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2014-03-31, 10:01 AM
Hello everybody. I'm HalfTangible. So recently, I've gotten back in to Warcraft 3, as it's one of my favorite games of all time. This is the game that introduced me to the concept of online play, to stories using gameplay (that don't suck), to the real-time strategy genre and the idea of differences in kind. It's an epic fantasy tale of war, intrigue, betrayal, and all sorts of amazing things.

I made it about a fourth of the way through the undead campaign on Hard before deciding that instead of just playing it for the 8 billionth time, why not record the missions and put them up for all to see my ineptitude? (Until i got partway through the undead campaign and realized I'm not that good)

So let's play the best game of all time that doesn't star a fox or a plumber.

Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos (playlist) (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTnlsEDOk5MJ2K4Ap3E3oRP0z5GKT7llC&feature=mh_lolz)

Updates thursdays

2014-03-31, 10:02 AM
Woo, craft all the wars! Quite excited for this.

2014-03-31, 10:07 AM
I really like the links you added to the level selection screen. Great idea.

2014-03-31, 11:59 PM
Nice to see someone play WC3. I never got past the orc campaign. I'll be watching this.

2014-04-01, 04:45 AM
WarCraft 3 was a similarly formative game for me, so it'll be nice to see someone giving it the presentation it deserves. Definitely keeping an eye on this. :smallcool:

EDIT: I might suggest turning up the in-game volume? The dialogue was a little quiet in the first gameplay video, and some of the voice acting in game deserves to be heard.

2014-04-01, 05:18 AM
WC3 came out when I was already 18. But it amazed me how damn good it was. With almost all games there are some thing that make you say "well, this thing could have been done better" or you ocassionally see something that doesn't look like it's working 100% as it was intended. The amount of polish that WC3 had even at launch was amazing. This was a game that was 100% complete at launch that didn't look like it was released because time ran out.
And later Frozen Throne managed to still add some additional features that were even better.

2014-04-01, 10:03 AM
WarCraft 3 was a similarly formative game for me, so it'll be nice to see someone giving it the presentation it deserves. Definitely keeping an eye on this. :smallcool:

EDIT: I might suggest turning up the in-game volume? The dialogue was a little quiet in the first gameplay video, and some of the voice acting in game deserves to be heard.

Noted, it should be better in the next one.

2014-04-01, 11:44 AM
Noted, it should be better in the next one.

Great to hear. Eagerly awaiting the next entry.

2014-04-05, 12:01 AM
Prologue Mission 2: Departures (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci_9Kilpfvk) is up.

2014-04-05, 12:02 AM
You're on a boat!

Also, Grom is the most cat looking Orc I've ever seen. I also like how you just non challently mention that Orcs are aliens.

2014-04-05, 12:06 AM
You're on a boat!

Also, Grom is the most cat looking Orc I've ever seen. I also like how you just non challently mention that Orcs are aliens.

No joke: Phantom Lancer, from DotA, was based on Grom's model. He's a blue cat-thing :smalltongue:

Yup! Aliens. Or possibly from another dimension, it's a little unclear.

2014-04-05, 12:25 AM
No joke: Phantom Lancer, from DotA, was based on Grom's model. He's a blue cat-thing :smalltongue:

Yup! Aliens. Or possibly from another dimension, it's a little unclear.

No idea who Phantom Lancer is :smallbiggrin:

My understanding is that it's technically both. The planets are each "dimensions" unto themselves.

Mutant Sheep
2014-04-05, 12:38 AM
As is tradition, I watch Lets Plays of Warcraft instead of playing it myself. Looking forward to more of your incredibly witty witicisms. And also laughing at your own jokes. :smallwink::smalltongue:

*watches Let's Play religiously*

super dark33
2014-04-05, 03:01 AM
This isnt the first time Grom is captured by somone.
Its like he is a prison critic like Belkar!

In the Warcraft 2 you had to rescue him twice i think.

2014-04-05, 12:19 PM
Will you do the Orc demo campaign, that is included with Frozen Throne? It takes place between the Orc Tutorial campaign and the actual Chapter 3 campaign. Other than lacking any character voices, I think it's quite decent.

2014-04-05, 12:20 PM
Will you do the Orc demo campaign, that is included with Frozen Throne? It takes place between the Orc Tutorial campaign and the actual Chapter 3 campaign. Other than lacking any character voices, I think it's quite decent.

Potentially, but I was gonna wait until I actually got to Frozen Throne, since it's part of that game. =/

2014-04-05, 01:11 PM
Any chance that you could either increase the resolution or at least the quality of your recording? I'm having trouble reading a bunch of the stuff that comes up.

2014-04-05, 03:15 PM
Any chance that you could either increase the resolution or at least the quality of your recording? I'm having trouble reading a bunch of the stuff that comes up.

I originally recorded at 720p, but Fraps dropped the framerate to like 2. WITHOUT combat. And the only option for recording at a lower res than what you play at is to half it, as far as I can tell. So no, unfortunately, not until I get more RAM (which may or may not happen by the end of this year)

2014-04-05, 03:17 PM
I originally recorded at 720p, but Fraps dropped the framerate to like 2. WITHOUT combat. And the only option for recording at a lower res than what you play at is to half it, as far as I can tell. So no, unfortunately, not until I get more RAM (which may or may not happen by the end of this year)

Oh well. I guess I'll survive.

2014-04-05, 09:53 PM
No idea who Phantom Lancer is :smallbiggrin:

My understanding is that it's technically both. The planets are each "dimensions" unto themselves.

The warcraft universe seems to use the Magic the Gathering Multiverse Theory.

"Planes are entire universes with several galaxies/planets in them..but only one really matters"

Tectonic Robot
2014-04-08, 01:14 PM
Have fun with your let's play, mate!

2014-05-06, 03:46 PM
Next part is up. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDybUFkepIc)

Note to self: One mission at a time, especially during the finals rush

2014-05-06, 04:48 PM
Maybe it's just been a while since your previous video, but I think the quality is a little better. One thing I might add is to turn down the temporal compression, you've got some ghosts, especially on fast movements like drag-selecting a bunch of units.

super dark33
2014-05-06, 05:17 PM
Ehehe, sheep. :smalltongue:

Have you tried clicking on one a lot? :smallbiggrin:

2014-05-06, 05:26 PM
Man 12 years on and the cinematics of this game still look gorgeous.

In Uther's defense Arthas does have a really big hammer. Plus pallys are OP. Ahh I miss WOTLK pally tanking.

"Your farms not producing any food, what do you want the little kid for?"
Give it a sec...

"Remember we're Paladins, vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do.
Ill just leave this link (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=84839) Uther.

2014-05-06, 05:42 PM
Next part is up. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDybUFkepIc)

Note to self: One mission at a time, especially during the finals rush

Yeah, one mission at a time is the correct way to do this.

Everything I know about Warcraft comes from Hearthstone. When is Uther gonna drop like fifty squires and faceroll the orcs?

...maybe I'm just not "with it" by why the cannibalism jokes concerning Little Timmy? Is this a thing?

Actually a ledger would include the deed. He owns that farm now. Menag is the best farmer! He even has a firewave spell to clear out weeds!

You're doing a good job at healing your minions. Arthas is the nicest guy #doesn't know anything about Warcraft but still knows how hindsight funny this is

Arthas looks like Nic Cage. Prince Cage, save us!

Also turn on life bars.

2014-05-06, 06:08 PM
Everything I know about Warcraft comes from Hearthstone. When is Uther gonna drop like fifty squires and faceroll the orcs?

...maybe I'm just not "with it" by why the cannibalism jokes concerning Little Timmy? Is this a thing?

Actually a ledger would include the deed. He owns that farm now. Menag is the best farmer! He even has a firewave spell to clear out weeds!Never, sadly. Hope you liked the Orcs' role in the human campaign! They don't show up again until halfway through the Undead campaign.

The farm the lady is right by has like 6 kids but no visible food growing. The joke is that they're desperate to get little Timmy back so that they'll have dinner.

Why does Menag want it? What farm is that guy's? We see only one farm that's producing crops, and it's already got people there.

You're doing a good job at healing your minions. Arthas is the nicest guy #doesn't know anything about Warcraft but still knows how hindsight funny this isNot really. They keep dieing. :smalltongue:

Arthas looks like Nic Cage. Prince Cage, save us!Nicholas Cage would be a GREAT Arthas =D

Also turn on life bars.I'd love to, but I can't find the setting for that. Which is INCREDIBLY annoying, as I'm sure it's somewhere in this bloody thing ><

Maybe it's just been a while since your previous video, but I think the quality is a little better. One thing I might add is to turn down the temporal compression, you've got some ghosts, especially on fast movements like drag-selecting a bunch of units.dunno what temporal compression is.

Ehehe, sheep. :smalltongue:

Have you tried clicking on one a lot? :smallbiggrin:

Yup! I'll have to remember to do that next episode, if i can...

Man 12 years on and the cinematics of this game still look gorgeous.

In Uther's defense Arthas does have a really big hammer. Plus pallys are OP. Ahh I miss WOTLK pally tanking.

"Your farms not producing any food, what do you want the little kid for?"
Give it a sec...

"Remember we're Paladins, vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do.
Ill just leave this link (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=84839) Uther.

I guess, but it's still an odd risk to take with the sole heir to the throne.

Legato Endless
2014-05-08, 08:23 PM
That opening was pretty atypical for a fantasy story. First, the bickering rulers are actually discussing things that matter, as both the plague and the orc invasion are kind of important. Second, its hard to fault their reaction to Meds. Most of the time, prophets burst in with a lot of at least circumstantial evidence to make their case worth investigating, but alas the bureaucracy has their heads up their butts. Here...

Meds: Woe unto you! Go send everyone West! Now!
Meds: Doooomm!
King: You need to go.
Meds: Whelp I tried. Next person.

Audience: Seriously? That was your best shot?

2014-05-09, 09:06 PM
I'd love to, but I can't find the setting for that. Which is INCREDIBLY annoying, as I'm sure it's somewhere in this bloody thing ><

From the main menu, it's options>gameplay>always show health bars. I may have played this once upon a time.

2014-05-09, 09:18 PM
From the main menu, it's options>gameplay>always show health bars. I may have played this once upon a time.

Unfortunately not. (http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy293/HalfTangible/Gameplay_zpse57000cb.png) It may be something I can enable in TFT, but unfortunately not in RoC

super dark33
2014-05-10, 06:42 AM
That opening was pretty atypical for a fantasy story. First, the bickering rulers are actually discussing things that matter, as both the plague and the orc invasion are kind of important. Second, its hard to fault their reaction to Meds. Most of the time, prophets burst in with a lot of at least circumstantial evidence to make their case worth investigating, but alas the bureaucracy has their heads up their butts. Here...

Meds: Woe unto you! Go send everyone West! Now!
Meds: Doooomm!
King: You need to go.
Meds: Whelp I tried. Next person.

Audience: Seriously? That was your best shot?

Well, the King basically says "Hey i cant just pick it all up and leave, we have stuff here! We better wait until we know for sure" And then Meds just goes away instead of argueing or whatever.


Next mission is another fieldtrip mission with everyone's favourite Audience surrogate!

2014-05-10, 01:11 PM
Man 12 years on and the cinematics of this game still look gorgeous.
My parents never touched video games, but always loved when I got a new Blizzard game to come watch the cutscenes. :smallsmile:

2014-05-10, 01:17 PM
Unfortunately not. (http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy293/HalfTangible/Gameplay_zpse57000cb.png) It may be something I can enable in TFT, but unfortunately not in RoC

... I think you may need to make sure you're patched. (http://i.imgur.com/pIVF2r6.jpg)

2014-05-10, 01:40 PM
... I think you may need to make sure you're patched. (http://i.imgur.com/pIVF2r6.jpg)


That's why.

I had some trouble patching it when I first re-downloaded it onto my new comp, but I'll give it another shot

2014-05-18, 02:13 PM
Part 4's up. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uv-2F7GP6I&feature=youtu.be)

super dark33
2014-05-18, 06:07 PM
Eh eh eh, sheep :smallbiggrin:
Its funnier in Warcraft 2 though.




That captain is my favourite charecter in the entire series.

Also notice he attacks faster than a normal footman.

2014-05-18, 07:42 PM
Jaine! I know her! She's really annoying and freezes all your stuff and shoots fireballs at you #Hearthstone

I feel like the Captain is a named character waiting to reveal his true form.

...I think that bridge joke went over everyone's head. Just saying.

It was a little hard to hear you during the fighting. Also...you just kind of killed that guy for a cheap acronym joke. You're evil :smalleek:

super dark33
2014-05-18, 07:45 PM
It was a little hard to hear you during the fighting. Also...you just kind of killed that guy for a cheap acronym joke. You're evil :smalleek:

Of course the joke would be cheap, the people dont pay taxes. :smalltongue:

2014-05-18, 08:01 PM
Jaine! I know her! She's really annoying and freezes all your stuff and shoots fireballs at you #Hearthstone

I feel like the Captain is a named character waiting to reveal his true form.

...I think that bridge joke went over everyone's head. Just saying.

It was a little hard to hear you during the fighting. Also...you just kind of killed that guy for a cheap acronym joke. You're evil :smalleek:Jaina

Welll.... no. He gets a name in WoW (i think) but not here.

'Achilles' heel'. Because the guy's name was Achilles. It's not that tricky :smalltongue:

A) Last night on Skype we discussed what I would do if I were an evil emperor, ranging from 'blow up Canada' to 'carve my name into the moon' to 'make you my personal assassin'. Also, mind control chips :xykon:
B) Give it... oh, three missions.

Of course the joke would be cheap, the people dont pay taxes. :smalltongue:

Actually, they do.

2014-05-18, 10:30 PM
'Achilles' heel'. Because the guy's name was Achilles. It's not that tricky :smalltongue:

Didn't notice that.

2014-05-19, 01:42 AM
Jaine! I know her! She's really annoying and freezes all your stuff and shoots fireballs at you #Hearthstone

I feel like the Captain is a named character waiting to reveal his true form.

...I think that bridge joke went over everyone's head. Just saying.

