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View Full Version : D&D 3.x Class The Gravi-Blade [WIP]

2014-03-19, 09:42 PM
Class skills: Balance, Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Geography, Nature), Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble.
Hit die: d10
Skill points: 4+Int mod (x4 at first LVL)
Abilities: Strength is the most important, as it allows the Gravi-blade to deal more damage and hit his enemies easier. Next comes Wisdom, as it is the prime ability for the Gravi-blade's abilities.
Races: Gravi-Blades are usually found in those with bonuses to strength, such as Orcs and Half-Orcs. However, they are found in all races.
Alignment: Gravi-blades can be of any alignment, and none is found more than any other.
Starting Gold: 5d6x10
Starting Age: As Fighter


Gravity Control, Heavy Weapons

Lead Weight, Lighter Armor

Self Gravitation

Greater Lighter Armor

Improved Gravity Control, Gravitational Strength

Bonus Feat, Gravity Throw

Improved Heavy Weapons


Heavy Charge

Greater Gravity Control, Gravitational Strength Improvement, Weightless Weapons

Selective Gravity

Heavy Power attack

Meteor Pull

Greater Heavy Weapons

Directional Gravity, Gravitational Strength Improvement

Bonus Feat


Greater Heavy Charge, Dead Weight


Gravitational Strength Improvement

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A gravi-blade is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) but not with shields.

Gravity Control (Su): At 1st level a gravi-blade gains the ability to manipulate gravity to weigh down his foes. As a standard action he may target a single creature within 40 feet that he can see, this creature makes a fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 gravi-blade level + Wisdom modifier) or is considering to be under a heavier load, one category higher than it is currently (see Carrying Capacity, a creature without any equipment or armour is under a light load by default) to a maximum of a heavy load. At 10th level, this ability increases the creatures effective load by two categories, and a successful saving throw merely reduces the increase to one category instead of negating the ability, still to a maximum of a heavy load in both cases. A gaseous or incorporeal creature is immune to this ability. The Gravi-Blade can use and maintain this ability for a number of rounds equal to 3+his Gravi-Blade level+his Wisdom Modifier.

Heavy Weapons (Ex): A Gravi-blade can increase the weight of his weapons as he strikes. Treat all melee weapons as one size category larger for the purposes of damage. This increases to 2 size categories larger at 7th level, and increases by 1 for every 7 levels after.

Lead Weight (Ex): A Gravi-blade can increase his own weight. At 2nd Level, treat the Gravi-blade as one size category larger for the purposes of bull rushes, overruns, and grapple checks made against him. This increases to 2 size categories larger at 10th level.

Lighter Armor (Ex) At 2nd Level, the Gravi-blade can ignore the movement speed reduction for medium armor. In addition, all check penalties are reduced by 2. At 4th level, he can wear heavy armor without movement penalty, and all check penalties are reduced by 4.

Self Gravitation (Su): At 3rd level, the Gravi-blade can give himself immense gravity. He can, as a standard action, move all creatures in a 30 ft radius 5 ft towards him. A Fortitude save, DC 10+1/2 the Gravi-blade's level+the Gravi-blade's wisdom modifier, negates this effect. At 8th level, he moves all creatures 15, and the save reduces this movement to 5 feet. He may use this ability an equal amount of rounds equal to 1/2 his Gravi-blade level (Minimum 1)+his Wisdom Modifier.

Gravitational Strength: 5th level, from exposure to high gravity, a Gravi-blade's strength is heightened, and thus he can add more strength to his blows. Raise his multiplier for damage due to strength by 0.5. (One handers do 1.5 Str, two handers do 2.0, etc.) At 10th level, and every 5 thereafter, raise it by another 0.5.

Gravity Throw: A Gravi-blade use gravity to throw his weapons. The weapons have a range of 10 feet+5 feet per 2 Gravi-blade Levels. They automatically return to his hand the beginning of his next turn, and he can make multiple attacks of this sort if his BAB allows, assuming he has the Quick Draw (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Quick_Draw) feat and has enough weapons to make these attacks. If the character's hands are full, the weapons return themselves to their normal storage places, such as a sheath, if accessible.

