repairing the woman's leg. "I am however very familiar with the human anatomy and I believe I can do this. I will need you to do something for me though." She gestures to the holy symbol on her neck. "I want you watch this. Do not take your eyes off of it until we are finished. If you need anything from me at all just say my name. Its Sūn, Tamako Sūn... but you can call me Tamako... Athelian." It felt strange, dropping all formalities and calling him by his first name. She takes his free hand in hers and squeezes it lightly. "The Dawnflower watches over you." She gives him a small smile and turns to the others.

"I will need a few things before we start: a piece of thick leather, water; preferably hot if anyone has a pan or something else I could heat it in, and a small fire." She begins pulling out cloth bandages from a pouch on her belt.

2014-04-17, 02:32 PM
Umm... Oh!

Tovenares rips off a long strip of her leather-lined dress and offers it to Tamako.

I don't know where we'll get water, though - or anything to make fire with.

2014-04-18, 10:59 AM
Tamako takes the strip of leather and hands it to Athelian. "Bite down on that once we start, please."

She looks to Sir Luc, seeing his torch. She stands and approaches him. "Sir Luc... that will have to do. If you would let me borrow that..." She gestures to take the torch and moves back over to Athelian once she has it. She lies it down on the ground carefully, elevating it a bit so the flame isn't touching the ground.

"I will have to remove what I can of your armor..." She says, looking at the pinned man. Once she gets his approval she begins to work. She removes it carefully, but efficiently. It is clear she has much experience with heavy armor. If it were any other situation she would be blushing madly; she had to get pretty close to the half-elf.

Once that is done she tears a section of her robes off, completely forgetting about her bare leg showing at the moment. She twists it into a long strip, then ties it around Athelian's shoulder. "This will help stop the bloodflow to your arm." She says as she ties it off with a knot. She takes another look at his arm and lets out a small sigh, looking resigned. "I'll be amputating underneath the deltoid." She gestures, pointing to the area below his shoulder. "That's right here. It will be through the triceps, leaving a stump. I would prefer to remove the entire arm, but I feel that is the sort of surgery best not done under these circumstances."

Am I telling him too much? I do not want to scare him... but if I was in his situation I would want to know what is going on.

She takes out her scimitar and carefully heats it over the torch, disinfecting it and creating a cauterizing tool. "The bone is mostly crushed, so I do not think there will be much resistance." She looks at the woman dressed in furs. "Hold his hand, please." She looks to anyone else nearby. "And the rest of you, please help in holding him still." She meets Athelian's gaze.

I don't have any water to clean him up afterwards... but I must do this.

"I will be as quick as I can. When you are ready I will begin." Her voice shows none of her inner turmoil and the others can hear nothing but confidence as she speaks.

Heal check [roll0] to amputate his arm and bandage it up properly afterwards
Readying my stabilize spell in case something goes horribly wrong

2014-04-18, 11:51 AM
Tovenares looks panicked for just a second, but then does as Tamako says. She half sits, half lays down next to Athelian and starts speaking to him in as soothing tones as she can manage.

It's alright. We're going to have you out of here soon. Just keep your focus on me, stay still if you can....

I'm hoping our might DM will let me use my Charisma modifier to attempt an assist, given what I'm trying to do :smallwink:


Edit: oh. Well. Guess it doesn't matter if he lets me or not :smallannoyed:

... Unless I'm allowed to use my Bluff skill since she's pretending to be calm to try and calm him down as well? In which case my total would be 15...

2014-04-18, 02:23 PM
Sargyal stepped forward and picked up the torch from the ground, holding it over Athelian's arm to provide more light to the area. Stooping down he placed a steady hand on the fallen man's shoulder. Despite his distaste, there was a twinge of something in him that forced him to help out. If one were to actually ask the Tiefling they'd probably only get some selfish reason such as wanting the extra hand to help him get out of the cave, or maybe he just wanted to get a closer look at the woman about the lop off the man's arm.

"Good luck."

Attempting a Heal Check to Assist: [roll0]

2014-04-18, 06:31 PM
Sir Luc nods in assent, proffering the torch to Tamako. "If you require additional light, I can use another, but it might be best to conserve a few as we don't know how long we may be stuck in this blackness." The actual task of field surgery, he leaves to their own devices, for while not unused to gore, it seems distasteful to peer on or gawk at such a delicate affair.

"We should see if the perimeter of this cavern can be established before anything else, locate any potential exits and be ready to move if circumstance permits, or need requires." Luc says, speaking to the other assembled members of the survivors, particularly looking to Aravashnial.

2014-04-18, 06:53 PM
"The Everlight guides,"

is the man's only response to her prayer. As Athelian's armor is being pulled away, his gaze loses most of its focus; the calm demeanor begins to crack and his earthen features pale. His breath slows, his chest rising and falling with a forced rhythm. He clears his throat and shifts himself, wincing as the movement slightly torques the pinned arm.

The armor comes away in parts; pauldron, what little of the armored sleeve can be wrenched from the 'neath the boulder, and the unhinging of his cuirass. Removing it in its entirety would take far longer than advisable and unpinning the shoulder latch provides enough room to operate. The wrinkled gambison underneath is damp with fresh sweat, despite the chill of the cavern.

In unhinging the armor, you get a closer look at it. There are symbols of multiple gods on it; Sarenrae's are simply the most prevalent. At at cursory glance, you can make out the bloody rose of Milani, among others.

During Tamako's explanation, Athelian absently watches where she points, but his expression doesn't indicate much in the way of comprehension. In the anticipation, the clarity of his focus seems to have receded back beneath the inexorable push of his physical shock. Nodding vaguely, he bites down of the proffered leather, his breath now passing through his angular nose.

Anevia glances at Aravashnial, then guides the blind man's hand to the boulder under which the Babau's other half remains. She speaks quietly,

"I'm going to help out; here's your staff. Just... Stay put."

before limping awkwardly towards the prone gathering, chased after by a derisive snort of Aravashnial's. Ignoring it, Anevia sits, placing her hands on Athelian's shoulders, pressing them gently to the ground, accommodating Sargyal's larger grip.

"Alright, big man... Gonna need you to lie still. Just look at that symbol and let the pretty lady do her work, alright?"

With a roving, unfocused look, the half-elf takes in the four surrounding him and takes in a deep, settling breath, before meeting Tamako's stare and nodding. Shifting his gaze to the holy symbol hanging about her neck, he clenches his jaw as the first stroke parts flesh.


Despite the seeming eternity of the moment, it took not even a quarter of an hour. Quiet now, his groans through the leather were nauseating, despite his attempts to repress them. Upon his side, Athelian rests, the earthen tones of his skin dangerously pale. The bandages exposed over the nub of his arm are lightly stained red; despite having briefly lost consciousness in the middle of the procedure, he, upon the full severance of the limb, was able to mostly mend the sundered flesh. Regardless, the hands of those directly involved are stained with him. The act was a bloody one and the cavern floor is slick with what he lost.

Slowly, delicately, he begins to refit his loosened armor with an ungainly, armored hand. It takes a few minutes, but, even without help, he has the cuirass re-tightened, the half crushed pauldron discarded. Fatigued, he nevertheless seems fit to travel, evidenced as he slowly forces himself to his feet, his awkward movements ungainly yet steady.

Aravashnial speaks, his hushed tones filling the silent chamber.

"T'would appear that Mister Kardiza and Gwerm have secured the chamber's circuit, considering their return. The former made some mention of two exits; now that the goodly knight's fate is decided, we should determine which angles up, for it would be most due to return to the surface."

Anevia, rubbing loose earth upon her hands to rid them of the quickly cooling blood, looks up and responds,

"At a glance, neither angle up nor down. Seems like a crap shoot."

2014-04-18, 07:33 PM
Tovenares hovers uncertainly near the now one-armed half elf. It's not like they'd ever met before, and she didn't actually do anything that helped him. It's not like she had right or reason to be protective of the man who is likely many years her senior and better suited to combat as well. If anyone was in a position to look out for him it was Tamako, who had certainly just saved his life. But Tovenares does feel protective and now she's simultaneously trying to assuage that feeling and appear aloof, a hard balancing act for anyone to pull off. The end result is that she'll stand close for a few moments, then wander away in a meandering fashion only to wander back some short time later. As a result she is near by when Anevia makes her declaration.