It was a little hard to hear you during the fighting. Also...you just kind of killed that guy for a cheap acronym joke. You're evil :smalleek:


The Captains, yes there are two of them apparently did have names Falric and Marwyn, they showed up as Death Knights/Ghosts/Undead whatever in one of the "Assault on The Lich King's Fortress" story line in World of Warcraft proper.

super dark33
2014-05-19, 07:38 AM

The Captains, yes there are two of them apparently did have names Falric and Marwyn, they showed up as Death Knights/Ghosts/Undead whatever in one of the "Assault on The Lich King's Fortress" story line in World of Warcraft proper.

Actually they appeared earlier, when Arthas killed his Dad they escorted him into the hall.

2014-05-19, 08:08 AM
The Captains, yes there are two of them apparently did have names Falric and Marwyn, they showed up as Death Knights/Ghosts/Undead whatever in one of the "Assault on The Lich King's Fortress" story line in World of Warcraft proper.

There are actually three different characters in World of Warcraft that take the place of the "Captain" in Warcraft III. Captain Luc Valonforth appears in a WotLK quest as the captain who will later have Arthas' soldiers try to leave Northrend. So even though it seems as if there's only a single guy always with Arthas, they kind of split the character into three people.

2014-05-20, 10:28 PM
Well, whoever this particular captain is, he is clearly in need of a drink (watch him in the opening cinematic, straight for the flask, and I bet that isn't water in there!)

Legato Endless
2014-05-21, 03:14 PM
There are actually three different characters in World of Warcraft that take the place of the "Captain" in Warcraft III. Captain Luc Valonforth appears in a WotLK quest as the captain who will later have Arthas' soldiers try to leave Northrend. So even though it seems as if there's only a single guy always with Arthas, they kind of split the character into three people.

That makes a fair amount of sense. Arthas having multiple officers is more believable. Also Blizzard has a tendency to avoid the simplest solution when they adapt place holders into fleshed out characters. (Matt Horner)

2014-06-17, 02:00 PM
Well this took way longer than it needed to. Next one up. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUcU6jMGwkY&list=PLTnlsEDOk5MJ2K4Ap3E3oRP0z5GKT7llC&index=8)

Next time I'm not doing a script, so hopefully it won't take as long.

2014-06-17, 03:16 PM
Top down strategy games like this tend to take awhile, yeah. Also, feeder.

I kid. You did good for someone who is presumably rusty at the game.

2014-06-17, 05:32 PM
Helpful to remember against the Undead and their Necromancers: Dispel Magic is a thing.

2014-06-17, 06:14 PM
Helpful to remember against the Undead and their Necromancers: Dispel Magic is a thing.


*bangs head against the wall*

2014-06-17, 07:41 PM
I know that you're playing on hard, but it was hard to watch all those repeated attempts on the undead base where your forces kept getting wiped. Did you consider hit and fade attacks? Attack the base, destroy one building and some enemies, then retreat, but leave Jaina's elementals and a blizzard to kill some necromancers to slow down the undead. Afterwards, heal, replenish your army back to full attack strength and then mount another assault.

However, I can commiserate with the dumb AI at the end of the video. I usually try to get three mortar teams to nibble away at buildings and try to arrange my other units to screen them from attacks by enemy units. Unfortunately, as soon as the units defeat a wave, they charge straight into the Ziggurats' fire.

2014-06-17, 07:57 PM
I know that you're playing on hard, but it was hard to watch all those repeated attempts on the undead base where your forces kept getting wiped. Did you consider hit and fade attacks? Attack the base, destroy one building and some enemies, then retreat, but leave Jaina's elementals and a blizzard to kill some necromancers to slow down the undead. Afterwards, heal, replenish your army back to full attack strength and then mount another assault.

However, I can commiserate with the dumb AI at the end of the video. I usually try to get three mortar teams to nibble away at buildings and try to arrange my other units to screen them from attacks by enemy units. Unfortunately, as soon as the units defeat a wave, they charge straight into the Ziggurats' fire.

Yes. I did. Acolytes heal everything and I was under the impression that the AI here rebuilt all of its buildings, instead of just the unit producing/upgrade buildings and one or two of the spirit towers.

super dark33
2014-06-29, 06:53 PM
Next mission will be a butt, and the one after that will be even MORE of a butt :smalltongue:

2014-06-29, 09:41 PM
Next mission will be a butt, and the one after that will be even MORE of a butt :smalltongue:

The next? 'Butt' is too kind.

The one after? It's not too hard once you figure out how to attack neutrals.

2014-07-12, 04:19 PM
Well... that (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBmBNCjZZGY) wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

Maybe i should make sure it's on hard mode...

2014-07-13, 12:19 AM
The adventures of Prince Nicolas Cage continues! For some reason I remember this mission, despite never really having played this game before.

It's totally not cheating to play sim city when on a map that requires the enemies to kill all of your buildings to win. It's a very understandable strategy.

....they really did just let you smash up that caravan. This is why you should never invest in zombies. They're cheap, but you get what you pay for.

2014-07-13, 12:26 AM
The adventures of Prince Nicolas Cage continues! For some reason I remember this mission, despite never really having played this game before.

It's totally not cheating to play sim city when on a map that requires the enemies to kill all of your buildings to win. It's a very understandable strategy.

....they really did just let you smash up that caravan. This is why you should never invest in zombies. They're cheap, but you get what you pay for.

In their defense, Arthas had his Divine Shield up.

2014-07-13, 08:48 AM
I always hated that level, but mainly because I dont like playing defense too much. But those dang camps are just too powerful to easily assault and its easier in the long run to sit back, wall the hell out of your little hamlet, and endure. Though it is handy knowing the convoy is coming before you get the warning. Im generally right there as soon as it spawns. Or at the very least close by. I have never actually tried to fight it off after ignoring it till it eventually reaches me. I would imagine it must suck.

2014-07-13, 01:16 PM
I always hated that level, but mainly because I dont like playing defense too much. But those dang camps are just too powerful to easily assault and its easier in the long run to sit back, wall the hell out of your little hamlet, and endure. Though it is handy knowing the convoy is coming before you get the warning. Im generally right there as soon as it spawns. Or at the very least close by. I have never actually tried to fight it off after ignoring it till it eventually reaches me. I would imagine it must suck.

You get a third major force that leads assaults on your base instead of two. So yeah, it sucks.

Generally you need Arthas with your forces to fight so he can heal and kick ass, so sending him off to fight the caravan alone leaves your home base vulnerable, especially if one of the enemy liches shows up.

2014-07-13, 03:22 PM
You get a third major force that leads assaults on your base instead of two. So yeah, it sucks.

Generally you need Arthas with your forces to fight so he can heal and kick ass, so sending him off to fight the caravan alone leaves your home base vulnerable, especially if one of the enemy liches shows up.

True, but I dont tend to play hard difficulty, so its usually manageable.

2014-07-14, 05:57 AM
This level always murders me. I survive, but just barely.

2014-07-14, 07:02 AM
The adventures of Prince Nicolas Cage continues! For some reason I remember this mission, despite never really having played this game before.

It's totally not cheating to play sim city when on a map that requires the enemies to kill all of your buildings to win. It's a very understandable strategy.

....they really did just let you smash up that caravan. This is why you should never invest in zombies. They're cheap, but you get what you pay for.

That is what middle management is for.

2014-07-15, 05:44 PM
Part 7 up. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djkIhpsyJYw)

Also, I need to update the first post >.>

2014-07-15, 11:52 PM
...okay Arthas, I understand where you're coming from here...but good guys don't use the term purge.

Wow okay so we really are just ****ing destroying an entire town. WOW. Way to fall off the deep end good and quickly, Prince.

...ahahaha you actually called him Prince Nicolas Cage. Nice *high fives*. Someone with better art skills then me, photoshop Nic Cage's actually face over Arthas's unit window.

Jeez, evil zombie wizard is a cocky son of a bitch isn't he, throwing his Pudge's at you and what not.

And...Mal just escapes. Learn to gank Arthas.

Also she's blaming herself because she couldn't stop him.

2014-07-16, 12:07 AM
Also she's blaming herself because she couldn't stop him.

Neither could Uther, or any of the other knights there.

And their whole job is supposed to be to protect the innocent.

(also, Arthas couldn't gank. No stuns.)

2014-07-16, 05:54 PM
The farm the lady is right by has like 6 kids but no visible food growing. The joke is that they're desperate to get little Timmy back so that they'll have dinner.

I recall killing all of the people in that level, including the woman, but not Timmy (he is unslayable) because I could. Besides, playing again after what happens to them or could have, me killing them would be blessing.

(No, I won't tell you what happens. You should witness the glory for yourself)

...okay Arthas, I understand where you're coming from here...but good guys don't use the term purge.

Wow okay so we really are just ****ing destroying an entire town. WOW. Way to fall off the deep end good and quickly, Prince.

Arthas doesn't stop there. Continue playing to witness all of his brutality and nastiness.

And...Mal just escapes. Learn to gank Arthas.

Also she's blaming herself because she couldn't stop him.

Ah, Mal'ganis and Jaina. At least one of this will get stabbed. Play the game to figure out.

As for Jaina, I don't think there was anyway of her stopping Arthas with employing force against and due to her former relationship with him, I don't think she is really capable of hurting with serious cause.

Yes, Uther and the others prove to be just as useless as Jaina does at stopping Arthas, but so? It really doesn't mean anything here.

I love Kel-thuzad, Mr Evil wizard guy. He becomes so useful after you kill him....

2014-07-16, 06:54 PM
Yes, Uther and the others prove to be just as useless as Jaina does at stopping Arthas, but so? It really doesn't mean anything here.

For one thing, Uther had just finished saying that he was Arthas' superior officer (as far as a paladin goes, anyway) and that he would disobey the command to purge even if he did get it from the king, his own superior. For another, the whole point of having a paladin is for them to be as pure and good as possible, and to save the innocent no matter the cost.

Uther should have done something. Expel him from the order, convince his men, friggen fight Arthas. Or convince him to perform a quarantine of the city instead of an outright purge.

Do SOMETHING other than let him do whatever!!

2014-07-16, 08:58 PM
For one thing, Uther had just finished saying that he was Arthas' superior officer (as far as a paladin goes, anyway) and that he would disobey the command to purge even if he did get it from the king, his own superior. For another, the whole point of having a paladin is for them to be as pure and good as possible, and to save the innocent no matter the cost.

Uther should have done something. Expel him from the order, convince his men, friggen fight Arthas. Or convince him to perform a quarantine of the city instead of an outright purge.

Do SOMETHING other than let him do whatever!!

I got the feeling that Uther didnt know what to do at that point. He couldnt bring himself to purge the city, but he also knew arthas was right. In a few hours, all of stratholme was going to turn into an undead army of zombies. And while Arthas was technically Uthers subordinate, he was also the crown prince. Im fairly sure killing him would have ended badly for uther and his order, no matter how justified it seemed. And thats if he COULD stop Arthas, didnt many of his people stay with arthas to do the purge? Its not really clear from the cinematic how many troops uther had loyal to him, and how many loyal to arthas.

2014-07-24, 10:43 PM
I got the feeling that Uther didnt know what to do at that point. He couldnt bring himself to purge the city, but he also knew arthas was right. In a few hours, all of stratholme was going to turn into an undead army of zombies. And while Arthas was technically Uthers subordinate, he was also the crown prince. Im fairly sure killing him would have ended badly for uther and his order, no matter how justified it seemed. And thats if he COULD stop Arthas, didnt many of his people stay with arthas to do the purge? Its not really clear from the cinematic how many troops uther had loyal to him, and how many loyal to arthas.

I got the sense more that Uther was overwhelmed but what he had learned and was trying to come up with some other plan than just purging everyone. Its more clear in what he says that he believes that he and his paladins can cure the plague without killing everyone.

Heck, his whole argument is mainly against following Arthas given order to "Purge this city" rather than dealing with the zombies. I personally think that Uther honestly believed that purging the city was going to far and that he couldn't be the man he was by accepting that order from Arthas.

He also leaves after refusing Arthas with like two knights and a footman or two. From what I noticed at least. Plus he calls what Arthas did a "slaughter", suggesting he disagreed with the solution that Arthas used. Which makes sense for Uther, the leader of a holy order of paladins.

Now this doesn't excuse him for doing so little after what darker choices that Arthas makes, but that's a different argument.

Personally I find Jaina's moments funny because I remember the moment in Frozen Throne were she collapses slowly by her father in the cutscene, which looks funny every time I see it.

I am not sure that Uther is capable of killing Arthas at any point, besides the one. Don't forget that Uther is the leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand, a bunch of paladins who are supposed to be decent types and loyal to the king.

The other real solution might be that is required by the plot. It happens....

2014-08-09, 02:23 PM
New part (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYO8LoM_v9k). We finally get to the cold north, Canada Northrend, and meet an old friend for the first time...

Sorry this one took so long - i wanted to get a buffer episode up before posting this, but that one had framerate issues probably due to the sheer number of units on the map. I got it fixed now, so this next one shouldn't take that long.

2014-08-16, 02:46 PM
Next part is up. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zxnz5srcOyc&index=11&list=PLTnlsEDOk5MJ2K4Ap3E3oRP0z5GKT7llC) Arthas gets some news from home that he doesn't like. Not one bit.

super dark33
2014-08-16, 03:47 PM
I like how in that last cutscene the peasents also fight the mercenries.

2014-08-16, 03:50 PM
I like how in that last cutscene the peasents also fight the mercenries.

Agreed. It's a nice touch.

2014-08-16, 04:34 PM
Oops forgot to watch the latest part. Now I've got a double feature of sorts!

It's a bad sign that Arthas doesn't care about the cold wind. Also, kind of forgot what he was doing here.

Oh man violently beating up trolls. Arthas doubles as a forum moderator #horrible joke

Dorf king! I think! I don't know. DORFS!

...so the humans really are just the Terran from Starcraft, huh. They've got TANKS. SEIGE TANKS! Only they're called steam tanks. Steampunku! Also helicopters just noticed.

Why is Arthas doing this again? We...just kinda showed up in the icelands and rolled over some undead killing a random dorf king.

Oh, right, we were chasing that demon warlock guy because Arthas has The Most Grudge.

...wow the guard captain just sorta...listens to the emissaries orders without any care for what the Prince might say. It's almost as if he does not trust this man in the slightest and follows just because he's his Prince :smallamused:

I love Arthas's reaction to Dorfbro asking him if it's a little too much to burn the ships down. He doesn't try to justify it, doesn't try to argue, he just shouts "BURN THEM DOWN TO THEIR FRAMES!"

I'll admit, this mission seems interesting.