Antigravity (Su): A Gravi-blade can fly. The fly speed is 20 feet+5ft every Gravi-blade level. This is at Average maneuverability, then Good at 13th level, then Perfect at 17th Level.

Heavy Charge (Ex): At 9th level, a Gravi-blade learns how to add more weight to his charges. He adds d4s equal to his level/2 to his damage when he charges. This increases to d6s at 14th, and d8s at 19th level. This bonus can only be applied once per turn.

Weightless Weapons: A Gravi-blade of 10th level or higher can cause his weapons to float free of gravitational restraints. He/she can give any weapon he uses the Dancing property. he can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to 1/2 his class level+his Wisdom modifier.

Selective Gravitation (Ex) When using any Gravi-blade ability that targets an area, the Gravi-blade may leave out a number of squares equal to his Wisdom Modifier.

Meteor Pull (Su) A Gravi-blade can, as a standard bring 3 small meteorites down from the sky, causeing them to land on his enemies. These do 1d6/level damage to one square per meteorite, and half that to adjacent squares. A DC 10+Gravi-blade Level+Wisdom Modifier reflex save does half damage. This only works outdoors, and can be used a number of times/day equal to the Gravi-blade's Wisdom Modifier. This ability tends to be very imprecise, and thus no meteorite can land within 10ft of another.

Directional Gravity: When a Gravi-blade uses his Self-Gravitation power, he may move the creature in any direction he wants, provided it's in a straight line.

Dead Weight (Su): At 17th level, a Gravi-blade's mastery over gravity has reached the height of its power. as a standard action, a gravi-blade can increase the gravity upon a creature within 50 feet so much that the creature is crushed from all the weight, and dies. A Fortitude save, DC 10+1/2 the Gravi-blade's level+the Gravi-blade's Wisdom modifier, negates the effect, but still takes 5d6 damage. A creature affected by this who makes the save is immune to this ability for 24 hours. A Gravi-blade can use this ability 1/day, and one additional time per level, up to a max of 4/day at 20th level.

2014-03-19, 09:57 PM
Gravity Control (Su): A Gravi-blade is able to make a creature's equipment weigh more. The creature's equipment's weight, along with the weight of the actual creature, is multiplied by 1.25. If this extra weight surpasses the creature's medium load, it is affected as if under a medium load. The same goes for max load. At 5th LVL, weight is multiplied by 1.50. At 10th, 1.75. And, at 15th, 2.0. A Gravi-blade can use this ability for a number of rounds equal to 4+his Gravi-blade level+his Wisdom Modifier.
Hey, you know what's fun? Multiplying a three-digit number that no one keeps exact track of by a fractional multiplier to determine if a foe suffers a trivial debuff! This should be vastly simpler. "The creature's movement speed is halved" or maybe "The creature's effective load is increased by an encumbrance category".

Heavy Weapons (Ex): A Gravi-blade can increase the weight of his weapons as he strikes. Treat all melee weapons as one size category larger for the purposes of damage. This increases to 2 size categories larger at 7th level, and increases by 1 for every 7 levels after. This cannot be used with a light weapon.
Virtually every gravi-blade will be a two-handed wielder, thanks to the way damage dice scale. That's more of a problem with 3.5 than with this class, but it's worth keeping in mind from a design perspective.

Lead Weight (Ex): A Gravi-blade can increase his own weight. At 2nd Level, treat the Gravi-blade as one size category larger for the purposes of bull rushes and grapple checks made against him. This increases to 2 size categories larger at 10th level.
Good idea, but why does this affect grapple, and why not overrun?

Self Gravitataion (Su): At 3rd level, the Gravi-blade can give himself immense gravity. He can, as a standard action, move all creatures in a 30 ft radius towards him. A Fortitude save, DC 10+1/2 the Gravi-blade's level+the Gravi-blade's wisdom modifier, negates this effect. At 8th level, he moves all creatures 10 feet. He may use this ability an equal amount of times as his Gravity Control ability.
How far does this move them before 8th level? The distance moved is very, very small, it seems.