Whichever way we go, we should stick together the sorceress offers. We don't know what else might be down here...

2014-04-18, 08:57 PM
Um, ahem. Mister Ka... Kardiza, was it? Perhaps you would not mind my company. Snakes and what not. Can't leave the burden to you alone; might find yourself distracted or somesuch. Can't risk anything...

He wants to join me? I took him for more of a... sit down and boss people around sort of man.

Kardiza shrugs, not really hiding his surprise.

"What? No, not at all. The longest journey is that made alone, yes?" Kardiza says, laughing.

He spends the next several minutes walking the length and width of the cavern with Horgus. As they walk, Kardiza decides to make some small talk by regaling the lord with some Varisian folktales, most of them dealing with clever animals outsmarting predators. His chatter is kept low, lest he alert any potential enemies, but the caution turns out to be in vain.

Kardiza returns with Horgus in time to see the end of the grizzly surgery. He approaches Aravashnial and puts a hand on the man's shoulder to let him know he is there, then reports what he found... and what he didn't find.

"You are correct, lovely Anevia; both tunnels appear flat. I... do not know much of underground expeditions, but it makes sense to me that we may break into the catacombs of the church above if we have a careful look around, yes? That seems to me like our best chance to escape this place," Kardiza states, growing serious as he makes the suggestion.

Untrained as he is, the Varisian understands all the same that there is a time and place for levity, and it this is not it.

2014-04-18, 09:19 PM
Once the procedure is done Tamako stands slowly and takes a few steps back away from the bloody floor. She watches Athelian for a few moments, her face masked of any emotion. When he begins to put his armor back on she nods to no one in particular and walks to the other side of the boulder; to privacy. It is there her hands begin to shake and her body quakes. She lowers her head unceremoniously, her mouth expelling quick, sharp breaths.

That smell... I can't stand it.

The heavy smell of blood; of iron, fills the air in the cavern, leaving her mouth salivating and her stomach clenching into knots. Slowly, she copes with it, after only gagging once. Her breathing becomes regular and she stands back up. She looks down at herself. Her light-colored robes are covered in the red fluid. She wipes her hands on them, but some of the blood has dried already, leaving stains on her fingers. She looks at then for only a moment before walking back around the boulder and joining the others just as the half-elf stands. She watches him as the others speak, noticing the religious symbols in passing.

He seems to be doing well... so why do I feel guilty?

She looks away, not wanting to be rude.

If you were more skilled you could have done the surgery properly, maybe even saved his arm.

You are correct, lovely Anevia; both tunnels appear flat. I... do not know much of underground expeditions, but it makes sense to me that we may break into the catacombs of the church above if we have a careful look around, yes? That seems to me like our best chance to escape this place.

"W-we-" She coughs, attempting to hide the shakiness of her voice. "We can hold the torch up in front of both passageways." She picks up the torch lying on the ground. "If the flame flickers that is where the air is coming from and that is the best chance of getting out of here." She says, approaching the two tunnels, one at a time. After seeing no wind from either tunnel, she frowns. "These tunnels must be very large..." She says softly. "Anevia's assessment is accurate. In situations such as these... I favor the right." She looks back at the rest of the group. "We should not waste time. I am sure there are more demons down here we are not equipped to deal with." She waits to return the man his torch and stays near the back of the group once they start moving.

Knowledge: Religion on Milani [roll0]

2014-04-21, 01:03 PM
Kardiza watches passively, letting out his breath quietly in a small sigh when the torch offers no aid in their choice.

"Right. I suppose that would have been too easy..." he murmurs.

Kardiza looks over his companions. The injured would be better off in the middle of the group. They would need a guardian at the rear, but Tamako was already taking up a position there...

"Sir Luc, perhaps you should light up a second torch and stay with the injured, yes? I will take point. It is better that our strongest fighters not be the first to fall in ambush, I think," the Varisian says cheerfully, in a voice that belies his true nervousness.

Leading the way (preferably ten feet ahead of the rest of the group) down the right-hand tunnel;

Perception Check:

2014-04-21, 01:39 PM
During Kardiza's search of the previous cavern, Horgus is silent, only responding to the chatter with an occasional, "Hrmn," or, "Ah." He seems to be attempting to avoid the sounds of the surgery which, during the walk, are atrociously present, with Athelian's groans of pain echoing disorientatingly throughout.

When you call Anevia, "Lovely," she smirks in a somewhat bemused, if tired, fashion.


Inquires Aravashnial to Athelian, to which he responds in an exhausted, but respectful tone,

"Aye, sir?"

"I require additional healing. As does the Lady, I believe."

"Ah. Hold still."

Reaching to each, he touches them gently on the shoulder, his remaining arm heavy with the burden of his shield, hand clumsy. Each winces slightly with the touch of the divine magic, but relief quickly slides across their features.


"Yeah, thanks."

Athelian nods slightly, before slowly assuming his position in line.

"Act with care; I can employ that gift only a few more times before it is exhausted for the day.

The fissure leading into the right handed cavern is a tight fit for the party, but is relatively short; only fifteen feet forward deposits the limping group into the next chamber. A stone ledge juts out at a right angle upon the southern wall of this cavern, fourteen feet off the ground. The leather strap of a backpack hangs from the edge of the ledge, while above, a narrow fissure yawns up into the dark. Otherwise, a tunnel leads off into the dark on the opposite side of this cavern.

2014-04-21, 05:46 PM
Tovenares gets closer to the ledge with the backpack, magically flinging her little dancing lights upwards towards it.

For peering upwards, trying to get a better look


If she doesn't see anything, or if she sees a humanoid figure she calls out towards it Hello? Is anyone there?

If no one answers she raises both of her hands above her head and, with some magical exertion on her part, urges the backpack to lower itself down towards her.

The cantrip Prestidigitation allows for some minor telekinesis, so long as the bag is not too heavy.

2014-04-21, 06:55 PM
Though Kardiza's suggestion that he be relegated to 'guarding' the injured is not Luc's first thought nor favored course of action, the Varisian's deference and logic are enough to persuade him as he lights up a second torch. "I have three remaining." He says, in as non-committal a tone as to the remaining torches value or use as possible, changing the torch to his offhand and drawing his sword once more with the other. His shield he keeps loose on his arm bearing the torch, ready to be slung should need require, but for now the lingering aches and pains in his joints dissuade him from taking on too much extra weight or burden. His heavy morningstar remains slung behind his back, and he again finds himself regretting the loss of his steed, with whom much of his gear was stowed.

When Tovenares moves to retrieve the backpack, he makes no comment, remaining with the rearguard of the party, particularly the injured Anevia and impaired Aravashnial. The sergeant, Athelian, he regards with a measured gaze, the man's usefulness clearly not to be underestimated given his gift of healing, but Tovenares's voice draws him back towards the lead. "You should not call out so. Better to observe without saying lest you give yourself and us away to more demons." Luc's tone is curt, but not scornful.

2014-04-21, 08:27 PM
What appears to be a childlike hand is hanging over the ledge, near the pack. At your call, it does not stir.

The backpack's strap does slightly strain against the pull of your spell, but what must be the weight of the pack resists the tantalizing tug.

2014-04-21, 08:57 PM
Kardiza pauses in this chamber, eyeing the pack warily.

Beware the treasure you can see, for it is too oft a trap...

"Could be another survivor, perhaps? If anyone has a rope and grappling hook, maybe we should check it out? Every man is an army for us, at this point," Kardiza says, then glances awkwardly at Anevia and Tamako, "And woman, of course, heh heh. I meant no disrespect... Just a saying..."

His voice falters, but he continues eyeing the pack, fissure, and hand.

That looks almost like a... like a child, or a halfling, perhaps... But how am I going to get up there?

2014-04-22, 06:36 AM
Tovenares nods at Luc's suggestion and lowers her voice.

I think... There might be a child up there.

The ledge is not so tall. I'd be most of the way there, if I stood on the shoulders of one of the stronger men.