I HEARD SOMEONE SAY TAZ DINGO. BEST UNIT USE ALL THE TIME. My knowledge of Hearthstone says to trust this man.

Nooo, you betrayed Tazdingo :smallfrown:

2014-08-16, 07:53 PM
Oops forgot to watch the latest part. Now I've got a double feature of sorts!

It's a bad sign that Arthas doesn't care about the cold wind. Also, kind of forgot what he was doing here.

Oh man violently beating up trolls. Arthas doubles as a forum moderator #horrible joke

Dorf king! I think! I don't know. DORFS!

...so the humans really are just the Terran from Starcraft, huh. They've got TANKS. SEIGE TANKS! Only they're called steam tanks. Steampunku! Also helicopters just noticed.

Why is Arthas doing this again? We...just kinda showed up in the icelands and rolled over some undead killing a random dorf king.

Oh, right, we were chasing that demon warlock guy because Arthas has The Most Grudge.

...wow the guard captain just sorta...listens to the emissaries orders without any care for what the Prince might say. It's almost as if he does not trust this man in the slightest and follows just because he's his Prince :smallamused:

I love Arthas's reaction to Dorfbro asking him if it's a little too much to burn the ships down. He doesn't try to justify it, doesn't try to argue, he just shouts "BURN THEM DOWN TO THEIR FRAMES!"

I'll admit, this mission seems interesting.

I HEARD SOMEONE SAY TAZ DINGO. BEST UNIT USE ALL THE TIME. My knowledge of Hearthstone says to trust this man.

Nooo, you betrayed Tazdingo :smallfrown:

Part One: Arthas is chasing the dreadlord malganis to northrend. He has reason to do it since as far as he knows, this guy is the one responsible for plaguing his fathers freaking kingdom. Not too mention pushing him to purge stratholme. I dont think many people would be willing to "let it go"

Part 2: Yeah, this is where it becomes more obvious that arthas has lost his damn mind. Up till now, even the purge could be justified. It was either, kill them before they become zombies, which they will. Or let them become zombies and form an army of the undead with the full population of a large city. Now he is like, "I dont care the king said come home, I will not only burn all our ships, lie to my men, and betray all the mercs who fought for me, I will willingly and uncaringly commit treason and by extension force all my men to do the same. Oh yeah, and totally ignore the whole, 'how do we get home again?' issue, because that doesnt matter till I personally gut a dreadlord."

I especially love how he doesnt even consider he is being lied to. I mean think about it, Malganis says, "Dude, I am TOTALLY leaving for a distant continent in the frozen north. Come at me bro!" Then vanishes. If the goal had been to remove the only guy actually interested in stopping the plague that would have been the perfect time to fake him out. 10 minutes after his boat leaves for northrend, malganis pops back up laughing till he chokes as he continues spreading the plague. Arthas and his small army are long gone and lorderan is that much weakened.

Gracht Grabmaw
2014-08-16, 09:41 PM
At the time I thought the story campaign was really good, but looking back at it now I wish there would have been more variety to the scenarios, there's way too many pseudo-dungeon crawls and escorts in there where there could be legitimate tactical challenges.
The expansion campaigns largely fixes that thankfully, if you can get through the dull slog that is the night elf campaign first. I just wish they had had a real campaign for the orcs in there and not just a grindingly slow pseudo-RPG.

2014-08-17, 08:03 AM
At the time I thought the story campaign was really good, but looking back at it now I wish there would have been more variety to the scenarios, there's way too many pseudo-dungeon crawls and escorts in there where there could be legitimate tactical challenges.
The expansion campaigns largely fixes that thankfully, if you can get through the dull slog that is the night elf campaign first. I just wish they had had a real campaign for the orcs in there and not just a grindingly slow pseudo-RPG.

Bluh, im hating the night elf campaign pre expansion so much. So many of those limited resources missions like waking up the druids of the claw, and I HATE the one where you are constantly moving your base because each gold mine has a relatively tiny amount in it. Meanwhile you have random attacks where orcs, humans or undead are flying overhead, sometimes they attack you, sometimes they are heading for each others base. And probably the most annoying part are those damn ghosts that can possess your troops. Its hard enough to build up a force without losing control of a couple units every fight. Just give me a straight up base versus base battle any day. As for the mini rpg in the expansion, I actually rather enjoyed it. I especially enjoyed the final battle. I have run that a dozen times, trying different strategies each time. My personal favorite is to destroy the big towers and the barracks aimed at each path of my troops and let the npcs work their way up. By the time im done, there is a massive swarm of npcs attacking the final boss and it feels much more epic that way. Sure I dont actually need them in order to win, but its still fun.

2014-08-17, 02:23 PM
At the time I thought the story campaign was really good, but looking back at it now I wish there would have been more variety to the scenarios, there's way too many pseudo-dungeon crawls and escorts in there where there could be legitimate tactical challenges.
The expansion campaigns largely fixes that thankfully, if you can get through the dull slog that is the night elf campaign first. I just wish they had had a real campaign for the orcs in there and not just a grindingly slow pseudo-RPG.

The next part is a double feature that includes my thoughts on the human campaign, including its variety. But yeah, the orcs don't get nearly enough screentime in TFT.

Also, I'm gonna try and get these out every friday from now on. At least for a while.

2014-08-22, 04:18 PM
Here we are, folks! The last mission of the human campaign. The end result came out to two hours, so I've split it into two parts.

Frostmourne (Part 1) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HoEZqGhzSM)
Frostmourne (Part 2) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiNwjbqoCgo)

2014-08-23, 04:08 AM
What timing. I just watched the last two missions last night. And here I thought I caught up.

2014-08-23, 10:45 AM
It's telling that a man (well, dwarf) that has known Arthas for all of two days is able to see how ****ing insane he is.


...Bronzebeard no :smalleek:

And now Arthas has a sword. Time to go kill that evil demon lich zombie guy!

...why are none of the zombies even attempting to stop Arthas from blowing up their houses and healing them to death? Oh, right, Divine Shield. Arthas would be Omniknight, right? Explains why he's able to be so powerful.

When Mal'ganis died, I wonder if he noticed the distinct lack of "first blood" showing up. Poor Bronzebeard...though saying this makes me realize, why is Bronzebeard permadead here, but Mal'ganis can be revived in his area? It's a weird separation of story and mechanics.

Jeez, you need to send some of those steam tanks to back up Arthas. He's gettin' wrecked out there, and the Frosty Wyrms aren't helping much either.

Goodness this mission looks hard. You kind of got wreckt son.

I don't think they worship their kings, so much as they follow the Egyptian theme of "the king is descended from God" which in their case is The Light.

Okay in the future if you lose in the middle of an hour long map, right before you're about to win, cut to just before you're about to win. Watching an hour of...literally exactly what I just watched is KIND of tedious.

...that ending is kind of abrupt. "And then Arthas went insane but not really"


2014-08-23, 11:21 AM
It's telling that a man (well, dwarf) that has known Arthas for all of two days is able to see how ****ing insane he is.


...Bronzebeard no :smalleek:

And now Arthas has a sword. Time to go kill that evil demon lich zombie guy!

...why are none of the zombies even attempting to stop Arthas from blowing up their houses and healing them to death? Oh, right, Divine Shield. Arthas would be Omniknight, right? Explains why he's able to be so powerful.

When Mal'ganis died, I wonder if he noticed the distinct lack of "first blood" showing up. Poor Bronzebeard...though saying this makes me realize, why is Bronzebeard permadead here, but Mal'ganis can be revived in his area? It's a weird separation of story and mechanics.

Jeez, you need to send some of those steam tanks to back up Arthas. He's gettin' wrecked out there, and the Frosty Wyrms aren't helping much either.

Goodness this mission looks hard. You kind of got wreckt son.

I don't think they worship their kings, so much as they follow the Egyptian theme of "the king is descended from God" which in their case is The Light.

Okay in the future if you lose in the middle of an hour long map, right before you're about to win, cut to just before you're about to win. Watching an hour of...literally exactly what I just watched is KIND of tedious.

...that ending is kind of abrupt. "And then Arthas went insane but not really"


It's implied that he knew him before then, and in later materials Muradin supposedly helped temper Arthas so that he kept some of his sanity for a bit longer.

Hey, it's been a while, and ancient wendigos aren't exactly common in this game! xD

Arthas is basically omniknight, yeah. They even use Arthas' model for Omniknight in the original dota.

It's one of those weird mechanics quirks you just have to put up with. Like why can't you use a Phoenix Down on Aerith? (also, this game doesn't have a First Blood mechanic :smalltongue: )

No, they don't. The Light is basically the Force, minus the dark side.

Yeah, that was... really dumb of me. I wanted to show the change in tactics, but it ended up being an even longer slog. Next time I'll cut to somewhere appropriate, depending on the map's win conditions and type. Or just cut in and out, putting different pieces together.


2014-08-23, 11:23 AM
It's implied that he knew him before then, and in later materials Muradin supposedly helped temper Arthas so that he kept some of his sanity for a bit longer.

Hey, it's been a while, and ancient wendigos aren't exactly common in this game! xD

Arthas is basically omniknight, yeah. They even use Arthas' model for Omniknight in the original dota.

It's one of those weird mechanics quirks you just have to put up with. Like why can't you use a Phoenix Down on Aerith? (also, this game doesn't have a First Blood mechanic :smalltongue: )

No, they don't. The Light is basically the Force, minus the dark side.

Yeah, that was... really dumb of me. I wanted to show the change in tactics, but it ended up being an even longer slog. Next time I'll cut to somewhere appropriate, depending on the map's win conditions and type. Or just cut in and out, putting different pieces together.


You can't put a PHoenix Down on Aerith because Phoenix Down revives "unconcious" not "dead" :smallwink:

2014-08-23, 11:29 AM
You can't put a PHoenix Down on Aerith because Phoenix Down revives "unconcious" not "dead" :smallwink:.........

... Shut up :smalltongue:

2014-08-23, 01:00 PM
You can't put a PHoenix Down on Aerith because Phoenix Down revives "unconcious" not "dead" :smallwink:

This (http://www.cracked.com/video_18535_the-terrifying-fallout-final-fantasy-universe.html) is a film everyone should watch.

2014-08-23, 01:46 PM
You can't put a PHoenix Down on Aerith because Phoenix Down revives "unconcious" not "dead" :smallwink:
And, mysteriously, any amount of magic and explosives to the face never-never actually kill anyone.

Gracht Grabmaw
2014-08-30, 07:05 AM
Muradin is dead because Arthas ritually sacrificed him to the sword. That's different from dying in battle, because.

2014-08-30, 06:38 PM
*just snickers at the conversation about Muradin*

Gracht Grabmaw
2014-09-05, 10:11 AM
One more thing, can you maybe skip or fast-forward the non-story/commentary parts a bit? I get that there's not a lot to talk about for much of the missions because it is a strategy game so there's gonna be a big repetetive cycle of building, training troops and small time skirmishes leading up to the final fight in every mission where you don't want to talk, but you don't necessarily have to show everything in detail if you have nothing to say on it anyway.

2014-09-05, 07:38 PM
Gribmaw: For those last two videos... yeah, i really should've fast forwarded until i was sure I could win. It was a mistake to do the whole mission over again.

I find it incredibly annoying when someone fast forwards through an LP, since the point is supposed to be to show the game being played. However, in this case I have no video editing software that's worth a damn so usually I just show the whole way through. Next time I have a failure I'll still show the failure, but cut farther ahead when i come back. To the next story point if I can manage it.

Anyway, now we start on the Undead campaign (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuOv1GKVG3Y).

2014-09-07, 06:00 AM
Have you considered using cheats? Obviously not for the actual playthrough, but for stuff like replaying after a loss it could speed things up a bit until you get back to where you were.
Also saving the game, revealing the map, then reloading could've saved a lot of headaches searching for those last acolytes :smalltongue:

Speaking of cheats, watching the Undead campaign reminds me how I cheated my way through it. Not to avoid the challenge but simply because I wanted to be done with being evil as soon as possible. IIRC by the end of the second mission you get a feel for the tone of the rest of the campaign and I was more than happy to blow through that and move on to the next part of the story.

Gracht Grabmaw
2014-09-07, 09:02 AM
The undead campaign is a lot of fun, Arthas' human and undead side of the story back to back together are definately the strongest part of the single-player, although if I had to pick just one favorite it would have to be the undead campaign, it's just so much more well designed as a learning tool. The first mission alone already teaches you so much about the undead as an army. Like the fact that your basic infantry units aren't as tough as human or orc ones, so you need to pick your melees are little more carefully, or that corpses are useful to supplement your army. And because the paladin character you already know from the human campaign shows up again as a deathknight you don't need to be told that a deathknight works similarly for the undead as the paladin does for humans, you just automatically play the character as a paladin in the early missions.

My only real gripe with the undead campaign is that you don't ever get to control a dreadlord. All the other campaigns let you control all heroes from each race (although never all at the same time) but you never get a chance to play around with and test the dreadlord in singleplayer. I guess it's maybe for the best because Reign of Chaos dreadlords are finnicky pieces of crap, but still, it's such a big oversight.

2014-09-07, 10:57 AM
I think its because the dreadlords in this setup are less a hero class and more the puppetmasters. They dont fight, they give orders and threaten you if you fail.

2014-09-07, 11:25 AM
...wait, wait. The undead campaign is...ALSO headed by Arthas. Well...alright! I'm not used to games where we explicitly play the villain, but lets see where this goes.

Gasp! Kel'Thuzzad! I know that name! He's a cool lich bro with a dungeon full of jerks.

...here's a question. King Arthas is still...you know, the king. Why are people of the town scared of him? Also, based on how Death Coil works, I guess Arthas is Abaddon now. Go, invincible never dying death knight dude man!

Ghouls harvest lumber instead of their builder units? Weirdo ****in' zombies.

Hah, Fight Club reference. Cute.

There is an afterlife and you missed it.

2014-09-07, 11:52 AM
...here's a question. King Arthas is still...you know, the king. Why are people of the town scared of him?
Aside from the fact that he got to be king by murdering his father, is surrounded by the blatantly decaying living dead, and is a death knight with corrosive auras and a soul-eating sword?

2014-09-07, 11:53 AM
...wait, wait. The undead campaign is...ALSO headed by Arthas. Well...alright! I'm not used to games where we explicitly play the villain, but lets see where this goes.

