View Full Version : How to deal with unusual PCs- an extended campaign setup

2014-03-20, 10:48 AM
So, I'm getting ready for a new campaign (WOO!) and aside from our own character builds, we have been requested to write up a back story involving 3-5 'major' NPCs- that is, characters, living or dead, that have impacted the character's life in some significant way, though not counting Badguy A and his brother Archduke Phil of the Unspeakable Evils.

So I've got most of the stuff figured out, but one character keeps on popping up that I can't seem to write out- A swordswoman based off Baiken's from Guilty Gear. The problem? She's missing her right arm and left eye.
It isn't supposed to hinder her combat ability in any noticible way, but it'd be hard to stat out or even make remotely playable, as he also wants us to stat out the character. I'm sure there would be climb/swim check penalties, etc. But this is a lot for me to handle, and may need a lot of thought on my end.

To give you an idea, My PC was part of one of many Holy wars between Heironous and Hextor, and remained as such until the victorious end after his 23rd year. Notable characters (His three to five) are as follows;

The former leader of his company, a Dwarf paladin(deceased, possibly fell before death. Killed by PC. Stated out with open spots so the DM can raise him as a blackguard or a demon if he feels like it)

A half drow spearwoman in his company, unfriendly after the death of their leader, but is somewhat understanding of the situation.(Stated out)

A human mercenary (ranger)(No spells, trying to figure out a Decent swap for that) Neutral, but cautious towards the PC.(stated out, but haven't figured out a no-spell variant)

And finally <Baiken-esque character>, Friendly, possibly traveling with PC, saved by PC from his commander after she had surrendered during combat. (The war was over, she was a mercenary trying to make some coin, and the other side hired her. PC's leader takes the Crusade as a licence from his God to do whatever the Hell he wants and tries to execute those who laid down arms after the opposing general had fallen. PC stops him, but she had already lost an eye and arm from his commander. This leads to the character challenging and slaying his commander.)

Baiken is going to be a martial class, obviously, perhaps a warblade, but I still need to figure out ways to balance her obvious weaknesses due to physical condition. I'm interested to see what kind of builds you guys can suggest/come up with. I'm honestly having a crazy amount of trouble with this, and want the job done right. So, naturally, I came here.

2014-03-20, 11:02 AM
The eye is one thing (she could even be blind for more of a Zatoichi feel) because you could always ask to refluff Eye of Gruumsh for a human, but an arm?

This is a question I ask my players a lot. Are you staying too close to the inspiration? How is this character any different than the already existing character? Does the arm REALLY provide any in story justification? Would your character have been like, "Just the eye? Nah, I'm not gonna step in yet. Oh an arm? Now I have to challenge my commander; that's messed up."

2014-03-20, 11:16 AM
The idea is that he would be kept from attacking by some more 'devoted' soldiers, and only managed to break through after the damage was done. For all intensive purposes, the PC is considered a traitor, but is left for dead rather than executed because of the gray area surrounding it.

2014-03-20, 11:21 AM
The eye is one thing (she could even be blind for more of a Zatoichi feel) because you could always ask to refluff Eye of Gruumsh for a human

Any ideas how to do that? I'm actually quite curious