View Full Version : [PF] Treasure for an encounter

2014-03-20, 12:36 PM
Hey guys. In my next game, I'm running an encounter with one gorgon plus 4 petrified maidens (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/petrified-maiden) (refluffed as vengeful dwarven women reanimated by hate). Treasure in this encounter would be whatever their victims (dwarves from a nearby underground community) have dropped, but I'm having trouble figuring out what specifically they should get. I'm guessing some jewelry, potions and wands make sense. A weapon could make sense, but each petrified maiden already has a weapon, so I don't know.
Any help?

Kol Korran
2014-03-20, 01:18 PM
What level is the party? Character composition? Player preferences as to magic items?

Also, how much value do you allocate for this encounter's reward? How much worth of loot in total?

There can be a weapon that a maiden can use instead of the scimitar, or just a weapon they don't use, that belonged to one of the victims? :smallconfused:

2014-03-20, 01:34 PM
My party is 9th level (archer Paladin, Dervish Dance Magus, drow Warpriest, elf Swashbuckler, kobold Swordsage/Sorcerer). I'm changing all those scimitars to dwarven waraxes.
I'm not really concerned about giving them stuff they necessarily want, I'm more concerned about the treasure being internally consistent. The encounter should get them around 10000 gp aside from the weapons, but I don't mind giving them less than that.

Kol Korran
2014-03-21, 01:21 AM
Im no expert on magic items, but a few ideas of things that might work:
- The most obvious is Stone Salve (4,000), especially if they known they'd be facing these creatures.
- Pearl's of power (Lvl 1- 1,000, Lvl 2- 4,000). If the victims may have had casters.
- Bag of tricks (Gray)- you can refluff it for animals more suitable for dwarves and an underground environment. These are useful to setting off traps, explore a bit, and a lot of other imaginative uses. (3,400)
- You can of course go with Belt/ head band of +2 to ____ (These can fit anywhere, and people love these, unless they have better)
- Bag of holding type I (2,500), something every long traveling group uses, and in the words of Hailey- "you can't have too much extra dimensional storage space".

Just things of the top of my head, I might need to think of more later. I suggest a few art/ jewelery or such that adds to the flavor of the dwarven deceased parties or such.

2014-03-21, 05:00 AM
Im no expert on magic items, but a few ideas of things that might work:
- The most obvious is Stone Salve (4,000), especially if they known they'd be facing these creatures.
- Pearl's of power (Lvl 1- 1,000, Lvl 2- 4,000). If the victims may have had casters.
- Bag of tricks (Gray)- you can refluff it for animals more suitable for dwarves and an underground environment. These are useful to setting off traps, explore a bit, and a lot of other imaginative uses. (3,400)
- You can of course go with Belt/ head band of +2 to ____ (These can fit anywhere, and people love these, unless they have better)
- Bag of holding type I (2,500), something every long traveling group uses, and in the words of Hailey- "you can't have too much extra dimensional storage space".

Just things of the top of my head, I might need to think of more later. I suggest a few art/ jewelery or such that adds to the flavor of the dwarven deceased parties or such.

The belts don't really work because it needs to be something that could be dropped (otherwise it would have turned to stone). I think I'm going with a type 1 bag of holding, with stone salve and pearls of power inside. Pearls of power even match a subplot I'm running with Moradin not granting new spells for his clerics. Thanks!

EDIT: I just found the stone cloak (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/c-d/cloak). I really want them to have it, it's such a cool little item. A bit expensive, but I'll leave it there anyway.