Gasp! Kel'Thuzzad! I know that name! He's a cool lich bro with a dungeon full of jerks.

...here's a question. King Arthas is still...you know, the king. Why are people of the town scared of him? Also, based on how Death Coil works, I guess Arthas is Abaddon now. Go, invincible never dying death knight dude man!

Ghouls harvest lumber instead of their builder units? Weirdo ****in' zombies.

Hah, Fight Club reference. Cute.

There is an afterlife and you missed it.

Well Arthas DID commit regicide after all. Also, he has ghouls with him. Ghouls tend to be scary. As for the ghouls harvesting lumber, come on, admit it, thats actually kinda cool. Now if an enemy reaches your base, you have combat units on hand to defend it instead of peasants.

2014-09-07, 11:56 AM
Aside from the fact that he got to be king by murdering his father, is surrounded by the blatantly decaying living dead, and is a death knight with corrosive auras and a soul-eating sword?

Well Arthas DID commit regicide after all. Also, he has ghouls with him. Ghouls tend to be scary. As for the ghouls harvesting lumber, come on, admit it, thats actually kinda cool. Now if an enemy reaches your base, you have combat units on hand to defend it instead of peasants.

I meant what if Arthas just showed up normally. Yeah, he killed his dad, so what? That happens. Just say he was a betrayer of the light! No one KNOWS he's a Deathknight surrounded by a corrosive aura. I don't understand why his people would immediately go "Prince Arthas! We're all going to die!"

And yes, ghouls are better at defending then peasants, that's kinda cool at least :smalltongue:

2014-09-07, 12:06 PM
Have you considered using cheats? Obviously not for the actual playthrough, but for stuff like replaying after a loss it could speed things up a bit until you get back to where you were.
Also saving the game, revealing the map, then reloading could've saved a lot of headaches searching for those last acolytes :smalltongue:

Speaking of cheats, watching the Undead campaign reminds me how I cheated my way through it. Not to avoid the challenge but simply because I wanted to be done with being evil as soon as possible. IIRC by the end of the second mission you get a feel for the tone of the rest of the campaign and I was more than happy to blow through that and move on to the next part of the story.

Cheats? That would be cheating! :smalltongue:

And yes, yes i have considered it. The point is to play through on hard mode and WIN. If I turned on cheats I might as well be putting it on easy.

I think I started using cheats when we got to the end of the human campaign so i could have all the resources i needed. I turned on godmode for Silvermoon, though.

2014-09-07, 12:08 PM
King Arthas is still...you know, the king. Why are people of the town scared of him?

Well let's see.

He murdered his own father in cold blood.

He led an entire expedition to northrend to die.

He now leads the undead armies.

He slaughtered all of Stratholme.

Take your pick! :smalltongue:

2014-09-07, 12:10 PM
I've never played Warcraft 3 multiplayer, but someone who has* said that the undead are the most powerful faction you can play there, and one of the reasons for this is that their builder units are also their first-tier melee units.

*To clarify, I have absolutely no investment in him being right.

2014-09-07, 12:32 PM
I've never played Warcraft 3 multiplayer, but someone who has* said that the undead are the most powerful faction you can play there, and one of the reasons for this is that their builder units are also their first-tier melee units.

*To clarify, I have absolutely no investment in him being right.

He's... almost correct. You'll see next mission.

2014-09-07, 02:47 PM
What I like doing with the cheats is finally exploring the map completely. Its incredible the stuff you can find, the items you can loot, and the monsters you can kill, so long as you no longer have to worry about the computer being able to attack you. The last undead mission is a good example of this. While with a bit of effort surviving isnt that hard, you really cant afford to say, wipe out one of the main bases and see whats going on in the areas behind them. Or even the random forest maps, there are so many little half hidden camps of gnolls or ogres or murlocs to kill that you never would have spotted without an iseedeadpeople. (I think thats the right one for wc3) Even locations you need to clear a path to with catapults because they are behind several rows of trees and invisible if the fog of war is active.

Heh, I even still have an old holdover from my wc2 days, where I would intentionally cripple the other side, then ignore them and send out an endless swarm of peasants to collect every bit of lumber and gold in the game. or send out a flight of dragons to destroy the mines for the giggles. Its a LOT of fun to do that undead side because to me, it helps to promote the dead wasteland environment your character is working towards. Nothing but blight everywhere and tree stumps.

Gracht Grabmaw
2014-09-07, 03:43 PM
I've never played Warcraft 3 multiplayer, but someone who has* said that the undead are the most powerful faction you can play there, and one of the reasons for this is that their builder units are also their first-tier melee units.

*To clarify, I have absolutely no investment in him being right.

Undead are powerful because they're a very well-rounded army. Every othe race has some sort of weakness to exploit. Human units and tech eats much more ressources for average results, orcs have basically no defenses against air attacks, elves do very badly in early game, but undead are just so damn versatile.
Ghouls look cheap and expendable but they can last you a long way if you support them right, necromancers and banshees even without upgrades can potentially turn any mid-tier skirmish a grind for the enemy and a net gain for you and frostwyrms and abominations are frostwyrms and abominations.

2014-09-08, 07:40 AM
Iirc, dont those orc building spikes also cause a surprising amount of damage? The whole orc burrow mess can be a nasty amount of attrition as your peons keep retreating to new ones while your forces stab themselves to death destroying each building. That was something I noticed running the night elf campaign in the quest to wake up malfurion. My initial attack force was enough to break the enemy forces and destroy quite a few buildings, but a combination of orc burrows and watch towers taking pot shots while every time I would whack a building it would hurt me a bit actually ruined my attack in the end. I had to rebuild my entire army to come up and finish the quest off.

Gracht Grabmaw
2014-09-08, 12:03 PM
The spiked barricades are nasty because they don't do static damage, the harder you hit the harder they hit back and because it's not actually an attack they will ignore armor. I killed someone's demon hunter once in an online match just because the player wasn't paying attention to his health, their reaction was pretty hilarious.

2014-09-09, 09:36 PM
Been catching up with the series. Never did get a chance to play WC3, although I played the original and WC2. Played WoW for a bit, then got tired of the negative cash flow.

I bet those meat wagon things we saw the undead use against the Humans in the first campaign are gonna be real fun to play with. Is that a siege unit that also stores bodies? Which are a third resource for the Undead? Sounds interesting...

2014-09-10, 11:58 PM
Been catching up with the series. Never did get a chance to play WC3, although I played the original and WC2. Played WoW for a bit, then got tired of the negative cash flow.

I bet those meat wagon things we saw the undead use against the Humans in the first campaign are gonna be real fun to play with. Is that a siege unit that also stores bodies? Which are a third resource for the Undead? Sounds interesting...

They can be upgraded to actually produce bodies automatically, they are great to pair with necromancers for an endless flow of horrible abominations.

2014-09-11, 12:10 AM
They can be upgraded to actually produce bodies automatically, they are great to pair with necromancers for an endless flow of horrible abominations.

That upgrade was added in Frozen Throne, actually.

... i think. :smallconfused:

2014-09-11, 12:53 PM
Yep, it's TFT. Combine them with Necromancers and never look back.

2014-09-11, 01:03 PM
They can be upgraded to actually produce bodies automatically, they are great to pair with necromancers for an endless flow of horrible abominations.

Necromancers get to make skeletons, standard and mages(in Frozen Throne). Abominations are made at the same structure that produces meat wagons.

All undead units can get upgraded with a plague shield, while Frozen Throne introduces some fun new undead units, including a giant spider king.

The Graveyard automatically produces corpses, while the Meat Wagon can be set to auto-harvest corpses, so you can fill the meat wagon by leaving it by your graveyard. Plus you have to build a structure for the ghouls to return lumber to, because I don't recall the ghouls returning the lumber to your town hall place, or maybe I just quickly built the structure.

A major undead point: Your acolytes don't gather lumber, and only make buildings when they aren't gathering gold. Acolytes also summon buildings, so you only really need 5 acolytes per gold mine you claim, unless you want to kill the acolyte to make a scout.

2014-09-24, 04:30 PM
Human Campaign:
Wow, that was a real slog. I'm glad I never played WC3 on hard, because I don't think I'd be able to handle that mission.

Undead Campaign:
Yes, as a matter of fact I was yelling at the screen telling you about each of the acolytes that you missed along the way. Way to not listen to me, jeez.

Heh, I even still have an old holdover from my wc2 days, where I would intentionally cripple the other side, then ignore them and send out an endless swarm of peasants to collect every bit of lumber and gold in the game. or send out a flight of dragons to destroy the mines for the giggles. Its a LOT of fun to do that undead side because to me, it helps to promote the dead wasteland environment your character is working towards. Nothing but blight everywhere and tree stumps.

I love games that let me do this. Creeper world is an absolute blast for doing this. When I play Advance Wars, I have a habit of dragging out the mission so I can capture every single building.

2015-06-13, 02:10 PM
Also saving the game, revealing the map, then reloading could've saved a lot of headaches searching for those last acolytes :smalltongue:

Speaking of cheats, watching the Undead campaign reminds me how I cheated my way through it. Not to avoid the challenge but simply because I wanted to be done with being evil as soon as possible. IIRC by the end of the second mission you get a feel for the tone of the rest of the campaign and I was more than happy to blow through that and move on to the next part of the story.

As an elementary school kid I enjoyed nothing more than slaughtering those peasants with my Undead abominations. To each their own I guess.

2015-08-06, 04:11 PM
Let's Play Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos Part 13: An old pal (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwWQcmQ00-8)

... So... yeah. I've been gone a while.

Some things.

First: I found a way to make the videos higher quality when they upload. I think there's one or two more where I use the old method by accident, but they should be consistently higher quality from now on.

Second: I decided after this mission to switch from hard to normal, because mission 3 was an hour and a half long, and mission 4 took four tries that were over an hour each... and I still hadn't won. Hard mode basically makes the enemies tougher and makes you fight more of them. I thought I was good enough to keep it interesting despite that, but apparently not.

Third: I've got a buffer built up. At the time of this post, I've got the entire undead campaign and am 2 or 3 missions into the next, just need to upload the videos and put them together. I'm gonna finish the orc campaign before I begin posting it, but in-between I've got some LP videos of another strategy game that's easier to record and play (albeit a lot harder to beat) primarily because I don't have to scrap failed missions. That's assuming I haven't finished the Orc campaign, which seems pretty unlikely given how fast I can win those missions on normal. These'll go up once a week, assuming nothing goes wrong at home.

Fourth: Part of the reason I was gone so long was a broken headset. I've got a new one now. So... yeah. Sorry about that.

2015-08-06, 08:11 PM
Corpses make both good and bad projectile weapons. For actual DAMAGE information they're worthless garbage. We're big ole sacks of meat. But the MENTAL damage, that is beautifully effective.

Oh hey Kel'Thuezad. When does he get his cool spider minions and giant beetle borg?

2015-08-06, 09:15 PM
Corpses make both good and bad projectile weapons. For actual DAMAGE information they're worthless garbage. We're big ole sacks of meat. But the MENTAL damage, that is beautifully effective.

Oh hey Kel'Thuezad. When does he get his cool spider minions and giant beetle borg?

In hindsight, I'm thoroughly disappointed this game doesn't have a morale system.

2015-08-06, 10:07 PM
In hindsight, I'm thoroughly disappointed this game doesn't have a morale system.

Unfortunately I imagine that'd make the undead more OP then they already apparently are since...try demoralizing a zombie, HT. Try it.

2015-08-06, 10:09 PM
Unfortunately I imagine that'd make the undead more OP then they already apparently are since...try demoralizing a zombie, HT. Try it.

Isn't that basically what Turn Undead is?

2015-08-06, 10:14 PM
Isn't that basically what Turn Undead is?

Although that's more a literal magic spell that forces them to retreat in pain, you have a point in that it's comparable. People CAN die of fright after all, which flavor wise would be like Turning Undead so hard that they blow up. Wouldn't really work for an in game version of morale though, Orcs and Night Elves don't have Paladin's, that I'm aware of.

2015-08-07, 12:50 AM
Unfortunately I imagine that'd make the undead more OP then they already apparently are since...try demoralizing a zombie, HT. Try it.Set it on fire. Done.

Isn't that basically what Turn Undead is?

Although that's more a literal magic spell that forces them to retreat in pain, you have a point in that it's comparable. People CAN die of fright after all, which flavor wise would be like Turning Undead so hard that they blow up. Wouldn't really work for an in game version of morale though, Orcs and Night Elves don't have Paladin's, that I'm aware of.

Nope. The night elves do get Demon Hunters, but that's a different thing.

In Dawn of War, morale in units that are supposed to be immune to fear (Necrons, Space Marines, etc) is basically treated as a form of unit cohesion. It's arguable that the undead could fall prey to such a thing more easily than outright fear, since they are essentially mindless.

2015-08-07, 12:52 AM
Set it on fire. Done.

In Dawn of War, morale in units that are supposed to be immune to fear (Necrons, Space Marines, etc) is basically treated as a form of unit cohesion. It's arguable that the undead could fall prey to such a thing more easily than outright fear, since they are essentially mindless.

They're literally mindless I don't think they'd care about the fire. But yeah, "unit cohesion" could work for the undead here. Maybe like your fire example above, it "breaks" the control over the zombies and makes them more wild and rage zombie-esque then regular controlled tools.

2015-08-07, 05:58 AM
Oh hey! You're back!

2015-08-07, 08:07 AM
Oh hey! You're back!

And with a buffer this time! Gonna do a weekly schedule. I'm on the... fourth orc mission, as far as recording goes, though I'm planning to do the whole campaign before I start posting 'em. I've also got some extra recordings I can do if I miss an update or need to put some episodes up in-between.

2015-08-07, 08:35 AM
Yup. I read that as well. I've got the mission pulled up and buffered. Just waiting to get some time to watch it. I'll give some more detailed feedback once I watch it.

Update: Yup, Arthas is a ****. This sort of map shows that quantity can have a quality of its own.

2015-08-08, 03:26 PM
Just wanna say that I'm following and enjoying this.

2015-08-13, 01:17 PM
New one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9mJlrCrDmE)

This mission is one i was a little too cautious on. I probably could have gone the faster route, but if you don't eliminate the bases on hard mode it becomes increasingly difficult to have the resources you need. In normal, though... going the long route can be a bit of a chore.

