View Full Version : Can't see Avatars when replying

Caustic Soda
2014-03-31, 10:49 AM
So I went to to post in our LGBT thread, and noticed that I couldn't see Avatars when I got to posting. So I was wondering if that's supposed to be the case? I've kinda gotten used to having Avatars substitute for faces, so it feels a bit weird not to have them. I was using Opera at the time. So I did a quick check, and It's the same in Firefox, Chrome and IE

Edit: oh, and I tried tagging this thread with the pink 'Board Issues' thing, but I seem to have done it wrong. what should I have done?

2014-03-31, 10:51 AM
I thought it was like that before the upgrade.

2014-03-31, 10:51 AM
I thought it was like that before the upgrade.

It was like this before the upgrade.

Caustic Soda
2014-03-31, 10:52 AM
It was? Huh. I could've sworn otherwise. Stupid malfunctioning memory.