View Full Version : All entangling items

2014-03-31, 11:12 AM
Ok folks, so I have a character who wants to keep enemies entangled. How can I do that cheaply and effectively, all the time? Trying to steer clear of spellcasting btw. Thank you.

2014-03-31, 11:15 AM
Well, for starter's, there's the net. IIRC, a simple ranged touch attack results in the target getting entangled until they break or escape it, which can be tough for a humanoid with no ranks in Escape Artist. Folding's a pain, but there's nothing listed about not being able to carry several of them.

2014-03-31, 12:04 PM
Tanglefoot bag, although it might put a strain on the budget.

The Net has been mentioned.

Bolas aren't a bad option (they allow you to perform a ranged trip), but it's not exactly entanglement, more just general battlefield control.


2014-03-31, 12:04 PM
Haha awesome I didn't even think about a net. Thanks! I know there are tanglefoot bags and the rod of viscid globs as well.

I am making a character who gets to sneak attack foes as per normal AND when they are nauseated, entangled, or dazzled. Trying to find ways to make a rogue who does these things on his own.

2014-03-31, 12:31 PM
How did you get that?

2014-03-31, 12:48 PM
its a feat from an AEG book one of my groups uses called Foul Sneaking.

2014-03-31, 12:49 PM
Haha awesome I didn't even think about a net. Thanks! I know there are tanglefoot bags and the rod of viscid globs as well.

I am making a character who gets to sneak attack foes as per normal AND when they are nauseated, entangled, or dazzled. Trying to find ways to make a rogue who does these things on his own.

That's an interesting ability. Is it homebrew?

Also I'm not sure it counts as casting so I would recommend a 1 lvl dip in Dragonfire Adept with the Entangling Exhalation for entangling all day for free with no save.

mabriss lethe
2014-03-31, 12:54 PM
The Thorn Pouch from MIC can cast a variety of effects, including Entangle, and I believe it's a swift action. (costs somewhere around 4K)

The Rod of Viscid Globs, also from MIC works as a long range tangelfoot bag. (~2K)

2014-03-31, 02:04 PM
Net (20 GP, Core). Ranged touch attack, Str check to restrict target's movement. Max range is 10', and target must be within one size category of the thrower.

Razor Net (50 GP, Dragon Compendium). Similar to the normal net, but opponents take 1d6 damage when they try to escape.

Lasso (1 GP, Book of Exalted Deeds). Works very similar to a net, but the target is only partially entangled, meaning they can still charge/run. Other notable differences: max range is 30', and there is no size restriction on the target. The biggest drawback is they are ridiculously easy to sunder/destroy, as any attack that can do at least 2 damage cuts the rope and allows the target to escape. You can mitigate this somewhat by making the lasso out of earthsilk rope (Races of Stone p. 160, hardness 1, 10 HP), but some DMs may not allow that.

Bola Flail (5 GP, Ghostwalk). This exotic weapon doesn't actually entangle, but it may be the Lamborghini of debuff weapons: make a ranged touch attack to throw it at your opponent, then they have to make a DC 15 Str or Dex check to avoid being tripped. Regardless of whether they were tripped, your target must make a grapple check against your attack roll or they are considered grappled by the bola flail. They can extricate themselves from the grapple with a full-round action.

Springwall (60 GP, Arms & Equipment Guide). Throw this ball of wires against a hard surface, and it springs into a 10' wall of wire mesh. Any creature that walks/runs/charges through it has to make a DC 15 Ref save or they are entangled as if they were in a net.

Tanglepatch (200 GP, Magic Item Compendium). I don't recommend this one, particularly if you can get your hands on the Races of Faerun version. The MIC version doubled the price and halved both the range and duration.

Amber Amulet of Vermin: Large Monstrous Spider (700 GP, Magic Item Compendium). 1/day for 10 rounds you can summon a large monstrous spider, which gets a Web (Ex) attack it can use on huge-sized targets or smaller up to 8/day

Web Choker (2700 GP, FR Underdark). Nine orbs on this choker can be detached and hurled up to 70', creating a web effect.

Spider Bound Buckler +1 (3665 GP, Drow of the Underdark). 1/day your buckler can turn into a small monstrous spider, which gets a Web (Ex) attack it can use on medium-sized targets or smaller up to 8/day.

Thorn Pouch (4400 GP, Magic Item Compendium). Up to 5 entangles per day, or use all 5 charges for the much more interesting wall of thorns.

Hand of the Oak Father (5000 GP, Magic Item Compendium). Six different spell effects per day, including one entangle.

Assassin's Whip (5301 GP, Magic Item Compendium). 2/day after you hit a creature you can entangle as a free action. Also does 2d6 damage, but only lasts 3 rounds.

Whip of Webs (6301 GP, Magic Item Compendium). 3/day after you hit a creature you can entangle as a free action, lasts 3 rounds (similar to the Assassin's whip), but no extra damage.

Spider Rod (10000 GP, Magic Item Compendium). At-will entangle effect up to 100'.

Lash of Sands (22301 GP, Magic Item Compendium). 1/day after you hit a creature you can entangle as a free action, lasts 3 rounds (similar to the Assassin's Whip), but only does 1d4 additional damage.

2014-04-01, 10:31 AM
Wow guys thanks for all the information so far!

If you want to compile a list of stuff a non caster can use to dazzle and to nauseate people as well that would be amazing!

and AEG is a 3rd party publisher.