Speaking of, we have a five minute or so extra (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fO6Kl7pUU_w) today. This is something I did after the hard mode attempts for some... stress relief :smallamused:

(Cheats used in the Extra: warpten, greedisgood, whosyourdaddy)

2015-08-13, 09:38 PM
You know, undead was/is my favourite army when I play WC3 for the simple fact that drowning your enemy in skeletons raised from their own army is just very satisfying.

Also: one corpse raise two skeletons. How :smallbiggrin:?

2015-08-13, 09:57 PM
You know, undead was/is my favourite army when I play WC3 for the simple fact that drowning your enemy in skeletons raised from their own army is just very satisfying.

Also: one corpse raise two skeletons. How :smallbiggrin:?I can understand that. My personal favorite was... a tie, actually, between the orcs and the night elves.

The better question is how it's two human skeletons for everything from an elven housewife to a Kodo.

2015-08-14, 08:54 AM
You found out that Unholy Aura restores mechanical units. That was always one of the cooler things, I thought, just because it's unexpected but somewhat useful.

I know you have a buffer so it doesn't even matter, but remember that the Scourge can unsummon their buildings, so you can get money back from, say, the Crypts in your first base that go unused. I also probably wouldn't have built more than one Crypt (per base) in this mission, given that you can train only ghouls and you had a lot of downtime on production.

Edit: And watching to the very end, I see that you did eventually unsummon them.

2015-08-14, 11:07 AM
Oh wow you botched that pronunciation of Quel'Thelas hard. Understandable given it's a weird fantasy name, but....wait Arthas said it wrong too! You can hear how it's actually pronounced here. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dtJ9QSv3y0)

Oh...oh hi Slyvannas. I'm sure nothing bad ever happens to you.
let none survive.

...wow uh, okay. Sylvannas kinda bit it hard and fast. I'm going to assume she's not dead dead since heroes can respawn, but still.

I like how the Undead are basically a combination of Zerg and Protoss mechanics.

You know if they wanted you to use your ghouls to break through tree's in that way they should of given them a special "chew on trees" option in the action menu.

Ah, there's Sylvannas again! I see she has no words for us this time. Guess she just wants to pump you full of arrows.

At the speed you're killing these elves I don't think the base defenses are really that good for you. But then you're the one who knows what he's doing here.

I like how even as a Death Knight, Arthas is kind of a heal bot.

I imagine the corpse wagons have the bones removed and turned into fuel for the wagon, so no bones to skeletonize.

2015-08-14, 11:22 AM
I like the undead race because of the skeleton army as well. Its so much fun to see the army reach a tipping point. A force of ghouls and whatnot with say, a half dozen necros behind them. As both sides die, skeletons are raised, and eventually you see the swarm break through and wipe out everything. The only downside is, you have to be replacing ghouls back at base or else you are at the half destroyed enemy base with a half dozen necros and nothing else due to the skeletons expiring.

2015-08-14, 11:27 AM
Oh wow you botched that pronunciation of Quel'Thelas hard. Understandable given it's a weird fantasy name, but....wait Arthas said it wrong too! You can hear how it's actually pronounced here. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dtJ9QSv3y0)I'm pronouncing it the way Kael'Thas does in TFT. I'll take his word for it. :smalltongue::smallwink:

... yeah, having listened to this, I'm not sure they aren't mispronouncing 'Kael'thas'

Oh...oh hi Slyvannas. I'm sure nothing bad ever happens to you.
let none survive.Nothing at all! =D

...wow uh, okay. Sylvannas kinda bit it hard and fast. I'm going to assume she's not dead dead since heroes can respawn, but still.She's supposed to respawn and continue attacking you every few minutes.

You know if they wanted you to use your ghouls to break through tree's in that way they should of given them a special "chew on trees" option in the action menu.They did. You can only attack trees with your lumber harvesters

Ah, there's Sylvannas again! I see she has no words for us this time. Guess she just wants to pump you full of arrows.She's supposed to call in some reinforcements when you get to the final base, but it doesn't trigger if she's not alive.

At the speed you're killing these elves I don't think the base defenses are really that good for you. But then you're the one who knows what he's doing here.I'll be honest: I probably don't need them.

I like how even as a Death Knight, Arthas is kind of a heal bot.There's a reason the Death Knight is described as the 'undead counterpart to the human death knight' :smallwink:

I like the undead race because of the skeleton army as well. Its so much fun to see the army reach a tipping point. A force of ghouls and whatnot with say, a half dozen necros behind them. As both sides die, skeletons are raised, and eventually you see the swarm break through and wipe out everything. The only downside is, you have to be replacing ghouls back at base or else you are at the half destroyed enemy base with a half dozen necros and nothing else due to the skeletons expiring.Agreed. The undead are pretty awesome in that regard.

2015-08-14, 11:50 AM
You can also take out trees with the catapults. I prefer ghouls since you need the resources anyways. :p

2015-08-20, 08:53 AM
New video up (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yP10s4Imfg)

I mostly jest about the sun worshipers using a moon key. There IS a legitimate reason for this, which I think gets covered during the elf campaign.

2015-08-20, 09:28 PM
Nooot much to say this episode (other then wow, didn't expect you to like the cowmen most) but still, pretty neat! Slowly but surely we are purging the elves.

2015-08-20, 09:46 PM
Nooot much to say this episode (other then wow, didn't expect you to like the cowmen most) but still, pretty neat! Slowly but surely we are purging the elves.

Yeah. Tauren are pretty awesome.

2015-08-26, 05:01 AM
Following this (I'm actually playing WC3 too, but I love to share strategies :smallbiggrin:)!

2015-08-27, 01:31 PM
Following this (I'm actually playing WC3 too, but I love to share strategies :smallbiggrin:)!

Master Shaman + Tauren. Best.

Also, New video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6o_4erwSig)

2015-08-27, 08:11 PM
My only experience with Warcraft lore is Hearthstone so I'm gonna be honest, Kel'Thuzad being all "the hour of my rebirth is near" is weird considering...dude you're a necromancer lich why aren't you alive already? But then maybe I guess the dumbass forgot to lich himself, and that's what Arthas is doing here.

I do like that Arthas is betraying the demons though. Paladin or no, he still hates the demons. I wonder if we'll meet any of Kel's other friends, like Anub'Arak and Noth.

Jeez, Slyvannas is persistent. Though I suppose that makes sense. I HAVE NO TIME FOR GAMES.

Ooh, gargoyles. Those'll put a stop to those runners. Why keep them in stone form until the runner runs by, though?

This is the first point you use the gargoyles since last mission you learned about the Nerubians. As much as people I know gush about how great these stories are, both this and Starcraft, and yes the stories ARE good, they're intended as tutorials for multiplayer. So they teach you one thing at a time.

Oops somebody left their email on while recording! Silly HT.

What are the gargoyles even doing for their ranged attack? They're like...throwing out blasts of wind or something, I guess.

Oh man, I kinda wish the runner she had sent out while you were assaulting her base got far enough away that you had to chase it, at least for awhile. Would of been kinda cinematic and funny.

...and then Windrunner became a Banshee. Lady aren't you supposed to be some kinda...I don't know, sexy forsaken monster archer (http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/hearthstone.gamepedia.com/4/41/Sylvanas_Windrunner_%28art%29.jpg) or something? I guess as a Banshee Queen she just looks like that in this game because she's yet to put on her legs.

Oh, oh okay, now Kel looks like the good ole skeleyman that I know and appreciate but keep good and well enough distance away from. Same sorta echo-y voice too, though a little deeper.

"Even though it would proobably work better at the beginning of the next mission" no HT no if you think that why are you doing this no why. This is 33 minutes long how is this short I mean it kinda is for this type of game but still HT no why.

Wait did we kill Kel'Thuzad? I forget that.

2015-08-27, 08:41 PM
My only experience with Warcraft lore is Hearthstone so I'm gonna be honest, Kel'Thuzad being all "the hour of my rebirth is near" is weird considering...dude you're a necromancer lich why aren't you alive already? But then maybe I guess the dumbass forgot to lich himself, and that's what Arthas is doing here.

Lala, this is where Kel gets turned into a Lich. He wasn't a Lich before now, he was a regular necromancer dude. That was why his ghostly form was the necromancer model modified.

Ooh, gargoyles. Those'll put a stop to those runners. Why keep them in stone form until the runner runs by, though?Gargoyles recover their health more quickly in stone form, and can't be spotted from the ground if they're on high ground.

This is the first point you use the gargoyles since last mission you learned about the Nerubians. As much as people I know gush about how great these stories are, both this and Starcraft, and yes the stories ARE good, they're intended as tutorials for multiplayer. So they teach you one thing at a time.Yes, but it's still fun to point out how much easier killing off the previous mission would've been with some serious air power.

Oops somebody left their email on while recording! Silly HT.Think that was actually my skype ;)

What are the gargoyles even doing for their ranged attack? They're like...throwing out blasts of wind or something, I guess.Throwing out arcs of dark wind magic was my guess.

...and then Windrunner became a Banshee. Lady aren't you supposed to be some kinda...I don't know, sexy forsaken monster archer (http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/hearthstone.gamepedia.com/4/41/Sylvanas_Windrunner_%28art%29.jpg) or something? I guess as a Banshee Queen she just looks like that in this game because she's yet to put on her legs.We never see Sylvanas again in this game, but in TFT we learn she reacquired her own body and became a dark ranger (a little ironic since in TFT Dark Rangers are neutral heroes you can find in taverns... also that doesn't make much sense, but I guess Sylvanas had to learn the possession technique or something.)

"Even though it would proobably work better at the beginning of the next mission" no HT no if you think that why are you doing this no why. This is 33 minutes long how is this short I mean it kinda is for this type of game but still HT no why.I was actually misremembering the cutscene. I thought a pair of lines in the beginning of the next mission ocurred at the end of this cutscene.

Wait did we kill Kel'Thuzad? I forget that.Yup! He was the necromancer Arthas killed back in Andorhal.

2015-08-27, 08:44 PM
Lala, this is where Kel gets turned into a Lich. He wasn't a Lich before now, he was a regular necromancer dude. That was why his ghostly form was the necromancer model modified.

Yup! He was the necromancer Arthas killed back in Andorhal.

Yo I said I don't know jack about Warcraft lore. I just kinda assumed he was always a lich because I knew him as "the legendary lich Kel'Thuzad."

Huh. I don't remember that in the slightest.

2015-08-27, 10:40 PM
I guess they're not so high anymore, eh? Hahahaha.

....I'll see myself out.

Oh, so that's the sound. I thought it's somewhere from my own PC.

Anyway, no wonder you don't remember kel'thuzard. He was just ordinary necromancer model back then.

2015-08-27, 10:43 PM
I guess they're not so high anymore, eh? Hahahaha.

....I'll see myself out.

Oh, so that's the sound. I thought it's somewhere from my own PC.

Anyway, no wonder you don't remember kel'thuzard. He was just ordinary necromancer model back then.

For me, Kelly's always going to be a weird, sort of egyptian styled lich man with tusks. I bet he's secretly a troll hiding behind a disguise.

"The next boss, I hear, is very deadly. And handsome."

2015-08-28, 05:35 AM
Actually, what I heard is that everyone in Warcraft is actually two gnomes in a suit. That's why all dead people turn into two skeletons when necromancers raise them.

2015-08-30, 08:58 AM
I don't know, sexy forsaken monster archer or something? I guess as a Banshee Queen she just looks like that in this game because she's yet to put on her legs.

That comes way later, when she possesses her own corpse or something.

It is not really explained to well she just shows up in the expansion as "Dark Ranger"

2015-08-30, 09:17 AM
That comes way later, when she possesses her own corpse or something.

It is not really explained to well she just shows up in the expansion as "Dark Ranger"

Im not sure if this is official, but I believe she possessed the body of a dying blood elf. Remember, thats something banshees can do in game.

2015-08-31, 03:52 PM
Im not sure if this is official, but I believe she possessed the body of a dying blood elf. Remember, thats something banshees can do in game.

The only explanation for it we ever got was in the warcraft RPG, which was that she possessed her own corpse.

Now the RPG isn't at all canon anymore, but outside of that there has never been a remote explanation for it.

2015-09-03, 03:04 PM
In a bit of a rush right now, but new video up (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMmkttCnewA)

2015-09-04, 12:10 PM
New one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9mJlrCrDmE)

Slowly catching up. I'd really like it if there was a two player mode where one person built the base and the other controlled the fighting. I think it'd be a lot more interesting.

Stress relief mode looked fun.

New video up (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yP10s4Imfg)

I mostly jest about the sun worshipers using a moon key. There IS a legitimate reason for this, which I think gets covered during the elf campaign.

There's a noticeable difference in the game between hard and normal. You beat that barely losing any units.

Edit: Finally caught up. Seemingly the elves and orcs have both fallen.

2015-09-10, 11:40 AM
Slowly catching up. I'd really like it if there was a two player mode where one person built the base and the other controlled the fighting. I think it'd be a lot more interesting.

Stress relief mode looked fun.

There's a noticeable difference in the game between hard and normal. You beat that barely losing any units.

Edit: Finally caught up. Seemingly the elves and orcs have both fallen.

Well yeah, it's harder, but... that's basically it. There's no extra campaign events or anything afaik, it's just harder and longer. And as you might have noticed, when I leave it on hard it takes an hour to get done. And that's assuming I do it right the first time.


New video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOWmYzlN7uM&index=21&list=PLTnlsEDOk5MJ2K4Ap3E3oRP0z5GKT7llC)

We're getting close to the end now.

2015-09-10, 01:43 PM
Arthas is an ass, part 371

2015-09-10, 02:39 PM
Arthas is an ass, part 371

Something I forgot to mention in earlier videos: In his backstory, Arthas basically got into the Silver Hand due to nepotism.

2015-09-10, 03:08 PM
Something I forgot to mention in earlier videos: In his backstory, Arthas basically got into the Silver Hand due to nepotism.

Huh, was not aware of that. Seems odd considering that until all this crap with the undead started happening, he managed to be a fairly badass and skilled paladin. Sure his mental fortitude flunked the test when it came down to it, but come on, how many paladins were turned into deathknights willingly? The fallen knights of the silver hand were a thing. Much like Arthas they went to northrend to find the source of the plague, and just like him, they lost themselves to hatred and were tempted by nerzhul into becoming death knights.