Heavy Armor (Ex) At 4th Level, the Gravi-blade can ignore the movement speed reduction for medium armor. In addition, all check penalties are reduced by 2. At 7th level, he can wear heavy armor without movement penalty, and all check penalties are reduced by 5.
Weird scaling on the check penalties. I'd make that smoother. Also, change the name; I assume the fluff is that he's making is armor lighter, not heavier.

Strength Bonus: At 5th level, and every 5 thereafter, a Gravi-blade gets stronger from his exposure to high gravity. He add +2 to his strenght score
Yup. They're all two-handed wielders.

Bonus feat: At 8th level, and every 8 thereafter, a Gravi-blade gets a bonus feat.
A feature gained once every eight levels isn't worth mentioning as a progression; it's too rare.

Heavy Charge (Ex): At 9th level, a Gravi-blade learns how to add more weight to his charges. He adds 1/2 his level d6s to damage when he makes a charge. This increases to 1d6/level at 18th level.
I like the idea here. Terrifying with pounce, of course; I'd add wording to prevent that.

Gravitational Pull (Su) A Gravi-blade can, as a satndard bring 3 small meteorites down on his enemies. These do 7d6 damage to one square, and half that to adjacent squares. a DC 28 reflex save does half damage. This only works outdoors.
The scaling on this ability - or lack thereof - is bizarre. And the fluff is very weird, too. And it's really ambiguous whether that's 7d6 per meteorite, or if all meteorites strike the exact same square (in which case, why mention that there are three?)

Antigravity (Su): A Gravi-blade can cast the Fly spell, exept that he can use it for 1 minute/2 levels. These must be spent in one-minuse intervals.
Casters have had Fly since 5th or 6th level. This ability comes way too late to be competitive in a typical 3.5 game.

Squashed (Su): As a standard action, a Gravi-blade can increase the gravity upon a creature so much that the creature become smaller.
Reduce the creature's size by one category. The creature can still use any weapons they have, and they gain no benefits or penalties, except those listed here:
-4 Dex
-4 AC
-2 to hit
-10 to all speeds.
A Gravi-blade can use this ability once per day. Every 4 levels, he can use it one more time/day. This evvect lasts for a number of round equal to the Gravi-blade's Wisdom Score.
So gravity makes a creature that took up a 10 foot square take up a 5 foot square instead? How does that make any sense? And if "they gain no benefits or penalties", then... you really aren't decreasing their size at all? This is extremely confusing.

Speaking more broadly, it's weird to have a bunch of different abilities each use their own separate uses/day mechanic. Better to tie them all into the same uses/day mechanic, I think.

2014-03-19, 10:09 PM
Ok, then. I'll make some changes. This is my first custom class, so I've never had any experience with this.
EDIT: Alright, made some changes to the system. Thinking about changing the uses/day to something similar to psionic power points.

2014-03-19, 10:43 PM
Yup. They're all two-handed wielders.

Yup, just like most barbarians, and a good number of fighters. CoughRoyGreenhiltCough

2014-03-20, 12:17 AM
umm... your missing seventh level. I know it's just a typo, but....

2014-03-20, 02:55 AM
Probably a bit picky, but where possible existing rules language (when it makes sense) should be used, so for the proficiencies say;
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A gravi-blade is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armour (heavy, medium, and light) but not with shields.

Gravity Control
- What does this do against creatures without equipment? Which is most of them?
- What if they're already under a medium load, or heavy load? As worded I can use this on someone in full plate and let them run faster.
- This ability has no range? Even if it's one creature in line of sight it should be mentioned.
- No save? I can understand if you target an area that it wouldn't allow a save, but if you're targeting a creature directly it should probably have a save of some sorts, even if the effect isn't that strong.
- The number of rounds seems a bit off, by level 20 say you're dealing with 35 or 36 rounds, which even split over 5 encounters is 7 rounds each encounter, at which point it may be better as a passive.
- While supernatural abilities do default to standard actions if not stated otherwise, I find it never hurts to just clearly state the action in the description itself.

