View Full Version : Rules Q&A Effigy question

2014-03-22, 02:00 AM
I know Effigy creature entry states that the special qualities and everything are lost. Is there any way to somehow bypass that? Specifically, I was considering the Midgard Dwarf and its crafting shenigans. If there was a way to somehow let it maintain the special qualities of its base race it would surpass the Dedicated Wright in pretty much every way except maybe price.

If there is a way around it are there any other exploitable options?

2014-03-31, 08:38 AM
You could look into instead creating a magic item that allows you to control or command the goal creature instead. Monstorus Thrall in a Staff or something like that.

As far as bypassing the restrictions of the Effigy Template to retain special qualities? I know of none beyond asking your DM if the racial traits you're after are considered to be Extraordinary and therefore retained.

You could also look at the Elder Eidolon template from Lords of Madness, it's basically a better stronger madder version of the Effigy Template.
The Sacred Guardian Template from Dragonlance: Bestiary of Krynn will also give a Construct superpowers and Intelligence by tying it to a deity. This means it gets feats and skills and so might help with what you're after a little.