2015-09-10, 07:43 PM
Huh, was not aware of that. Seems odd considering that until all this crap with the undead started happening, he managed to be a fairly badass and skilled paladin. Sure his mental fortitude flunked the test when it came down to it, but come on, how many paladins were turned into deathknights willingly? The fallen knights of the silver hand were a thing. Much like Arthas they went to northrend to find the source of the plague, and just like him, they lost themselves to hatred and were tempted by nerzhul into becoming death knights.

Eh, that might not have been entirely fair... iirc, Arthas got into the Silver Hand on the request of King Terenas and recommendation of Uther. Several Paladins expressed concern at Arthas' headstrong behavior and anger (even in the early parts of the human campaign, Arthas was a little angrier than a paladin should be) but ultimately Arthas was kept in.

And having looked it up some more, I was actually wrong. The paladin training him expressed concern that Arthas didn't take losing well, but he was actually welcomed into the order.

2015-09-10, 10:36 PM
Been awhile since I watched so this'll be a big one.

Black Rock and Roll part 2

I didn't mention it last time but I like how the title here basically confirms that Blizzard's always had their stupid silly humour, they just don't let it really leak into their actual storylines. Anyway, time to own some orcs...I'd feel bad but they're kind of evil aliens? I think the Blackrock ones are anyway.

Oh okay they have a demon gate they're probably not very nice either. Though I'd still prefer they win to Arthas prooobably.

I think it's valid that Kel would need to discuss things with his boss. Wants to make sure everything's going smoothly. Also your reaction to Frost Wyrms showing up is fantastic. You're such a nerd.

...the orcs are fighting the undead because they think it's a test to prove that THEY are the rightful footsoldiers of the Burning Legion. Man, how the hell did the BL conquer so may worlds again if they run things this badly?

Wow that's a long list of losers to kill. Let none survive!

Skeleton warriors make good scouts I've noticed since they run on a timer anyway.

Oops, way to kill Kel there HT. Good job. Though I do like how you where like "oh we'll never find the tome of knowledge now" just as you stumbled onto it.

Cool that you showed off how the Banshee possession ability works. I ENJOY RAIDING!

Oh Medivh, I recognize that name. Are we supposed to know who that is yet though?


The Siege of Dalaran

Oh man Dalaran that's a name I vaguely recall from hearing it said by cards and also by the name of a card. Look I know jack**** about Warcraft mythos.

...whoa HT I think you like Abominations a biiit too much there. Ah, but whatever. "WHAT WE DO?"

Uh oh it's Antonidas. Be careful HT he'll throw a billion fireballs at you! "AHAH!"

Is...is that Archmage all alone by himself? Wow, Kalin Tor is kind of stupid.

How cruel you exploded that sheep. Also good job actually pointing out how that Archmage being all by himself is kind of ridiculous.

...why do Gargoyles count as undead for this undead purging aura?

Yo you love the pipe of insight but what does it do? Or are you just one of those people who's Metal Gear Solid code name would be Blazing Roach?

I like how this mission theoretically has a time limit. You're supposed to perform the summoning in three days, and by the time you finish it it's the dawn of the third day. Nice timing!

2015-09-11, 03:18 AM
Also, holy crap there's another wizard outside?

Do I know that? I might be, but I might just found that out now a decade after I played this game.

Also, talking about difficulty. I noticed that since you turned the difficulty into normal you never really had a "setback" anymore. Not that you don't face challenge, but the challenge is more about going through the missions the game provided, if you get what I mean.

Fitting though, since the undead campaign is all about the scourge curbstomping everyone :smallbiggrin:.

Also I remember later missions get harder.

2015-09-11, 07:54 AM

The Archmage is mostly alone, because the other Master Mages are performing a very important ritual. (not that this is retconed in revealed until WAY later...like third expansion of World of Warcraft later)

2015-09-12, 08:04 AM
New video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOWmYzlN7uM&index=21&list=PLTnlsEDOk5MJ2K4Ap3E3oRP0z5GKT7llC)

We're getting close to the end now.

I know you acknowledged this with the caged units, but I'm pretty sure on this mission you can just spam Banshees and possess human units to avoid the auras. Edit: And you do realize this at the very end.

I also find it odd that the mission is just to kill the Archmages--I feel like there should have been another base housing the Book of Medivh (maybe instead of the ones you destroy along the way to the auras).

2015-09-12, 04:38 PM
Eh, that might not have been entirely fair... iirc, Arthas got into the Silver Hand on the request of King Terenas and recommendation of Uther. Several Paladins expressed concern at Arthas' headstrong behavior and anger (even in the early parts of the human campaign, Arthas was a little angrier than a paladin should be) but ultimately Arthas was kept in.

And having looked it up some more, I was actually wrong. The paladin training him expressed concern that Arthas didn't take losing well, but he was actually welcomed into the order.

My Warcraft lore is a bit rusty at the moment, but as fara s I know, the Knights of the Silver Hand traditionally have strong ties to the various human royal families. This also shows in their abilities, like blessing of kings, guardian of kings, stuff like that. So a prince joining the Silver Hand shouldn't be that unsusual.

2015-09-12, 04:51 PM
I've been following this for a while, since I recently watched a Warcraft: Orcs and Humans let's play I'll just let Zodi know that we've known who Medivh was since we read the background in the manual waiting for the first gave to install :smalltongue:

He was responsible for the portal that let the Orcs into Azeroth in the first place

2015-09-12, 05:00 PM
My Warcraft lore is a bit rusty at the moment, but as fara s I know, the Knights of the Silver Hand traditionally have strong ties to the various human royal families. This also shows in their abilities, like blessing of kings, guardian of kings, stuff like that. So a prince joining the Silver Hand shouldn't be that unsusual.

I think Uther and Tiranas (Arthas's pop) were good friends as well, The kid probably grew up on stories of "The legendary Paladins of the Silver Hand" and begged to train as a paladin from about the age of 6

2015-09-12, 05:03 PM
I've been following this for a while, since I recently watched a Warcraft: Orcs and Humans let's play I'll just let Zodi know that we've known who Medivh was since we read the background in the manual waiting for the first gave to install :smalltongue:

He was responsible for the portal that let the Orcs into Azeroth in the first place

God damn raven chessmaster.

2015-09-13, 08:25 AM
God damn raven chessmaster.

To be fair, he is possessed by..Satan-Zeus...guy.

2015-09-13, 02:09 PM
The name is Sargeras, actually. And he's more Satan than Zeus, he only messed with one mortal child. And he wasn'te ven the father.

2015-09-13, 11:37 PM
I know his name, I just..to go Zeus as my general "Deity" guy because he is well known.

2015-09-17, 11:03 AM
Alrighty, guys. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXtMHlUWWq8) We're at the end of the Undead campaign. This is our last video before we start the orc campaign next week (which is one video away from completion, so I figured it was safe to just start :smalltongue: )

I also did a quick first impressions look at Undertale (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FceKIH2ekXs) yesterday. It actually gets even better after the point where I stop, and so far I do recommend it. It's been out for two days and is like $10 on steam.

EDIT: Also the first episode of Life is Strange (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUfxf4PL0kg). It was actually a lot better than I thought it'd be.

2015-09-17, 05:39 PM
We've finished the Chapter of "Arthas is a ****" and we're moving on to the "And the Orcs aren't that much better" Chapter.

2015-09-17, 08:06 PM
Also, am I crazy or there's a campaign where your hero get weaker as the chapter goes because of story reason? All this time I thought it's the undead campaign but apparently not.

2015-09-17, 08:10 PM
Also, am I crazy or there's a campaign where your hero get weaker as the chapter goes because of story reason? All this time I thought it's the undead campaign but apparently not.

Actually, yes. But it's the Frozen Throne's undead campaign :smallwink:

2015-09-18, 02:01 AM
Undertale is honestly in my top 10 games of 2015 and that's considering this is the year Bayonetta 2, MGS5, Mario Maker, and Splatoon came out. Anyway, Wercruft.

Under the Burning Sky sounds awesome a title. We're going to be causing some...problems, I imagine.

Oh man, summoning time. Just gotta protect Kel until things work out I guess? And something about a Black Citadel.

Goblin Landmines? Oh god, it's Techies. Get out before you're all doomed. Except you can use them to your benefit, nice.

Oh man, demons! Hello demons!

OH man, Infernals! They're pretty awesome looking! Also, nice evil laugh :smallamused:

Oh man, Dalaran turned to dust. That's...pretty bad. And Arthas gets throw to the wayside, never to be seen again (until later).

Meanwhile, ORCS!

2015-09-18, 02:24 AM

I forgot to mention

Turn on annotations

Archimonde does demon-speak for the ending cutscene, and the subtitles are separate from the video.

2015-09-18, 08:29 AM
We've finished the Chapter of "Arthas is a ****" and we're moving on to the "And the Orcs aren't that much better" Chapter.

You mean the "And the Grom is not much better" chapter.

since you know..everything bad that the orcs did in WC-3 is pretty much directly his fault.

2015-09-18, 08:54 AM
You mean the "And the Grom is not much better" chapter.

since you know..everything bad that the orcs did in WC-3 is pretty much directly his fault.

To be fair, Thrall does (though reluctantly) back him up.

2015-09-18, 08:08 PM
To be fair, Thrall does (though reluctantly) back him up.

Well the first time,

and really, he had not much choice Grom kicked up a bee hive that thrall was going to have to deal with, he like wasn't going to be able to go to The Human forces in Kalimdor after Grom rushed at them trying to stab them, thrall isn't going to be like "Yo bros..sorry Grom is a dope" and have humans buy it.

The whole Night Elves/Cenarius thing..was fully Grom's fault Thrall had nothing to do with that and frankly Grom 100% screwed that up, the moment the elves showed up he should have backed off and sent a message to thrall "There be ELVES livin up in those trees man, get up here and talk to these fools so they stop putting arrows in our arses" but no..he did what his family does and "DUUUURRR RUSH HEAD FURST AND NO THINKY THINK!"

2015-09-18, 08:56 PM
Well the first time,

and really, he had not much choice Grom kicked up a bee hive that thrall was going to have to deal with, he like wasn't going to be able to go to The Human forces in Kalimdor after Grom rushed at them trying to stab them, thrall isn't going to be like "Yo bros..sorry Grom is a dope" and have humans buy it.

The whole Night Elves/Cenarius thing..was fully Grom's fault Thrall had nothing to do with that and frankly Grom 100% screwed that up, the moment the elves showed up he should have backed off and sent a message to thrall "There be ELVES livin up in those trees man, get up here and talk to these fools so they stop putting arrows in our arses" but no..he did what his family does and "DUUUURRR RUSH HEAD FURST AND NO THINKY THINK!"

To be fair, the elves had just said 'we're gonna slaughter all of you' and were powerful enough to do so.

When Cenarius showed up that should've been Grom's cue to either attempt to open negotiations or pull out. The moment he discovered the blood fountain, he DEFINITELY should've backed out. Maybe pointed it out to Cenarius to get him off their backs for the retreat.

Drinking the blood AGAIN was such a bad move. Especially since he'd had this EXACT deal before him before, and should've known full well it was bad news.

2015-09-19, 07:45 AM
To be fair, the elves had just said 'we're gonna slaughter all of you' and were powerful enough to do so.

When Cenarius showed up that should've been Grom's cue to either attempt to open negotiations or pull out. The moment he discovered the blood fountain, he DEFINITELY should've backed out. Maybe pointed it out to Cenarius to get him off their backs for the retreat.

Drinking the blood AGAIN was such a bad move. Especially since he'd had this EXACT deal before him before, and should've known full well it was bad news.

Well, A smart person would have listened to the elves, and said "Oh..this forest belongs to them..I should go back and tell Thrall, the guy I pledged my loyalty too about these other inhabitants, perhaps that wise old Tauren dude that Thrall met will know about them" and then come back, with a big sign that says "Yo the Burning Legion are dorks, we should talk about how much of a loser Mannaroth is"

2015-09-19, 09:11 AM
Well, A smart person would have listened to the elves, and said "Oh..this forest belongs to them..I should go back and tell Thrall, the guy I pledged my loyalty too about these other inhabitants, perhaps that wise old Tauren dude that Thrall met will know about them" and then come back, with a big sign that says "Yo the Burning Legion are dorks, we should talk about how much of a loser Mannaroth is"

He doesn't know the Legion is invading yet, and as far as I can tell Thrall never told Grom about the Tauren.

2015-09-19, 04:43 PM
He doesn't know the Legion is invading yet, and as far as I can tell Thrall never told Grom about the Tauren.

Not entirely sure why we're spoilering a decade-old story, but...

Considering how reasonable Jaina is shown to be, I actually think opening negotiations outside of Stormtalon would have been more plausible than under other circumstances. I would argue as-is, he's certainly not punishing Grom / enforcing anything about the whole "leave the humans alone" thing. Additionally, once he commits to that battle, he keeps to that policy until they meet with the Oracle and hear that they have to work together, basically.

Once Grom finds the Blood Fountain I'd say he should realize the Burning Legion has returned. He was certainly a tragic figure who wouldn't refuse the demonic pact again, but he should have.

2015-09-19, 06:12 PM
Not entirely sure why we're spoilering a decade-old story, but...

Considering how reasonable Jaina is shown to be, I actually think opening negotiations outside of Stormtalon would have been more plausible than under other circumstances. I would argue as-is, he's certainly not punishing Grom / enforcing anything about the whole "leave the humans alone" thing. Additionally, once he commits to that battle, he keeps to that policy until they meet with the Oracle and hear that they have to work together, basically.

Once Grom finds the Blood Fountain I'd say he should realize the Burning Legion has returned. He was certainly a tragic figure who wouldn't refuse the demonic pact again, but he should have.

SOME people don't know the story. Hmmph.

2015-09-20, 03:52 AM
Not entirely sure why we're spoilering a decade-old story, but...

Considering how reasonable Jaina is shown to be, I actually think opening negotiations outside of Stormtalon would have been more plausible than under other circumstances. I would argue as-is, he's certainly not punishing Grom / enforcing anything about the whole "leave the humans alone" thing. Additionally, once he commits to that battle, he keeps to that policy until they meet with the Oracle and hear that they have to work together, basically.

Once Grom finds the Blood Fountain I'd say he should realize the Burning Legion has returned. He was certainly a tragic figure who wouldn't refuse the demonic pact again, but he should have.

See Lazodic's comments, seeing as this is a thread about the game, keeping future plot points in spoilers is just polite, and a proper gentleman is always polite, and wears his hat.