Strength Bonus
- It's probably not overly overpowered, but it still feels extremely weird for base classes to give out inherit bonuses to attributes. You could largely get the same effect by giving them the ability to say, move x1.5 strength modifier to x2 or something.

Lighter Armour
- This could probably come online at an even earlier level, no one wants to have to wait for long to upgrade their armour, for example sitting on non-magical breastplate before level 7 because you want to use heavy armour...is not so good.

Heavy Charge
- I actually really like this and it's refreshing to see it add bonus dice instead of a flat number which would get multiplied to hell and back. It might be a bit too little damage when you get it at level 9, and too much by level 20, but overall I like it. Maybe make it 1/2 gravi-blade level d6's, and add 1d6/2d6/3d6/4d6/5d6/6d6/7d6 as an extra as you level up, capping at 17d6? I don't have too much experience in uber charges so I don't know if it's way too little or not. ...I suppose gravi-blade level minus 3 would also work if you agreed on that number *shrugs*.

- Very nice (assuming this is always on), though it seems to scale a bit fast right at the end there. I'd probably give this out as low as level 8, maybe sooner, and maybe make the speed 20 ft + 5 ft. per gravi-blade level. Perfect maneuverability is probably okay where it is, and good could be moved to a lower level between perfect and when you get the feature (average). I mean flying is cool, but it should be made competitive with spells and items.

And that's all for now, got to run. ^^"

2014-03-21, 08:34 PM
Made changes, still trying to think up some good fluff.

2014-03-21, 08:50 PM
Kinda interesting, but at the same time, disappointing class. You said that Wisdom is the most important power. But its not, as its Strength. This class is a fighter first, and gravity abilities second. Plus, with the Heavy Blade skill not working on Light Weapons, you effectively limited the class to only THFing.

Another disappointment here, is that the only ranged attack is pulling meteors from the sky, and that there is no floating weapons. Your a master of gravity aren't you? Why can't you have weapons floating around you that you control? Or at least be able to throw your weapons with your gravity.

2014-03-21, 08:55 PM
Kinda interesting, but at the same time, disappointing class. You said that Wisdom is the most important power. But its not, as its Strength. This class is a fighter first, and gravity abilities second. Plus, with the Heavy Blade skill not working on Light Weapons, you effectively limited the class to only THFing.

Another disappointment here, is that the only ranged attack is pulling meteors from the sky, and that there is no floating weapons. Your a master of gravity aren't you? Why can't you have weapons floating around you that you control? Or at least be able to throw your weapons with your gravity.

-Yeah, I guess, now that I think about it, STR is probably the most important.
-No, the ability still works on One handed weapons. Just not those specifically listed as Light weapons.
-Floating weapons, hmm.... I'll have to think on that. Yes, that is a nice idea... I'll probably add that sometime tomorrow.

2014-03-21, 09:00 PM
That's the thing through. The class gives you NO reason to go 1hd&shield over 2hd, and as TWF is thrown out the windows with the honestly, confusing light-weapon disallowment, THF is how people will play this class.

Well, I'm glad you like the idea of floating weapons... through, can I just give you a little piece of advice in formatting?

Put a line between all your class features and such. Spacing like this makes the text a LOT easier to read.

2014-03-21, 09:08 PM
That's the thing through. The class gives you NO reason to go 1hd&shield over 2hd, and as TWF is thrown out the windows with the honestly, confusing light-weapon disallowment, THF is how people will play this class.

Well, I'm glad you like the idea of floating weapons... through, can I just give you a little piece of advice in formatting?

Put a line between all your class features and such. Spacing like this makes the text a LOT easier to read.
Thanks for the advice on formatting.
What is so confusing about the light weapon restriction? I mean, they are light weapons.
Also, TWF with a -4 isn't all that bad, really. I mean, with a +5 STR, and a +1 BAB, that's still a +2 to hit.