She turns her gaze to allow her to simultaneously indicate both Kardiza and Luc. Perhaps one of the two of you?

2014-04-22, 12:38 PM
Luc narrows his eyes, looking from the hand back to Tovenares, to Kardiza and back to their volunteer climber. Everything about the situation sat ill with him, and having to help someone clamber up on to the ledge was not the sort of exposure and delay they could afford at this moment, not when in all likelihood it was just a dead child. There was always the possibility it was something much worse however, or something else worse was waiting up on the ledge using the pack and body as bait, but these were hardly concerns he wished to voice in the moment. 'It would have been better if we had simply passed on without ever noticing.' He reflected grimly. Rather than being saddled with the demeaning task himself he turned to Kardiza.

"I'll watch your backs, make sure you have fair warning if something comes for us down the tunnel." Luc said, striding away a moment after to hold the torch's light up against the dark of the cavern, leaving no question as to who would have to help Tovenares up.

2014-04-22, 04:35 PM
Tamako looks ahead at the small hand and her chest tightens.

A child?

"Take care in getting him down..." She says, letting the rest of her sentence trail off.

...if he's alive.

She glances at Athelian and approaches him after a moment of hesitation.

"Sergeant Sek'Dathia de la Roche?" She asks, stepping around to his side.

It seems silly to ask how he's doing...

"You said you are part of the Flowers of the Dawn, correct? If I am not out of line for asking... why did you introduce yourself as part of that group?"

I heard they were wiped out...

2014-04-22, 04:55 PM
Kardiza shrugs at Sir Luc and moves to assist the woman in her climb. He crouches and holds out his hands, ready to assist her in getting onto his shoulders before lifting her up to the ledge.

Taking 10 on Aiding her Climb for a total of 13, which should grant a +2 bonus.

Just in case I'm not allowed to take 10 on the aid another, though...

2014-04-22, 05:04 PM
Athelian, having moved to the wall opposite the ledge and begun leaning against it for support, turns to face Tamako. His eyes have a glossy sheen to them, but he otherwise appears fine, given the circumstances.

His eyes narrow slightly at the question, but when he speaks, its with the same deference as he's maintained thus far,

"It is they that I am pledged to, ma'am."

2014-04-22, 05:10 PM
Tovenares frowns at Luc's back as he walks away, but that doesn't stop her from accepting Kardiza's help as she tries to climb up the wall.

She grows her fingers into long, claw-like things as before in a bid for more purchase, digging them into the wall its self where she can. Trusting the strength of her own arms (and that Kardiza is right below her) she attempts to hoist herself up over the cliff's face.

I'm assuming the +2 from Kardiza's assistance, but no bonuses from use of her claws (if Athelian decides to grant any)


2014-04-22, 05:28 PM
The surface of the wall, while slick and smooth, doesn't inhibit Tovenares' climb. Quickly ascended, she finds herself sharing a claustrophobically small precipice with what appears to be a quality backpack and an unconscious, human male youth. From her new vantage point, it becomes readily apparent that the fissure above is sealed maybe some fifteen feat upward by a large stone, blocking any potential escape.

2014-04-22, 06:46 PM
"O-oh." Tamako feels her pale cheeks redden. "I am so sorry. I meant no offense." She lowers her eyes and stares at the rocky ground. "I meant only that, well, I thought that that group had... disbanded." Her cheeks feel hot in the cool caverns they stand in.

Diplomacy check to improve his disposition towards Tamako[roll0]

2014-04-22, 07:20 PM
A flash of confusion passes over Athelian's features, before he clears his throat uncomfortably.

"It is... Fine? They have not. We were..."

He adjusts the cuirass of his armor with a wince,

"Slated to reinitiate recruitment during the week of Armasse, but..."

He trails off uncertainly, now looking vaguely over Tamako's shoulder.

"Well. Yes."

He trails off into an awkward silence.

"Hey! Is the kid alright?"

Anevia calls up, ignoring the awkward exchange.

2014-04-23, 12:16 AM
He's unconscious Tovenares responds, not much louder than is strictly necessary for the people below to hear her.

He doesn't seem to be bleeding. I could probably lower him down, if someone is willing to take him. Tov, in the mean time, casts her eyes over the boy and bag, muttering the words to a simple spell any sorceress worth her salt would know.

Casting Detect Magic.

2014-04-23, 02:56 AM
Sargyal, silent since the surgery in the previous cavern had kept an eye about the group. Trying to get some kind of read on each member of the ragtag group. It was obvious that none of them were of the order but even now he was hesitant to make himself known. Who knew who these people knew, and who they knew. Clouded by his own thoughts and suspicions, Sargyal was content to remain as a silent follower helper, at least until they were at a point where he could safely make his own escape. Looking up from his feet when the other began to make a commotion, he could see the small, limp form of a hand hanging off the edge of a precipice. Considering what they had seen in the previous cavern, Sargyal could say he was surprised at how quickly the others jumped at the chance of saving what could be nothing more than a child's severed hand or worse. Keeping an eye on the paladin for any obvious signs of complications he was witness to the exchange between the healer and her charge.

Coming up behind and stepping to the healer's side, he placed a hand on her shoulder. "It seems that your skills are needed again," he stated, motioning toward the sorceress on the precipice. "Luckily enough, they found a survivor."

2014-04-23, 08:15 PM
Wait, maybe I won't need to lower him down. He's got some magic on him... Let me see what.

Tovenares digs into the backpack that was next to the boy, looking for the items that caught her attention.

Spellcraft to identify the items in question.

2014-04-23, 10:17 PM
Tamako opens her mouth to say something, but freezes, stiff as a board, when the tiefling touches her.

It seems that your skills are needed again. Luckily enough, they found a survivor.

"Ah... yes. Okay."

She nods and moves swiftly to stand next to Kardiza.

"I am ready."

She notices the woman going through the child's belongings.

"That... is very rude." She says, her brow furrowing. "You pass him down here with his things."

strength check to lower him down safely when he is passed to her[roll0]

2014-04-23, 10:45 PM
Well he's got two potions. I thought maybe one was a healing potion so I could give it to him, but it's... Well, I guess it is a healing potion but not the kind you're thinking of. The spell is sometimes called Lesser Restoration? I don't know what the other one is.

It's funny, though. The stuff he's got in here. It's camping stuff - rations and oil. Tovenares tries to lower the young man down to Tamako as gently as possible. Careful, I don't want him to start bleeding again...

I don't know whether or not I need a Strength roll, but here one is.


2014-04-24, 11:57 AM
The boy stirs slightly at the handling and commotion, an almost-silent groan escaping his lips. It's obvious he's seen better days, but just as obvious that they weren't anytime recently. He wears a sleeveless green robe, open over earth-tone brown pants and shirt, with close-fitting black gloves where his cuffed shirtsleeves end. A dull red scarf is wrapped simply around his neck, hanging just below mid-chest. Everything he wears is heavily trailworn and in desperate need of a good scrub, as is the boy himself. The exposed skin between his gloves and sleeves, and along the base of his hairline are marked with unpleasant scars, wounds that never received the medical attention they should have in the days they were suffered. He's obviously malnourished, and what little muscle he has on his small frame is lean and tight, but he weighs considerably less than would be expected for one of his age.

He coughs weakly and mumbles one faint word before slipping again into unconsciousness.


2014-04-24, 12:19 PM
Alright, you got him? Good. I was worried I was going to drop him there for a second. I must be more tired than I thought I was. Tovenares chatters away quietly. When the boy is moved away from the edge she hooks his backpack over her shoulders and announces I'm going to come down now - there is no way out in this direction unless we can move several tons of rock. When Kardiza (or whoever wants to help) can get back into position she lowers herself down as gently as possible.

First, a climb check for Tov attempting to lower herself down carefully

If that fails, an Acrobatics check to soften her landing

If both of those fail I believe she ends up taking 1d6 nonlethal damage;

2014-04-24, 12:22 PM
Kardiza grunts as Tovenares climbs up off of him, onto the ledge above. He waits anxiously, especially after hearing that it is indeed a child who is, indeed, alive. He assists as needed in getting the boy down.