>.> I been playing Professor Layton lately...


Grom is not a tragic figure, all the bad crap he ever did was his own choice, He was an idiot with zero brains in his skull and everything bad that happened to him was from his own inability to think ahead 3 seconds or listen to anyone near him, and his Son was the exact same way. The entire family should have been left to rot and Garrosh's introduction in BC was the second worst thing to happen to the franchise as a whole

2015-09-20, 11:29 AM
To be fair, Thrall does (though reluctantly) back him up.

I just wanted to add my two cents here. Too be fair, Thrall had all of three real choices here. Grom attacked the humans against his wishes. He could let grom be wiped out and try to sue for peace (unlikely to work since the humans have a hair trigger hate for orcs anyways) Run away and let grom and his clan die. Not really viable since I think they had to go that way to get to the oracle. Or three, reluctantly wipe out the humans, then kick groms ass afterwards for disobeying him. Which is what thrall picked. He basically said, "You bloodthirsty dumbass, here, since you cant control yourself around people, go collect lumber and stay out of trouble." Unfortunately,that didnt turn out so well. Its entirely possible cairne didnt even know about the night elves, after all, his people lived a good distance away near the barrens. And by the time thrall learned about grom and his actions, it was too late to do anything about them. He had already turned his whole clan evil again and murdered a demigod of the night elves. Making peace a kind of tricky proposition.

2015-09-21, 12:18 AM
I just wanted to add my two cents here. Too be fair, Thrall had all of three real choices here. Grom attacked the humans against his wishes. He could let grom be wiped out and try to sue for peace (unlikely to work since the humans have a hair trigger hate for orcs anyways) Run away and let grom and his clan die. Not really viable since I think they had to go that way to get to the oracle. Or three, reluctantly wipe out the humans, then kick groms ass afterwards for disobeying him. Which is what thrall picked. He basically said, "You bloodthirsty dumbass, here, since you cant control yourself around people, go collect lumber and stay out of trouble." Unfortunately,that didnt turn out so well. Its entirely possible cairne didnt even know about the night elves, after all, his people lived a good distance away near the barrens. And by the time thrall learned about grom and his actions, it was too late to do anything about them. He had already turned his whole clan evil again and murdered a demigod of the night elves. Making peace a kind of tricky proposition.

Right or wrong, Orcs also usually don't abandon a comrade in battle. There is no honor in that, and since Grom started the fight, I figure Thrall was honor-bound to protect him and not sell him out to the humans for peace.

2015-09-21, 12:35 AM
I just wanted to add my two cents here. Too be fair, Thrall had all of three real choices here. Grom attacked the humans against his wishes. He could let grom be wiped out and try to sue for peace (unlikely to work since the humans have a hair trigger hate for orcs anyways) Run away and let grom and his clan die. Not really viable since I think they had to go that way to get to the oracle. Or three, reluctantly wipe out the humans, then kick groms ass afterwards for disobeying him. Which is what thrall picked. He basically said, "You bloodthirsty dumbass, here, since you cant control yourself around people, go collect lumber and stay out of trouble." Unfortunately,that didnt turn out so well. Its entirely possible cairne didnt even know about the night elves, after all, his people lived a good distance away near the barrens. And by the time thrall learned about grom and his actions, it was too late to do anything about them. He had already turned his whole clan evil again and murdered a demigod of the night elves. Making peace a kind of tricky proposition.

Actually you can do that bit without mass slaughter of enemy forces if I recall properly and just buy zepplins.

2015-09-21, 05:29 PM
Right or wrong, Orcs also usually don't abandon a comrade in battle. There is no honor in that, and since Grom started the fight, I figure Thrall was honor-bound to protect him and not sell him out to the humans for peace.

Thrall doesn't really operate on orc values all of the time. But I'm just saying that if he really cared about peace he could have attempted it.

2015-09-21, 08:34 PM
Thrall doesn't really operate on orc values all of the time. But I'm just saying that if he really cared about peace he could have attempted it.

No way. The humans are already determined to kill all orcs, and that was BEFORE grom attacked them. Thats assuming he could step on groms neck hard enough to make him STOP attacking random human encampments long enough for an attempt at peace to be made.

2015-09-24, 10:19 AM
Actually you can do that bit without mass slaughter of enemy forces if I recall properly and just buy zepplins.

Yep! You have to go through one of the human encampments, but you can ignore most of the rest.

New video. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRroPG6ZyyA&index=23&list=PLTnlsEDOk5MJ2K4Ap3E3oRP0z5GKT7llC)

2015-09-24, 05:22 PM
OK, no other crates here.

There was still one more crate!

I forgot about this portion of the orc campaign. It starts with the centaurs being *****, not the orcs.

2015-10-01, 06:04 PM
Okay a few hours late, but I never actually established 2pm as the update time, just thursday... sooooo...

New video! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjplVAp5QPQ)

2015-10-02, 04:26 PM
New content, FOR THE WARCHIEF! Also, I hate escort missions. With this many fountains of health, the only reason that you would lose even a single unit is because Cairne decided that the caravan is going to proceed without scouting ahead first. Every single one of those orcs and trolls that died are because of Cairne being too prideful.

2015-10-08, 02:02 PM
Today's my birthday! So I'm on break. No new video today.


Just kidding! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czkkx2qzkwo) :smallwink:

As part of the celebration, have two! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQydplmHXlc) (graaaaaanted, only one of them is Wc3, but enjoy anyway :smallwink: )

2015-10-09, 02:40 PM
Orc campaign: Everything is Grom's fault.

2015-10-10, 03:57 PM
No joke: Phantom Lancer, from DotA, was based on Grom's model. He's a blue cat-thing :smalltongue:

Yup! Aliens. Or possibly from another dimension, it's a little unclear.

I'm pretty sure he's mostly based on Kimahri visually.

2015-10-10, 04:08 PM
Okay a few hours late, but I never actually established 2pm as the update time, just thursday... sooooo...

New video! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjplVAp5QPQ)

To be fair, I haven't watched like... any other videos, I just clicked this one out of curiosity because I keep seeing this thread, so I don't know if this is your standard mode of operation or what, but I did want to offer a bit of constructive criticism.

I noticed at 10:11 that you click the ability icons (in this case for Ensnare) rather than using the hotkeys. Granted the hotkeys take some getting used to, but most of them are pretty easy to remember, and using them will make you a lot more efficient, which matters for a game like this. I also noticed that you like to click and drag on the ground to mass-select units rather than assigning them to groups with Ctrl+(number).

2015-10-10, 04:13 PM
I'm pretty sure he's mostly based on Kimahri visually.In the original Dota, he was Grom's model reskinned.

To be fair, I haven't watched like... any other videos, I just clicked this one out of curiosity because I keep seeing this thread, so I don't know if this is your standard mode of operation or what, but I did want to offer a bit of constructive criticism.

I noticed at 10:11 that you click the ability icons (in this case for Ensnare) rather than using the hotkeys. Granted the hotkeys take some getting used to, but most of them are pretty easy to remember, and using them will make you a lot more efficient, which matters for a game like this. I also noticed that you like to click and drag on the ground to mass-select units rather than assigning them to groups with Ctrl+(number).

I click the ability icons because it's easier than remembering the hotkeys. And honestly, on normal, that tends to be good enough.

I do use control groups (you can hear me referring to them in a few episodes) but I don't do very well with them.

2015-10-11, 10:10 PM
SOME people don't know the story. Hmmph.
Enough people don't know the story to justify Blizzard basing an April Fools joke on it - announcing Warcraft 3 (or maybe even the whole series, I don't remember) as a new game that would reveal "the previously unexplored backstory of World of Warcraft".:smallamused:

2015-10-12, 04:59 AM
In the original Dota, he was Grom's model reskinned.

I click the ability icons because it's easier than remembering the hotkeys. And honestly, on normal, that tends to be good enough.

I do use control groups (you can hear me referring to them in a few episodes) but I don't do very well with them.

I'll be honest, in the first few videos, how you don't use control group and manually select everyone by clicking and dragging really makes me chew my shirt.

"come on, just use control group come ooooon" :smallbiggrin:

2015-10-12, 01:19 PM
Wow, a Warcraft 3 let's play! I feel young again!

And this thread is amazing, after 10 years of thinking about "that MMORPG based on the amazing RTS" I can see people of the "RTwhat? era" :smallbiggrin:

... Maybe I don't feel *so* young.... :smalltongue:

2015-10-12, 01:20 PM
Wow, a Warcraft 3 let's play! I feel young again!

And this thread is amazing, after 10 years of thinking about "that MMORPG based on the amazing RTS" I can see people of the "RTwhat? era" :smallbiggrin:

... Maybe I don't feel *so* young.... :smalltongue:

If it makes you feel better I'm only joking when I say I ONLY know Warcraft stuff from the card game. I at least know the RTS games exist :smallamused:

I just...don't know anything about them.

2015-10-12, 04:12 PM
If it makes you feel better I'm only joking when I say I ONLY know Warcraft stuff from the card game. I at least know the RTS games exist :smallamused:

I just...don't know anything about them.

Well duh, thats because you are a girl, and everyone knows girls dont play computer games. So I guess maybe your boyfriend mentioned it once and thats how you have heard of it. /nod /hides from incoming flames

2015-10-12, 04:33 PM
If it makes you feel better I'm only joking when I say I ONLY know Warcraft stuff from the card game. I at least know the RTS games exist :smallamused:

I just...don't know anything about them.

Well duh, thats because you are a girl, and everyone knows girls dont play computer games. So I guess maybe your boyfriend mentioned it once and thats how you have heard of it. /nod /hides from incoming flames

It did not work.

Sorry man, it did not work :smalltongue:

2015-10-12, 05:51 PM
I chuckled.

2015-10-13, 06:35 AM
Well duh, thats because you are a girl, and everyone knows girls dont play computer games. So I guess maybe your boyfriend mentioned it once and thats how you have heard of it. /nod /hides from incoming flames

2005 Trade Chat called, it want's its trolling back.

2015-10-13, 10:24 AM
Well duh, thats because you are a girl, and everyone knows girls dont play computer games. So I guess maybe your boyfriend mentioned it once and thats how you have heard of it. /nod /hides from incoming flames

I love the responses this has gotten :smallcool:

Also at some point I'm actually going to watch the new orc campaign videos ****.

2015-10-13, 10:59 AM
If it makes you feel better I'm only joking when I say I ONLY know Warcraft stuff from the card game. I at least know the RTS games exist :smallamused:

I just...don't know anything about them.

Ahahahaha yes, that's way better! I don't even know what the card game is :smalltongue:

I click the ability icons because it's easier than remembering the hotkeys. And honestly, on normal, that tends to be good enough.

Well, I remember completing all the game at maximum difficulty (to see the stupid thingy on the metal song, or something similar, I don't remember...) I even prepared a guide in my native language to beat RoC. But I never, ever, bothered to learn one single hotkey. As long as you're not playing online you can do fine without!

2015-10-14, 08:39 PM
2005 Trade Chat called, it want's its trolling back.

CROSSROADS IS UNDER ATTACK! A LEVEL 60 IS KILLING ALL THE QUEST GIVERS! Also, huntards take all the good loot! And hybrids suck!

2015-10-15, 12:13 PM
... And I think I forgot to upload orc mission 4.

Craaaaap -_-

Oh, wait, nvm, found it! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcCpfxUD3Fo)

2015-10-16, 12:40 PM
Ahahahaha yes, that's way better! I don't even know what the card game is :smalltongue:
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. If you win a match in it, you'll get a special mount in WoW!

And when they introduced that, Hearthstone had a sudden influx of completely incompetent players, screaming on the forums about how they couldn't get past the tutorial fights and when they finally did every human player they went up against curb-stomped them.

2015-10-16, 01:17 PM
... And I think I forgot to upload orc mission 4.

Craaaaap -_-

Oh, wait, nvm, found it! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcCpfxUD3Fo)

When I first played through this mission I restarted almost 4 times. It was so difficult to beat the first waves and conquer the base before the mine was depleted.
Now I think is nothing so special, but I remember that it did a great work in presenting the night elves as powerful and menacing... then came Cenarius!

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. If you win a match in it, you'll get a special mount in WoW!

Well... eh... WOW! :smallbiggrin:

uhm... looks interesting... not for the mount, I don't play WoW, but the card game... must roll a will save!

2015-10-16, 01:17 PM
When I first played through this mission I restarted almost 4 times. It was so difficult to beat the first waves and conquer the base before the mine was depleted.
Now I think is nothing so special, but I remember that it did a great work in presenting the night elves as powerful and menacing... then came Cenarius!

Well... eh... WOW! :smallbiggrin:

uhm... looks interesting... not for the mount, I don't play WoW, but the card game... must roll a will save!

It's freeeeeeeeeeee.

2015-10-19, 11:00 AM
It's freeeeeeeeeeee.

And you added a -10 malus to my will save... but for now I'm still resisting!

2015-10-19, 06:00 PM
but the card game... must roll a will save!

Do you play magic? cause if you do..take out nearly all of the balance that comes from restrictions of using certain colors*, all of the interesting gameplay that comes from being able to play things during an opponents turn and that is about the game in a nutshell.

*No the classes do not count for that since the majority of the "power" minions are not class based.

2015-10-19, 06:03 PM
Do you play magic? cause if you do..take out nearly all of the balance that comes from restrictions of using certain colors*, all of the interesting gameplay that comes from being able to play things during an opponents turn and that is about the game in a nutshell.

*No the classes do not count for that since the majority of the "power" minions are not class based.

Seeing as how you've basically described every card game ever, I'd argue you are incorrect. Health is more permanent in Hearthstone then Magic, and in addition there are other various things that make it signifigently different a game then Magic.

2015-10-19, 06:06 PM
Do you play magic? cause if you do..take out nearly all of the balance that comes from restrictions of using certain colors*, all of the interesting gameplay that comes from being able to play things during an opponents turn and that is about the game in a nutshell.

*No the classes do not count for that since the majority of the "power" minions are not class based.

Seeing as how you've basically described every card game ever, I'd argue you are incorrect. Health is more permanent in Hearthstone then Magic, and in addition there are other various things that make it signifigently different a game then Magic.

For example you completely left out hero abilities, the mana crystal system, the fact that (as Lala says) hp on each card is permanent, probably some other stuff I'm forgetting since I didn't enjoy the game and haven't played it in a long while...

