View Full Version : Rules Q&A Epic Chameleon: spells off the chart?

Pinkie Pyro
2014-03-21, 02:44 PM
One of my players has taken 10 levels of chameleon, and now wants to take the arcane hierophant class, and wants both +1 effective levels to apply to his chameleon class, as it can cast both arcane and divine magic.

I'm fine with the stacking, but I am not sure what happens when you get to level 11 chameleon, spell casting wise, would it stop at level 6 spells, or would you follow the progression and give them 7th level spells, then 8th at 13th level, and 9th at 15th?

Fouredged Sword
2014-03-21, 02:49 PM
You can't do that becuase Chameleon is not a class with "Spellcasting" or "Spells" as a class feature. They have a class feature that grants them spells, but it is fairly clearly called out that it does not count as a spellcasting class, nor can you use the spellcasting granted by chameleon focuses to qualify for feats or PRC's.

Also, once you hit the top of a chart, you hit the top of the chart. Additional spell slots require epic feats.

2014-03-21, 03:04 PM
I'm fine with the stacking, but I am not sure what happens when you get to level 11 chameleon, spell casting wise, would it stop at level 6 spells, or would you follow the progression and give them 7th level spells, then 8th at 13th level, and 9th at 15th?

Normally spellcasting advancing classes do not advance Chameleon.
Normally dual spellcasting advancing classes do not advance dual spellcasting classes at double the rate.
Normally the epic progression (11th level of a 10 level prestige class) of a prestige class requires the character be epic level
Normally the epic progression of a spellcasting class does not grant further spellcasting.

However since you are fine with changing the first 2, I see no reason to assume you would not be fine changing the second 2.

So are you asking "what does happen" or "what would be reasonable"?
The first has been answered (although more detail is possible if you wish it).
The second requires information about what is considered balanced at your table.

2014-03-21, 03:10 PM
Is there any official or decent homebrew of an EPic Chameleon progression and/or related feats?

It's a very interesting class and the characters played in it can be cool. (Well, only ever had one in a game once and it was cool).

Never had to contend with the question though.

2014-03-21, 03:14 PM
Is there any official or decent homebrew of an EPic Chameleon progression and/or related feats?

It's a very interesting class and the characters played in it can be cool. (Well, only ever had one in a game once and it was cool).

Never had to contend with the question though.

Official? No. Not even in Epic Insights.

Homebrew: 2 Epic progressions I could find. I did not check their quality but they are from reputable forums.

There is also a Chamleon base class with an Epic Progression from this very forum:

2014-03-21, 03:25 PM
Official? No. Not even in Epic Insights.

Homebrew: 2 Epic progressions I could find. I did not check their quality but they are from reputable forums.

The first one at BG looks like a very well done Epic progression that expands upon the abilities of the Chameleon in all directions and seems like a logical course to take.
The Epic Chameleon feats look and feel like they should be Epic Chameleon feats. I wholeheartedly approve.

The one at the Wizards forum looks like it's just there to get 9th level spells and Epic Spellcasting by 24th level, it's kinda underwhelming. Just play a Theurge-type if that's what you're shooting for.

There is also a Chamleon base class with an Epic Progression from this very forum:

Very interesting class! It'll take a lot of time to decide if I ever want to integrate it into my games, but it's very well put together. It is pretty cool that it incorporates ToB. But I think that I'm torn on whether or not I like that.

2014-03-21, 03:58 PM
Very interesting class! It'll take a lot of time to decide if I ever want to integrate it into my games, but it's very well put together. It is pretty cool that it incorporates ToB. But I think that I'm torn on whether or not I like that.

The Base class is _very_ well done. I used it as one of a few 20th level BBEGs and it did a good job mimicking the other 20th level BBEGs.

Pinkie Pyro
2014-03-22, 02:48 AM
I had never noticed the little fine print saying "you may not use the chameleon's class features (save bonus feat) to qualify for prestige classes, feats, ect". that sort of kills his build, but it doesn't say that it wouldn't count as a spellcasting class for the purpose of prestige progression...