View Full Version : Gestalt build

2014-03-20, 11:19 AM
One of my players wants to build a rogue who uses his wits and charm more than his stealth. Currently, the build looks like this:

Rogue 4/Invisible Blade 1*//Swashbuckler 3/Swordsage 2

Any suggestions for him to bring more of his Charisma and Intelligence into the equation?

Well he just emailed me a completely different build:


Looks to go entirely for Dexterity and Intelligence for this new idea. I might suggest Factotum instead of Rogue, Move Swashbuckler over to the other side, and go straight Warblade on the other side. I think the purpose of the monk is to use Kung Fu Genius to get INT to AC... Any suggestions?

With my suggestions it would look like this: Factotum 1/Monk 1/Swashbuckler 3//Warblade 5.

2014-03-20, 12:01 PM
Wits and charm over stealth screams of Beguiler from PH2, its spell list gets all the tools to handle nearly any noncombat situation that could ever come up, plus it has a few nice combat spells as well. It's heavy on illusions and enchantments, which would be perfect for this style of play. Note that per the Complete Warrior Errata (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/er/20040125a) an Invisible Blade can only use Uncanny Feint once per round. To make up for this, he can get Improved Feint with Cloaked Casting from Beguiler to be able to feint as a swift action, so he can feint twice per round with a full attack.

You could have him make a Psion and use Control Body (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/controlBody.htm) on himself plus Solicit Psicrystal (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/solicitPsicrystal.htm). His psicrystal would spend its actions every turn to make his body full attack, using his own BAB and his Int bonus for attack and damage rolls (since he's the one who manifest it), while his actions are free to manifest powers and perform other purely mental actions. Consider including Psychic Assassin (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20040723d) (or Psychic Avenger (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070401a)) in this case for Mind Cripple, which deals 2 Int damage per sneak attack. That will allow him to outsmart every opponent he fights, and can outright disable many opponents in a single TWF full attack regardless of his actual damage or their HP.

I'd include at least one level of Spellthief in the build, so he can freely use wands of any Wizard spells from the schools that class gets access to. This way he can put a Wand Chamber in each of his weapons and use wands like Wraithstrike, Golem Strike, Nerveskitter, etc. Keep in mind that per the Rules Compendium, all spell trigger and spell completion items have an activation time identical to the spell's casting time. Also get the Death's Ruin ACF in CC instead of Trap Sense, which allows him to keep half his sneak attack dice when attacking the undead.

The Swashbuckler Dead Levels (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20070227x) bonus would be fitting, but he'll probably never see the Rogue Dead Levels (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20061013a) class feature. If using Swordsage, be sure to get Kung-Fu Genius or Ascetic Mage or similar to switch the Wis bonus to AC to Int or Cha.

Edit: I'm a bit slow, but most of that advice still stands for a Dex/Int-based character.