Seriously man, unfair :smalltongue:

2015-10-19, 06:22 PM
For example you completely left out hero abilities, the mana crystal system, the fact that (as Lala says) hp on each card is permanent, probably some other stuff I'm forgetting since I didn't enjoy the game and haven't played it in a long while...

Seriously man, unfair :smalltongue:

Hero abilities that are highly situational and thus not really relevant unless you build specifically around it, a mana crystal system that is outside of mana curves in decks is completely irrelevant to gameplay and that you don't interact with outside of one card and one mechanic(a terrible mechanic) the damage on each card being permanent was when I played not very relevant unless it was a card ala Grim Patron that triggered each time it was dealt damage, since the only things that the HP mattered on were large creatures that were usually too high costed to be really playable anyways.

in addition there are other various things that make it signifigently different a game then Magic.

Different in bad ways.

2015-10-19, 06:23 PM
Different in bad ways.

We don't often disagree but on this point I'm going to say we do. I think both games are equally good, and it's more of a sidegrade then up/downgrade on mechanics and stuff. Both games are fun and have good points and bad points (lol counter magic and land screw in magic, as an example).

2015-10-19, 07:44 PM
And this is as far as I got in WC: 3. Not out of difficulty, but due to time. I can finally see what happens next.

2015-10-20, 01:23 AM
Do you play magic? cause if you do..take out nearly all of the balance that comes from restrictions of using certain colors*, all of the interesting gameplay that comes from being able to play things during an opponents turn and that is about the game in a nutshell.

Oh well, no, I only play real card games, the ones with spades, and hearts, and things like those :smallbiggrin:

Seriously, I'd play a game like heartstone only because is free, but magic never really struck me as a thing I like; and if I didn't like it when I was 15-18, there's no way I'm gonna like it now! :smallwink:

2015-10-22, 10:32 AM
New video up (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpk_X16dqyw)

Alternate title: 'The one where Grom screws everything up'

Also, I just noticed I have 2 copies of part 23 up in my channel.

2015-10-22, 05:51 PM
I should get some popcorn, because this is getting very interesting. I chose a bad time to stop playing.

2015-10-22, 06:05 PM
I should get some popcorn, because this is getting very interesting. I chose a bad time to stop playing.

You have no gorram idea :smalltongue:

2015-10-22, 06:16 PM
New video up (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpk_X16dqyw)

Alternate title: 'The one where Grom screws everything up'

Also, I just noticed I have 2 copies of part 23 up in my channel.

The problem with that atl title is that it applies to everything he has ever done.

2015-10-22, 06:17 PM
The problem with that atl title is that it applies to everything he has ever done.

Yeah that applies to events that took place before warcraft ONE.

2015-10-22, 06:25 PM
The problem with that atl title is that it applies to everything he has ever done.

Yeah that applies to events that took place before warcraft ONE.

Yeah, but this is easily his biggest mistake in Wc3 :smalltongue:

2015-10-22, 11:48 PM
Yeah, but this is easily his biggest mistake in Wc3 :smalltongue:

No no no, his biggest mistake was not jumping off a cliff after he learned to walk.

his second biggest mistake was to have a child.

2015-10-22, 11:55 PM

2015-10-22, 11:57 PM

Garrosh is Orc Sauske.

Hellscream is Uchiha in Oricsh.

2015-10-23, 12:06 AM

No no no, his biggest mistake was not jumping off a cliff after he learned to walk.

his second biggest mistake was to have a child.

I said in Wc3 :smalltongue:

2015-10-23, 02:40 AM
Hey poor Grom, he's not the brightest, but at least He died a true hero death!:smallbiggrin:

P.S. What did you do, baddies, to deserve a moderation? :smallbiggrin:

2015-10-23, 11:10 AM
P.S. What did you do, baddies, to deserve a moderation? :smallbiggrin:

Pretty sure that if we talk about it we'll just get moderated again.

It was just that kind of subject.

2015-10-23, 02:43 PM
I should get some popcorn, because this is getting very interesting. I chose a bad time to stop playing.

Oh yes. This is where the game gets really good. Don't really care much for Alliance and Scourge and that whole Arthas stuff. It's the whole Kalimdor stuff that makes me love the game and addon love so much.

A good start for the Cenarius level is to build a lot of towers at your base. Orc towers are amazingly powerful with their high attack speed and really quite cheap and quickly build. You can actually use them offensively by putting a bunch of them just outside the reach of an enemy base. 10 towers at each gate easily kill everything except the balistas. Especially in the last orc level, they are really useful.

2015-10-29, 02:28 PM
New video up (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oB3yIfLUAsY&list=PLTnlsEDOk5MJ2K4Ap3E3oRP0z5GKT7llC&index=28)

Something I don't like about this level when looking at it as part of the overall story is that it seems like it should've come right BEFORE the Grom stuff, and then continued on as normal from there. It doesn't really establish all that much that we didn't already know, and seems more like a prelude to the next mission. Which would be fine if we had some time to build up suspense for what happens when Thrall enters the cave at the end, but it does this instead. Weird.

But it's a small thing.

2015-10-29, 02:35 PM
That's something I also always notice. The pacing of the story gets a bit wonky there. Switching the two with each other might have been smoother.

I think this is what makes it one of the weakest parts of the story. It's a lull in the action.

And orcs have wonderful healing! The second witch doctor upgrade gets you unlimited healing wards, which the AI usually does not attack. You can throw them right into a battle at the start, even before your units are seriously injured.

2015-10-29, 03:11 PM
That's true, but linking all the Grom stuff was more important, so this mission become like a little build-up. At least we get to ride some wyverns, and the title was really good, I still remember It after 12 years!:smallbiggrin:

2015-10-29, 03:43 PM
And orcs have wonderful healing! The second witch doctor upgrade gets you unlimited healing wards

False - those wards still cost a large amount of mana and have a cooldown, the former of which outpaces mana regen as i recall. Also, those ward only heal so much so quickly. The AI attacks healing wards all the time if they're in front, which means that you either can't advance or lose your healing.

That's true, but linking all the Grom stuff was more important, so this mission become like a little build-up. At least we get to ride some wyverns, and the title was really good, I still remember It after 12 years!:smallbiggrin:

I remember it as a karate motto - 'Where eagles dare'. For some reason.

2015-10-29, 09:55 PM
I slap em down as soon as the fight starts. The enemy is too busy attacking my troops to bother with the healing ward. Im guessing I do more dps than my wards are healing so less threat from wards? I dunno. Besides, most of the main battle when it comes time to attack an enemy base will take place in one spot. So its not that big a deal the wards cant be spammed everywhere. Slap one or two down as soon as the big fight starts and thats good enough. After that its stragglers and random towers shooting at me. No big deal. Only mission it is really an issue in is the last one against grom. There are mid sized pockets of enemies EVERYWHERE so there is constant battles while you make your way through. Trying to keep up healing wards full time is a serious chore. You can do it, but it requires micromanaging your witch doctors. Constantly switching out full mana ones for ones that have burnt all theirs.

2015-11-05, 02:12 PM
New video up (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9In0Pegm0w)

Here we have a mission type to mix things up a bit: a dungeon crawl.

Yes, really, a dungeon crawl (of sorts) in an rts.

2015-11-05, 03:03 PM
I really like this (and the other) dungeon crawls. They were interesting levels full of surprises! :smallsmile:

2015-11-07, 02:50 AM
If the DM/GM isn't always smiling, you're playing it wrong. Just saying.

2015-11-07, 03:26 AM
If the DM/GM isn't always smiling, you're playing it wrong. Just saying.

But my best moments in DND all came when the DM WASN'T smiling =(

I got a goblin minion that survived two dragons!

2015-11-12, 03:04 PM
And finally, we come to the end of the orc campaign. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKyU5DpHhh4)

Now, I don't have the elf campaign done yet, but I do have a couple videos I can use as a buffer while I try to finish it. Would you prefer I start the elf campaign next thursday and move on from there as I finish, or put the extras up as I work my way through, and wait until I'm done to put them back up again?

... Not entirely sure that made much sense, but i think you get the idea. Sleepy...

2015-11-12, 07:19 PM
And so the demon has been slain and the orcs have been redeemed.

2015-11-13, 01:38 AM
And so the demon has been slain and the orcs have been redeemed.

For a Decade until Blizzard forgets what character development means.

2015-11-13, 03:15 AM
Eh, that mission reminds me perfectly why teenagers haven't good sense of time: When I played it the first time I lost an afternoon and an evening to find the right way of finishing it in no more than 10 minutes, without noticing that playing it along would have cost me only 1 hour of time. Yes, in the end finishing it in 10 minutes was really satisfactory, but never tried it again! :smallbiggrin:

Anyway I vote for the buffer videos! :smallwink:

2015-11-13, 06:48 AM
I say go to the elves directly. Why interrupt it with padding?

Last time I played the game, I played it on hard. That last orc level took forever. But 50 towers did the job of defending the base against infernals quite well.

2015-11-19, 06:26 PM
Not for warcraft, but if you want to watch me stumble through a different game like an idiot while I continue to build a buffer, here's the first hour of the Banner Saga. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNxqO5bNRZI)

The Hellbug
2015-11-19, 07:57 PM
For a Decade until Blizzard forgets what character development means.

I had to go to a wiki to find out what you meant here. Wow, I just don't have words for that.

2015-11-19, 11:35 PM
I say go to the elves directly. Why interrupt it with padding?

Last time I played the game, I played it on hard. That last orc level took forever. But 50 towers did the job of defending the base against infernals quite well.

Tower groups are so very very nice. I think they are one of my most favorite things about the orc race. They are pretty cheap to build iirc. I also always kept an orc peon nearby to auto repair them after each infernal assault. I think that was my favorite thing about warcraft 3. All the races had interesting and unique methods to playing them that made them fun.

2015-11-20, 09:11 AM
I had to go to a wiki to find out what you meant here. Wow, I just don't have words for that.

Yeah, it was painful. Worst part? Blizzard think's that Garrosh was -a success- in writing.

The Hellbug
2015-11-20, 10:55 AM
Yeah, it was painful. Worst part? Blizzard think's that Garrosh was -a success- in writing.

Honestly, I didn't think he was the absolute worst part. Sure, Grom can still have a stupid kid--he himself was never the sharpest tool in the shed. I can almost be okay with Garrosh, but their treatment of Grom himself later? Nope, I'm done.

2015-11-23, 10:53 AM
From little I remember about WOW and Garrosh I thought they had finally figured a way to make him a slightly better character. What exactly did they do to ruin both Garrosh and Grom?

2015-11-23, 11:41 AM
Warcraft 3 seemed to be the in the same way formative game in my opinion, consequently it will likely be nice to see a person providing the idea this display the idea justifies.

2015-11-24, 08:16 AM
From little I remember about WOW and Garrosh I thought they had finally figured a way to make him a slightly better character. What exactly did they do to ruin both Garrosh and Grom?

Tis a bit long so there are spoiler tags.

The Writers decided they wanted to have another Faction War, instead of the tensions that had been high at the end of Wrath of the Lich King, so they derailed Thrall by introducing a character more infuriating than Med'an is, who in her first appearance told thrall "You can not be a shaman and a war chief" despite him being a shaman is WHY he was the war chief the entire POINT of his character arc in WC 3 was him bringing his people back to shamanism but this lady who, had never been mentioned before, has never been to Azeroth (she was from outland) tells him he can't do the job he had been doing for over a decade because she says so, she gives not one reason for it, but to have FACTIONWARZOMGBBQ Thrall can't be war chief so he takes her words at 100% face value.

So Thrall puts Garrosh in charge, and tells him "Listen to Vol'jin, Carine and Etrigg they will help you" when Garrosh says "I will suck at leadership" and Garrosh COMPLETELY ignores that advice because "Blood Elves, Trolls and Tauren did not have as many people as Orcs and Forsaken did in northrend" mind you This ignores that roughly 30% of horde players are Trolls Tauren and Blood elves, so basically they ignored all of the player characters. So Garrosh starts an outright war with the alliance, and his first major act in this war?

Kidnapped Children of a Sentient but pre-civilization species and force the adults to attack ashenvale, and after the adults do this and get killed? Instead of returning the Babies to Northrend? he lets them out in the wilds of Kalimdor, to starve to death. Then he destroys Theramore, which was the closest thing to an Horde Friendly human city as there was, the ruler of which was the mage who helped Cleanse his father of the demon blood taint. Then he invades Panderia..and finds out about the Sha, and proceeds to go completely off the deep end and attempt to use the power of an old god to empower the Kor'kron, which was the exact thing that his father did, so he learned NOTHING AT ALL from Grommash's life story, except instead of Green Colored Corruption, he goes with Black/White Colored Corruption, in the process alienating every other of the horde peoples, thus tearing apart the thing his father died working to bring together.*

Then, after a bronze dragon frees him from prison and takes him to a.."Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey alt version of Draenor that won't change the past", he shanks that Bronze Dragon the first chance he gets..and uses the artifact that the Bronze Dragon used to free him..to Trick his alternate World Father into seeing..the Corruption of the Orcs, their internment in the camps..but pulls Grom out of the vision before he sees the glory that Thrall leads them too.** So Garrosh lies to his father, the person he respects most to convince Grom that he needs to form a Horde Free of Demonic Taint, Which Grom then uses to subjugate the Ogres..and Attempt to Invade Azeroth, who promptly go to Draenor and kick the living crap out of the Iron Horde at every turn because Orcs in Tanks were never a match for the united Might of both the Alliance and the Horde.

Oh and when Thrall catches up with Garrosh and they duel again. Garrosh blames Thrall for EVERYTHING, because Garrosh apparently was to stupid to make his own choices in life.

*For all of Grom's gigantic mistakes in his life, he did one very important thing right, while it was way too freaking late he did realize that he was a complete moron, if that would have stuck would have been interesting to see but he died before anything came of it.

**I think saving 2 peoples from Genocide and extinction is something that is really underplayed when it comes to talking about Thrall, both the Darkspear and The Tauren were slowly dying out when Thrall encountered them, with The Darkspear going from on the verge of extinction to probably the most powerful Troll Tribe in the world since the Zalandari couldn't ask the Troll Friendly Horde for help and perhaps membership after the cataclysm hit. Oh wait no 3 peoples, since the Tanuka were probably not going to live very much longer with the Scourge consuming their villages.