2014-03-21, 09:12 PM
So? What's makes light weapons impossible to weigh down when making strikes? Just because their lighter and more nimble than 1hd and 2hd weapons, doesn't mean their any less effected than gravity. It doesn't make any sense!

And no. You do not do TWF with a -4 penalty. You simply do not.

2014-03-21, 09:22 PM
So? What's makes light weapons impossible to weigh down when making strikes? Just because their lighter and more nimble than 1hd and 2hd weapons, doesn't mean their any less effected than gravity. It doesn't make any sense!

And no. You do not do TWF with a -4 penalty. You simply do not.
Ok, I guess you do have a point. I'll change that.
And, yes, I do TWF with a -4 penalty. Have you ever had the joy of dual-weilding bastard swords? Monkeygrip with a -6 and you got yourself a couple large bastard swords. Man, is that fun xD

2014-03-21, 09:26 PM
Ok, I guess you do have a point. I'll change that.
And, yes, I do TWF with a -4 penalty. Have you ever had the joy of dual-weilding bastard swords? Monkeygrip with a -6 and you got yourself a couple large bastard swords. Man, is that fun xD
In order to design good classes, you should try to understand the math of D&D. Otherwise, you will forever be confused by why your class doesn't perform the way you think it should. If your standard for combat is dual-wielding with monkey grip, you should compare the damage output to a standard two-handed wielder. It's... not even remotely close.

2014-03-21, 09:38 PM
Yeah. Monkey's Grip + TWF + Large Bastards sword might be fun. But your seriously outclassed by any THFer, and probably a TWF who knows what their doing.

2014-03-21, 09:45 PM
yeah, I guess you're right. Still, flavor, ya know?
Also, I added Weightless Weapons and Gravity Throw.
Side note: Do you think the Heavy Weapons ability should work with weapons currently affected by Weightless Weapons? You know, since they're Weightless?

2014-03-21, 10:22 PM
Gravity Throw should be much lower level... and Weightless Weapon shouldn't benefit from Heavy Weapons are your not wielding it.

2014-03-22, 12:51 AM
Having self gravitation reference the limit on gravity control is a bit weird, and if you wanted to go for a unified resource system for the abilities, I'd actually make an ability that gave you, IDK, gravity points (I have work soon, I blame that on the poor names XD ), and the have the abilities cost X or Y 'gravity points'.

Dead Weight: This works well enough for a capstone, assuming this is save or die without the death effect (you're not being killed by 'death' / negative energy, but literally being crushed, much like implosion actually). ...On relating this to implosion, I suppose this shouldn't effect incorporeal targets. Anyway as I said it's not bad at 20th level, but you could move it as low as level 17 just fine. (I was going to say even lower before I clicked that deathward won't protect you here.) This is however missing a range, and I think it would still be balance as a standard action, and with more uses per day. (You could grant it at a lower level 1/day, and have it go up to 3/day or something at level 20?)

Gravity Control (Su): Not sure how much better this is wording wise, but maybe try this? This is not commenting on the balance at all, just making it a bit more...legalese? ...You'd need to clean up the bit about resources depending on what you decide to do, but yeah.

Gravity Control (Su): At 1st level a gravi-blade gains the ability to manipulate gravity to weigh down his foes. As a standard action he may target a single creature within 40 feet that he can see, this creature makes a fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 gravi-blade level + Wisdom modifier) or is considering to be under a heavier load, one category higher than it is currently (see Carrying Capacity, a creature without any equipment or armour is under a light load by default) to a maximum of a heavy load. At 10th level, this ability increases the creatures effective load by two categories, and a successful saving throw merely reduces the increase to one category instead of negating the ability, still to a maximum of a heavy load in both cases. A gaseous or incorporeal creature is immune to this ability. Using this ability costs 1 gravity point, and the effect lasts until the end of the gravi-blades next turn, though he may as a free action at the start of his turn spend another gravity point to extend the effect to the end of his next turn again.