While everyone else turns their attention to the boy, Kardiza looks back up at the ledge where the woman from earlier is still perched.

"Your turn, my lady," Kardiza says, holding up his arms to catch her as she drops down, smiling a charming smile meant to reassure her that she is descending into good hands.

Take 10 to assist Tov in climbing down, if necessary.

Kardiza jerks, jumping when the boy speaks behind him. He half looks, but continues to focus his attention on getting the lady down from the ledge, first.

2014-04-24, 12:23 PM
Oops! I messed up my Acrobatics roll. Unfortunately you can't edit rolls into a post :smallannoyed: I understand it makes cheating harder, but it makes life more difficult when you mess up too!


Tov pauses a second when Kardiza addresses her as 'my lady' but, once she's mentally decided that he's not mocking her after all, the climb down goes smoothly and she mutters a quiet thank you when her feet are once again securely beneath her.

The rest - what to do with the boy, and where to go from here - is really up to the others.

2014-04-24, 02:18 PM
Athelian arches a thick, straight brow at Tamako's reaction to Sargyal, but doesn't say anything. Left alone from the woman's questioning, he closes his eyes, leans back against the cool, stone wall and allows himself a brief respite. But, as the call of a living child is announced, he starts wearily and moves past the Tiefling man, nodding to him in passing. Reaching the crowd surrounding the boy now being lowered to the ground, he waits patiently for a parting before he edges forward, slowly, awkwardly kneeling beside him. Looking over, but not touching the fitful young man, he speaks

"He... Does not appear to be injured. L... Likely shock, I am to think.

2014-04-24, 04:26 PM
"Then save the potions. The sooner we can get out of here the less potential need we'll have of them." Luc calls back in a curt, hushed tone over his shoulder whilst keeping a wary eye on the darkness ahead of them, torch raised high in one hand. "We've already spent enough time here, and if we're going to have an extra body to carry we should make as good a time as possible from here on out."

A hint of annoyance has crept into the young armiger's voice over the delay in their progress, though he bears not ill-will to Tovenares or the boy she has rescued, he fears it may be costly in both time and the extra body they must now care for against whatever other trials await them in this pit.

2014-04-24, 05:09 PM
Tamako gently lowers the boy to the ground, placing his head in her lap.

He is very light... too light. I wonder if he is an orphan.

As he stirs she places a gloved hand on his cheek.


"It is alright my son. You are safe. That is all you need worry about now."

She checks his pulse as he slips back into unconsciousness.

He... Does not appear to be injured. L... Likely shock, I am to think.

She nods as he kneels next to the boy.

"Ah, ye-"

Then save the potions. The sooner we can get out of here the less potential need we'll have of them. We've already spent enough time here, and if we're going to have an extra body to carry we should make as good a time as possible from here on out.

"Are you volunteering to carry him?" She asks, glancing back at him.

Heal check on the boy [roll0]

2014-04-24, 05:40 PM
"I'll carry him,"

Athelian interrupts, looking between the priestess and armiger, rather obviously attempting to head off any altercation,

"Uh, are you sure? You seem a little-"

"The Sergeant and Sir Luc are correct; we need to keep moving. As well, any of those capable of combat must remain unencumbered."

Anevia narrows her eyes at the Elven man, but keeps her remarks to herself. Steeling himself, Athelian takes a quick breath before reaching down and beginning to hoist the young man up,

"If someone could assist me getting him up...?"

2014-04-24, 05:46 PM
"That I will be happy to do, so long as you remain able." Speak Sir Luc, sheathing his sword and moving to where Tamako ministers to the boy, handing his torch to her before lifting him into both arms and assisting Athelian to keep the boy steady leaned forward over the sergeant's back. "Should you require relief, just say so. Let us hope the boy stirs and is able to make his way before we encounter any more difficulties."

Once Athelian is ready, Luc resumes his post as rearguard, drawing his blade and resuming his watchful gaze by torchlight, motioning for the others to fall in before him.

2014-04-24, 06:39 PM
If someone could assist me getting him up...?

Tamako's eyes widen in surprise as she looks at Athelian.

That I will be happy to do, so long as you remain able.

"Absolutely not!" Tamako exclaims, looking incredulous. She pushes the torch away. "I will carry him myself." She hoists him up onto her shoulder, being surprisingly gentle despite her anger.

"I expect you to keep his belongings safe." She adds, looking at the bag on the woman's shoulder. "Let us carry on."

str check to carry the boy: [roll0]

2014-04-24, 07:03 PM
I... Yes, of course I'll keep it all safe Tov sputters, impressed with the healer despite herself.

The matter settled for now, Tov takes to the group's head, her small balls of light floating around her as she leads everyone back to the cavern in which they began and then along their only other option.

2014-04-25, 02:28 AM
A look of surprise shoots across Athelian's weary features, having the young lad taken from him by the priestess, but seeing the group's decision moving forward rather abruptly, he shrugs once in Luc's direction before slowly forcing himself to his feet and back into his position in the line.

Maybe thirty feet down the narrow, dank passageway, the lights of Tovenares' orbs reveal another split in the tunnel; the first splitting off to the left, curving back in the direction towards the cavern wherein the party landed, the second, off to the right, further into the unknown.

"Looks like a split in the tunnel. Left looks like it's the other tunnel from the first cavern."

"Hm. Expediency would suggest that we press on."

"Agreed. I'm not really feeling exploring every nook and cranny of this God's forsaken hell hole."

Speaking up from behind Aravashnial and Anevia, Horgus suddenly starts,

"But, what if there is more equipment to be had down the unexplored tunnel? I will not leave behind supplies that could be the difference between life and death!"

"For fuc..."

Athelian sighs.

2014-04-25, 08:01 AM
Once the woman is safely down, Kardiza hangs back, uncertain of what he should be doing. He knows he's not particularly adept in combat. He is just about to offer to carry the lad when Athelian volunteers.

That makes sense. He won't get in anyone's way if he's looking after the boy... Kardiza thinks to himself, and is caught off guard by the priestess's mild outburst.

Immediately, he feels guilty, for both thought and hesitation. As they start moving again, Kardiza considers taking the boy from Tamako, until they reach the crossroads.

"I could take a quick look," he hears himself offer before he actually realizes what he is saying, "We know where it leads, and besides; there could be demons down that way, thinking of flanking us. Better to see the snake in the grass before making a picnic, yes?"

Kardiza looks at Tamako for the briefest moment, then lets his gaze run over each of the others, unsure of whose permission he actually needs.

"I... have some skill with stealth, as well. I won't be noticed, if there is a demon down there, and if there's nothing, at least we'll know and you won't lose time in escaping," the Varisian continues, allowing his eyes to rest on Athelian.

2014-04-25, 08:34 AM
As they continue on Tamako has no trouble carrying the boy. She has done her fair share of heavy lifting in the past and the boy is far from heavy. As they come to the crossroads she glances left, then right as the others start to speak.

But, what if there is more equipment to be had down the unexplored tunnel? I will not leave behind supplies that could be the difference between life and death!

Her brow furrows as she turns to look at Horgus Gwerm.

I... have some skill with stealth, as well. I won't be noticed, if there is a demon down there, and if there's nothing, at least we'll know and you won't lose time in escaping.

"There may be more survivors." She says, still looking at Gwerm. After a moment of holding his gaze she looks at Kardiza. "But our most important task is to get everyone here out first. If you can be fast, I think it is worth a look."

2014-04-25, 09:04 AM
Horgus, at Kardiza's volunteering, nods once,

"Bully! Onward, then, and make certain that your boot is properly secured; the already insufficient quality doesn't seem much helped by the number the Babau put upon them and we'd be best served if you did not trip over your own feet."

Despite his criticism, he's genuinely certain that he is offering the best of advice, key to the success of the mission. Aravashnial frowns, turning vaguely towards Kardiza's direction,

"If you are going, then, be quick about it."

Athelian is no longer matching anyone's particular gaze; eyes downcast, he carries about him an air of resignation and seems simply ready for the party to begin moving again.

2014-04-25, 10:31 AM
Oh Tov exhales when Horgus mentions Kardiza's shoes. You have a point. Here, so you're not making more noise than necessary...

