View Full Version : Reversing Aging Effects (temporarily or permanently)

2014-03-20, 12:36 AM
Are there any items or effects that can temporarily or permanently relieve the ability score penalties for old age? Doesn't necessarily need to stop aging altogether, just need to have fighter types who are old, or could grow old to still be in top shape, without having to take a bunch of levels in something for timeless body.

2014-03-20, 12:41 AM
Step 1: Seppuku.
Step 2: Reincarnate.
Repeat until one attains the desired form, or until you have to go out and adventure again to make up for the lost levels (wasn't there a no-level-loss True Reincarnate somewhere?). This of course, assumes the druids in question don't get tired of your obvious abuse of the spell.

I never liked Timeless Body much. "I'm good, healthy as a horse!" one moment, dead the next. Literally the next moment. You're perfectly fine... until you're not.

2014-03-20, 12:43 AM
The feat Extend Life Span from the ELH lets you increase each of the age category steps for you by 50% of your max age.

I also remember a spell that was 24 duration and removed age penalties, but I can't remember what it was.

2014-03-20, 12:48 AM
Also, there are some prestige classes that give you immortality with fewer invested levels, not counting build-up, than Druid or Monk. Cloud Anchorite lets you live forever, but it's monk-focused, and Green Star Adept also does, but it's a suboptimal gish, as discussed elsewhere. Not game-breaking choices, certainly, but they do let you live forever.

2014-03-20, 01:20 AM
Well to be honest, I'm looking at this for things like Killoren and Warforged who already live forever, but still lose a step as they get older.

2014-03-20, 03:55 AM
Ta-da. (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=1179.0)

Pathfinder also has several methods of immortality. Lichdom, Mythic Longevity, Immortality Arcane Discovery, Eternal Youth alchemist discovery, Eternal Youth Thuvian Alchemist capstone and so on.

2014-03-20, 05:54 AM
Step 1: Seppuku.
Step 2: Reincarnate.
Repeat until one attains the desired form, or until you have to go out and adventure again to make up for the lost levels (wasn't there a no-level-loss True Reincarnate somewhere?).

Last Gasp, SpC.

2014-03-20, 06:09 AM
Last Gasp, SpC.

I think that's last breath, but yours is funnier.

2014-03-20, 10:36 AM
Craft Contingency.
Last Breath.
Virulent poison in a hollow-tooth.

Age up (something like 2E Haste), then bite the bullet [tooth] and fail your fort save voluntarily. You die, contingency triggers, last breath brings you back in a young adult body, you rig up another tooth, and set the contingency anew.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Duke of Urrel
2014-03-20, 12:09 PM
You mentioned temporary reversal of the physical effects of aging. Here's an argument to make with your DM.

1. The subject of a Polymorph spell "takes on all the statistics and special abilities of an average member of the assumed form in place of its own […]." (Player's Handbook v. 3.5, 2nd ed. (2008), page 320)

2. "Each of the monster entries in Chapters 1 through 3 describes a typical creature of its kind." "Monsters are assumed to have completely average (or standard) ability scores." (Monster Manual v. 3.5, 2nd ed. (2006), page 290)

3. Very few entries in the Monster Manual describe creatures that are explicitly other than young adults. It is therefore not unreasonable to assume that in the Monster Manual, "typical" and "average" both refer generally to creatures that are young adults. (A few creatures that do not suffer penalties for aging, for example true dragons, are exceptions to this rule.)

4. When you use the Alter Self spell (or any spell that is a modification of this spell), "You can change into a member of your own kind or even into yourself."

5. When you use the Polymorph spell or the Shapechange spell, "The subject gains the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores of the new form […]."

I think we can make the argument that using either the Polymorph spell or the Shapechange spell, you can, as an adult of middle age or older, temporarily change yourself into yourself as a young adult. The spell even removes your age penalties, if we accept the argument that these do not belong to any "typical" or "average" creature as presented in the Monster Manual. You don't restore your youthful physical ability scores exactly; you only replace them with average scores, that is, 10 or 11 plus a racial modifier. This may still be to your advantage, however, if old age has taken its toll.

With the Alter Self spell, you can't remove age penalties, but you can still temporarily make yourself look like yourself a young adult, if that's all you want to do.

2014-03-20, 12:15 PM
What does Last Breath do?