Actual balance wise though, I'd probably increase the range, and maybe consider another effect. Just a flat out slow might be OP, even at higher levels, but you could give say -2 to attack rolls, AC, and reflex saves (any speed penalty should be covered by the encumbrance), and maybe render the creature unable to benefit from bonus attacks given by haste and the like.

2014-04-10, 08:13 PM
Added fluff, still thinking about using a point system. Thanks for all the feedback, guys.

2014-08-28, 07:43 AM
First, each entry should mention the level it is gained at, so we don't have to keep flicking back to the table to check when it is earned.

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: A gravi-blade is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) but not with shields.

Why no shields?

Gravity Control (Su): At 1st level a gravi-blade gains the ability to manipulate gravity to weigh down his foes. As a standard action he may target a single creature within 40 feet that he can see, this creature makes a fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 gravi-blade level + Wisdom modifier) or is considering to be under a heavier load, one category higher than it is currently (see Carrying Capacity, a creature without any equipment or armour is under a light load by default) to a maximum of a heavy load. At 10th level, this ability increases the creatures effective load by two categories, and a successful saving throw merely reduces the increase to one category instead of negating the ability, still to a maximum of a heavy load in both cases. A gaseous or incorporeal creature is immune to this ability. The Gravi-Blade can use and maintain this ability for a number of rounds equal to 3+his Gravi-Blade level+his Wisdom Modifier.

Fun ability, but is it a standard action every round to maintain? If so, it sucks. Still cool, but terrible. Like Soulknife.

Heavy Weapons (Ex): A Gravi-blade can increase the weight of his weapons as he strikes. Treat all melee weapons as one size category larger for the purposes of damage. This increases to 2 size categories larger at 7th level, and increases by 1 for every 7 levels after.

Good, very fitting

Lead Weight (Ex): A Gravi-blade can increase his own weight. At 2nd Level, treat the Gravi-blade as one size category larger for the purposes of bull rushes, overruns, and grapple checks made against him. This increases to 2 size categories larger at 10th level.

No bonus for trips?

Lighter Armor (Ex) At 2nd Level, the Gravi-blade can ignore the movement speed reduction for medium armor. In addition, all check penalties are reduced by 2. At 4th level, he can wear heavy armor without movement penalty, and all check penalties are reduced by 4.


Self Gravitation (Su): At 3rd level, the Gravi-blade can give himself immense gravity. He can, as a standard action, move all creatures in a 30 ft radius 5 ft towards him. A Fortitude save, DC 10+1/2 the Gravi-blade's level+the Gravi-blade's wisdom modifier, negates this effect. At 8th level, he moves all creatures 15, and the save reduces this movement to 5 feet. He may use this ability an equal amount of rounds equal to 1/2 his Gravi-blade level (Minimum 1)+his Wisdom Modifier.

This is fun and interesting.

Gravitational Strength: 5th level, from exposure to high gravity, a Gravi-blade's strength is heightened, and thus he can add more strength to his blows. Raise his multiplier for damage due to strength by 0.5. (One handers do 1.5 Str, two handers do 2.0, etc.) At 10th level, and every 5 thereafter, raise it by another 0.5.

Very fun, and could actually bring Sword and board up to snuff on damage.

Gravity Throw: A Gravi-blade use gravity to throw his weapons. The weapons have a range of 10 feet+5 feet per 2 Gravi-blade Levels. They automatically return to his hand the beginning of his next turn, and he can make multiple attacks of this sort if his BAB allows, assuming he has the Quick Draw (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Quick_Draw) feat and has enough weapons to make these attacks. If the character's hands are full, the weapons return themselves to their normal storage places, such as a sheath, if accessible.

Good ranged option, very fun. But change the link from dandwiki to SRD please. Keep things professional here :smalltongue:

Antigravity (Su): A Gravi-blade can fly. The fly speed is 20 feet+5ft every Gravi-blade level. This is at Average maneuverability, then Good at 13th level, then Perfect at 17th Level.

