View Full Version : DM Help How is the Dungeonscape PrC "Dungeon Lord"?

2014-03-21, 11:42 PM
It's a prestige class designed for final bosses of dungeons.

I wanted to look around and see what DnD fans thought of its effectiveness so I could decide if I should make one the boss of my dungeon, but literally nowhere in the entire internet does it appear anyone has discussed this PrC.

So is it good enough at its job to be worth adding into a dungeon?

2014-03-21, 11:49 PM
It makes an interesting pirate ship captain if you declare the ship to be a dungeon.

2014-03-22, 01:13 AM
Slightly off-topic, but I'm still planning to walk into a dungeon one time, slaughter pretty much anything in it, then become a dungeon lord next level, take (undead) leadership as my new feat, and make it into a wretched hive of scum and villiany. :smallamused:

Then I'd slaughter any simple adventurer seeking to conquer the dungeon, and supply myself with 10 times WBL. :smallcool:

2014-03-22, 02:31 AM
I really like 1, 2 or even 3 levels of it.

1 level:
You are not slowed by your dungeon
You can bypass traps without triggering/disarming them
You can open/close secret doors as a free action. Very useful to get distance from the PCs
You notice any changes made to your dungeon

2 levels:
You can teleport around your base

3 levels:
You are all knowing
Your minions can open/close secret doors as a free action

It is a great prestige class for the local BBEG.

Sidenote: I once gave a tomb raiding BBEG the first level of Dungeon Lord. If given time to prepare/study the tomb, the BBEG would be able to escape encounters with the PCs within the tomb.