She kneels next to Kardiza, mutters a word under her breath and the shoes begin to knit themselves back together.

Just using Mending :smallwink:

Once that is done she stands next to Athelian. My gifts do not extend to healing people - that's primarily the gods' work - but repairing things is a simpler matter.

2014-04-25, 12:22 PM
Tamako picks up a rock nearby, whispering a prayer quietly. "Light of the Dawn... let any evil who looks upon your light shy away in fear. Let any good feel salvation and redemption in your warming embrace. Sarenrae, show him the path through darkness." The light on her holy symbol fades and the small rock glows bright. After a moment she approaches Kardiza, holding out the rock for him to take. "May the Everlight guide you."

Casting light on a small rock

2014-04-25, 12:38 PM
"If you run into trouble . . . well, just be noisy about it, and you can count on me to come running." Luc nods with a bit of a grin, and a hint of admiration in his voice for Kardiza's willingness to head down the tunnel alone, in the dark.

True to his word, he sets his torch aside for the moment and slings his shield, readying himself if there be an urgent need for combat.

2014-04-25, 12:58 PM
Kardiza fumbles awkwardly as Tov kneels and fixes his torn up boot.

"Ah..." he notes, turning the redone boot, "She is as fine as the day I, er... acquired her. That is a wonderful trick; you could make a fine living as a cobbler if you wanted."

Kardiza winks at the woman and then turns as Tamako begins to pray. Hetakes the rock and smiles, bowing slightly.

"I thank you, lovely lady of light," Kardiza says to Tamako, then to Sir Luc, "And thank you. I will, er... be right back, yes?"

The Varisian takes jogs down the tunnel, taking care to step lightly. Once he is out of sight of his companions, Kardiza slows to a walk, beginning to move very slowly and quietly. He stops suddenly, pulls back his arm, and then hurls the rock as far ahead as he can, studying everything he can see as the light passes it.

Perception Check:

Once the rock hits the ground, Kardiza begins to move carefully toward the light, as soundlessly as possible. He strains his ears, taking in every sound, every wisp of air moving in these dank tunnels. He can't shake the feeling of dread creeping in on him the farther from his companions he moves. The sound of his heart pounding is a roar in Kardiza's ears.

Stealth check to move ten feet per round:
If result is less than 16, using 1/day ability to reroll stealth check:

Moving all the way to the light rock, then going to repeat the process until the entire area is explored, unless I come across a room or object or creature of note. Hopefully that makes sense...

2014-04-25, 02:00 PM
Athelian let's out a small, "Mm," in response to Tovenares' good natured quip.

The tunnel is surprisingly short. Having moved ten feet down it, you already come across a widening of the chute's walls, suggesting another cavern. After your toss, the stone sails through and lands relatively in the center of what appears to have once served as a campsite or temporary lair. A torn bedroll lies next to what appears to be the cold remains of a fire. A pile of bones, tattered equipment and rubble lies a mere five feet in front of you, at the edge of the light.

However, as the stone clatters down adjacent the fire, what appear to be two, dog sized insects erupted from the pile of refuse and rubble, skittering outwards towards the source of sound. Examining it, tentatively, they circle the center of the room, seemingly oblivious to your presence. You are fairly certain that they are some breed of gigantic cockroach.

The party, if watching, can actually watch Kardiza move down this small tunnel. Perhaps ten feet down it, he crouches, blending fairly successfully into the shadows he creates by throwing the stone further ahead of him. It clatters down in the middle of some kind of small cavern, the floor littered with... Stuff. Some of said stuff appears to be moving, but non threateningly.

There is the abandoned remains of a campfire, with a pile of refuse near Kardiza. Upon Kardiza's chucking of the stone, two cockroaches, approximately the size of wild dogs, erupt from the pile, then scurry after the stone. They seem unaware of Kardiza.

2014-04-25, 02:46 PM
Kardiza holds his breath. The giant insects don't seem to have noticed him yet, a fact for which he is grateful.

Those are some big cockroaches, even by my people's standards...

Kardiza looks at the pile of "stuff" in front of him.

I'm here for gear, too, right? Obviously there's no demons, or my two "friends" there wouldn't be so happy I'm here... I doubt there's any survivors here, either, otherwise they'd be...

Kardiza doesn't allow himself to finish the thought as he looks again at the giant insects.

Well... Here goes nothing.

The Varisian picks up another rock from the cavern ground, taking great care to be absolutely silent as he does so. Then he pulls back and throws it, just like the lit rock, aiming for a spot as far away from himself and the equipment as possible. Once the bugs are moving away, he hurries to the pile and rifles through it, stubbornly refusing to think about who these bones may have belonged to and whether or not they were a living person recently.

Bluff check to create a distraction:
Stealth check to go through the pile quickly and quietly before bugs return:
Perception check to find anything else worthwhile before withdrawing:

2014-04-25, 03:25 PM
The stone, slippery and damp, slips from Kardiza's fingers mid throw and makes an awkward arc high into the air, before landing directly at his feet with a resounding Clack.

The two insects, antennae twitching, wheel about from their circling of the deceased fire, slowly approaching the Varisian man, but seemingly unaware of his presence, even as he begins to sift through the pile of material.

You find:
A copper brooch of a bat perched upon a mushroom, its eyes some form of glittering, precious stone.
10 feet of badly frayed hemp rope
A bent fishhook
Three candle stubs

If you wish to keep any of this loot a secret, simply state what you pocket and make a sleight of hand check in your next post under spoiler tags.

As Kardiza fishes out the last of the items as quickly as he dares, the insects, whether prompted by the lack of sound emanating from the tunnel, a desire to return to their make shift hovel, or simple boredom, begin to leisurely return to their pile of garbage, from which the cagey rogue has already retreated and moved back to the party.

2014-04-25, 05:05 PM
Kardiza looks over the gear, hardly daring to breath. The cockroaches' approach nearly causes him to exclaim out loud, but something, some unknown, indescribable force, urges him to be silent and hold still. Kardiza freezes in place, not moving a muscle.

Stupid, stupid! They will find me and make me one with their dinner. Not how I wanted to go...

Just like that, though, the moment is passed. The bugs have moved past Kardiza in their search. Quickly, quietly, he feels around in the pile. It all feels like detritus until -

What is that?

Something hard. Solid. Valuable. It has to be. The Varisian can feel it in his gut as he removes the little brooch from the pile.

What have we here?

Kardiza stares at the little thing, strangely drawn to it. The eyes - some sort of precious stones, though he can't tell quite what they are.

It could be mine. The others need not know I found it... I could just pocket it, and no one would ever know. Hell, they probably wouldn't mind. Finders keepers, right? It's not like it's any kind of equipment.

Kardiza stares longingly at it.

But I'm here to overcome that, remember? No more greed. No more stealing. I just met some people who could define my career here. I could actually do it; actually become a hero! I can't throw that away over a... just a stupid little brooch.

The eyes gleamed at the Varisian, twinkling cruelly in the darkness.

Besides... they're not too far away. They might still be back there, waiting. They could see... they might notice. They'd never forgive me... If I'm going to slip, it can't be now. Not yet.

Kardiza's eyes widened as he realized what he was thinking. He stared at the hateful little brooch, and the eyes stared delightedly back. He could feel the judgement in those eyes, the cruelty, the temptation.

It'd be so easy...

The sound of the cockroaches returning causes Kardiza to tuck the brooch away, instinctively slipping it into his vest as his legs carry him away from the pile. The cockroaches skitter right past him as he slips through the shadows, following his memory toward the party he'd left behind.

Once he's reunited, "There was nothing. No survivors, no horse, no demons, no intersections, no equipment... Just a pair of really big bugs and..."

Kardiza hesitates for a long moment, then reaches into his pocket and withdraws the brooch, nearly throwing it at whoever is closest to him.

"This. Whoever wants it is welcome to it," he snaps, then starts forward down the tunnel, unwilling to talk about it, "Shall we, then?"

2014-04-25, 06:04 PM
At Kardiza's sharp, cutting tone, the boy jolts awake, his eyes flying open, darting around the room even as he starts swinging, doing his best to clock Tamako square in the jaw as he thrashes to free himself from her arms.