Good timing, good ability

Heavy Charge (Ex): At 9th level, a Gravi-blade learns how to add more weight to his charges. He adds his level/2 d6 to his damage when he charges. This increases to d8s at 14th, and d10s at 19th level. Additionally, if he/she increases or decreases in size, this damage also increases/decreases as per his/her size. For example, if he/she does 1d8 and increases in size, he/she does 2d6 for each 1d8 he/she would get.

Needs a ruling for interaction with Pounce. Is this damage one time, or per hit?

Weightless Weapons: A Gravi-blade of 10th level or higher can cause his weapons to float free of gravitational restraints. He/she can give any weapon he uses the dancing property. he can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to 1/2 his class level+his Wisdom modifier.

Action? I'm picturing a guy with 10 swords floating and him wielding 2 more.

Selective Gravitation (Ex) On any Gravi-blade ability that targets an area, the Gravi-blade may leave out a number of squares equal to his Wisdom Modifier.

Good ability, a little late

Meteor Pull (Su) A Gravi-blade can, as a standard bring 3 small meteorites down on his enemies. These do 1d6/level damage to one square per meteorite, and half that to adjacent squares. A DC 10+Gravi-blade Level+Wisdom Modifier reflex save does half damage. This only works outdoors, and can be used a number of times equal to the Gravi-blade's Wisdom Modifier.

This seems random. Everything else has been manipulation directly of yourself, your gear, and your enemies. Suddenly (and this does not become a theme) you are pulling things down from the heavens.

Directional Gravity: When a Gravi-blade uses his Self-Gravitation power, he may move the creature in any direction he wants, provided it's in a straight line.

This sounds REALLY fun.

Dead Weight (Su): At 17th level, a Gravi-blade's mastery over gravity has reached the height of its power. as a standard action, a gravi-blade can increase the gravity upon a creature within 50 feet so much that the creature is crushed from all the weight, and dies. A Fortitude save, DC 10+1/2 the Gravi-blade's level+the Gravi-blade's Wisdom modifier, negates the effect, but still takes 5d6 damage. A creature affected by this who makes the save is immune to this ability for 24 hours. A Gravi-blade can use this ability 1/day, and one additional time per level, up to a max of 4/day at 20th level.

Increase the damage on a failure. Think about spells that do this. Finger of Death came online 4 levels ago and currently does 3d6+17 on a failed save

All in all, I want to combo this with your Living weapon race.

2014-08-28, 05:04 PM
Aah, someone brings this back up! Firstly, keep me updated on how the character goes.

Now, for question answering!

First, each entry should mention the level it is gained at, so we don't have to keep flicking back to the table to check when it is earned.

It was my first brew, so I didn't know stuff like that. I'll add it when I have time.

Why no shields?

I forgot to add them.

Fun ability, but is it a standard action every round to maintain? If so, it sucks. Still cool, but terrible. Like Soulknife.

Should be a free action to maintain, I'll add that.

Good, very fitting


No bonus for trips?

I'll add it.


Again, thanks.

This is fun and interesting.

Again, again, thanks.

Very fun, and could actually bring Sword and board up to snuff on damage.

You know what I'm gonna say....

Good ranged option, very fun. But change the link from dandwiki to SRD please. Keep things professional here :smalltongue:

Will do!

Needs a ruling for interaction with Pounce. Is this damage one time, or per hit?

Should be only 1/round. Thought I added that?

Action? I'm picturing a guy with 10 swords floating and him wielding 2 more.

Well, the dancing property is a free (?) action to activate, so I'll make it thta, HOWEVER, I'll add in that he can only have one active at a time.

Good ability, a little late

Where would you put it?

This seems random. Everything else has been manipulation directly of yourself, your gear, and your enemies. Suddenly (and this does not become a theme) you are pulling things down from the heavens.

Well, really, I just wanted to add a new ability. It seemed a good idea at the time, but, ehh.

Increase the damage on a failure. Think about spells that do this. Finger of Death came online 4 levels ago and currently does 3d6+17 on a failed save

Hrrm, maybe half level d6+wis mod?

gotta go, I'll update it later.