"Gg...NNNOO!" he snarls furiously, throwing all of his feeble strength into the reckless attack. "LET GO OF ME!!"

2014-04-25, 07:31 PM
Hey! Tovenares starts at the boy's sudden outburst, and rushes forward to help Tamako.

Stop it! Stop it! She tries first to restrain him, and then to calm him down.

[roll0] (This also provokes an Attack of Opportunity if Eiketsu's character is considered armed for some reason)

2014-04-25, 07:35 PM
There was nothing. No survivors, no horse, no demons, no intersections, no equipment... Just a pair of really big bugs and...

"Ah, that is a relief. Should we...?" She stops mid-sentence, sensing something amiss. She starts as he tosses the broach at her, barely catching it with her one free hand.

This. Whoever wants it is welcome to it. Shall we, then?

"What is..." She glances down at the piece of jewelry, it's eyes gleaming in the light. Before she can react further the boy starts moving. She moves to try to let him down, realizing he's scared. "It's okay, calm-" He smacks her in the jaw, making her drop him to the ground in surprise. She raises her hand to her face. It didn't hurt much, but it surprised her all-the-same.

"I-its alright." She says to the woman. "He's just scared."

2014-04-25, 07:41 PM
The boy glowers darkly at Tovenares as she rushes forward, reading a solid kick to her forward knee, a feral madness flashing in his eyes.

"I-its alright." She says to the woman. "He's just scared."

In an instant his attention shoots back to Tamako, seething murderously and bellows, "I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU!!" and turns to charge her once more, his split attention and muddled daze leaving him all but unaware of Tovenares at all anymore, giving her the perfect opening.

2014-04-25, 08:18 PM
I'm not going to hurt him, but he needs to shut up because we don't know what else is down here Tovenares hisses, as much to the boy as to Tamako.

Listen kid, we've already had to fight off one demon this evening. Calm down and I can let you go, then if you want to leave you can.

2014-04-25, 08:25 PM
The kid's spiteful glower could curdle milk through six feet of lead, but his struggles slowly abate, an acknowledgement of his defeat.

"What are you talking about? What happened?! he demands, his legs still thrashing, though most of the fight had apparently gone.

2014-04-25, 08:28 PM
Shhhh Tovenares reminds the new kid, but then goes on to answer his questions.

The festival was attacked. We got trapped underground and we're looking for a way out. She releases him, then swings his pack off of her shoulders and offers it to him. We found you unconscious on a ledge, so I climbed up and lowered you down. That lady you just hit is a priestess, and has been nice enough to carry you the last few minutes while you were in shock.

2014-04-25, 08:32 PM
The kid glowers sullenly for a few moments at Tovenares' words, casting a guilty glance toward Tamako, but saying nothing. He looks at the proffered pack, a bit confused.

"Th..." he begins, "...That isn't mine."

2014-04-25, 08:37 PM
Oh? It was with you... Tovenares returns the bag to her shoulders, content to leave it at that.

We're looking for a way out. Right now, we think our best bet is that way. She thumbs in the direction they were headed. You can come with us. Truthfully, there weren't many other options.

2014-04-25, 08:46 PM
Tamako lets her hand fall from her face and rest over her holy symbol as the boy attempts to charge at her.

I'm not going to hurt him, but he needs to shut up because we don't know what else is down here.

"Ah... yes."

She listens as the woman explains the situation.

She is right... this area is dangerous. Sarenrae's blessings are limited. What were you going to do if Kardiza brought back a group of people hurt like Athelian? You barely made it through that.

Th...That isn't mine.

That means someone else was lost to the cave-in or demons...

She lets out a resigned sigh.

"I guess you can keep the supplies then." She says to the woman, her tone a bit colder then she meant it to be. She looks to the boy. "You should travel with us. It is the safest way."

2014-04-25, 09:41 PM
The boy's expression never wavers. Narrow eyes and a deep scowl seem almost permanently affixed upon his demeanor.

"You're just as lost as I am!" he grumbles. "I don't even know who you people are. By the Wound, why would you even want another liability like some kid traipsing around with you, huh? Who's to say there even is a way out of here? What if this is it, and you're all just wasting your time looking for a way out that isn't even there?" Heedless of the prior warnings he'd been given, the kid's voice had risen again, frustration and anger in equal measure fueling his mini-rampage.

"You don't need me. And...and I sure as hell don't need you! I have all the traveling company I need. Company I can actually TRUST!" He shoots a narrow-eyed glare at Tovenares, but says nothing else, glowering sullenly once more.

2014-04-25, 10:13 PM
Tovenares frowns unhappily.

Well we're going this way, in case you change your mind.

She indicates the corridor again, then starts moving confidant (or uncaring) that the others will follow her and her gently bobbing light sources.

2014-04-26, 05:54 AM
Upon the boy's initial outburst, Athelian wheels around, his bronzed, circular shield raising upwards in a flash. Yet, the sudden motion destabilizes him some but, after a quick step to catch himself, he strikes and awkward en garde. Simultaneously, Aravashnial barks,

"Wh-What's Happening?! Are we under attack?!"

his hand flying from under his robes, brandishing a wand, before Anevia's own quick grasp catches him by the forearm, interrupting as she speaks sharply,

"It's just the kid! He woke up; we're okay, 'Vash!"

As the struggling and increasingly hushed argument between the two women and the boy continue, Athelian releases a harsh breath exasperatedly, his face showing some significant strain at the start, as Aravashnial's features pinch in distaste while he yanks his arm free of Anevia's guiding grasp,

"My name is Aravashnial and we will not be, 'okay,' if such obscenity continues. Boy,"

he says, turning his blinded features towards the approximate origin of the boy's venom, as Tovenares begins to lead the way into darkness,

"I am the ranking military officer here and you will accompany us and you will keep silent unless otherwise prompted. Now, fall into line before Sir Luc here and keep silent."

The words leave him with the clarity of a soldier experienced and, though his hand gesture vaguely indicates the space adjacent the individual supposedly named, 'Sir Luc,' his tones suggests a finality to the discussion before he wheels around and rather confidently strides after the retreating figure of the Sorceress.

Awkwardly, Athelian steps out of the way of the man, his gaze not leaving the boy. The one-armed man, though not exceptionally tall, possesses a certain gravity as he silently watches the boy, perhaps weighing him, before, having come to some unspoken conclusion, turns to follow the blind elf.

Anevia watches the moving party disappear ahead of her before turning to the boy and saying quietly,

"Look, kid, there's some nasty **** in these tunnels; it's best not to go alone. Stick with us and we'll get each other out of here, yeah?"

The short haired woman ends the reassurance with a tired smile and the hint of a wink, before moving to follow the others. Assuming he follows, she continues quietly, her words punctuated by her limp,

"So, what's-your name?"


About twenty five minutes pass, traveling through the dark. During the journey, massive, but distant reverberations echo through the stone, dislodging motes of sand and dust, threatening to collapses thousands of tons of stone down upon the travelers' heads. The cold, damp stone of the tunnel's walls reflect poorly the torches' flickering light, the older of the two now sputtering, nearing the end of its life. Slow, has the progress been of the party; despite her initial optimism, Anevia is by far the slowest member of party and the knowledge of it has soured her disposition over the past half hour. Her lips a thin line, cold sweat dripping down her brow, she has attempted to move as quickly as she can throughout the unbranching tunnel, but the injury to her leg simply forbids it.

Though accommodating Anevia, Athelian is not moving much faster; weighed down by his armor and clearly suffering from the loss of so much of his blood previously, the sergeant is pale to a worrisome degree, though his breath has remained a slow constant. Eyes focused on the space before his next step, he has been doggedly silent throughout the journey, seemingly conserving his strength.

Horgus has made a single comment about the party's speed, thus far, but has otherwise managed to keep himself restrained.

Ahead of you, the path curves to the right, into darkness. On the left hand wall, there is a small, five foot wide opening in the stone, from which emanates a sickly, pale green light. Upon approaching and looking, there appears to be some kind of structure in the cavern revealed through the opening.

2014-04-26, 07:34 AM
Tamako silently watches the rest of the group from the back. Most of the time her eyes focus on Athelian or Anevia, a mixture of concern and frustration on her face.

He needs to remove his armor. He is straining his body too much. He doesn't need the extra stress right now. And her... she needs to stay off of that leg. It could very well swell to the size of a coconut.

She looks down, seeing again, the tattered remains of her robes.

Ideally they would both be in stretchers right now.

She folds her arms.

But the situation is not ideal is it?

She unfolds her arms and frowns.

So focus on what you can do. You cannot get them in stretchers and I doubt either one of them would let themselves be carried. So have Athelian take off his armor. Say something. It is easy, like this: 'Athelian, you are looking a bit weak.' No, no, not like that. 'Athelian, you are straining yourself unnecessarily. You must take off your armor.' See? Even that sounds strange.

She looks back up at him.

Even so, it must be done.

"Ath-" Her voice barely comes out in an inaudible whisper. She looks at the ground again.

Okay, figure out what you are going to say first. Let us go over it. You are injured. You need to...

2014-04-26, 08:04 AM
Tovenares stops suddenly at a five-foot opening in the cavern wall to her left.

(ooc: Is the green light enough to see by?)

2014-04-26, 09:03 AM
Kardiza watches the entire spectacle with the child wordlessly. Normally, he'd have some clever turn of phrase or bit of Varisian wit to offer, but his mood is still sour, and the need to speak never strikes him. Once everyone is again moving, he falls in line.

Anevia's pace isn't lost on the Varisian, and he starts to move back to help her when he recalls her earlier pride.

That is a woman who doesn't respond well to assistance...

Instead, Kardiza does the next best thing he can think of. He slows his own pace to walk beside the proud woman, smiling briefly at her as walks next to her, but saying nothing. He keeps his distance from the child, unsure of how to act or speak to the boy, especially given the earlier display.

Once the group comes to a halt, Kardiza walks forward to investigate.

2014-04-26, 09:58 AM
The boy's expression darkens further at Aravashnial's words, vitriol on his lips.

Σταματήστε! Δεν περισσότερους εχθρούς!

But. Dammit! They just...

Είναι αυτό που είναι. Δεν είναι εχθροί.

Anevia's approach catches him off guard, but his expression relaxes at bit at her less confrontational posture.

"My name is..."


He gives a small nod. "Raf. Call me Raf," he responds quietly. "And you?"


Reluctantly, isolated even among the crowd, the boy called Raf follows. His eyes constantly rove from his traveling companions to the caverns around them, taking in everything he can with the kind of attention that only comes from a healthy, deep-seated paranoia.

2014-04-26, 11:37 AM
Luc rolls his eye and speaks out in support of Aravashnial in the matter of the boy, doing his best to resist the urge to knock him back into unconsciousness. Ever since the fight with the Babau ended, his nerves have begun to wear, especially with the efforts certain members of the party seem to have made that has slowed their progress out of these depths, but the overall languid pace which is the result of their wounded proves all the more grating. With Kardiza still in the lead and Luc acting as rearguard he has trouble restraining himself from simply moving on past the, his tenuous loyalty for Aravashnial strained and all chivalrous sentiments for Anevia nearly exhausted as he considers it might be worth the increase in pace if he were to simply sling her over his shoulder (if only he could keep her leg out harm's way in the process) and press on all the faster. Instead, he projects his resentment mostly onto the two newest additions to their small band of survivors, shifting his gaze between Raf and Athelian with equal parts suspicion and displeasure.

When the group comes to a halt, it is a welcome relief if only for distracting him from his increasing inner bitterness and so Luc moves forward to beside Kardiza, shouldering past Raf as he does so. "What is it?" he asks of both him and Kardiza, rather pointedly.

2014-04-26, 11:49 AM
Emanating from a hole in the side of the tunnel to the left, a sickly, pale green light shines outwards, casting everything it touches in an unhealthy hue. Looking through the tunnel reveals a squat, bunker like structure.

You're both fairly certain that building therein is a chapel dedicated to Torag.

It is a smaller cavern, tautly wrapping about the bunker like structure's exterior. The front doors are somewhat ajar.

The lady, during the walk, responded, "M'name's Anevia. Stick close, Raf.

2014-04-26, 12:30 PM
Perhaps it was revealed when the earth shifted? Tov offers, unsure of what to make of what she's seeing.


2014-04-26, 12:38 PM
"A chapel, perhaps a place of respite for us and our wounded for the moment." Luc says, trying his best to judge what such a place should be doing here in these catacombs. A portion of the old city perhaps? A remnant from dwarven tunneling? Neither seem likely based on what little he knows but all the same, it seems to him a much more valuable place to investigate than their previous pauses.

Knowledge Religion to identify the temple positively and any relevant information:

2014-04-26, 02:07 PM
Nothing under Arcana serves to be related, but you are fairly certain the light is symptomatic of some form of Desecration effect. Likely not harmful to you all, but positively aligned divine magic would be inhibited if used against undead in its radius.

You are certain that this building is dedicated to Torag. Other than that it is not uncommon for the Father of Creation to have chapels underneath the earth dedicated to Him, you do not glean much else.

2014-04-26, 02:09 PM
Tamako moves forward to join the others, saving her speech for some time later.

"Ah, that is a chapel to Torag." She says confidently, though she looks puzzled as she studies the green light. "That light is odd though..."

Knowlegde religion on Torag: [roll0]

2014-04-26, 02:13 PM
"Torag? The Dwarf god? That doesn't make sense, this whole area is oozing with desecration magic - the kind used to bolster the Undead."

2014-04-26, 02:26 PM
Tamako's mouth forms into a thin line and she draws her scimitar. "That leads me to believe several things; someone is down here creating abominations... and that there must be an exit for them to use nearby." All of her past shyness seems to dissolve with the drawing of her weapon. She looks back at the others. "We cannot split ourselves. We must move as one, but we must do it carefully and quietly."

2014-04-26, 02:38 PM
"Why should a chapel to the god of dwarves being found underground be odd?" Luc begins, only to go wide eyed at Tovenares' revelation of desecration magic. "Unless it is a demon trapped down here with us . . . still, we cannot allow it to go unabated or we may find ourselves pursued all the sooner, especially at the snail's pace we have made thus far."

Drawing his blade beside Tamako, he regards the state of their party and narrows his gaze. "No, we must leave those who cannot fight here, if only so that they might have a chance at escape should things otherwise go poorly. Sgt Athelian, Sir Aravashnial, I'm sure you will agree."

2014-04-26, 02:52 PM
Aravashnial, in response to Luc's pointed prompt, purses his lips somewhat, but nods. Athelian shrugs his shield a little higher onto his arm before speaking,

"I still possess some defensive divine blessings to employ. If you believe it advisable, I can stay at the perimeter of any engagement and, should it necessitate, move in to intervene."

Anevia, prompted by Athelian, draws her bow a nocks an arrow to its still tautly wrapped string,

"Regardless of 'advisable', Big Man, I'll be covering you from the cavern mouth. Just keep your head down."

2014-04-26, 03:16 PM
With her spectral armor still glowing slightly about her person Tovenares extinguishes her little floating balls of light - the better not to draw attention - and moves forward into the cavern at the head of the party.


Position: On or around D10

2014-04-26, 05:41 PM
"We do not know what still lurks in these caves. Something could come from behind and flank us. Leaving the wounded to fend for themselves is callous."

She meets Luc's gaze, not defiantly, but with genuine concern over the others.

I still possess some defensive divine blessings to employ. If you believe it advisable, I can stay at the perimeter of any engagement and, should it necessitate, move in to intervene.

"If it comes to that... do what you must, but do not strain yourself. I..." She hesitates for a moment, wanting to say something more. "You should stay with Anevia." She finally concedes.

That is the best chance to keep you out of harm's reach.

Her gaze falls on the boy. She struggles for a moment with something she wants to say, but speaks softly after a moment of deliberation. "Raf is your name? Mine is Tamako. Stay safe." She turns and follows after the woman lines in furs.

Moving to E10
Initiative: [roll0]

2014-04-26, 06:11 PM
Kardiza's usual smile is missing.

I don't like leaving the wounded to guard the wounded... Not to mention a child. This seems wrong.

Despite his misgivings, Kardiza understands that he is not in a position to argue. He draws his sword again, slowly, so as not to make a sound, then follows after the others. Kardiza moves past both women to take a position beside the door, sword at the ready. He prepares himself to rush inside once someone opens the door. Someone, he assumes, with heavier armor and a bigger weapon. The Varisian gestures for Sir Luc to go ahead, this time smiling his usual smile, as if to say, "You lead the way, yes?"

Kardiza moves to C7.

2014-04-26, 11:40 PM
Aravashnial's stoic assent and Anevia's bawdy defiance give Luc reason enough to smile for the first time since they departed the cavern's exit. "You're assistance is welcome, milady." He says, sure to accentuate the final word before turning to address Tamako.

"We will be that much more secure whatever is in these tunnels the sooner we dispatch any potential threats before us, rather than worrying about what might be behind." He says, but given she is not a soldier he sounds much more like a proctor or prefect giving a lecture than someone giving orders. "Do as you wish to redress your concerns for the wounded, and I will see to mine own duties."

Joining Kardiza towards the entrance, he returns the casual smirk with a haughty grin of his own as he brandishes sword and shield and takes his place across from him at the door. In response to his gesturing to lead on, he checks the door first listening at it, and then pressing his weight against it slowly, to test it's integrity and whether it seems to be barred or locked or otherwise restrained.

Move to C, 8 directly in front of the door, then to check the door and listen inside.

2014-04-27, 12:46 PM

Yeah, I know. But...are you alright? That fall...

Είμαι εδώ.


The kid darts an eye to Anevia. "Keep an eye out, would you? I can get us a little bit of backup."

He steps a bit away from here and kneels to the ground, closing his eyes and murmuring quietly.

μπορώ να σας καλέσει μια φορά
να σταθεί πριν θάλαμο σας

μπορώ να σας καλέσει δύο φορές
να σταθεί πριν από το σκοτάδι

μπορώ να σας καλέσει τρεις φορές
να σταθεί πριν από το τέλος όλων των πραγμάτων

για μένα
κηδεμόνα μου

With a shimmer of soft, gray light parting the air, a lone figure steps into being before the boy. Standing just under seven feet tall, wrapped in a likewise-gray cloak and cowl with a faded golden mane of blond hair spilling from it, the figure is garbed in ancient, archaic style and carries a massive sword of similarly outdated design. He reaches down one hand to help the boy to his feet, and assumes an obviously defensive posture alongside him.

"Είμαι εδώ."

"Yeah. Yeah, you are."

He looks to Anevia once more, the faintest shadow of a smile behind his dark, golden eyes. "Backup."


Yeah, I know. But...are you alright? That fall...

Είμαι εδώ.


The kid darts an eye to Anevia. "Keep an eye out, would you? I can get us a little bit of backup."

He steps a bit away from here and kneels to the ground, closing his eyes and murmuring quietly.

I call you once
To stand before your ward

I call you twice
To stand before the darkness

I call you thrice
To stand before the end of all

To me
My guardian<

With a shimmer of soft, gray light parting the air, a lone figure steps into being before the boy. Standing just under seven feet tall, wrapped in a likewise-gray cloak and cowl with a faded golden mane of blond hair spilling from it, the figure is garbed in ancient, archaic style and carries a massive sword of similarly outdated design. He reaches down one hand to help the boy to his feet, and assumes an obviously defensive posture alongside him.

>"I am here."<

"Yeah. Yeah, you are."

He looks to Anevia once more, the faintest shadow of a smile behind his dark, golden eyes. "Backup."

2014-04-27, 01:18 PM
As the crowd readily disperses into the next cavern, a faint buzz can be noticed, just at the edge of hearing. As Luc and Kardiza rush to the door, settling up adjacent its singular entrance, the buzzing intensifies to almost an overbearing drone, before its source can become evident:

A monstrous fly, the size of a man, alights on the top of the chapel from behind the structure's rear. Twitching, its features drip with a revolting ooze, its multifaceted eyes shifting from potential meal to potential meal, afore it crawls onto the side of the building, directly above Luc.

Giant Fly

As well, the Fly is one square above Luc, not sharing his square.

With a lunge, it's dripping, oozing maw snaps down at Luc, catching purchase on his right shoulder, the blunt trauma compressing the armor and deeply bruising the muscle and flesh underneath.

You take 5 damage.

2014-04-27, 01:30 PM
"Gah!" Kardiza exclaims, unable to help himself as he sees the giant fly reach down and attack Sir Luc.

For a moment, he can do naught but stare in revulsion, until suddenly his survival instinct kicks back in. The fly, perched on the wall where it is, is just within reach of the Varisian's scimitar. Kardiza stabs upward with his sword, trying to stab out the monstrous insect's ugly oozing eye.

Attacking with scimitar:

2014-04-27, 07:09 PM
Tamako surges forward at Kardiza's cry, slicing at the giant insect above Luc. She cringes at the sight of it's gaping maw, oozing who knew what vile fluid.

What is this thing doing down here?! Is this some form of demon?

Moving to C9, attacking fly: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Not sure if I'm flanking, but if I am add another +2

2014-04-29, 08:30 AM
The kid's everpresent glower fades into a neutral expression, his sharp eyes quickly taking in the scene around them.

"Turtle up, big guy. I'm sure Sir Grumpy wouldn't want us cramping his style."

सुरक्षित, मेरे दोस्त हो

With a few muttered words and sharp, distinct hand gestures from the boy, a globe of opalescent armor envelops his companion, slowly compressing around him, reforming into a gleaming suit of pearly white, faintly glowing platemail. In response, the imposing warrior readies his massive blade, prepared to defend the boy.

Raf: Casting Mage Armor on Krísi̱
Krísi̱: Hold Action/Defensive Stance

2014-04-29, 05:46 PM
Tovenares narrows her eyes at the insectoid creature's appearance and, following the suite of missed strikes against its twitchy hide, she seems to come to a decision. Rushing forward and darting behind the Armiger's cover, she cries out in some archaic, disjointed language, her words commanding the fabric of reality before, in an explosion of multicolored light, reality obeys.

Overcome by the wash of prismatic light, the fly, twitching and frothing at the mouth, collapses, falling onto and bouncing off of the Armiger's shield, before landing in an undignified heap at his feet, seemingly unconscious.

2014-04-30, 01:13 PM
Oddly calm given the situation, Sargyal begins to walk. Watching the others jump to action as soon as the fly came down on the knightly fellow, Sargyal picked up his pace to a jog toward the creature. The others were quicker than him to react this time but even if he had been able to attack the creature he could say with ease that he was not suitably equipped to be much more than a nuisance. Even so, he would simply have to make due with what he had, being a particularly well made boot. As the sorceress' strange mutterings and explosion of color caused the fly to collapse to the ground and twitch uncontrollably, Sargyal passed closely by Tamako with a curt, "Move." before settling between the sorcerress and the cleric. A strange metallic, swishing could be heard before a glint of sickly green light bounced off the well-kept dagger that jutted from the boot's toe. Sargyal brought his foot back and viciously kicked at the fly, attempting to land the blade inside the thrashing creature with a grunt.

Move to B-9
Swift Action to arm Blade Boot
Attack Roll + Power Attack: [roll0]
Damage Assuming a Hit: [roll1]

2014-05-01, 02:17 AM
Spluttering with rage and pain after having been mauled by the monstrous vermin, Luc feels, more than sees the thing fall to the ground before him, and rather than waiting for anything else, stomps his spurred and booted foot heavily into the bloated mass of the creature's exoskeleton, pinning it's unconscious form to the cave floor and grinding it beneath his tread before putting both hands on the hilt of his sword and driving it down at the frontmost section of it's thorax, using his boot for leverage and putting his weight against the cross-guard of his blade in an effort to rend the vile creature's head in twain.

Dropping shield as a free action and switching to two-handed grip on my longsword.
Coup de Grace against the unconscious giant fly: